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Medical authors typically combine all patient groups to increase the amount of data available for analysis. Use of this statistical methodology generally conceals higher mortality ratios at younger ages and masks survival differences related to disease severity and comorbid impairments. This paper discusses the effects of age and clinical characteristics on mortality experience in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Limited data suggest the mortality pattern associated with this impairment is similar to that observed with most disorders: excess mortality (compared to the general population) that is high at younger ages, intermediate in middle-aged people, and minimal in the very elderly. Optimism regarding generally favorable mortality at older ages must be tempered with caution since studies report much poorer experience in certain subgroups of elderly patients with this impairment.  相似文献   

The number of overweight and obese people in South Korea is increasing due to changes in exercise and dietary habits. The World Health Organization estimated that 45% of Korean men and 54% of women were overweight in 2005, and the percentages are expected to increase to 66% and 67%, respectively, by 2015. Studies have also found that more than 10% of Korean children and adolescents are now obese. These trends are important from both a public health and an insurance perspective because weight gain increases the likelihood of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other disorders that affect morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   


In a previous number of this Journal 1 Zum Studium der Sterblichkeit minderwertiger Leben. Skandinavisk Aktuarietidskrift 1921, p. 31. , I have given an account of an investigation into the increased mortality among certain groups of sub-standard risks based only on statistics of deaths. The material, collected for that investigation, can also be used as basis for an attempt of investigating the influence of Selection on the mortality among stan,dard risks.  相似文献   

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 impacts everyone who uses or pays for the health care system. Among the new law's effects will be changes in older workers' health care choices as they transition from full-time employees to part-time work or other jobs and, ultimately, to retirement, and the retiree health benefit choices facing their employers. This article reviews the major issues surrounding these changes, including those affecting retiree health benefits, benefits for Medicare-eligible retirees and health care options for older Americans not yet eligible for Medicare. The authors conclude that although employers will be reacting in 2010 and 2011 with regard to some issues surrounding FASB ASC 715-60 and the early retiree reinsurance program, employers should consider waiting to make major changes until regulations are issued and the health plans for active employees have been fully vetted.  相似文献   

Ischemia on an exercise test (ET) is a known risk factor for cardiovascular mortality. However, the magnitude of risk of frequent premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) on ET is often overlooked. This analysis reveals that the quantitative additional mortality risk on ET presented by frequent PVCs is similar to ischemia.  相似文献   

本文通过对2001-2009年北京市18区县金融发展的集聚效应和辐射效应进行空间计量,分析了北京区县金融发展的空间特征及其形成原因。研究表明:北京金融发展水平不均衡,以核心城区为最高,按地理空间向外发展水平依次降低;全局Moran指数和散点图显示北京各区县金融发展存在显著的集聚效应,高高集聚型大部分是核心城区,而低低集聚型则多为周边区县;局部Moran指数显示北京区域金融发展存在"增长极",对其周边区县起到正向或负向作用,这些作用在2005年达到极大值后已经有所减弱。  相似文献   

货币政策区域效应差异化研究——基于韶关与惠州的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对货币政策区域效应差异化进行研究,有利于增强货币政策执行的灵活性以及金融资源的区域优化配置。通过对广东韶关市与惠州市两地区的货币政策影响进行实证研究表明,两个地区的货币政策存在较为显著的时滞效应。为此,应制定有差别的货币政策,培育地区特色主导产业,健全和完善货币政策传导机制。  相似文献   

We deal with the solvability and a weak formulation of nonlinear partial differential equations of Black-Scholes type for the pricing of options in the presence of transaction costs. Examples include the Hoggard–Whalley–Wilmott equation, which is introduced to model portfolios of European type options with transaction costs based on the idea of Leland. The cost structure gives rise to nonlinear terms. We show the existence and the uniqueness of solutions both in the classical and the weak sense, where the notion of weak solutions is introduced.  相似文献   

"十三五"规划的结构性调整中,"营改增"是一项重要的改革项目。这种按照行业的分批次政策改革试点效果,适合使用双重差分法来检验其作用。本文利用"营改增"试点前后的企业指标,使用双重差分法对比了早期试点行业与晚期试点行业的差异,探究了"营改增"对试点行业的财务效应。研究发现,由于"营改增"可以抵扣进项税额,所以促进了现代服务业的投资水平。"营改增"还明显提高了企业的税负转嫁能力。进一步发现,"营改增"政策的实施不仅提高了企业当期的获利水平,同时也显著地促进了企业未来的盈利能力。  相似文献   

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