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This article outlines the impact of the charity accounting regime on churches in the various legal jurisdictions of the UK. While churches have charitable status throughout the UK, historically they have not necessarily had to follow the normal requirements for charity financial reporting. But churches are now starting to submit accounts to regulators like other charities and the impact of this is considered.  相似文献   

This research investigates the role of inter-organizational arrangements and intra-organizational activities as sub-parts of carbon management accounting to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We apply the concept of stakeholder engagement, normally utilized in sustainability reporting, to carbon management accounting and performance. We also examine if carbon management projects that encompass many functional areas aid in GHG emissions performance. Using a sample of firms headquartered in the United States with data available from the CDP, we apply the three-stage least squares (3SLS) method to test for the endogeneity of GHG emissions reporting and performance. We find that both inter-organizational and intra-organizational arrangements improve GHG emissions performance through carbon management processes and procedures. Our research contributes to the literature by providing insight into how companies work externally with their stakeholders and internally with multiple functional areas to implement carbon management projects that reduce GHG emissions.  相似文献   

The education literature suggests a student-focused teaching strategy to improve students’ engagement in a lecture. However, in traditional accounting lectures students take the role of passive and anonymous recipients of knowledge. This paper reports on two cycles of an action research project, developing and refining a blended learning model, with the purpose of enhancing students’ engagement in the lectures of a large management accounting course. Results of our study find that engagement was enhanced with the implementation of this model. This study contributes to the accounting education literature through reporting evidence from action research and the effective implementation of a blended learning model that accounting educators can use.  相似文献   

Lisa Jack   《Accounting Forum》2006,30(3):227-243
This paper examines a particular accounting practice prevalent in the UK agriculture industry and reveals the ‘canopy of legitimations’ that appears to protect the practice and make it highly resistant to change. Agricultural gross margin accounting was innovated through Government sponsored agricultural extension programmes in the post-war period in Britain. The practice is not maintained primarily by farmers but rather by actors within Government agencies and agricultural service industries (including management consultants). New Institutionalism in Sociology (NIS) is used as a theoretical framework, and extended to consider the concept of legitimation as a reflexive process. Although the context is specifically UK agriculture, the theme of the protection of accounting methods by Government and other advisors is of more universal interest. The paper adds to the very few studies in the accounting literature that consider the agriculture and food industries.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a survey carried out in 1991/92 inquiring into intermediate (usually second year) financial accounting courses, taught in UK accounting and/or finance degree programmes. The areas reviewed were: course objectives, syllabus, lecturers' perceptions of syllabus, textbooks used, other teaching aids (including computers), student contact hours, follow-on courses and assessment. The response rate was 79%. The courses tended to be integrated combinations of accounting theory and practice. The growing number of accounting standards did not prove to be a significant problem as most lecturers did not aim for comprehensive coverage. Over half the respondents used computers in teaching their course.  相似文献   

An accumulation of interpretative studies in a range of international contexts has considered gender, race and social class in accounting employment. However, no work has considered accounting firms’ attitudes towards employing disabled people. This omission is surprising given the passing of successive disability rights legislation in the United States since 1918 and the United Kingdom (UK) since 1944 and consequent changes in public expectations regarding equal employment opportunities for disabled people. This paper examines the UK accounting profession's response to changes in disability legislation. Using a survey administered to UK firms and an analysis of the Big Four firms’ 2003 UK annual reviews, we report that firms’ have a minimal understanding of disability, that disability is not a significant component of firms’ personnel policies, that firms lag behind other organizations in their attitudes to disability, and images of disability are wholly absent from firms’ annual reviews. We discuss these findings in the context of prior accounting research which considers gender, race and social class, which is used to develop a research agenda.  相似文献   

In the wake of recent corporate debacles, considerable debate has ensued on the relative merits of rules-based versus judgement-based accounting disclosure. This note contributes to the debate by examining disclosure practices in the UK where a well-established regulatory framework nevertheless upholds the right of corporate managers to exercise discretion.A specific template is developed to examine simultaneously the content of the segment report and the operating and financial review (OFR) to detect disclosure patterns. The findings indicate that companies which provide the fullest and most relevant segment reports provide less voluntary additional disclosure in the OFR than those companies that, superficially, provide less extensive disclosure in their segment reports. It is unclear, therefore, that changes to more rules-based disclosure regimes will automatically lead to an increase in the level of overall disclosure.  相似文献   

This article contains the results of a UK study on the effect of high school accounting on student performance in a first level university accounting course. In addition to replicating previous research, it extends the scope of previous work by examining a wider range of assessments and also investigates the question of numerical ability as an additional differentiating factor in student performance.  相似文献   

Assessment lies at the centre of PhD degree quality standards, with quality assurance relying on independent external examiners. This study investigates the role of the viva and the selection of external examiners from within the accounting and finance discipline across UK institutions. A questionnaire survey and follow-up interviews with academics (299 respondents; 49 interviews) and recent PhD graduates (73 respondents; 18 interviews) were undertaken. Findings identify multiple viva roles including verification; academic career development; and assessment. External examiner selection is outcome-driven, and the independence of examiners is questionable when secured using the social capital existing between an examiner and supervisor. Supervisors and examiners jointly gate-keep the academic community within cliques, although at the viva stage new entrants are rarely excluded. The PhD assessment process offers the opportunity for rogue cliques to develop, driven by favourable outcomes in terms of personal benefits and costs, allowing new entrants of insufficient quality.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on firms’ voluntary compliance with the reporting requirements of the International Accounting Standard (IAS) 1 before the official adoption of IASs. The paper seeks to identify the motives for the voluntary adoption of IAS 1 and investigates the relation to the provision of voluntary accounting disclosures, the increase in equity capital, managers’ remuneration and firms’ stock returns. The study shows that the decision-making process of firms is significantly influenced by the intention to improve key financial measures, such as leverage, profitability and growth. Firms would tend to adopt an accounting policy or regulation when they feel that adoption would favourably impact on their financial situation. For example, the study indicates that firms voluntarily adopted IAS 1 before the official IAS adoption date in order to provide evidence of superior managerial ability and high quality reported accounting information. It is found that firms that perform well are more motivated to voluntarily abide by IAS 1. The study also reports that firms that provide voluntary accounting disclosures and perform increases in their equity capital appear to voluntarily adopt IAS 1. Similar findings are obtained for firms that display higher management remuneration and stock returns.  相似文献   

This paper presents data from a postal survey designed to explore the impact of the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) on academic accounting labour in the UK. The RAE is seen as integral to the growth of managerialism in UK higher education and to the increasing commodification of academic labour. The data indicates that academic accountants are divided in their perceptions of and reactions to the RAE. It is argued that in co-opting peer review for managerial ends, the RAE appeals to traditional academic identities, re-enforcing existing divisions within the academic accounting community and dissipating resistance to its perceived negative effects. The conclusion is that despite a significant degree of hostility to the RAE, UK accountants are themselves in large part responsible for enacting this particular managerial control strategy. In the process, there is a danger that academic accounting knowledge is being distorted, the profession divided and academics disillusioned by its power to direct what “counts" as high status academic research.  相似文献   

While women are hired in equal numbers to men in public accounting, they are not proportionately promoted to partner, reflecting “vertical gender segregation.” This study examines vertical segregation in director positions which are an alternative terminal destination to the partnership. Using a U.S. non-profit setting, our results demonstrate that directors signing single audit reports are more likely to be female after controlling for client and signer characteristics, a clear pattern of gender-based vertical segregation among engagement leaders. This finding provides insights into practices which divert women to lower prestige director positions. In a supplemental test, we also find a fee premium for female partners but a fee discount for female directors, which may lead to gender-bias in compensation. These findings are particularly timely considering the disproportionate effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on women.  相似文献   

Internet financial reporting is now widespread with most medium and large companies in the developed world providing a wide variety of financial data online. However, much of this information mirrors the paper versions of financial reports, often with little attempt to enhance the decision usability of the data, providing a so called ‘first generation’ of online reporting (ICAEW, 2004). eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) has been designed to provide a ‘second generation’ of online reporting, specifically to enhance the usability of the data. Documents rendered in XBRL are digitally-enabled so that it is easier for stakeholders to extract information directly into spreadsheets, or any other XBRL-enabled analysis software, without the need to re-key data thus providing significant improvements in information flows and enhancing inter-company comparability.XBRL consortia have spent more than 15 years promulgating the use of this technology within the business and government communities. However, despite their efforts XBRL has not become widely diffused, there is little stakeholder engagement and very few organisations have voluntarily adopted XBRL in practice.The results of a questionnaire survey in the UK indicate that awareness of XBRL, and second generation reporting more generally, resides in key champions but there is little diffusion outside this narrow set of stakeholders. Regulatory engagement seems to be the only impetus for diffusion and better channels of communication within stakeholder networks, such as between regulators, preparers, users and the XBRL community are needed. This paper suggests that currently the supply-push for XBRL is failing to produce effective use of this technology in the UK. Greater regulatory commitment is now needed to create an impetus for XBRL such as creating tools and making publicly available, accessible, repositories of XBRL data. Unless this happens, diffusion will not occur, and the demand-pull which is now needed will vanish and XBRL will fade and die.  相似文献   

This paper uses the Social Forces Model to investigate the interplay between accounting change, institutional evolution and organizational transformations in UK healthcare delivery since 1800. At the same time, the catalytic role of individuals and events is highlighted. The reflexive organizational-accounting interactions are charted to reveal the changing nature of healthcare provision from communitarianism, through etatism to the (etatist inspired) market-based structure which, in turn, is now giving way to service provision based on local planning. By using a long time span it is possible to identify the modes of accounting which were present during the different phases of the development of healthcare. This analysis contributes to our understanding of the historical interplay of social forces by showing accounting as a technical instrument within an institutional setting, by highlighting the interactive nature of accounting and institutional change, by illuminating the role of individual action and by identifying the role of outside agencies.  相似文献   

In recent years, regulators have exempted an increasing number of companies from the requirement to appoint auditors, yet little is known about the role of the accounting profession in preparing and validating the financial statements of unaudited companies. In this paper, we examine empirically the factors associated with the appointment of reporting accountants. We then provide novel evidence on whether unaudited UK small private companies are less likely to restate their annual accounts when they have been prepared by an external accountancy firm (i.e., a reporting accountant). Based on a cross sectional analysis of a large sample of small private unaudited UK companies, we find that, in accordance with the ‘confirmation hypothesis’, larger companies that voluntarily disclose more financial information are more likely to appoint a reporting accountant. We also find that the accounts of companies with a reporting accountant are significantly less likely to be restated than those without. This result is more pronounced for companies disclosing more financial information and for those employing a larger accounting firm. Given the dwindling number of private companies opting for audits, our findings contribute to debates on the role of the accounting profession in enhancing private company financial reporting quality.  相似文献   

This paper provides an insight into the nature and the extent of social accounting research being undertaken within Australasia. It demonstrates that Australasian researchers account for a significant amount of internationally published social accounting research, but emphasises that the research effort seems to be confined to a limited number of researchers perhaps reflecting a lack of ‘take-up’ in this area in terms of the scale of participation. Information is also presented about the relative propensity of journals within the sample to publish social accounting research, and identifies that ‘top tier’ accounting journals historically have not published social accounting research. The paper also considers various factors which seem to be impeding the ‘recruitment’ of new social accounting researchers.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationships among the cultural characteristics of Indonesian society, reporting practices of Indonesian firms, and accounting standards promulgated by the Association of Indonesian Accountants. It is argued that an empirical relation exists between the change in cultural values, as conceived by Hofstede's theory of the five dimensions of cultural values (power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, masculinity, and time horizon and the change in accounting values as captures by Gray's four dimensions (professionalism, conservatism, secrecy, and uniformity). Using LISREL to evaluate data between 1981 and 1992, three of Hofstede's five cultural values (power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and individualism) have significant relationships with one or more accounting value. This limited confirmation of the culture-accounting relationships suggest that particular historical and economic configurations must be considered in longitudinal analysis. The conflicting influences of extensive government involvement in the economy and nascent market competition are a possible explanation of the Indonesian results.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a postal survey designed to examine the teaching of taxation in UK universities. The project looks at taxation in undergraduate accounting degree programmes and adopts an objective centred focus. The principal aim of the survey was to examine the relationships between some characteristics of individual tax courses, including the course objectives and coverage, staffing, teaching and assessment methods, in an attempt to draw some conclusions on the nature of tax education in UK accounting degrees. The results of the survey and consequent analysis may provide taxation and accounting educators, professional bodies and researchers into accounting education with an insight into approaches to, and methods used in, taxation teaching. It may also present a framework for comparative international research in tax education.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are to compare the results of two alternative methods of eliciting meta programmes, the Motivation Profile Questionnaire (MPQ) and the Language and Behaviour (LAB) Profile semistructured interview, and to identify whether accounting educators exhibit any dominant meta programmes. An individual trained to use the LAB Profile interviewed a sample of 14 accounting educators who then completed the MPQ. The results of the MPQ and the LAB Profile identified three common patterns, indicating a good degree of correlation between the two methods. Identification of the key meta programmes of the accounting educators may have benefits in their teaching and is the precursor to a larger study of the meta programmes of accounting undergraduates, which can now be undertaken in a cost effective way using the MPQ.  相似文献   

The demise of the classical programme of financial accounting research is generally represented as a progressive development. This paper argues that the academy's abandonment of classical methods was justified neither by the fruitfulness of post‐classical programmes nor by their incontestable epistemological superiority. Rather, what occurred was a turn to mainstream social science, reflecting sociological characteristics of the UK financial accounting research community. The paper concludes with a call for a revival of the classical programme.  相似文献   

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