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阅读:《中国证券报》不久前发表林义相的文章说,发展租房市场不仅有助于改变房地产的预期,还将实实在在减少对于房子的需求。在租房市场上,过低的房租收益率必然导致房价的下跌和房租的提高。发展租房市场将对投资和投机性购房需求产生挤出效应,增加房源的供应;同时,会更有效地利用已有的住房面积(一套房子可以由几个年轻人合租,  相似文献   

今冬不冷,而对于租房者们,这个冬天似乎并不好捱。近期,紧跟房价上涨的除了大蒜、大姜和白菜,还有房东们的心理预期。年底的租房市场原本是淡季,租房价格和成交量一般都会比前几个月有所下降,可2010年年底的形势似乎有所不同,租房市场一反常态,逆市上扬。特别是在北京等一线城市,房租价格涨幅明显。  相似文献   

最近,住房和城乡建设部、财政部、中国人民银行联合印发了《关于放宽提取住房公积金支付房租条件的通知》(建金[2015]19号)。《通知》提出,将简化租房提取公积金要件,租住商品住房,只要提供本人及配偶名下无房产的证明即可提取。根据《通知》,租住商品住房提取住房公积金时,仅需出示无房证明。此外,《通知》还提  相似文献   

住房保障收入线应具有动态性、保障性以及适应性。本文基于租房支付能力,建立租房可支付性指数模型,由租房可支付性指数模型推导出配租型住房保障收入线的测算方法,并以南京市配租型住房为例进行实证分析,测算出2008-2013年南京市各个收入层次家庭的租房可支付性指数以及配租型保障收入线标准,通过与实际保障线进行对比,发现基于支付能力的住房保障收入线更为科学合理。  相似文献   

<正> 走读生需求大租房价位升新学期开学之际,大学走读生急需租房,使大学周边地域的房租大幅飚升。住在宽平大路附近的李女士,将家中两室一厅的住房以每月800元的租金,包租给了8位走读生。她说:"我们两口子都下岗了,就靠吃房租过日子,别人租金高,咱也往上抬。"还有一些住"破屋",而把好房租出去,多赚些房租。住在东北师大附近的周先生,以每月600元的租金把自己的房屋租了出去,又以每月200元的价格租了间平房自己住。尽管条件差点,他也  相似文献   

王芳宜 《光彩》2014,(6):53-53
Q:我通过某中介与张某签订为期一年的房屋租赁合同,而后向张某支付半年房租并向中介支付1800元中介费。入住几天后,房屋所有人向我催要王某某欠下的房租,我才知道张某系假名,其身份证、房产证均系伪造。请问我可以起诉要求中介退还我支付给王某某的房租和中介费吗?  相似文献   

正在严厉的调控下,原本一路狂奔的房价终于放缓了,北京、广州、深圳等国内重点城市的房租却依然没有停涨的迹象,"租坚强"成为这些地方租房市场的主旋律。  相似文献   

与国际接轨的普遍征收是我国接下来房产税扩大试点的重要选项之一,从租赁供需及其弹性角度进行的理论分析都表明,房产税的普遍征收会显著推动房租上涨。房产税不仅引致租赁需求的增加,而且导致租赁供给的减少,让房租面临供需双向的上涨压力;住房作为生活必需品,其用作消费的租赁需求弹性要小于用作投资的租赁供给弹性,使房屋出租者可以把大部分房产税以增加房租的形式转嫁给租房者。因此,在未来房产税试点及推行上,不仅要考虑对房价的调控作用,采取普遍征收的方案,而且还要有兼顾广大租房群体的利益以及对宏观经济负面冲击的综合考量,应在经济上升时期开启试点,并采取循序渐进的低税制和因地制宜的差异化税率方式推进。  相似文献   

沈寅  陈于秋 《华商》2014,(10):38-41
1988年2月16日,金秀贤出生在韩国首尔。他是家中的独子,父亲金忠勋(音译)是韩国1980年代摇滚乐团Seven Doplhins的主唱,母亲做过模特。虽然可以算是出身于演艺世家,但金秀贤的家境并不富裕,他曾在采访中提到,全家在月租房(按月付房租)住了20年,依靠他出演电视剧的收入,才得以搬到全租房(一次性交付一年房租),搬家那天妈妈都哭了,而他当时的心愿就是在首尔买得起属于自己的房子。  相似文献   

专家建议,在租房之初,不要轻信房产中介而支付租房定金.这样很容易使自己陷入两难境地。  相似文献   

We develop a model of international trade between two symmetric countries that features inter-group inequality between managers and workers, and also intra-group inequality within each of those two groups. Individuals are heterogeneous with respect to their managerial ability, and firms run by more able managers have a higher productivity level and make higher profits. There is rent sharing at the firm level due to fair wage preferences of workers, and hence firms with higher profits pay higher wages in equilibrium in order to elicit their workers' full effort. We show that in this framework international trade leads to a self-selection of the best firms into export status, with exporting firms having to pay a wage premium. Aggregate welfare increases, but there is also larger inequality along multiple dimensions: Involuntary unemployment and income inequality between managers and workers increase, and so does inequality within these two subgroups of individuals, as measured by the respective Gini coefficients.  相似文献   


In recent years, there has been a growing interest of consumers and retailers in rental-commerce. When engaging in rental-commerce, consumers pay a contractually agreed monthly price for the duration of use and can then use the product to its full extent. Since the rental-commerce model is still relatively new, so far little is known about the drivers and barriers leading consumers to rent products online rather than buying them. The results of our quantitative study (N = 689) show that while, surprisingly, knowledge of terms of use has no significant influence on the behavioral intention, sustainability, economic benefits, trust, safety, complexity, and knowledge of rental-commerce serve as predictors of the intention to rent products via a rental-commerce website. Thereby, the results of earlier studies have been largely proven and additional new findings and implications for both, theory and rental-commerce retailers, can be derived.  相似文献   

老字号小吃是微利行业。当高租金、低客流等局面摆在老字号小吃的经营者面前时,他们无奈地选择了撤出。  相似文献   

The future of the German pay as you go public pension system is dependent on families with children. In contrast to German tax law, there are no child allowances in the social insurance system. As a result, workers with and without children pay the same pension insurance contributions. This article analyses the introduction of a child allowance into the public pension system in Germany. We quantify the fiscal, distributional and behavioural effects of such a reform.  相似文献   

A simple model of the firms' decision to pay workers productivity related pay is tested using individual worker level data from 15 EU member states. We find empirical support for the key hypotheses of Lazear type PRP models which relate to firm size and permanence of employment. Other issues such as the organisation of production and the nature of the product or service were found to be very peripheral to the use of PRP systems across countries.  相似文献   

The rent-to-own (RTO) industry, by offering immediate access to household goods for a small periodic fee with no credit check or down payment, has strong appeal to low income and financially distressed consumers. An important policy question is whether an RTO agreement is used as a rental/lease with build-in purchase option or as something more akin to an installment loan. Given the embedded options to return the item or to purchase it early, the actual rent paid by RTO customers is substantially lower than the oft-reported total rent which assumes that agreements go to term. We employ a log-normal censored regression model to analyze the influence of customer demographics as well as the transactional details of the contract on the rent paid by consumers using rent-to-own. Our main conclusions are (1) it is the “working poor” that are likely to pay more rent, (2) there appears to be a clientele effect with customers paying more rent under bi-weekly and monthly, as opposed to weekly, payment schedules, and (3) customers who exhibit delinquency in making contractual payments generally end up paying more rent. Further, our data allows some observations on annual percentage rates by illustrating the business risk present for RTO stores as well as the cross-subsidization of consumers.  相似文献   

基于武汉市的实地调查资料发现,新就业职工面临安居困境,其原因在于:房价与房租持续飙升;收入水平低且增长缓慢;住房保障政策存在缺位与错位;现有非正规的住房解决方案面临争议;廉价居所不断流失。解决新就业职工居住困难需要在公租房持续放量的同时,优化项目选址和设计方案,切实降低居住成本;有效利用市场存量房源,加强市场调控,增加小面积廉价商品租屋供给,着力提高新就业职工付租能力;谨慎推进城中村改造,明确城中村改造应予担负的住房保障义务;通过政府扶助、社会合力、分流引导,多渠道化解新就业职工的生计难题。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the effect of foreign takeover on wages of workers in German establishments, using rich linked employer–employee data from 2003 to 2014. To identify a causal effect of foreign takeover, we combine propensity-score matching with a difference-in-difference estimator. We find that a takeover by a foreign investor leads to a wage premium of 4.0 log points in the year after ownership change, which further increases to 6.3 log points 3 years after acquisition. The wage premium is largest for high-skilled workers, which is consistent with three theoretical arguments, namely rent appropriation by managers, technology protection and training on new technology. We also show that the wage premium does not pick up an exporter effect due to a platform investment of the foreign owner, that it takes about 4 years before it fully develops, that it does not vanish after foreign divestment and that the wage increase is specific to foreign acquisition instead of ownership change per se.  相似文献   

Salvadori discovered a new variety of rent, called singular rent, when requirements are functions of income distribution. This note makes a simple generalization of the singular rent model by introducing many agricultural processes. Hence the problem of choice of technique arises. With respect to singular rent alone, it is shown that there may exist more than one cost‐minimizing technique even though joint production is set aside, and there may be no cost‐minimizing technique even though all techniques are feasible. However, in the latter case, at least one system determining intensive rent is feasible and cost‐minimizing.  相似文献   

刘雪晶 《商业研究》2003,(16):75-77
加入世贸组织使得我国经济一体化进程不断加快 ,网络技术 (包括Internet、Intranet)和电子商务的广泛应用 ,使得财务软件的应用平台、开发技术、功能体系也在不断的更新。计算机网络正在改变企业的业务形态和运营方式 ,也必然影响和改变财务管理模式以及财会工作方式。传统财务走向网络财务已势在必然。财经类高校如何培养网络经济环境下的应用型人才 ,是财务教育工作者引以重视的问题。仅从网络财务的技术、构建措施等方面 ,谈谈网络财务教学实验系统的建设。  相似文献   

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