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我国企业自引入流程优化与重组的新型管理方法以来,提高了企业自身的竞争能力,获得更广阔的发展空间。但随着企业的成长及业务量的不断攀升,业务流程优化中的问题也随之凸显,主要表现是业务流程优化得不到重视、优化方案华而不实,优化难以持续进行。针对优化存在的问题,企业应牢固树立业务流程优化的观念,将业务流程优化运用到实际中,并充分地运用业务流程优化理论,推动企业更好更快发展。  相似文献   

本文通过价值链理论重点分析了A公司的流程现状,对该公司的运营管理、终端销售管理、拓展管理、人力行政管理等方面存在的问题进行了重点分析,指出了A公司存在的差距,并针对A公司的现存问题提出了相应的流程优化方案。  相似文献   

房地产企业时刻处于风险前沿.对其的风险控制在日常运营中显得尤其重要.本文根据国内成功商业地产企业房地产经验和实践,进行企业地产流程设计优化研究,以房地产特有的业务为依据,以流程再造理论为指导,站在房地产企业的战略发展和要求的战略高度上进行设计分析。  相似文献   

企业外部环境的变化和内部规范管理的要求,促使企业不断进行业务流程的优化,进而提高企业运作效率,降低企业的运营成本,使企业保持竞争优势。业务流程优化离不开信息化的支持,信息化是执行业务流程的工具和载体,它可以提高流程的运行效率和响应速度。业务流程的优化成果需要通过信息化固化下来,即利用信息技术规范业务流程,保障企业持续、健康发展。本文初步介绍了基于信息化的企业业务流程优化应遵循原则和实施步骤,具有一定的参考借鉴意义。  相似文献   

通过概述流程优化的基本原则以及我国贸易类企业的业务流程和内部组织架构,从出口贸易企业出口接单流程、现行信用证获取流程、现行备货流程和现行制单结汇流程等方面分析现存的主要问题。在此基础上,分别对出口贸易企业出口的接单流程、现行信用证获取流程、现行备货流程和现行制单结汇流程提出优化对策,为我国贸易类企业出口业务流程优化提供一定的参考,促进我国贸易类企业出口流程的优化发展。  相似文献   

在信息技术环境下,企业要想稳步健康地发展,就必须增强自身的竞争力,适应新的竞争环境,ERP为企业规范管理提供了行之有效的手段,从传统企业的会计业务流程的现状和特点出发,就ERP系统对会计流程业务的影响,提出了会计业务流程要优化重组的解决方案,使会计业务新流程在ERP环境下能较好地实现"决策有用性"的会计目标。  相似文献   

严琰 《现代商贸工业》2010,22(3):135-136
激励机制运用的好坏在一定程度上决定了企业的兴衰,也是企业发展的关键因素。对什么是知识员工,如何激励知识员工的积极性、挑战性、创造性等问题进行了深入的探讨。  相似文献   

在信息技术环境下,企业要想稳步健康地发展,就必须增强自身的竞争力,适应新的竞争环境,ERP为企业规范管理提供了行之有效的手段,从传统企业的会计业务流程的现状和特点出发,就ERP系统对会计流程业务的影响,提出了会计业务流程要优化重组的解决方案,使会计业务新流程在ERP环境下能较好地实现“决策有用性”的会计目标。  相似文献   

随着校园网在院校的普及,传统的管理模式已经难以适应现代化教育的要求,必须对现有管理业务流程进行优化再造。优化再造包括文化观念的优化再造,工作流程的优化再造,组织结构的优化再造。同时,我们还应该把优化再造与院校整体改革结合起来,使优化再造发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

外贸出口业务流程主要分为寻找客源、交易磋商、合同签订、下单打样、批量生产、订单跟进、验货、商检、租船订舱、货物发运、提单确认、收汇等,每个环节紧紧相连,一个环节出现问题都会影响后面的作业进度的实施。各作业环节的优化,也是外贸能否运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外的关键。本文以江苏贝雅特公司为例,对公司外贸流程做整体分析,同时指出各作业环节中应注意的问题,并提出通过ERP系统软件进行外贸流程的有效管理和优化。  相似文献   

基于顾客满意度的企业业务流程优化模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顾客满意度已经成为评价企业经营绩效的重要指标。依据顾客满意度来再造企业内部的经营管理是企业界面临的迫切问题。质量功能展开,也称为质量屋,能够将顾客满意度与企业运营过程的优化系统结合,是一种有效的企业过程优化方法。以质量屋为基本原理,确定基本因素,采用分层序列法构建基于顾客满意度的业务流程优化模型,不失为一种科学有效的企业过程优化方法。  相似文献   

Are more competitive industries more innovative? Empirical investigation into various theories of innovation in industrial organization, agency theory, or endogenous growth, make diverse predictions with respect to this long-standing open question in economics. In this paper, we investigate the empirical relationship between competition intensity and firm innovation using a new micro-database containing a large sample of Canadian manufacturing enterprises over the 2000–05 period. Using three different measures of competition intensity, we find evidence that competition intensity is positively related to firm-level expenditures on research and development (R&D) in Canadian manufacturing industries. However, we also find that this relationship is dampened when more firms are further from the technological frontier of their industry. Nevertheless, the results provide evidence for a Schumpeterian interpretation, whereby market power can increase business incentives for innovation when many firms are technological laggards.  相似文献   

<正>在知识经济时代到来之际,企业的管理思想发生了深刻的变化,完全改变了过去传统的以物为中心的管理,形成了以人为中心的管理思想,充分地强调人是企业的重要资源,人是企业管理的主体,这就充分地显示出人的积极性、主动性和创造性的重要。人力资源已成为现代企  相似文献   

刘贲  刘胜春  张焰 《中国市场》2007,(32):88-89
目前国内较为先进的家电经营模式主要由连锁经营及渠道代理两种。实施多渠道营销策略,建立物流核心竞争力,与大型连锁卖场实施差异化竞争,在竞争中得以生存发展,不失为经济欠发达地区家电业有效的经营模式。  相似文献   

Product-specific sales incentives (PSIs), or "spiffs," have instigated conflict in business and sales for more than fifty years. PSIs are exactly what they sound like: incentives offered by manufacturers to salespeople to encourage them to promote certain products above those of competitors. PSIs have provoked considerable controversy. They are sometimes likened to "bribes," in that their purpose is to motivate salespeople to offer advice that might contradict what they would otherwise recommend. If a salesperson's job is to sell an array of products, how is it equitable for him or her to receive additional compensation for selling certain products above others? In addition, how are we to justify the bias that the presence of PSIs introduces into the selling process. There is concern that this causes negative consequences for stakeholders, including manufacturers, retailers, salespeople, and, of course, customers. How does this affect the competitive process?The research conducted explores the reaction to PSIs by people of different ages. It reveals a correlation between age, education, and reaction to PSIs. The findings correspond with the Josephson Institute of Ethics report, which found that younger adults tend to exhibit higher tolerance for unethical behavior. Examination of PSIs, like other sales incentives, reveals intentional and unintentional consequences to a wide array of stakeholders. The research indicates that there is value inherent in considering both the propriety and manner of implementation of sales incentives, such as PSIs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study whether a hotel should cooperate with an independent online travel agency (OTA) to sell rooms, and, if yes, using what business model—the Merchant model or the Agency model. In the Merchant model, the OTA purchases rooms at a discount wholesale price and sells them at a profit, but takes on the risk of having unsold inventory. In the Agency model, the OTA passes reservations booked by its customers to the hotel and receives an agreed commission fee on each transaction. We demonstrate that there is no one strategy tailored to all situations: the choices of channel and business model are closely tied to certain conditions, like the hotel’s room capacity, consumer acceptance of the OTA channel, the increase in market size with the OTA channel and the commission rate charged by the OTA. The hotel’s equilibrium strategy indicates that adding the OTA channel does not increase the hotel’s profit if the hotel’s capacity, the increase in market size with the OTA channel, and consumer acceptance of the OTA channel are relatively small. Regarding the selection of business model, in general, larger hotels offered a larger increase in market size with the OTA channel, and where the commission rate is low, will prefer the Agency model; otherwise hotels will prefer the Merchant model. Managerial guidance regarding channel and business model selection is provided.  相似文献   

吕珊珊  火岩 《中国商论》2021,(8):149-151
信息时代的到来,意味着网络信息技术在社会各领域中受到广泛地应用,因此,企业的经营管理也应当受到信息技术的影响并进行创新。在信息化背景下,企业财务会计工作应当转变原有的管理模式,并结合时代发展的要求和自身实际需要,制定具有先进性、现代性、市场性的工作流程,使企业能够在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出。本文将结合企业财务会计现状,谈谈如何利用网络信息技术,优化企业财务会计工作的流程,提高企业的经营管理效率和促进企业的发展。  相似文献   

王桂强 《商业研究》2005,(18):127-129
信用交易中的应付款项产生了商业信用资金,而商业信用资金的现金折扣通常以机会成本的形式出现。在赊销信用双方中,商业信用的机会成本可以在供货方以“财务费用”的形式表现出来,但是由于会计的责权发生制原则,这种机会成本往往在购货方的财务处理上无法记录和体现。利用连续复利原理计算商业信用成本率,并结合实际数据对现金折扣方案给出了定量化的技术经济评价。  相似文献   

中国家电产品在国际市场上连续遭遇反倾销诉讼 ,系被一些国家称为“非市场经济国家”地位、别有用心地散布“中国威胁论”、以及产品出口秩序混乱、低价竞销与反倾销应诉不力所致。我国政府应积极争取更多国家承认中国是市场经济国家 ,企业要联合行动 ,以法律手段保护自身利益 ,加快国际化经营应对倾销  相似文献   

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