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Negotiation Support and E-negotiation Systems: An Overview   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
With negotiation being an often difficult process involving complex problems, computer-based support has been employed in its various phases and tasks. This article provides a historical overview of software used to support negotiations, aid negotiators, and automate one or more negotiation activities. First, it presents several system classifications, including implemented models, system architectures, and configurations of various systems interacting with human negotiators. Then, it focuses on NSSs (negotiation support systems) and related systems introduced in the early 1980s and on ENSs (e-negotiation systems), which are deployed on the web. These broad categories are discussed from four perspectives: real-life applications, systems used in research and training, research results, and research frameworks.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide an overview of E-Alliance, a software infrastructure we are developing to support negotiation activities in concurrent inter-organisational alliances. Our baseline is to offer a collaboration framework which fully preserves the autonomy of organisations grouped in an alliance, while enabling concurrency of their activities, flexibility of their negotiations and dynamic evolution of their environment. We propose to support negotiation between the partners within such alliances by combining different technologies, such as software engineering techniques, middleware-level coordination facilities and multiagent systems support. We present our approach in the context of a sample scenario of an alliance where partners are printshops capable of (out/in) sourcing print jobs among them to better accomplish their customers' requests.  相似文献   

Organizations are increasingly using the business team concept to gain competitive advantage. Collaboration support software is gaining acceptance as a viable tool among both researchers and practitioners, and an opportunity exists to investigate the specific needs of teams: users working in longitudinal time frames on a variety of tasks. In this article, team software requirements are first derived from a theoretical perspective: office automation and task literature are used to identify a set of domain-independent individual tasks. Group process literature is then used to develop a set of collaborative tasks composed of these individual task components. These individual and collaborative tasks are aggregated with team task and communication support requirements to develop requirements for an integrated software environment that effectively supports business teams. Design considerations for a comprehensive team support system are outlined, a prototype implementation is described, and project contributions and key future research considerations are summarized.  相似文献   

We develop the Evolutionary Systems Design (ESD) formal consciousness model for international negotiation extending the usual cognitive rationality of formal models to right rationality validated subjectively by cognition, affection, conation, holistically, and spiritually. Two subjective validation tests for right rationality are described. The purpose is to attain right negotiation agreements in international negotiation. Practice and computer implementation are discussed and applications presented. Though the ESD general formal mathematical model is an evolving difference game, in applying it to specific problems mathematical symbols are not normally used, relations between generally familiar sets of elements being expressed by tables (matrices). We believe that ESD can help close the gap between formal modeling and practice of international negotiation.  相似文献   

Negotiation support is an important challenge for business-to-business e-commerce that is still poorly supported in current information systems. One reason is that negotiation processes are much harder to formalize than the business processes in the fulfilment phase. The goal of this paper is to provide the basis for a formal analysis of different types of electronic negotiations which can help developers of future negotiation support systems. The analysis is performed from a communication perspective, in particular, Habermas' theory of communicative action. Using this perspective, a distinction can be made between norm-oriented, goal-oriented and document-based negotiation. Whereas traditional modeling methods take a data-oriented view, the theory of communicative action supports a communication-oriented view that provides more insight in the logic of negotiation processes. The analysis forms the basis for the negotiation support prototype implemented within the ESPRIT project MeMo (Mediating and Monitoring Electronic Commerce) which was aimed at B2B e-commerce for SMEs in Europe.  相似文献   

Negotiating is one of the four major decisional roles played by managers. In fact, resolving conflict is said to occupy 20% of a manager's working hours. This growing frequency of negotiation scenarios coupled with the increasing complexity of the issues which need to be resolved in a negotiation make the possibility of computer enhancement for negotiation very appealing. Implementations of computerized Negotiation Support Systems (NSS) in the business world, international affairs, labor law, and environmental and safety disputes have demonstrated their potential for making negotiation problems more manageable and comprehensible for negotiators. Still, pioneers in NSS research have expressed their dismay at the lack of rigorous empirical research and evaluation of NSS. In particular, research is needed which will determine how and under what circumstances negotiation processes can be enhanced by NSS support.This article describes empirical research on the effects of a highly structured, interactive NSS on the outcome of face-to-face issues resolution and the attitudes of negotiators in both low- and high-conflict situations. In a laboratory experiment, bargaining dyads played the roles of manufacturers negotiating a four-issue, three-year purchase agreement for an engine subcomponent in conditions of high and low conflict of interest. The results of the study showed that NSS support did help bargainers achieve higher joint outcomes and more balanced contracts, but that the NSS support increased negotiation time. Satisfaction was greater for NSS dyads in both conflict levels, and perceived negative climate was reduced in low conflict.One primary implication of the results of this study is that NSS developers should keep in mind the importance of providing users with a system with interactive qualities which not only enhance the decision-making process but also provide them with a sense of participation in reaching the solution, as was done in this study.  相似文献   

Negotiations research has identified both economic and social-psychological outcomes are important for negotiations. Despite the economic advantages of having multiple issues to negotiate, inconsistencies exist between objective economic outcomes and negotiator satisfaction. Although having more negotiable issues yields better objective payoffs, it can result in more thoughts about different possible outcomes. Such counterfactual thoughts about different outcomes can reduce overall satisfaction due to increased cognitive complexity and thoughts about different outcomes. In this study, we explore how information technology can influence negotiator satisfaction and better manage counterfactual thoughts and post-negotiation satisfaction. Results support the prediction that having a computer aid to better manage cognitively complex issues, even a relatively simple one, reduces participants’ counterfactual thoughts about better possible outcomes. As a result, the use of some type of technology—even a simple technology such as a spreadsheet—may improve overall negotiator satisfaction, while maintaining desirable economic outcomes.  相似文献   

OMNI-实现空间通信系统标准化的新思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界500强跨国公司具有显著技术优势,500强企业的战略调整有利于我国利用大型跨国公司投资促进技术进步。吸收500强跨国公司投资是我国促进技术进步和产业升级的重要措施。但是吸收大型跨国公司投资既有促进技术进步的作用,又有技术垄断的负面影响。吸收大型跨国公司的竞争性投资有利于营造竞争环境,打破技术垄断,并将我国国内产业竞争推进到国际竞争的前沿。  相似文献   

我国中小软件企业竞争力的影响因素及提高途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软件产业是信息产业的核心和灵魂,是决定21世纪国际竞争力的战略性先导产业。面对经济全球化和全球信息化的形势,如何把我国软件产业做强、做大,是当前软件产业亟待解决的重大课题。软件企业竞争力的强弱决定着我国软件产业的发展,而我国百分之九十以上的软件企业是中小企业。这些企业规模小、缺乏人才与技术、竞争力弱。所以必须分析影响我国中小软件企业竞争力的主要因素,从而找出提高其竞争力的途径。  相似文献   

Blind  Knut  Edler  Jakob 《NETNOMICS》2003,5(1):71-96
In Europe, the future patenting of software-related inventions has been the subject of intensive discussions for some time, since there exists a strong dispute between the supporters of the U.S. practice of allowing patents in order to increase Europe's competitiveness and the opponents postulating negative impacts of patents on the software development process. This paper presents empirical results about the idiosyncrasies of the software development process and tests hypotheses on their impact on the likelihood of patents being obstacles for software dvelopment. The paper concludes with the identification of determinants for preferences concerning different possible patent regimes in the future.  相似文献   


Case studies are an important component of International Business (IB) courses. However, in-class discussion of case studies suffers from temporal and spatial limitations and, frequently, the limitation of being confined to a single cultural perspective. The development of new forms of Computer-Mediated Communication (such as email, chat rooms, threaded computer conferences, etc.) offers new possibilities to overcome these constraints. Synchronous (same-time) communication via chat rooms or desktop video-conferences may include participants from remote locations who otherwise would be unable to attend class sessions. Non-simultaneous (asynchronous) communication via e-mail and/or threaded discussion conferences can complement traditional in-class discussions and extend the learning environment beyond the assigned classroom meeting times. These new communication possibilities can enable instructors and students from different countries and zones to participate in case discussions and to enrich the cultural dimension of such discussions. This paper presents a framework to classify the different strategies for improving case study discussion with the use of Computer-Mediated Communications and enriching such discussions with the integration of different cultural perspectives.  相似文献   

新创型企业的软件开发必须要加强人力资源管理,加强企业培养,严格外部招聘,快速进行产品开发过程的标准化,建立完善、可靠、保密的研发支持环境,并使部门的管理成为企业腾飞的助推器。但由于新创企业的资本、经验方面的限制,在管理中无法做到面面俱到,同时由于CMM自身的特点,为适应新创企业的要求,需要对CMM(CapabilityMaturityModel,即能力成熟度模型)进行一定的提炼精简。因此,在CMM基础上针对关键点的管理.更适合新创型企业的需要。  相似文献   

重塑县域金融体系的途径分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
县域金融体系中国有商业银行发展重心向城市转移,政策性金融职能弱化,其他地方性的中小金融机构尚未进入县域市场,农村信用社由于难以独立承担起支持县域经济发展的重任,影响了金融对县域经济发展的支持。重塑县域金融体系要从明确和强化政策性金融对县域经济的支持作用,建立适应县域经济发展的商业银行经营管理体,增强农村信用社的实力,发展多样化的县域金融机构入手。  相似文献   

During an action research study a collaborative business engineering approach was developed, applied, and evaluated. Key characteristic of the approach is its focus on the participative design of organizational processes and supporting information systems. Following the approach, various design activities are carried out in close cooperation with groups of stakeholders supported by a Group Support System (GSS). This paper describes and reflects on the execution of these collaborative design activities in a police organization. Lessons learned with respect to GSS and collaborative design are formulated. Key insights illustrate the stakeholders' perception of the group technology and the way in which it facilitated an efficient design process.  相似文献   

建立我国市场经济活动中的诚信机制是保证当前市场经济正常运行的重要条件。文章指出,要建立我国市场经济中的诚信机制,必须完善市场经济活动中的政策法规,使没有诚信的经销商和企业无立足之地;规范地方行政执法部门的行为准则,以保证法律法规得以严格执行;建立新的地方政府政绩评价体系,纠正当前地方政府政绩评价体系中存在的严重偏差,防止“地方保护主义”的出现;树立有中国特色的社会诚信意识,促进地区和企业的经济增长。  相似文献   

CIFTIS(the China International Fair for Trade in Services)was held in Beijing in September,2020.As the world’s first comprehensive exhibition of trade in services,CIFTIS has built a bridge of mutual communication and a transaction platform for tens of thousands of enterprises across the world.CIFTIS was also the first international trade and economic event held offline by China since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic.The event focused on the theme“global services and shared prosperity”and exhibited the achievements of China’s trade in services.The Chinese government has used its practical actions to deepen international cooperation,stimulate the world’s economic development and promote global trade development.  相似文献   

Researchers believe that personality affects both the negotiation process and outcomes, but have yet to provide reliable evidence. Using a culturally balanced personality scale SAPPS, we explore the impact of personality on negotiation within a collectivist context–China. Hypothesized relationships based on a buyer/seller model are supported that assertive negotiators are more likely to behave competitively, which leads to better economic outcomes, and open-minded negotiators are more likely to use an integrative approach, which leads to higher satisfaction. This result, similar to those obtained in North America, suggests a universal model of negotiation might exist. Our study also indicates, however, that personality only accounts for a small portion of variance in negotiation behaviors. More research from other perspectives is needed for further exploration.  相似文献   

This is the first of two parts that examine the issue of group development and its impact on the study design of group support systems (GSS). We review the various models of group development, analyze the sources of differences among these models, and synthesize common themes across various models. The paper concludes with a meta-framework for understanding group development; this framework highlights the two areas of focus that have dominated group development research in the past: group processes and outcomes. The second paper will build on the ideas developed here and discuss the implications of group development for GSS research.Previous research on group behavior suggests that groups change over time; patterns of change, referred to as group development models, have been an important area of study for the past four decades. For the first three of these decades, unitary models of group development were very popular; that is, the notion that all groups go through a certain series of predefined stages. In the last decade, however, researchers have cast doubt on such unitary models of group development. Nonsequential models that recognize the uniqueness of each group (and consequently reject the idea of a single, predetermined series of stages) have become increasingly popular. This paper examines the implications of these issues for researchers and managers of groups. It also attempts to serve as the foundation for the propositions developed in the next paper, in which the relevance of group development for GSS research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The article reports findings of a study conducted to explore the cognitive moral logics used for considering software piracy as ethical or unethical. Since the objective was to elicit the moral logics from the respondents, semi-structured in-depth interviews of 38 software professionals of India were conducted. The content of the interviews was analyzed using the grounded theory framework which does not begin with constructs and their interlinkages and then seek proof instead it begins with an area of study and allows them to emerge from that area of study. Given the objective of exploring moral logics, grounded theory seemed an appropriate choice. Results revealed that 21 respondents considered software piracy unethical whereas 17 did not. Though economic reasons formed the most fundamental logic in both the cases, an overall analysis revealed that the respondents mostly used moral justification (neutralization) for not considering software piracy unethical whereas those considering it unethical used normative (principled) logics. The interconnections among logics are analyzed and results are discussed along with the limitations of the study.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate ways in which ordinary Japanese people negotiate in a multi-party meeting. We initially gave such a way of negotiation the tentative name of “naïve negotiation”. The analysis of the conversational data reveals three structural features of naïve negotiation: (1) at the utterance level, the participants tend to claim their opinions without providing any overt grounds, (2) at the local consensus-building level, they tend to jump to conclusions without the full examination of proposed hypotheses, (3) at the final consensus-making level, there tends to be disjunctions between discussion units. Although these features are not necessarily seen as irrational or illogical, a naïve-negotiation style can still be a trouble-source in achieving successful consensus-making. This leads us to emphasize the necessity of developing a support system for the discussants.  相似文献   

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