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Characterizing Gaussian Models of the Term Structure of Interest Rates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Models of the term structure of interest rates are considered for which, under the martingale measure, instantaneous forward rates are Gaussian. The possible forms of the covariance structure are characterized under appropriate formulations of the Markov property. It is demonstrated that imposing Markovian assumptions limits severely the covariances that may be obtained and that the strongest such formulation together with stationarity implies that the whole forward rate surface is necessarily a Gaussian random field described by just three parameters.  相似文献   

For general volatility structures for forward rates, the evolution of interest rates may not be Markovian and the entire path may be necessary to capture the dynamics of the term structure. This article identifies conditions on the volatility structure of forward rates that permit the dynamics of the term structure to be represented by a two-dimensional state variable Markov process. the permissible set of volatility structures that accomplishes this goal is shown to be quite large and includes many stochastic structures. In general, analytical characterization of the terminal distributions of the two state variables is unlikely, and numerical procedures are required to value claims. Efficient simulation algorithms using control variates are developed to price claims against the term structure.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the use of term-structure-related securities in the design of dynamic portfolio management strategies that hedge certain systematic jump risks in asset return. Option pricing formulas based on the absence of arbitrage opportunities in this context are also developed. the analysis is for the case where assets returns are driven by a finite number of Brownian motions and an m-variate point process. the inclusion of :the additional traded assets in the term structure makes it possible to hedge systematic jumps imbedded in the m variate point process.  相似文献   

To assure price admissibility—that all bond prices, yields, and forward rates remain positive—we show how to control the state variables within the class of arbitrage‐free linear price function models for the evolution of interest rate yield curves over time. Price admissibility is necessary to preclude cash‐and‐carry arbitrage, a market imperfection that can happen even with a risk‐neutral diffusion process and positive bond prices. We assure price admissibility by (i) defining the state variables to be scaled partial sums of weighted coefficients of the exponential terms in the bond pricing function, (ii) identifying a simplex within which these state variables remain price admissible, and (iii) choosing a general functional form for the diffusion that selectively diminishes near the simplex boundary. By assuring that prices, yields, and forward rates remain positive with tractable diffusions for the physical and risk‐neutral measures, an obstacle is removed from the wider acceptance of interest rate methods that are linear in prices.  相似文献   

The extended Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (ECIR) models of interest rates allow for time-dependent parameters in the CIR square-root model. This article presents closed-form pathwise unique solutions of these unsolved stochastic differential equations (s.d.e.s) in terms of functionals of their driving Brownian motion and parameters. It is shown that quadratics in solution of linear s.d.e.s solve the ECIR model if and only if the dimension of the model is a positive integer and that this solution can be achieved by construction of a pathwise unique generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process from the ECIR Brownian motion. For real valued dimensions an extension of the time-change theorem of Dubins and Schwarz (1965) is presented and applied to show that a lognormal process solves the model through a stochastic time change. Pathwise equivalence to a rescaled time-changed Bessel square process is also established. These novel results are applied to characterize zero-hitting time and to produce transition density and zero-hitting conditions for the ECIR spot rate. the CIR term structure is then extended to ECIR under no arbitrage, and its solutions and the transition density are represented under a new ECIR martingale measure. the findings are employed to derive a closed-form ECIR bond option valuation formula which generalizes that obtained by CIR (1985).  相似文献   

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