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鼓励女性参与经济建设,是日本新增长战略的核心支柱之一。没有"女性经济学"就没有"安倍经济学",这已成为安倍政权的政策共识。少子高龄化、女性就业环境、企业雇佣制度和经济结构转型等,是安倍推行"女性经济学"的政策基础和社会基础。女性劳动力"量"的增加和女性人才"质"的提高,是其根本目标。解决儿童入托、扩大社会支援、增加女性管理层比重,是其主要的措施。"女性经济学"对"安倍经济学"相关政策的顺利实施具有较为重要的作用;对于短期日本经济的复兴和增长,效果相对有限;对于长期的日本振兴以及日本发展模式的转型,有着一定的积极意义。这种结果,是由女性在日本社会文化和经济文化中的位置和角色所决定的。  相似文献   

平成萧条期以来接连攀升的失业率打破了日本长期保持的“稳定雇佣神活”,终身雇佣制和年功序列制作为日本式经营的“三大法宝”中的两个,都开始发生了微妙而深刻的变化。这与IT革命的进展不无关系,本文探讨了IT革命对日本就业数量和结构的影响方式及途径,在此基础上论述了日本未来就业变化的6大趋势及其产生的经济与社会影响。  相似文献   

<正> 战后以来,具有日本特色的终身雇佣制度对于日本的经济高速发展和长期以来保持较高的就业率起到了很大的作用。但随着世界经济的发展和由此带来的对日本经济的发展的影响,这一制度发生了动摇。 一、就业状况 1.日本长期以来形成的“终身雇佣”的惯例,即中小企业主要从应届毕业生中招收员工,一经企业  相似文献   

60年代初期开始,日本经济进入高度发展时期,技术人才及普通劳动力的缺乏逐渐成为社会问题,同时,一些工厂主非法雇佣劳工,造成了日本在签证、居留、就业上的混乱。显然,以往的法律条文已不适应社会形势的发展,为此,针对外国人入境、侨居目的的多样化,日本政府制定了新的入境管理法,并从1990年6月1日起开始实行。  相似文献   

终身雇佣制度与年功序列工资制、企业工会制共同构成日本经营方式的“三大法宝”。无论对战前日本资本主义经济的发展,还是对战后日本经济的高速增长都起了一定的作用。但是,随着日本社会经济条件的变化,终身雇佣制的实行正面临着一系列难于解决的问题。因此,如何评价终身雇佣制就成为目前日本国内及外国经济学家和企业家们研究的一个课题。本文拟就日本终身雇佣制的几个问题进行初步分析。  相似文献   

日本的企业改革与终身雇佣制的新动向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
终身雇佣制曾经作为日本型企业管理模式的主要特征之一,备受赞赏。但近年来对于这一雇佣制度的评价出现逆转,终身雇佣制过时论盛行。从理论上讲,终身雇佣制是支撑日本企业竞争能力的一个重要因素,日本企业不会简单抛弃;从日本企业改革的实践来看,许多企业开始减少固定工的数量,但企业对于主要的技术人员、管理人员和技术工人仍然坚持适用终身雇佣制度。日本企业正在通过改革增加雇佣制度的柔软性和灵活性,但是终身雇佣这一适合日本社会的雇佣制度仍然具有强大生命力。  相似文献   

劳动力供需双方观念的转变以及制度变革使以终身雇佣为特征的日本雇佣体系正在发生质的变化。由于与终身雇佣制相匹配的其他制度的改革滞后,处于弱势地位的非正式员工过多地承担了本应企业、国家和个人共同分摊的改革成本。雇佣形式的多样化引发了相应的社会问题,有可能对日本的生产力造成负面影响。  相似文献   

日本终身雇佣形成的历史背景 从终身雇佣形成历史看,它既是日本经济长期发展的产物,在很长一段时间内又极大推动了日本经济发展。终身雇佣的最初形态为江户时期商家奉公人制度,在明治维新后近代资本主义工矿企业初步发展的背景下,经过甲午战争、日俄战争、两次世界大战,积累了一些基础。  相似文献   

本文分析日本的技术革新对就业产生的影响,并探究其历史的经济根源,在这其中,加入了劳动规制缓和的影响。在技术革新和劳动规制缓和的背景下,正规雇佣减少,非正规雇佣和失业增加,工资受到压抑,技能不足的问题也深刻化,即就业的不安定性明显地扩大。技术革新并不必然会导致不安定就业,其结果与技术革新的动因、企业的对应措施以及产业结构和就业结构的协调调整有关联。  相似文献   

1972年,到日本考察的经济合作与开发组织(OECD)指出终身雇用制、年功序列制以及企业内工会等"三种神器"是日本式经营的三大支柱,也是日本经济发展的关键.由此,终身雇佣制作为日本独特的雇佣制度,逐渐在世界范围内为人所知.该文从日本终身雇佣制度的形成原因、发展过程以及近年来终身雇佣制的衰落等几个方面,来探讨日本终身雇佣制度的利弊以及发展前景.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,日本经济曾陷入长期低迷,广受赞誉的日本企业雇佣管理制度——终身雇佣制也开始受到广泛质疑。面对激变的经营环境,日本企业开始纷纷推出改革举措,其主要特征是:引进绩效主义、彻底改革有日本经营"神器"之称的终身雇佣体制。经营环境决定企业的经营方式,日本企业的此次雇佣体制的制度创新尚处于初始阶段,终身雇佣制的"外壳"仍将继续存在一段时间。  相似文献   

This paper constructs a consistent set of quarterly Japanese data for the 1960–2002 sample period and compares properties of the Japanese and U.S. business cycles. We document some important differences in the adjustment of labor input between the two countries. In Japan most of the adjustment is in hours per worker of males and females and also in employment of females. In the U.S. most of the adjustment is in employment of both males and females. We formulate, estimate, and analyze a model that makes the distinction between the intensive and extensive margin and allows for gender differerences in labor supply. A weak empirical correlation between hours per worker and employment in Japanese data is a puzzle for our theory.  相似文献   

文章通过大量的数据收集,对日本妇女就业概况、劳动条件和再就业现状做了分析,在对处于复杂社会状况的日本妇女进行深刻了解的同时,力图找出其男女间的合理的社会分工和社会作用的不同之处,为今后我国在制定妇女就业,和劳动社会保障法规等一系列行政政策方面起到参考作用.  相似文献   

This study examines employment discrimination by race and gender in 1997–2016 by employing a sample that represents the labour force (excluding informal sector workers, agricultural workers, domestic workers, self-employed and employers) aged between 15 and 65 years. Probit models are conducted to estimate labour force participation, employment and occupational attainment likelihoods. This is followed by the Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition, and the results indicate that the unexplained component of the white–African employment probability gap reveals a downward trend in absolute terms in 2002–2014, but in relative terms it still accounts for about 50% of the gap in 2016. The unexplained component is most dominant in the male–female employment gap decomposition. While these results suggest that employment discrimination (unexplained component) against Africans and females remains serious, the improvement of education and skills level of the workseekers (explained component) from the previously disadvantaged groups remain crucial to improve their employment prospects.  相似文献   

The labor force participation rate of black women has not increased as fast as that of white women in spite of the fact that black females have the characteristics economists have found most encourage participation. Also black women at all socioeconomic levels have more positive attitudes towards labor market activity. The explanation for the failure for their work rates to grow as fast as those of white women appears to be inadequate employment opportunities for black women from lower socioeconomic groups. Education in or of itself, however, is not the solution to the problem because education yields lower returns to black women with limited schooling than is true for comparable whites. Any strategy devised to solve these employment inequities must address the low relative demand for these workers.  相似文献   

We analyse the impact of work-life balance policies enacted by the government of Japan on the share of time allocated by Japanese women to paid employment, home production and leisure on a typical working day. Using panel data and employing fixed effects to control for unobserved individual heterogeneity, we find that these policies have had some success in increasing married women’s share of time spent in paid employment. However, the increase in the share of time spent in paid employment is not largely compensated by cutting down the share of time spent in home production. This necessitates the need to cut down the share of time spent for leisure, implying a “double burden” of work for women. Further, work-life balance policies in married men’s firms do not appear to significantly influence their time allocation between various activities on a typical working day. We find that although work-life balance policies do not appear to influence the desirability of having a child for all women, they help women with children younger than six years raise the share of time spent in paid employment by largely cutting down their time allocation to home production.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,随着社会经济环境的剧烈变化,日本的雇佣体制和劳动力市场发生了很大变化。终身雇佣理念被淡化,企业为了节约劳动成本,大规模缩减正式员工,并积极雇佣临时工。于是劳动力市场上出现了前所未有的多样化和流动化。这对企业来说,增加了雇佣的灵活性,但不利于长期发展;对劳动者来说,扩大了择业范围,但出现了和正式员工之间的待遇差距问题。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the COVID-19 pandemic affected female employment in Japan. Our estimates indicate that the employment rate of married women with children decreased by 3.5 percentage points, while that of those without children decreased by only 0.3 percentage points, implying that increased childcare responsibilities caused a sharp decline in mothers’ employment. Further, mothers who left or lost their jobs appear to have dropped out of the labor force even several months after school reopening. In contrast to women, the employment rate of married men with children was not affected, which hindered progress in narrowing the employment gender gap.  相似文献   

陈君 《新疆财经》2011,(1):27-31
2010年张春贤书记提出当前要重点解决三类群体就业问题:一是零就业家庭就业;二是大学毕业生就业;三是农业富余劳动力转移就业。当前,新疆就业工作产生了新的亮点,但就业形势依然严峻。本文对当前新疆的就业形势进行了分析预测,并提出了一些对策建议。  相似文献   

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