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A decade ago, Wuxi Sunmart was just no name. At that time, few people noticed Jiangsu Snow Leopard Atomization Pot Industry Limited Company, which was established in early 1998, as it was a small workshop with a registered capital of only RMB 1.6 million. And that is where Wuxi Sunmart's miracle initiated and grew from.  相似文献   

Being over 2,200 years old, Nanchang is a city with significant historical relevance. As the capital city, it is undoubtedly the political, economic and cultural center of Jiangxi province. Nanchang belongs to the sub-tropical monsoon climate; therefore it will bring you mild and pleasant weather for almost all the year round.  相似文献   

Situated in the southwest of Shandong Province, Qufu is one of the first 24 famous historical and cultural cities announced by the State Council.  相似文献   

Lies on the south bank of the Yangtze River, Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province, is one of the most delightfulof Chinese cities. Known as the Capital City of Six or Ten Dynasties in China's history, it has a brilliant cultural heritage.  相似文献   

Poland---the country that can provide the unforgettable impressions for tourists with the most diversified interests. Nature lovers will certainly enjoy the golden beaches of the Baltic Sea coast in the north and the rocky peaks of the Tarfa Montains in the south. Water sports fans will love the Great Masurian Lakes and hikers will feel happy on the Bieszczady trails, amidst the wilderness of that green mountain range. They may encounter a bison, the Europe's biggest animal, living in its natural habitat that occupies a part of the Bialowieza primeval forest; enjoy pleasures of photo-safari in the unique Biebrza River Marshes or the thrilling experience of rafting through the Dunajec Gorge. Keen hikers can venture a climb to the tops of shifting dunes in the Slowinski National Park.  相似文献   

When most Chinese enterprises are feeling the chill of financing difficulties arising from exportation crisis,is"going-out strategy"can really strike a chord with their hearts and attract them to invest heavily overseas? Mr.Wang Chao,Assistant Minister of Com- merce told China's Foreign Trade,vast opportunities are there for those prudent yet active"Going-out"Enterprises.They should  相似文献   

"The African market is suitable for Chinese companies." This, China's Foreign Trade learnt during the 2nd Conference of Chinese and African Entrepreneurs, said hy a Chinese entrepreneur. The 2nd Sino-African Entrepreneurs Conference was held in Beijing on November 5. China's Foreign Trade interviewed. Over 1400 African and Chinese entrepreneurs gathered at the China Hotel, discussing mutual benefits in the coining days. The whole conference hall was so crowded and so noisy. but no complaints could he heard, no quarrels could he seen, while everything in your eyes was only smiles, handshaking, sincerity, compliments, as well as very frank and comfortable chatting, etc.. the whole meeting hall was almost like a giant family. By Editor  相似文献   

尴尬!震惊!面对我们再熟悉不过的土豆(马铃薯)中国会是这样的处境——作为全球马铃薯产量最大的国家,适用于油炸的薯条原料严重不足!为此,国家每年需要从国外进口5万吨的薯条以备市场之需。而份额为5亿元之上的巨大市场,我们不得不拱手让人。让国人骄傲的“Made in China”偏偏不能诠释为“薯条中国造”。  相似文献   

柯明 《中国市场》2008,(41):113-115
本文通过分析当前"就业难"和"人才紧缺"的矛盾,提出了要培养适应ERP普及时代需要的物流信息化应用人才,随着以ERP为代表的信息化应用的迅速"全员化",应用人才短缺成为推动物流信息化应用的瓶颈。"ERP实验中心"采用校企结合的新模式,搭建了一个紧密联系社会需求、真实仿真企业的人才培养平台,并且采用更切实际的科学训练方式。  相似文献   

方光明 《大经贸》2001,(11):94-95
广州的秋天似乎来得特别迟,已经十月多了,阳光却依然火辣。然而在广州的另一侧——天河珠江新城里却繁花似锦,翠绿芬芳,浓浓的绿意让人留连忘返,原来以展现"生态人居环境——青山、碧水、蓝天、花城"为主题的第四届中国国际园林花卉博览会正在这里如火如茶的展开。本届园博会占地67公顷,设有一个公园(珠江公园)、两大广场(名花和美食广场)、三个专类园(盆景、蔬果园和侏罗纪恐龙园)、五大展馆(缤纷雨林馆、名花异卉馆、插花艺术馆、奇石精雕摄影馆和陶瓷购书馆)。虽然本届园博会规模不能和昆明世博会相媲美,然而它却仍然"博"出了自己的精彩:琳琅满目的名花异卉馆,梅花、兰花、桃花、菊花、茶花、荷花、桂花、牡丹、玫瑰、水仙花这中国十大名花首次  相似文献   

本文通过分析当前"就业难"和"人才紧缺"的矛盾,提出了要培养适应ERP普及时代需要的物流信息化应用人才,随着以EEP为代表的信息化应用的迅速"全员化",应用人才短缺成为推动物流信息化应用的瓶颈."ERP实验中心"采用校企结合的新模式,搭建了一个紧密联系社会需求、真实仿真企业的人才培养平台,并且采用更切实际的科学训练方式.  相似文献   

工业园区是推动县域新一轮经济发展的重要载体,已成为一个地区经济发展重要的"推进器"和"增长极".  相似文献   

<正>【人物档案】●杨惠妍1981年,出生于广东顺德,毕业于美国俄亥俄州立大学,获得市场营销及物流专业学士学位,碧桂园创始人之一杨国强的二女儿,2005年加入碧桂园担任采购部经理,现作为碧桂园执行董事,主要负责整体采  相似文献   

文章总结了地被植物套种的模式,以期提升园林地被植物的景观效果.  相似文献   

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