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巴基斯坦独立至今已出现了四次军人政权,从某种意义上讲,军人政权的出现是巴基斯坦国内政治、经济、宗教、文化、社会特殊状况的综合反映,有其鲜明的特点。同时,巴基斯坦军人政权在民主政治的道路上也进行着自己的尝试,取得了一定的成果。目前,巴基斯坦军人政权向民选政府转换过程中,在国内错综复杂的政治、经济、宗教、文化、社会等领域遇到了诸多难解的矛盾与问题,使巴基斯坦的民主政治道路面临着严峻的挑战和考验,但不会阻碍其向民主政治演进的步伐。在国际安全领域,巴基斯坦在国际反恐行动中做出了应有的贡献,对南亚乃至亚洲地区安全产生了积极影响。  相似文献   

巴基斯坦独特的地理环境与气候,使该国拥有很多享誉世界的产品。 就纺织品原料来说,巴基斯坦盛产棉花,其棉花产量在国际上排名第五,外销量排名第二。全球棉纱供应有25%来自巴基斯坦,巴基斯坦棉纱占了几乎全部台湾市场和70%的日本市场。  相似文献   

正4月26日,市政府外事侨务办主任吴康明会见巴基斯坦驻成都总领事穆罕默德·提普。吴康明向提普介绍了重庆市经济社会发展情况和重庆与巴基斯坦的交往情况。他说,巴基斯坦驻成都总领事馆开馆以来,与重庆市政府外事侨务办保持了良好的联系与互动,积极发挥桥梁纽带作用,推动重庆与巴基斯坦各领域的交流与合作。重庆有不少企业前往巴基斯坦考察商机,投资合作,领域包括钢铁、水泥、煤炭、汽摩、光伏、LED等。吴康明邀请巴基斯坦驻成都总领事馆参加重庆渝洽会、智博会等重大国际交流活动。  相似文献   

巴基斯坦地处南亚和西亚之间的枢纽地带,面积80万平方公里,人口约11400万。土地肥沃,劳动力充足,但矿产资源和森林资源严重不足,尤其是煤炭、石油十分短缺。1947年印巴分治时,整个国家经济农业生产占优势,工业基础极为薄弱,特点是工厂少、规模小、资本少、制造  相似文献   

<正>9月25日,中国人民对外友好协会、中国—巴基斯坦友好协会和中国友好和平发展基金会在北京举办“援助‘巴铁’中国民间在行动”——援助巴基斯坦抗洪赈灾捐赠仪式。中国人民对外友好协会会长林松添、中国—巴基斯坦友好协会会长沙祖康、巴基斯坦驻华大使莫因·哈克以及主要捐赠方代表出席并致辞。  相似文献   

巴基斯坦政府十分重视可再生能源的利用与开发,制定了多种优惠政策,鼓励私人投资风电,促进风电产业的发展。尽管巴基斯坦目前还没有成规模的风电场,但其风电政策优惠,电价透明合理,内部收益率高,对独立发电商有较大吸引力。本文介绍了当前巴基斯坦发展风电的现状、政策,其电价政策对我国的风电市场具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

文章基于2003~2015年中巴贸易、投资和援助的时间序列数据,利用广义差最小二乘法实证检验了中巴合作对巴基斯坦经济的影响。结果表明:中国与巴基斯坦的双边贸易和对巴援助显著促进了巴基斯坦的经济增长;而中国对巴基斯坦的投资作用并不明显。  相似文献   

2000年2月,哈萨克斯坦奇姆肯特市将有500人获得在哈萨克斯坦—巴基斯坦联合企业 Fasion Cang 就业的机会。这些工人主要是原"东方"工厂的女裁缝。她们将用巴基斯坦针织面料缝制运动衣。其成品将供给美国和西欧国家的订货商。原奇姆  相似文献   

印度巴基斯坦寻求技术合作与转让项目简介编者按:据联合国工发组织《新闻通讯》1995年5月6日报道,印度、巴基斯坦的有关单位寻求技术合作与转让项目,凡有意者,请按其地址联系。印度:建筑机械希望扩大经营范围的建筑机械制造商、寻求可提供专有技术、技术转让和...  相似文献   

今年,中国与巴基斯坦将迎来中巴建交60周年。去年12月,国务院总理温家宝访问巴基斯坦。在访巴期间与巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼共同宣布2011年为"中巴友好年",双方将为此举办一系列交流活动,包括互设文化中心、加强青年交流等。  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of free trade agreements (FTAs) on tariffs and welfare in vertical trade. We consider a three-country model, where an FTA is formed between a country exporting a final good and a country exporting an intermediate good. The FTA unambiguously leads to a reduction in the member country’s tariff, but may cause the non-member country’s tariff level to increase. In the case, where FTA raises the non-member country’s tariff level, the FTA increases that country’s welfare. In contrast, the FTA may render its member countries better off. This result implies that the formation of an FTA may not always be Pareto-improving.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Handelsliberalisierung in Nordamerika und der intra-industrielle Handel. - Der Verfasser untersucht die Handelsbeziehungen zwischen Mexiko und den Vereinigten Staaten in den 80er Jahren und vergleicht sie mit den Handelsbeziehungen zwischen Kanada und den USA im gleichen Zeitraum. Er stellt fest, da? der intra-industrielle Handel in den Beziehungen zwischen Mexiko und den USA an Bedeutung gewonnen hat, was vermutlich auf die zunehmende Handelsliberalisierung Mexikos zurückzuführen ist. In der Tat waren in den sp?ten 80er Jahren die relativen Niveaus des intra-industriellen Handels ?hnlich hoch, wenn man die bilateralen Handelsstr?me zwischen Mexiko und den USA mit denen zwischen Kanada und den USA vergleicht.
Résumé La libération des échanges nord-américains et les échanges intra-industriels.- Dans cette étude l'auteur examine les tendances du commerce bilatéral entre le Mexique et les Etats Unis pendant les années quatre-vingts. Il les compare aux tendances du commerce bilatéral entre le Canada et les Etats Unis pendant la même période. Il trouve que les échanges intra-industriels sont particulièrement augmenté en ce qui concerne le commerce entre le Mexique et les Etats Unis. Cela montre que la libéralisation commerciale prend place principalement de la part du Mexique. En effet dans les années quatre-vingts, les niveaux relatives des échanges intra-industriels ont été assez similaires si l’on compare les échanges bilatéraux entre le Mexique et les Etats Unis d’une part et le Canada et les Etats Unis d'autre part.

Resumen La liberalizatión del comercio en América del Norte y el comercio intrasectorial. - En este trabajo se examina el perfil del comercio bilateral entre México y los EE UU en los a?os ochenta y se lo compara con el perfil del comercio bilateral entre el Canadá y los EE UU en el mismo período. Se encuentra que la importancia del comercio intrasectorial aumentó en el comercio entre México y los EE UU durante el periodo estudiado, reflejando ante todo avances en la liberalizatión del comercio por parte de México. En efecto, hacia fines de los a?os ochenta, los niveles relativos de comercio intrasectorial eran bastante similares en ambos casos, México-EE UU y Canadá-EE UU.

In this research, we investigate trade costs in relation to China-EU trade in agri-food products during 2001–2015. Major components of trade cost include transportation costs, border-related policy barriers such as tariffs, and local distribution costs. Our results indicate that trade costs between China and EU involving agri-food products, although falling, remain abnormally high. Consequently, we find that trade cost reductions contribute to over half of the overall China-EU trade growth. Our decomposition technique demonstrates that economic growth and trade cost reductions are the key drivers of China-EU trade expansion. Implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) would reduce high trade costs to increase EU-China bilateral agricultural trade significantly. This is not fully captured in the gravity models where a static distance is usually used as a proxy to trade cost. The BRI will not reduce the distance, but it will cut transportation and other components of trade cost for China-EU trade.  相似文献   

Regionalization of trade in East Asia increased in the 1990s, and has been accompanied by a growing number of trade agreements. The wave of trade agreements is in part a response to the need to facilitate trade in order to make regional value chains more profitable. This paper draws on a rich Australian database for the period 1990–2007, which allows us to control for distance and commodity characteristics and to identify cross-country variation in trade costs. The results, indicating the extent to which East Asian countries’ trade costs have fallen over the regionalization period relative to changes in other regions’ trade costs, provide evidence of the existence of effective policy steps to facilitate trade and also that these steps have multilateral as well as bilateral or regional benefits.  相似文献   

Review of World Economics - The intra-continental trade share in Africa is only 12%, compared to 47% in North America, 53% in Asia, and 69% in Europe. This paper shows that the lack of...  相似文献   

李玲 《港口经济》2007,(5):41-42
我国对外贸易已步入贸易摩擦多发期,对此应高度重视、积极应对. 当前我国面临的对外贸易摩擦形势主要有以下几个突出特点:第一,贸易摩擦数量居高不下.以反倾销为例,1995年至2006年,我国连续12年成为全球遭受反倾销调查最多的国家.  相似文献   

Empirical work on intra-industry trade (IIT) is almost 30 years old. Initial research sought to identify if IIT was a significant share of total trade (TT). The Grubel-Lloyd (GL) index was widely used for this purpose. Interest has since shifted to the changing importance of IITover time. Using movements in the GL index to infer the importance of IIT over time is not only vague, but can be misleading. In this article, we measure the contributions of growth in net trade (NT) and IIT to the growth in TT. To understand changes in IIT over time, we also derive the contributions of imports and exports to the growth in TT, NT, and IIT. All our formulas are illustrated with data for 205 Australian manufacturing industries.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the impact of membership in preferential trade agreements (PTAs) on trade between PTA members. Rather than considering the impact of PTA membership on the volume of trade we consider the impact of membership on the structure of trade. For a large sample of countries over the period 1962–2000 we find that membership in a PTA is associated with an increase in the extent of intra-industry trade. Our results indicate that this is especially the case for PTAs formed between richer countries, with the effects of PTAs between poorer countries found to be smaller.  相似文献   

与其它市场交易一样,国际服务贸易的发展要受到交易费用的影响。本文首行分析了这种影响,然后着重论述了影响国际服务贸易交易费用的因素,最后对可能减少国际服务贸易交易费用的因素进行了说明-其中包括GATS对之所作的贡献。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) on bilateral trade using a comprehensive data base of PTAs in force and a detailed matrix of world trade. Total trade between PTA partners is a poor proxy for preferential trade (trade in tariff lines where preferences are likely to matter): while the former was one-third of global trade in 2000–2002, the latter was between one-sixth and one-tenth. Gravity model estimates indicate that using total trade to assess the impacts of PTAs leads to a significant downward bias in the PTA coefficient: the semi-elasticity of trade with respect to PTA membership rises from 87% for total trade to 119% for preferential trade. Product exclusions and long phase-in periods significantly limit preferential trade; the marginal impact of South-South agreements on preferential trade is much higher than North-South PTAs, while the effect of North-North agreements is insignificantly different from zero.  相似文献   

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