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Huw McKay 《中国与世界经济(英文版)》2010,18(1):1-32
This study examines the nature and consequences of China's rise to the center of world economic affairs through manufacturing-led development. Our historical analysis shows that China is still well short of the point in its developmental process where its growth might be reasonably expected to slow, or the energy, resource and carbon intensity of growth to recede. The study argues that the current trajectory of industrialization will have to be altered when China becomes more actively engaged in dealing with structural issues at home and abroad against the background of the unwinding of global imbalances. One profitable strategy that China might employ wouM be to approximate the incredibly fruitful mass-market integration efforts of the USA that eventually elevated it to its position of global primacy. The cyclical re-emergence of excess capacity in Chinese heavy industry, serious questions about the medium term ability of other major regions to accommodate further large gains in Chinese market share, and the stark conflict between the contemporary style of industrial development and the health of the biosphere indicate strongly that now is the time to catalyze the required adjustment and reform processes that will underpin sustainable long-run prosperity. 相似文献
How Will China Move towards Becoming a Low Carbon Economy? 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6
Guiyang Zhuang 《中国与世界经济(英文版)》2008,16(3):93-105
China is facing increasing pressure from the international community to curb its greenhouse emissions. The next 15-20 years are important for China's social and economic development, but this is also a key period for controlling global greenhouse gas emissions. In considering the development path of China's economy, policy-makers are confronted by the issue of global climate change. Reducing carbon emissioms is now a worldwide task. For China, opportunities and challenges coexist. Post-Kyoto climate regime must provide incentives for China's transition to becoming a low carbon economy based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. 相似文献
ShaoqingHuang WeiguoQiao 《中国与世界经济(英文版)》2005,13(3):107-122
The development of China‘s electronics industry can be attributed to supportive government policies, strong domestic market demand and the opportunities provided by the international transfer of technology in the electronic manufacturing sector. China‘s enterprises can only continue to develop through technological upgrading due to the lack of core technologies of their own. Since this process is still ongoing, China has not become a competitive country in the field of electronic technology. As a country in transition, government initiatives designed to encourage the development of the electronics industry have also undergone changes in line with economic institutional reform. Direct government intervention policies have been gradually replaced by indirect regulatory policies and the market is playing a more and more important role in the electronics industry. 相似文献
Low Inflation,Pass-through,and a Discrete Inflation-targeting Framework for Monetary Policy in China
Chengsi Zhang 《中国与世界经济(英文版)》2007,15(2):59-73
The performance of inflation in China over the past few decades has been remarkable. This paper characterizes the statistical nature of the inflation series in China over the past quarter of a century and presents an interesting scenario of large decline in inflation pass-through accompanied with low inflation since the end of the 1990s. How should monetary policy in China be conducted under these new economic conditions? We propose a discrete inflation-targeting framework for monetary policy,which is likely to be suitable for the regime of low inflation and inflation pass-through. The advantages and caveats of adopting such a framework are also discussed. 相似文献
QunhuiHuang 《中国与世界经济(英文版)》2004,12(3):113-126
I. IntroductionIn the process of industrialization and industrial modernization, there is the emerging problemof decline of the old industrial base and development of the new. This is due to theunsynchronized regional upgrading of industrial structure. After some leading industriesdevelop and accumulate on a large scale, they sooner or later are replaced by new industries,and wane. The reformation and rejuvenation of old industrial bases has thus become theproblem inevitably facing many count… 相似文献
Xin Wang 《中国与世界经济(英文版)》2007,15(6):22-36
China's international investment position is characterized by large net foreign assets, a dominance of low‐return foreign exchange reserves and costly foreign direct investment in foreign assets and foreign liabilities. In addition, China's foreign investment positions are facing potentially large exchange risks. These features reflect entrenched institutional and structural problems in China, including underdeveloped capital markets, biased resource allocation and a defective social security system. China's net creditor status might actually be an indication of weakness rather than strength. To improve its international investment position, China must speed up economic reforms and allow the market to play a fundamental role in resource allocation. 相似文献
Francoise Lemoine 《中国与世界经济(英文版)》2010,18(3):1-23
Since 1979, China has recorded a remarkable trade performance, which has been driven by international processing and the offshoring strategies of foreign firms. The diversification of Chinese exports and their technological upgrading have been phenomenal However, there is also inertia, illustrated by the persistent dualism of the trade sector, the unrelenting specialization in downmarket products and the deteriorating terms of trade. These weaknesses have helped its partners to adjust to the rise of this new trade power. In the past decade, China's economy has faced the adverse effects o fan export-led growth and the global crisis has revealed its vulnerability. China is now forced to rebalance its economy. This will imply major changes in foreign trade, in favor of ordinary trade and away from processing. In the foreseeable future, China is unlikely to become the driver of international demand but will remain the engine of Asian economic integration. 相似文献
Yizhou Wang 《中国与世界经济(英文版)》2007,15(1):77-86
This paper holds that China's national security during its peaceful rise is a new issue on the research agenda, which requires new counter‐measures and collective wisdom. The paper discusses five of China's objectives in addressing national security; namely, from highest to lowest priority, friction among big powers, the Taiwan issue, disputes over sovereignty, protection of interests overseas, and undertaking international responsibilities. Systematically achieving these objectives is of major importance for building up national defence and China's international image. China's state security in the current period of peaceful development is a new issue on the research agendum, for politicians, the military, scholars and researchers alike. Extensive and in‐depth discussion is needed. Global security commitments made by a big power might conflict with its own security interests and objectives. Judging by any standard, China's tasks are heavy and the road ahead is long. (Edited by Xinyu Fan) 相似文献
我国低碳发展面临的挑战和机遇 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
低碳发展与转变发展方式高度一致。我国温室气体排放强度已得到一定程度的控制,但在自主创新能力、能源发展战略、森林资源发展和湿地保护诸方面,仍面临着严峻挑战,经济增长与二氧化碳控制之间的矛盾十分突出。我们应立足国情,以节约能源、优化能源结构、增强碳汇为重点,以科技进步和制度创新为动力,在工业化完成阶段尽快从相对减排走向绝对减排。 相似文献
实现低碳发展的根本途径是产业结构升级 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文对影响我国经济实现低碳发展的经济规模、技术和产业结构三大因素进行了解析,指出产业结构低度化是制约低碳发展的主要障碍,其特征为第二产业比重过高,第三产业比重过低;在工业内部能源原材料工业比重过高;高技术产业成为资源密集度较高、技术含量和附加值较低的产业。文章提出我国推进低碳发展的根本途径是促进产业结构升级。按照低碳而不是高碳的模式来促进产业升级,发展高附加值高技术含量的产业。 相似文献
国际低碳经济发展经验及对中国的启示 总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35
在气候问题备受关注的国际大背景下,发展低碳经济越来越受到国际社会的重视。自2003年英国提出“低碳经济”发展概念以来,发达国家在发展低碳经济方面已经积累了一定的经验。中国目前面临巨大的温室气体减排压力,能源安全和生态安全面临威胁。应该借鉴国际低碳经济发展经验,在加强法律和政策支持、优化能源利用结构和产业结构、加强低碳技术的国际合作和自主研发能力、实施低碳化的城市公共交通以及倡导绿色消费等方面促进低碳经济的发展。 相似文献
建筑领域是促进节能减排和推进我国低碳社会建设的重要环节。本文以城市住宅节能为主要研究对象,考虑节能技术措施与低碳社会建设的总体思路接轨,探讨适合城市的充分利用自然资源的住宅节能方法。 相似文献
我国出版产业目前存在高碳、浪费、污染等诸多问题,发展绿色低碳出版势在必行。绿色低碳出版应包括低碳环保、生态文明、数字集约。对策可以为加大政策扶持力度,进行利益协调,采取政策倾斜和相关优惠政策,使绿色低碳出版得到保障;打造绿色低碳出版产业生态链,实现良性循环模式;发展数字出版,使其成为出版产业绿色发展的一个重要途径。 相似文献
文章首先分析我国发展低碳经济的必要性,指出发展低碳经济是中国经济发展的必然选择;其次分析我国发展低碳经济的艰巨性,与发达国家相比我国发展低碳经济面临许多困难;最后从国家、企业、公众三个层面提出促进我国低碳经济发展的对策建议。 相似文献
低碳经济是未来时期我国经济发展的主要方向。高新技术产业具有技术性强、低耗能、低污染等特点,与低碳经济具有高度契合性,发展高新技术产业有利于推动产业向低碳化转型,促进低碳经济的纵深发展。文章认为,在低碳经济时代,高新技术产业应该更加强化低碳发展理念,通过优化产业结构,完善低碳制度建设和加强技术创新等途径,增强高新技术产业可持续发展能力。 相似文献
低碳经济和低碳技术的发展,将成为我国新一轮经济发展和技术变革的方向。为了有效推动低碳经济转型,需要制定包含多种政策工具的低碳经济政策体系。文章总结了低碳经济政策的最新研究,对中国低碳经济政策体系的目标和特点加以探讨。这个政策体系应该以市场机制为基础,以碳税为核心,并结合税收返还和研究补贴。 相似文献
低碳经济已经被看作应对全球气候变化、实现人类可持续发展的必由之路。发展低碳经济并不是否定原有的经济增长模式,而是更加注重经济增长质量和效率,即在能源短缺和全球变暖双重约束下实现经济健康的发展,实现代价最小的经济增长。本文从财税政策调整和配套机制建设支持低碳经济发展入手,对我国低碳经济发展问题进行研究。文章对低碳经济的内涵与发展历程进行简要回顾,并从理论基础上分析财税政策在低碳经济发展中的重要性,在对国外促进低碳经济发展的财税政策经验分析总结的基础上,提出促进我国低碳经济发展的财税政策和配套机制方面的政策建议。 相似文献
低碳中国中的新疆:地位、挑战与策略 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
自2009年气候大会作出减排承诺后,中国政府出台了一系列的政策法规,国内各省市也积极参与实施。新疆的经济总量在全国所占份额很少,但资源丰富,是能源输出省份,也是国家的能源基地,虽然目前新疆的碳排放总量不大,但其增长速度和万元GDP碳排放量却远高于全国的平均水平。由于在能源结构、经济水平、交通运输和装备技术等方面面临着挑战,因此,本文从政策和技术两方面提出了新疆发展低碳经济的策略。 相似文献