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近来,定制化战略已获得越来越多的关注。消费者参与产品定制的动机不仅源自其独特性需求,而且还受外部的社会认同所驱动。基于社会认同理论,通过两个实验来检验独特性需求和社会认同动机如何影响消费者对定制产品的评价。研究结果显示:相比认同相关性较弱的产品,消费者更愿意参与认同相关性较强的产品定制,且对于认同相关性较强的产品,消费者在社会认同动机驱动下比独特性需求驱动下对定制产品的评价更高。这表明消费者通过定制产品可向外界传递某种群体认同信息,以期望获得群体认可和归属感,而定制产品便成为消费者与特定群体或他人传递特殊意义和价值的载体。  相似文献   

文章在分析我国DIY手工布艺产业发展以及布艺饰品国内外市场的现状与存在的问题的基础上,提出我国DIY手工布艺产业发展的三个维度,即强化产业自身,全面提升我国创意DIY手工布艺产品的生产、质量、品牌、规模与定价高度;结合民族民间工艺,结合传统文化与非物质文化遗产的申报与认定,创新DIY布艺产品,创新市场销售方式与手段,以适应消费者个性化需求;借助公平贸易平台,走国际公平贸易道路,扩展国际市场。  相似文献   

王元 《经济导刊》1994,(1):54-56
消费者心理与产品外观设计中国社会科学院工业经济研究所王元要重视消费者的审美观市场营销理论认为,消费者的购买活动是一个决策过程,它由消费者需求即购买动机、满足动机的愿望、有意识地选择、收集信息、评价各种可选方案、决定购买和事后评价等一系列阶段构成。这个...  相似文献   

本文从消费者对企业社会责任的关心程度及其响应程度两个方面将消费者群体划分成四类,并构建了一个包括企业社会责任感知、公司评价、动机归因、印象管理动机、社会认同和消费者购买意愿在内的研究框架。研究结果表明:消费者企业社会责任感知会引发消费者对公司进行评价,最终影响消费者购买意愿;消费者会对企业进行社会责任行为动机归因,如果消费者认为企业利他动机居多,会增强公司评价,如果认为企业利己动机居多则会降低公司评价;有些消费者并不真正关心产品的伦理属性,只要认为有助于印象管理,就会增加购买意愿;消费者对伦理消费者身份的社会认同并不会增加对企业社会责任行为的响应。  相似文献   

消费者是企业经营的上帝,对消费者行为信息的调查、了解,是企业开发产品、获得利润、求得生存发展的关键。因此,企业应当通过消费行为的定性调查与定量调查,清楚消费者的生活背景、消费动机、消费方式,以便全面地认识消费者及其消费行为,从而掌握消费者行为的运行规律。  相似文献   

一、从认知对动机的影响看其在消费行为中的作用消费行为是消费者在寻找、选择、购买、使用、评价和处理用于满足他们需要的商品和劳务的过程中表现出来的行为。消费行为是由一定的动机推动的,而消费动机则是由消费需要和消费诱因构成的。从本质上说,动机是由推力和拉力结合而成的一种内在力量。推力即内驱力,它由消费者的内在需要形成;拉力是由诱因即消费目的物引起的一种力。因此,我们说消费动机由两方面因素决定:内在的需要和外在的消费目的物。认知对消费动机的影响首先表现为它影响着消费需要。认知对消费需求的形成有重要影响,它能使…  相似文献   

侵犯知识产权的仿冒活动对原创企业构成了严峻挑战,而市场对赝品的需求是助长仿冒活动的一种动力。非欺骗性赝品消费的成因复杂,消费者对赝品和仿冒活动的态度、社交因素、文化背景、产品属性、情境因素以及消费者在购买中的认知失调程度,都会影响他们的购买意向和行为。原创企业应关注赝品需求,根据消费者的行为规律,从定价、产品、沟通、分销等方面开展反赝品营销,并协同政府、行业协会和消费者协会等社会团体,加强对消费者抵制赝品的教育和沟通。  相似文献   

一、绪论消费者的行为可以理解为,人们为获取并使用经济财务及服务所直接参与的行为,包括在行为之前且决定此种行为的决策程序。旅游目的地选择行为可视为消费者行为的一种,即消费者做出旅游决策时选择旅游目的地的行为。旅游目的地所提供的游览和服务就是旅游者所购买的商品。过去一般运用传统的需求理论来解释旅游者的决策行为。通常的思考方式就是建立旅游者目的地选择的无差异曲线图。首先假设一个消费者用于旅游产品消费的最大资金,在约束条件下以某种方式实现旅游者效用的最大化,再根据需求理论计算出每一种旅游产品的消费数量,但这些…  相似文献   

消费城市是未来大城市发展的趋势,从旅行消费者的视角调查消费者眼中的国际消费中心城市是十分必要和有意义的。本文对来深圳的国内外旅游者进行了大量的问卷调查,从旅游时间和动机、消费决策行为和影响因素、信息来源和退税制度等方面进行了分析研究,从中探寻旅游者的行为规律,从旅游消费者的需求出发为发展深圳国际消费中心城市提供依据和建议。  相似文献   

本文的主旨是验证消费者行为学理论中的VMBBI模型,即"价值观—动机—购买行为倾向",目的是认识服务市场个体行为倾向动因,为我国国际教育服务业的发展提供营销策略支持。实证研究结果显示,VMBBI模型是认识我国青年学生海外教育服务产品选择行为的有效途径,心理、资金等障碍因素作为调解变量影响着个体行为动机与行为倾向间的关联强度。  相似文献   

This study identifies the factors determining the purchase frequencies of organic/natural fertilizers (ONFs) with a focus on do-it-yourself (DIY) consumers’ perceptions and motives. The estimation results of the generalized ordered logit model provide statistical evidence that environmental perceptions are critical factors in directing DIY consumers to purchase ONFs frequently. The results imply that educational programmes, informational campaigns, or advertisements to improve their perceptions on the potential negative impacts of fertilization on the environment may increase the purchase frequencies of ONFs. In addition, the results show that DIY consumers perceive that it is worth using ONFs despite their higher prices than chemical fertilizers. Their purchase frequencies will increase if they positively perceive the values of ONFs and are willing to pay a premium for ONFs. Moreover, the purchasing behaviour of DIY consumers is associated with their perceptions of neighbourhood landscaping. If neighbours or homeowner associations encourage landscaping improvements in their community, DIY consumers may increase their purchase frequencies of ONFs accordingly.  相似文献   

In this paper, we characterize two hybrid equilibria for the three-firm case in segmented markets in which consumers not only value the product itself but also the environment within which the consumption takes place. In equilibrium, the firm with the larger population of loyal consumers chooses the monopoly price while the remaining two firms play a mixed strategy. In the duopoly case, the unique equilibrium is in mixed strategies and no firm focuses only on its loyal consumers.  相似文献   

Eco-labels are essential for informing consumers about products’ environmental characteristics. However, the many different labels consumers encounter can be confusing, which makes assessing environmental quality associated with each label difficult. How does consumer misperception of competing eco-labels affect market structure and welfare? This article provides theoretical insight into this issue by using a double-differentiation model in which three products compete: an unlabeled product and two distinctly eco-labeled products, one with a medium and one with a high level of environmental quality. The study investigates the effects of consumers’ imperfect information when they perceive all eco-labels as a sign of the same high environmental quality and consider each label as a unique product. This misperception can weaken the firm that provides the greenest product, though paradoxically this situation is not always detrimental to social welfare. However, depending on the certifying organizations, consumer misperception can induce firms to use a greenwashing strategy and encourage nongovernmental organizations and regulators to introduce less stringent standards.  相似文献   

《Economics Letters》2007,94(1):111-117
Price competition is explored when consumers costlessly learn product prices but not ancillary fees and have greater disutility to paying these fees. There is a unique symmetric Nash equilibrium price between the competitive (Bertrand) and monopoly (Diamond) prices.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the role of price as a signal of the quality of a monopoly firm's new product. The quality of the goods is drawn from a continuum and is unknown to consumers. We establish a unique separating equilibrium using equilibrium characterization results for signaling games. The equilibrium price monotonically increases with quality levels and exceeds the complete-information monopoly price for all quality levels but the lowest one. However, the upward distortion decreases as the proportion of pre-informed consumers increases. These results extend both the signaling role of price and characteristics of the separating equilibrium as established in Bagwell and Riordan (1991).  相似文献   

We examine the impact of a “green network effect” in a market characterized by consumers’ environmental awareness and competition between firms in terms of both environmental quality and product prices. The unique aspect of this model comes from the assumption that an increase in the number of consumers of green (brown) product increases the satisfaction of each green (brown) consumer. We show that, paradoxically, when the network effect of a green product is higher than that of a brown product, this externality reduces product environmental quality and raises consumption of the green product. Conversely, when the network effect of the brown product is higher, the externality improves product environmental quality and raises consumption of the brown product. In both cases, the network effect does not affect the overall pollution level. The externality correction requires the use of three optimal fiscal policies: an ad valorem tax on products, an emission tax, and a subsidy or a tax on the green purchase. A second-best optimum can also be reached through the green taxation.  相似文献   

基于消费者感知的特色农产品区域品牌形象结构分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
特色农产品区域品牌形象由农产品的产品形象、区域形象、消费者形象和企业形象四个维度构成;在特色农产品区域品牌形象中最重要的是区域形象,独特的地理位置和厚重的人文历史是区域形象的特色及亮点;另外,产品形象,特色农产品的质量保证、食品安全、农产品的口感、营养成分以及社会认同都对消费者的感知会产生较大的影响;其次,产销企业形象,产销企业的社会营销,以及产销企业的规模和实力都会对消费者的感知产生一定的影响;最后是消费者形象,农产品的消费价值观以及农产品消费的地位联想都会对消费者的感知产生影响。  相似文献   

包装设计在产品与消费者之间起着"桥梁"作用,烟盒包装承载着控烟宣传与传达香烟的品质、品味、品貌等信息的双重功能,烟盒包装设计对树立香烟的品牌价值和企业文化建设具有重要意义。烟盒包装的色彩设计、图案设计要为树立和保持本企业香烟的品质、品味、品貌做出贡献,以其独特的品牌魅力吸引消费者。  相似文献   

来源国效应对一国产品的海外销售产生着重要影响。本文以在美国销售的中国H公司运动手表作为被试商品,在606份有效样本基础上,通过多元线性回归验证了中国品牌电子产品在美国的来源国效应。通过与其他七个国家进行对比,本文发现,虽然中国在美国消费者心目中的产品国家形象较为正面,但相对中国经济地位和产品质量而言,美国消费者对中国电子产品和中国品牌的“来源国偏见”普遍存在,“Made in China”目前仍是中国品牌在美国营销的不利因素。在以往研究的基础上,本文将来源国效应中的产品国家形象划分为整体绩效形象、整体制度形象和产品类属形象,在此基础上检验了多个消费者因素对来源国效应的调节作用,首次检验了消费者网购依赖度对消费者购买倾向的影响,并且发现消费者产品知识负向调节来源国效应,这一结论可以导出明确的管理启示。本文结论进一步深化了来源国效应相关研究,弥补了发展中国家逆向拓展发达国家市场时来源国效应研究的不足。  相似文献   

Two firms sell horizontally differentiated products on a platform; one product has generic design, whereas the other has polarized design. Consumers search sequentially for products and prices. We show that there always exists an equilibrium where firms correctly expect consumers to first search the product with polarized design. If the platform is able to choose a search order for consumers, generally it lets consumers search the product with polarized design first. The polarized–generic ordering can be achieved using a generalized English auction when product designs cannot be observed by the platform.  相似文献   

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