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张方圆 《商场现代化》2004,(22):110-111
仲裁协议一旦成立,就能产生阻止当事人向法院提起诉讼寻求救济的法律后果.因此将仲裁协议以适当的形式记载下来至关重要.仲裁协议的书面形式以及如何界定"书面"(是否需双方当事人签字)影响了仲裁条款的有效性.本文将对提单仲裁条款的有效性及在实践中出现的问题和解决办法一一加以讨论.  相似文献   

仲裁协议一旦成立,就能产生阻止当事人向法院提起诉讼寻求救济的法律后果。因此将仲裁协议以适当的形式记载下来至关重要。仲裁协议的书面形式以及如何界定“书面”(是否需双方当事人签字)影响了仲裁条款的有效性。本文将对提单仲裁条款的有效性及在实践中出现的问题和解决办法一一加以讨论。  相似文献   

仲裁条款对提单受让人的法律效力问题一直备受争议,长期以来都未有定论。提单转让的单方性,阻碍了提单仲裁条款根据传统的当事人意思自治原则取得法律效力。随着现代仲裁法学的不断发展,新的仲裁协议效力扩张理论为该问题的解决,提供了新的法理基础。根据该理论,提单受让人同意仲裁的,仲裁条款对其产生法律效力;提单受让人不同意仲裁的,仲裁条款对其不产生法律效力;而承运人却始终受到仲裁条款的约束,无权拒绝仲裁。  相似文献   

在合同双方发生争议的时候,通常通过三种途径即调解、仲裁及诉讼解决争端。仲裁作为介于调解与诉讼两之间的争端解决方式,既可以排除法律的强制性,又具有法律的强制性,仲裁裁决对双方具有最终的法律效力。然而仲裁条款的效力只是限于与合同权利和义务有关的违约行为。对于超出违约行为的一方行为如欺诈行为,仲裁条款对双方的约束力决定了它不  相似文献   

陈超 《商》2013,(3):146-146
在当主合同发生转让后,仲裁条款是否能随之自动转移通过法理分析可知仲裁协议位阶高于主合同,主合同对仲裁协议没有独立性。主合同发生转让时,主合同的权利义务也不能摆脱仲裁条款的约束。仲裁条款的效力不因主合同发生转让而受影响,当事人不能因主合同转让而否认仲裁条款的约束力。  相似文献   

仲裁条款是否随合同转让而自动转让?依据仲裁协议独立性原则,受让方是否必须就仲裁条款转让作出单独的意思表示?本文比较了国内外仲裁实践和司法实践,基于合理利益分析,认为在合同转让的情况下,除非当事人作出明确的相反意思表示,仲裁条款应自动转让。  相似文献   

方圆仲裁员: 您好!我是一家德国公司在上海新设立的独资企业的法务主管,对于仲裁这种不同于法院诉讼的争议解决方式很感兴趣,因而想在我们公司的相关合同模本中载八仲裁条款。不过,我对于仲裁裁决的执行了解甚少、可否请您介绍一些有关仲裁裁决执行的现状和需要注意的问题?  相似文献   

方圆 《国际市场》2007,(7):72-72
方圆仲裁员: 我是一个中国公民,我与美国A公司于今年签订了一份销售代理协议,约定由我代理该公司在中国境内销售他们的产品。我按协议约定支付了保证金,做了大量前期准备工作,并为该公司销售了一定数量的产品。但该公司至今未支付相应代理费用,而且还通知我终止合作关系。我欲依据协议中的仲裁条款向中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(CIETAC、贸仲)上海分会提起仲裁,  相似文献   

<正>(上接2011年2月上旬刊第128页)二、争议解决方式的选择(续)3.仲裁条款达成仲裁协议,是启动仲裁程序的前提。我国《仲裁法》第4条规定:"没有仲裁协议,一方申请仲裁的,仲裁委员会不予受理。"  相似文献   

垄断争议的本质是由于垄断行为引发的侵权纠纷,在一些以合同为基础的垄断争议中,存在有效的仲裁条款,因此具有提交通过仲裁解决的可能。然而,《反垄断法》的实施因其具有公共利益的属性,传统观点认为垄断争议应当属于法院专属管辖,不适合仲裁解决。为了保护私人利益和促进国际商事交往,欧盟和美国对垄断争议可仲裁态度逐渐开放。我国司法部门长期以来认为垄断纠纷涉及消费者利益和社会公共利益,因此不适合仲裁,但这一观点在具体个案中受到挑战。随着《反垄断民事诉讼解释(征求意见稿)》的出台,法院对存在仲裁协议的垄断争议案件单独享有管辖权,在一定程度上解决了实践中仲裁与诉讼的冲突问题,但仍然存在着没有准确规定仲裁的可仲裁性以及裁判形式有违法理、立案标准过低等问题,需要在实践中加以完善。  相似文献   

Revenue-sharing contracts have been heavily researched and promoted in the academic literature. However, despite some well-documented examples (e.g., the way Blockbuster and film studios were able to increase availability of the latest video releases in rental shops through a revenue-sharing contract), they seem to be much less prevalent in practice. A possible reason for this gap between theory and practice is that most academic research has focused on two-party contracts involving only one buyer and one supplier, while in reality, most supply chains consist of multiple stages. When there are several stages in the chain—as is the case for many extended, global supply chains—the traditional revenue-sharing contract is no longer optimal for the two contracting parties, as every other participant in the chain is able to leverage the revenue-sharing contract to its own advantage. Put another way, a revenue-sharing contract between only two parties is not incentive-compatible across all participants. Accordingly, we suggest that a revenue-sharing contract should involve all the supply chain partners, and propose a spanning revenue-sharing contract that accomplishes coordination and incentive-compatibility across the same.  相似文献   

网上购物格式条款的问题与探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘期安 《商业研究》2008,(5):127-131
网络环境的数字化、无纸化、技术性和高效率等特征,使网上购物和传统现实购物不尽相同,所以格式条款理论在网上购物应用过程中必然面临。在网上购物的虚拟环境下,如何订立有效的购物格式条款等许多新问题的挑战。为此有必要系统剖析这些问题,并在采用比较法的论证过程中,逐步提出建立信息披露制度、撤销权制度、异常条款制度和电子错误的责任承担等解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

物流运输市场合同的道德风险及防范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邵广利 《商业研究》2006,(14):156-158
在物流运输市场上,托运人与承运人之间要签订运输合同,由于双方掌握的信息多少不同,某一方可能利用信息优势进行欺诈,即道德风险,这主要体现在运输合同的签订与执行上。合同中的某一方利用对方的粗心实施了欺诈。如何应对种种道德风险,是物流运输市场应亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

徐建新  李林 《商业研究》2001,(11):162-163
合约制造逐渐成为一种外部采购的重要模式。以Cisco为例,分析了合约制造的特征,采取合约制造时宜注意的问题以及如何规避合约制造时的风险。  相似文献   

At the beginning of February the Hamburg shipyard, Blohm & Voss, introduced the public to a new technical concept which may mean a revolution in shipbuilding: the “Pioneer”-multi-carrier. This design is composed of prefabricated elements. It is based on the mechanical assembly technique and more than one hundred variations are available. INTERECONOMICS asked two representatives of this shipyard about the economic advantages of this new system and what effects it will have upon the shipbuilding industry.  相似文献   

We consider the endogenous selection of strategic contracts in an asymmetric duopoly with substitutable goods. the duopoly comprises a typical managerial firm with a sales delegation and a socially responsible firm (CSR firm) with a linear combination of social welfare and quantity as its managerial delegation contract. In particular, we examine how the equilibrium market structure changes from the case wthere both firms adopt sales delegation contracts to the case wthere one of the firms becomes a CSR firm, after the owners of the firms select their strategic contracts. We show that two market structures that are asymmetric with respect to their strategic contracts can become equilibrium market structures under the pure strategic contract class. Furthermore, we consider a unique mixed strategy equilibrium to examine how the risk domination between the two asymmetric equilibrium market structures affects equilibrium selection. there, we find that the competition wthere the firm with the sales delegation and the CSR firm have a price contract and a quantity contract, respectively, risk-dominates the competition wthere the firms have a quantity contract and a price contract, respectively. Finally, by deriving the order of social welfare among the four subgames, we show that the social incentive does not coincide with the private incentive in the robust equilibrium with respect to risk domination in the endogenous selection game of the strategic contracts of the asymmetric duopoly with the firm with a sales delegation and the CSR firm.  相似文献   

Global society issues are putting increasing pressure on both small and large organizations to communicate ethically at all levels. Achieving this requires social skills beyond the choice of language or vocabulary and relies above all on individual social responsibility. Arguments from social contract philosophy and speech act theory lead to consider a communication contract that identifies the necessary individual skills for ethical communication on the basis of a limited number of explicit clauses. These latter are pragmatically binding for all partners involved and help to ensure that the ground rules of cooperative communication are observed within a group or an organization. Beyond promoting ethical communication, the communication contract clarifies how individual discursive behaviour can be constructively and ethically monitored by group leaders in business meetings. A case study which shows what may happen when ground clauses of ethical communication are violated is presented. The conclusions of the study highlights why attempting to respect the communication contract is in the best interest of all partners at all levels within any group or organization.  相似文献   

在国际货物买卖实践中,当买方违约,卖方解除合同或宣告合同无效的情事时有发生。《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》为解决"自动解除合同"制度下合同解除后合同效力状态的不确定性等问题,设立了"宣告合同无效"的制度。然而,该制度尚不能完全解决合同无效的宣告是否满足合同解除条件的问题,实践中,错误宣告合同无效、非法解除合同现象仍然存在。据此,本文从学理研究和判解研究着手,研习《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》下宣告合同无效制度的价值所在,探讨《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》第64条在司法实践中的运用,并阐释卖方宣告合同无效与买方违约补救的关系,从而进一步廓清《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》"宣告合同无效"制度的价值取向和运用规则,以表一管之见。  相似文献   

文章以日本家电业的流通渠道演化为案例,对渠道主体间纵向、横向双维度竞合关系的内在作用机制及外部因素的影响途径进行考察。渠道纵向关系变化的核心在于交易契约,上下游主体基于契约形成合作关系,而违反或重订契约时则会出现渠道冲突;横向的竞争结构可以影响双方动态博弈中行为选择的成本与收益,因而成为了纵向关系改变的直接原因;生产技术、消费环境等外部因素会通过改变横向关系来推动渠道演变,也可以发挥促进交易关系转变的作用。基于上述机制,以反垄断干预为代表的竞争政策可以从纵向、横向两个方面来影响渠道演变,推动流通环节的合理化进程。  相似文献   

This article investigates conceptual and strategic relationships between corporate identity, organizational identity and ethics, utilizing the Benetton Corporation as an illustrative case study. Although much attention has been given to visual aspects of Benetton's renowned ethical brand building efforts, few studies have looked at how Benetton's employees, retail environments and trade events express ethical aspects of their well-known corporate identity. A multi-method case study, including interviews at retail outlets and trade events, sheds light on several important yet under-studied components of corporate identity, including stakeholders such as retail managers and contract employees. Analysis of Benetton's operations revealed disconnection and inconsistency, as well as a failure to communicate ethical values and socially responsible attributes throughout organizational identity. Operational identity emerged as a useful complement to models of corporate identity. We demonstrate the way in which organizations may fail to capitalize on positive aspects of their organizational identity by neglecting their operational identity.  相似文献   

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