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空调热水器是一种可进行空气调节和提供生活用水的新兴家用集成系统,具有节能、环保、安全的特点,但目前国内乃至国际上尚无完全适用的安全检测标准。为此,国家质检总局于2008年立项,开展对空调热水器安全检测和能效评定方法的研究。该科研项目由湖南检验检疫局及珠海检验检疫局共同承担,并与珠海格力电器股份有限公司合作进行,历时两年得以完成。  相似文献   

据京华时报9月30日报道,从明天起.变频空调、平板电视、洗衣机、空气能热水器和吸油娴机等五类家电.将开始执行新的能效标准。家电业内预估,执行新能效标准之后,空调和洗衣机两个品类的产品受影响最大,产品价格将上涨10%左右。  相似文献   

<正>据京华时报9月30日报道,从明天起,变频空调、平板电视、洗衣机、空气能热水器和吸油烟机等五类家电,将开始执行新的能效标准。家电业内预估,执行新能效标准之后,空调和洗衣机两个品类的产品受影响最大,产品价格将上涨10%左右。根据新标准,空调增加新的一级能效要求,原一级和二级能效的空调将顺次变为二级和三级。而洗衣机原来的一级能效将直接降至五级,原来二级至五级的产品都不能继续销售。北京苏宁相关人士介绍,近段时间,空调和洗衣机厂商都在加大促销力度以清  相似文献   

空调热水器是一种可进行空气调节和提供生活用水的新兴家用集成系统,具有节能、环保、安全的特点,目前国内乃至国际上尚无适用的安全检测标准。本文详细介绍了空调热水器的产业现状、结构对比、相关安全标准描述、代表性样品测试结果与分析、制标建议等,较为全面地阐述了空调热水器的安全检测方法。  相似文献   

为扩大消费需求,提高能源效率,2009年国家实施了“节能产品惠民工程”,即采取财政补贴方式,对能效等级达到1级或2级的空调、冰箱、洗衣机、平板电视、热水器、电机等10类产品进行推广。2009年6月1日,首先启动了空调产品推广工作,实施半年来,政策效应突显,撬动了市场,拉动了需求,促进了转型,提高了能效,取得生产者得市场、消费者得实惠、全社会节能减排的显著效果。  相似文献   

自2009年6月1日采取财政补贴方式推广高效节能空调以来,高效节能空调市场份额快速提高,产品整体能效水平显著上升,对促进节能减排、拉动国内消费、推动产业升级起到了重要作用。为进一步推广使用高效节能空调,扩大节能产品惠民工程成效,与新修订的《房间空气调节器能效限定值及能源效率等级》国家标准(以下简称“新能效标准”)相衔接,  相似文献   

<正> 法律法规家电业今年有新规2004年有关部门将出台以下与家电业有关的新法规、新制度:强制推行空调能效标志认证制。数值为2.6的合格空调能效标准将得到修正、提高;数字电视地面标准有望正式出台;《家用和类似用途电器的杀菌消毒通则》预计在2004年出台;《健康空调国家标准》有可能在春季推出。建行信贷将退出餐饮娱乐业由于餐饮、娱乐行业的信贷资产不良  相似文献   

新能效标准推出,对于美的空调来说,准备的不仅仅是产品,更是整体的转型。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了空调系统能效评价指标。提出了提高整个空调系统的综合能效的措施,供大家参考。  相似文献   

当前,中国制造正面临着严峻的能效考验。一方面,在全球变暖的大环境下,空调、冰箱的大量使用引起了严重的“电荒”,再加上近期不断涌现的水污染事件,导致人们对良好水资源的保护意识逐渐加强。另一方面,世界各国在家电节能与环保方面制定并出台了众多法规,制定家用电器能效标准与标识已成为世界各国政府保护环境、促进节能的一种重要手段,目前全球已有接近40个国家实施了能效标识制度,随着这些标准被周期性地更新,能效指标也被不断提高。  相似文献   

Increasing costs for energy and water influence consumer decision making when purchasing white goods, such as dishwashers. Since the implementation of the European Energy Label, considerable improvements in water and energy consumption of dishwashers has been achieved, and for consumers, efficiency has become one of the main buzzwords when buying any major new household appliance. However, ownership of an efficient dishwasher in itself does not guarantee savings in energy and water during the course of the dishwashing process. Conservation of resources also requires changes in consumer behaviour. This paper provides empirical data on consumers' dishwashing habits in everyday life in four European countries, deals with the influence of their behaviour on the efficiency of the dishwashing process and highlights savings potentials in the usage of dishwashers. It reports on the results of a survey involving a total of 1209 online interviews conducted in winter 2006/2007. The survey data have been analysed to reveal the importance of various product attributes for consumers and show that low water and energy consumption values are the most important consideration for the respondents in terms of their purchasing decision. But this is compromised, at least in part, by less efficient dishwasher use, e.g. in pre‐rinsing dishes before placing them into the dishwasher and in the programme choice. In addition, differences in manual dishwashing practices between households with and without a dishwasher, as well as between countries, will be shown. Finally, conclusions are drawn for greater sustainability in the dishwashing process.  相似文献   

A model of residential demand for the natural gas used in space and water heating is developed. Parameter estimates of thermal efficiency, internal design temperature, furnace efficiency, family, and economic variables are derived for a sample of households defined as “energy conservers” by virtue of having retrofitted their homes. The paper also addresses econometric problems of simultaneity and index bias. Results indicate that, for this sample, residential demand for natural gas is price elastic.  相似文献   

对比分析了垂直轴洗衣机和水平轴洗衣机的洗衣性能和节能节水性能,讨论了美国、欧洲和中国的洗衣机性能和能效标准,并提出了相应的标准优化建议。  相似文献   

我国经济的高速发展过程中,对环境也造成了巨大的压力,而建筑在能源消耗中占据相当大的比例.为此,如何减少能耗、提高源利用效率成为各行各业研究的热点.给排水作为耗能大户-建筑行业的一个重要的分项工程,应该采取各种有效措施降低能耗.本文就建筑给排水工程中的节能技术的运用做简单分析.  相似文献   

The adoption of sustainable laundry technologies by US consumers has lagged behind that of other countries and even behind the projections for adoption made by the US government. Most US household currently own and use the top‐loading vertical axis (v‐axis) agitator type washers, which use large amounts of water as well as additional energy to heat the water. More sustainable laundry practices include the use of energy‐ and water‐efficient front‐loading horizontal‐axis (h‐axis) washers. These washers have been demonstrated to use 38% less water and 58% less energy than the standard top‐loading v‐axis models. The adoption of more energy‐efficient washing technologies is of interest to many, including policy makers, because of their water‐ and energy‐saving potential. Little is known about the attributes and issues consumers use in their decision to adopt high‐efficiency washers for their home. This study uses Roger's Diffusion of Innovations Theory to understand the adoption of h‐axis washers by US consumers. An online survey of 330 consumers who own washing machines found that 23% currently own h‐axis washers and 24% of consumers intend to purchase an h‐axis when they replace their top‐loading vertical (v‐axis) washers. Energy and water savings are the most frequently cited reasons overall for adopting the h‐axis washer and cost was the main reason for not adopting the technology. Other issues, such as dissatisfaction with cleaning power and problems with machine cleanliness and maintenance, did not play a major role in adoption. Specific marketing and education channels, where US consumers are looking for information about h‐axis washers, are also identified. Overall, the results suggest that the rate of h‐axis adoption in the US is accelerating, but that many of the benefits of the technology are not easily observed by non‐owners.  相似文献   

本试验在冬季采用三种不同机型通风机对高大平房仓储粮进行负压通风降温作业,通过试验,总结出一种降低通风能耗、减少粮食水分散失和缓和水分分层现象的通风管理新思路,确保了储粮安全,增加了经济效益.  相似文献   

流水作业法在水利工程建设中可以使资源得到充分利用,使人力使用、物力资源、资金等不必要的损耗减少,从而达到节约能源,降低成本的效果.在保证工程按期优质的交付使用情况下,提高了生产效率和经济效益.本文从水利工程角度出发,阐述了流水作业在水利施工中的应用.  相似文献   

伴随着中国的快速城市化进程,能源消耗总量不断攀升,其中城市能源消耗量占到绝大比重,故科学测算与认清城市能源效率状况,对于制定合理的能源政策具有重要意义。借助多渠道的统计数据和细致的数据预处理,文章在以永续盘存法估算城市资本存量的基础上,借鉴Zhou等(2012)基于Shephard能源距离函数的能源效率定义,将劳动和资本的无效率从生产函数中分离出来,采用随机前沿分析(SFA)测算我国2001-2013年245个地级以上城市的全要素能源效率,并开展四大地区、南方北方、不同规模等级城市全要素能源效率的差异分析。结果显示,地级以上城市能源效率平均水平略高于0.6,能源效率排名前10位城市主要位于东部沿海地区,后10位城市则主要位于西部地区;四大地区、南方北方及不同规模等级城市的能源效率及变动趋势表现出明显差异,总体上都存在较大的节能潜力空间。  相似文献   

节能减排,是海事界多年来追求的目标。近年来,挪威船级社(DNV)联合设计单位、船厂、船东打出一系列船舶节能减排组合拳,在艰难的市场环境中共同创造竞争力。针对新船型设计、燃料电池的应用、燃油效率指南的颁布以及LNG船等话题,记者采访了DNV有关人士及相关合作伙伴。  相似文献   

为了提高大规模多用户多输入多输出(MU-MIMO)下行系统的能效,提出了一种基于发送天线选择技术的能效优化机制。首先建立了同时考虑发送功率与电路功耗的新的系统功耗模型,并基于该模型,分析了基站配置天线数目与所有接收终端用户数目对系统总功耗及能效的影响。然后通过理论推导得到了系统能效最优时的最优天线选择数目,并与使用全部天线时的系统能效进行比较。仿真结果表明,所提出的发送天线选择机制通过优化激活部分基站天线能够明显提高系统能效。在用户数为10、发送功率分别为40 W和10 W时,与使用全部天线相比,天线选择技术能够分别使得系统能效获得大约12%和78%的性能增益。  相似文献   

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