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This article aims to evaluate the credibility of information disclosed by public organizations in terms of sustainable development. It focuses on an under-studied aspect in the sustainability reporting literature—namely, the factors that may affect the credibility of disclosure practices. The study is based on a qualitative analysis of the sustainable development content of annual management reports disclosed by 113 ministries and public bodies in the province of Quebec, Canada. The findings shed more light on the main factors that affect the credibility of the information disclosed therein, particularly in terms of lack of transparency and flawed monitoring mechanisms.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of regulation pertaining to information disclosure on the Vietnam stock market. Using the event study methodology, we examine sectoral reactions, in terms of risk and return, following the announcements on information disclosure regulation in Vietnam. To validate the results, we also conduct several robustness tests such as the removal of firm-specific information and the use of a wide variety of ARCH models such as GARCH (1,1). We find evidence indicating that when the market anticipates a piece of regulation on information disclosure, most sectors experience negative reactions two and five days before the first announcement. Positive reactions are observed on the event date, as well as two and five days afterwards. Furthermore, we document a difference between the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange (HOSE) and the Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX) in terms of market reaction. The results also show that the sectors experience changes in short-term systematic risk. Our contributions to the literature are threefold. First, we focus on a complete and more updated set of the Vietnam stock market’s information disclosure regulation. Second, our study examines the effects of a series of events on a single regulation at sectoral and firm levels in an emerging market. Third, in addition to sectoral analysis, we analyse the Vietnam stock market reaction at the firm level.  相似文献   

We use a quasi-natural experiment wherein the Shanghai Stock Exchange requires listed companies in certain industries to disclose operational information and a staggered difference-in-differences model to examine the impact of mandatory information disclosure on corporate innovation. We find that companies subject to mandatory operational information disclosure show significantly increased innovation. This effect is pronounced for companies classified as non-state-owned enterprises, facing severe financing constraints and a high degree of shareholder tunneling behavior and in competitive and high-tech industries. Although mandatory operational information disclosure reduces their competitive advantage, companies appear to compensate by increasing innovation. Our study highlights the positive impact of mandatory operational information disclosure, indicating that it contributes to the high-quality development of both capital markets and companies.  相似文献   

与国际通行做法相比,我国投连险投资账户多履行了一个资产组合管理职能,这就使得投连险投资账户与基金具有了一定的可比性。本文基于投连险与基金信息披露的比较视角,指出了我国投连险信息披露存在的问题,并从保险公司、监管部门、社会力量三个方面提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

以2007~2008年沪深两市A股上市公司年报作为研究基础,运用描述性统计和两阶最小二乘法分析了自愿性信息披露对上市公司股票流动性的影响。验证了自愿性信息披露会促进上市公司股票的流动性,同时发现自愿性披露信息中财务方面信息对上市公司股票流动性的提高作用最大。  相似文献   

We study whether boards of directors concentrate on performance near compensation decision times rather than providing consistent incentives for chief executive officers (CEO) throughout the fiscal year. We show empirically that managers can profit by moving sales revenue among fiscal quarters. Though this may suggest that boards use short-term trends when determining rewards, we find evidence consistent with boards tying pay to recent sales growth so as to use the best information about future performance. We also find that the timing of profits throughout the year does not affect CEO pay, which may suggest that smoothing firm income is important to CEOs.  相似文献   

We study the consequences of implementing and communicating Value Based Management (VBM) systems on information asymmetries and the cost of capital. We analyse the firms’ reporting on internal control systems as the source of information for market participants. In addition, literature posits that improving communications with shareholders by providing additional information on value generation (Value Based Reporting, VBR) is an integral part of implementing VBM. We find that the implementation of VBM and the extent of VBR are, both individually and jointly, significantly related to lower information asymmetries and lower cost of capital. We find a slight moderation of the effect of VBM by VBR. For increasing VBR, we find that information asymmetries and cost of capital decrease more strongly for firms without implemented VBM systems. This indicates that VBR can to some extent substitute VBM. Overall, however, firms using a combination of VBM and VBR attain lower levels of information asymmetry and cost of capital. We provide evidence for the real effects of disclosure, suggesting that disclosures on internal control systems serve as a governance mechanism, reducing information asymmetries and the cost of capital by aligning shareholders’ and managers’ interests.  相似文献   

In a dynamic model of financial market trading multiple heterogeneously informed traders choose when to place orders. Better informed traders trade immediately, worse informed delay – even though they expect the market to move against them. This behavior generates intraday patterns with decreasing spreads, decreasing probability of informed trading (PIN), and increasing volume. We predict that policies that foster market entry improve the welfare of uninformed traders and lead to increased market participation by incumbent traders. Technological advances that lead to better signal processing also encourage market participation and increase volume but at the expense of uninformed traders’ welfare.  相似文献   

To date, there is only meager research evidence on the usefulness of mandatory annual report risk disclosures to investors. Although it has been argued that corporate disclosure decreases information asymmetry between management and shareholders, we do not know whether investors benefit from high-quality risk reporting in a highly regulated risk disclosure environment. In this paper, we performed association tests to examine whether the quality of firms' mandatory risk disclosures relate to information asymmetry in the Finnish stock markets. In addition, we analyzed whether the usefulness of risk disclosures depends on contingency factors such as firm riskiness, investor interest, and market condition. We demonstrate that the quality of risk disclosure has a direct negative influence on information asymmetry. We also document that risk disclosures are more useful if they are provided by small firms, high tech firms, and firms with low analyst coverage. We also found that momentum in stock markets affects the relevance of firms' risk reports.  相似文献   

分部信息的披露主体主要是上市公司.公司出于竞争投资者有限的资金等目的有自愿披露分部信息的动因.由于分部信息披露存在成本,在没有管制的情况下,企业出于自身利益最大化考虑,将通过对收益和成本的权衡来决定分部信息披露.由于分部信息披露的外部性、分部信息分布的不对称性等,不能完全依赖于自愿披露,必须对分部信息披露进行适度的管制,强制公司披露分部信息.  相似文献   

Information technology is essential in tax enforcement. This study found that stronger tax enforcement after the tax administration information system reform improved corporate investment efficiency by reducing excessive investment expenditures. The effect is more significant under higher local government fiscal pressure, poorer external information environments, weaker external corporate governance, and stronger tax avoidance motivation. The main mechanism is based on the quality of the accounting information. This study enriches the literature on the economic consequences of tax enforcement and adds investment efficiency as an influential factor, which provides implications for international governments to use information technology to strengthen tax enforcement.  相似文献   

We examine whether and how private firms differ from public firms in determining corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure policies. We document that private firms are less likely to issue CSR reports compared with their public peers. Adopting a bivariate probit model that accommodates partial observability, we find that the effect is mainly driven by a supply-side force rather than a demand-side force. From a debtholder-oriented perspective, while public firms enjoy more favorable credit ratings and a lower cost of debt due to CSR disclosure, private firms do not reap similar benefits from CSR disclosure. Corporate governance and CSR assurance alleviate debtholders' concern on private firms’ engagements in CSR.  相似文献   

Using the context of the financial reform and the development of the non-state sector in China in the past decade, we examine the roles that the quality of information disclosure and property rights play in the allocation of different types of bank credit. We find that foreign banks and policy banks exercise “financial discrimination,” and that local commercial banks, large state-owned commercial banks, national joint-stock banks, local city commercial banks, and rural commercial banks not only exercise financial discrimination but also provide significant “financial support” to non-state-owned enterprises by providing more lending opportunities and larger loans. However, when enterprises commit information disclosure violations, the local commercial banks, national joint-stock banks, local city commercial banks, and rural commercial banks reverse their credit decisions and begin to exercise financial discrimination against non-state-owned enterprises. At the same time, large state-owned commercial banks continue to provide financial support to non-state-owned enterprises. We also find that the quality of the information disclosed by enterprises has a moderating effect rather than an intermediary effect on the relationship between property rights and bank loans. Overall, the results of this paper shine new light on the market-oriented reform of the banking industry, and provide new empirical evidence for the presence of financial discrimination in the supply of bank credit. Our findings also have practical implications for solving the financing difficulties of non-state-owned enterprises.  相似文献   

We investigate how product market competition affects corporate voluntary disclosure decisions, specifically regarding supply-chain information. Our results, based on a sample of manufacturing companies listed in China from 2010 to 2016, show that companies in more competitive industries disclose less customer/supplier information. The main results stand through several robustness tests. Further analyses show that the negative relationship between product market competitiveness and supply-chain information disclosure is stronger when the disclosure contains more incremental information and when competitors are more capable of gaining competitive advantage using the disclosed information. Our study contributes to the understanding of both the relationship between product market competition and voluntary disclosure decisions and the regulation of information disclosure to build a transparent capital market.  相似文献   

Regulators require firms to disclose all price-sensitive information at the earliest possible date. The going-concern opinion constitutes a fundamental uncertainty for the firm and thus is likely to be of a price-sensitive nature. This paper explores whether going-concern uncertainty disclosures are price sensitive in the London market, and then tests whether managements report such audit report information to investors on a timely basis. We capitalize on a London Stock Exchange regulatory loophole which, in effect, allows financially-distressed firms to choose either to report a forthcoming going-concern at the preliminary results announcement stage, or to delay this crucial information to their annual report release. In line with the regulatory requirements, we expect that firms with more price-sensitive, i.e., more serious, adverse news will disclose their forthcoming going-concern opinion at the earliest stage i.e., in their preliminary announcement, rather than delay to their annual report.  相似文献   

证券分析师是证券市场重要的信息加工者和传播者,他们的信息行为对中小投资者和市场效率有重要影响。本文基于2003~2009年分析师的年度盈利预测数据,运用面板计量模型实证检验了公平信息披露规则的实施对分析师预测精度的影响。研究结果表明:分析师预测精度在规则实施后显著下降了;而且,随着规则实施时间的推移,分析师预测精度进一步下降;另外,分析师对信息披露水平较差的上市公司的预测精度下降幅度更大。  相似文献   

本文研究了银行次级债的债项特征设计对其市场约束功能和附属资本功能的影响.在此工作的基础上,再结合我国银行次级债市场的实际情况和具体特征,对其衍生功能进行了中外对比式的逻辑推理,并从次级债的债项特征、市场建设、法定监管等视角讨论了在满足附属资本功能的同时.如何尽可能地激发其市场约束功能,为我国银行次级债市场的改革提供了有意义的启示。  相似文献   

Civil liberties enable the media, social movements, and other stakeholders to expect companies to be more transparent and forthcoming with relevant social and environmental information. Drawing on social movement theory in general, and the notion of civil liberty in particular, we analyse the availability of social and environmental information of 300 financial companies from 50 countries over a nine-year period, to investigate the influence of country-level civil liberties on the availability of social and environmental information.We find that companies headquartered in countries with high levels of civil liberties make more social and environmental information publicly available than companies headquartered in countries with low levels of civil liberties. Furthermore, an improvement in civil liberties in countries with lower civil liberties has a bigger impact on changes in the availability of social and environmental information.Our research is relevant for the ongoing concerns of social and environmental transparency initiatives by governments, NGOs, and civil rights organisations. Policy implications for countries with lower civil liberties (typical developing nations) are that if they wish to encourage more transparent corporate information, they need to strengthen their country-level civil liberties.  相似文献   

We explore how asymmetric information in financial markets affects outcomes in product markets. Difference-in-difference tests around brokerage house merger/closure events (which increase asymmetric information through reductions in analyst coverage) indicate worse industry-adjusted sales growth for shocked firms than for their peers. Our results are consistent with Bolton and Scharfstein's (1990) tradeoff between investor agency concerns and predation risk. Further support is found in stronger treatment effects among firms with ex ante greater agency concerns, financing constraints, asymmetric information, and those operating in ex ante more competitive (fluid) product market spaces. Our results are concentrated in industries where we can clearly identify either net firm entry or exit.  相似文献   

张波 《济南金融》2009,(2):40-42
不同国家和地区在初创中小银行时的种种教训表明,中小银行的发展离不开规范合理的金融监管。金融主管当局应该从市场准入、业务运营、市场退出这三方面加强对中小银行监管,以便充分发挥中小银行应有的积极作用。  相似文献   

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