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Using the latest wave of the Canadian Ethnic Diversity Survey, I investigate whether religious identity and religious intensity associate with the degree to which people trust others, controlling for a wide range of characteristics. The analysis shows that Canadian Roman Catholics are appreciably less trusting than mainline Protestants, and religious nones are situated in between these two groups. With regard to religious intensity, I find that higher commitment negatively correlates with trust in unknown others for Roman Catholics. The reverse is true for Protestants. Results also show stark cross-denominational variations within Protestantism, as two highly committed denominations of Mennonite and Pentecostal are found to be the most and the least trusting religious groups in Canada. No non-Christian religious minority is found statistically significantly less trusting than Canadian Roman Catholics. Considering particularized trust in one’s neighbours and co-workers yields comparable conclusions.  相似文献   

我国在测算公众科学素养时一直沿用国际通用的测算方法,即从3个维度测定达标率,3个维度都达标的被测试者才认为具备基本公众科学素养。该测算方法在我国的应用存在一定局限性:①科学素养水平层次划分不够细致,提供信息太少。②测算方法缺乏内在的灵活性。从弥补现有方法缺陷出发,提出了新的测算方法,其特点体现在:①将科学素养的测算比例改为科学素养综合得分,综合得分提取了被调查者在问卷中体现的所有信息;②为克服原有测算方法层次划分过于绝对与单调的缺陷,新的测算方法将科学素养水平划分为4个不同的层次,即不具备科学素养、初步具备科学素养、基本具备科学素养、完全具备科学素养4个层次;③区分不同题目的难易程度。  相似文献   

The effects of the Canadian disability insurance program on the labor force participation of older men are studied using pooled cross-sectional time series data from ten Canadian provinces.  相似文献   

美国进步时代改革是在美国社会急剧转型的背景下,由公民和政府相互合作、相互建构而生成的一场社会系统性改革运动,是人类现代性进程中的一个缩影。在这一过程中,进步是持续性的精神向导,自由是变化中的行动指南,民主是其根本的内在逻辑。文章旨在对美国进步时代改革的内在逻辑进行梳理,并探讨这一时期的美国在新民主理念下倡导公民教育的主张与实践,冀期于对我国当前的社会转型和治理变迁提供启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

Most farms are family business, both in developed and developing countries. Labour allocation choices of farm household members are therefore relevant both for production choices in the farm and for rural labour markets. In particular, off-farm work and combination of on- and off-farm work (pluriactivity) are viewed as an efficient allocation of household labour resources. Moreover, labour choice of the children of the farm household is relevant for farm succession. In this article, we extend previous literature by estimating in an unified framework labour participation choices both for on- and off-farm work for operators, spouses and their eldest children in working age, using a five equation multivariate probit.  相似文献   

网络政治参与是信息时代出现的一种新的政治参与方式,正在成为政治参与主体行使民主权力、促进政治发展和政治文明建设的重要组成部分。但网络政治参与中存在一些问题严重阻碍了我国民主政治建设的进程。主要从这些问题出发,通过对问题的成因进行研究,有对应性地提出解决的方法,对于促进网络政治参与的健康发展,建设社会主义民主政治建设具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

公民参与在公共政策的整个运行过程中,充分保障广大人民群众的主人翁地位,真正贯彻公共政策的民主化原则,制定出科学、合理、公正的公共政策,以实现公共政策的有效性中的意义是极其重大而深远的。公民参与也是民主程序的核心概念,“真正的民主,需要通过‘公民不断的参与’,方能领略什么是民主,在心理上融会和建立民主作风,在行为上获取民主办事的技巧和方法,这样才可以保证社会运作是真正由人民主宰。”  相似文献   

Recently public participation in forestry has been seriously considered in Turkey. Participation is however quite a challenge for a country with a long tradition of top-down management and a strong bottom-up dependence on public provisioning. In such a setting, it may not be surprising that the experiences with public participation in forestry in Turkey are mixed. There are some positive initiatives like the creation of farmer's cooperatives and NGOs, but their role is quite limited and small of scale. This paper is bringing together different views based on existing studies in Turkish related to Turkey's experience with implementing public participation in forestry.  相似文献   

Using information about household consumption data from TURKSTAT's Household Surveys for 2007–13 as a sign of religious unorthodoxy, this study explores the effect of religion on women's labor force and educational participation in a Muslim-majority country, Turkey. A household is categorized as “unorthodox” if its members report that they consume goods that contradict conservative Sunni practices, such as alcohol. This information is then used in female labor force participation estimations. Results show that living in an unorthodox household has a positive and highly significant effect on the probability of married women's labor market participation. For single women, the estimations provide weaker evidence regarding the positive effect of unorthodoxy on the probability of participation in education and the labor force. The study concludes that protection of the rights to follow unorthodox practices in society may bear positive implications with regard to women's agency.  相似文献   

This paper considers the role of service customers in those service encounters where the customer participates in the service production and delivery process, and the customer factors, motivations and incentive mechanism to participate in service delivery are analyzed. This study explores the relationship between service quality and service customer participation in the service encounter and the effect of customer participation on service providers' job stress. Finally, the management implications about customer participation in the service encounter from the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between the unemployment rate and the labour force participation rate in Spain. Cointegration analysis is performed for aggregate, male and female time-series. Results suggest that there is no a long-run relationship between the two variables for the aggregate and male cases. However, the findings support a long-run relationship between the two variables for the female time-series. Thus, the unemployment invariance hypothesis is supported in the two former cases but not in the latter.  相似文献   

Using six cycles of Canada’s longitudinal National Population Health Survey data (2000–2001 to 2010–2011), this article examines the relationship between job insecurity and mental health. Job insecurity is evaluated in both subjective (perception of job insecurity) and objective (probability of joblessness) terms while mental health is measured using a standardized psychological distress index. Applying a person-specific fixed-effects estimator, results indicate that for males and females age 25–64, job insecurity, regardless of how it is measured, is associated with an increase in psychological distress. Results regarding unemployment are not as conclusive, suggesting that it is not so much the actual occurrence of job loss but the threat of unemployment that is associated with higher psychological distress. Estimates of the relationship between job insecurity and psychological distress using pooled ordinary least squares are much larger, implying that much of the psychological distress/job insecurity correlation may be due to unobservable fixed characteristics. All results are robust to the inclusion and exclusion of a host of other potential determinants including income-related variables, education, and various health measures.  相似文献   

R. Collet 《Applied economics》2016,48(30):2807-2821
This article formulates and estimates a structural intertemporal model of labour force participation. Relying on theoretical characterizations derived from an economic model of lifetime behaviour, we estimate a dynamic probit model with correlated random effects using longitudinal data to allow for a dynamic structure. The model is applied to a panel of married women drawn from the 1997–2002 French Labour Force surveys in order to represent their participation behaviour. It is estimated by maximum simulated likelihood. Our results show that women’s decisions to go out to work are characterized by significant state dependence, unobserved heterogeneity and negative serial correlation in the transitory error component. In addition, we find that the presence of young children in a woman’s household reduces her labour participation, but unequally according to their age and number. As expected, educational level has a positive impact on women’s participation. Last, a rise in the husband’s wage is found to raise female participation initially and to lower it subsequently. This empirical finding suggests that leisure may not systematically be a normal good, contrary to what is frequently assumed in the literature.  相似文献   

This article finds compelling evidence of asymmetric labour force participation decisions across demographic groups in response to changes in labour market conditions. This behaviour is consistent with predictions from the standard labour-leisure choice model and suggests that asymmetry in individual behaviour plays some role in the observed asymmetry of the aggregate unemployment rate. It is estimated that the weighted average difference in response to a one percentage point change in unemployment rates is sizeable when compared to the average monthly change in the aggregate labour force.  相似文献   


Asenapine is the first tetracyclic antipsychotic approved in Canada for the treatment of schizophrenia (SCZ). Asenapine has shown a comparable efficacy profile to other atypical antipsychotics and it is associated with a favourable metabolic profile and less weight gain. This study aimed to assess the economic impact of asenapine compared to other atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of SCZ in Canada.


A decision tree combined with a Markov model was constructed to assess the cost-utility of asenapine compared with other atypical antipsychotics. The decision tree takes into account the occurrence of extrapyramidal symptoms, the probability of switching to a different antipsychotic, and the probability of gaining weight. The Markov model takes into account long-term metabolic complications including diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart diseases, and stroke. In the base-case analysis, asenapine was compared to olanzapine. Asenapine was also compared with other atypical antipsychotics commonly used in Canada in alternative scenarios. Analyses were conducted from both Canadian Ministry of Health (MoH) and societal perspectives over a 5-year time horizon.


In the treatment of SCZ, asenapine is a dominant strategy over olanzapine from both MoH and societal perspectives. Compared to quetiapine, asenapine is also a dominant strategy. Furthermore, asenapine has a favorable economic impact compared to ziprasidone and aripiprazole, as these antipsychotics are not cost-effective compared to asenapine from both MoH and societal perspectives.


Despite the short time horizon, the lack of compliance data and the assumptions made, this economic evaluation demonstrates that asenapine is a cost-effective strategy compared to olanzapine and to most of the atypical antipsychotics frequently used in Canada.  相似文献   

制造业是加拿大经济中最重要的财富创造部门,也是加拿大最大的私营经济部门。2010年至今的数据表明,加拿大制造业的产值、就业、产能利用率、投资和利润等核心指标均正在逐步恢复至全球金融危机前的2008年左右的水平。2011年,加拿大制造业资本性支出大幅回升,利润达到历史最好水平,制造业已成为加拿大通过扩大产能推动增长的重要力量。目前,加拿大制造业面临的挑战主要是:增值产品出口状况恶化,企业创新投入不足、创新能力匮乏,市场需求不足等。为应对挑战,加拿大政府采取了一系列推动制造业走向更加先进、知识技术更加密集以及创造更多的高水平就业的政策措施。加拿大制造业恢复发展的经验以及应对挑战的政策措施,值得我国制造业借鉴。  相似文献   

Summary. The purpose of this paper is to explore the implications of private money issue for the effects of monetary policy, for optimal policy, and for the role of fiat money. A locational model is constructed which gives an explicit account of the role for money and credit, and for limited financial market participation. When private money issue is prohibited, there is a liquidity effect as the result of a money injection from the central bank, but this effect goes away when private money is permitted. Private money issue changes dramatically the nature of optimal monetary policy. With private money, fiat currency is no longer used in transactions involving goods, but currency and central bank reserves play an important part in the clearing and settlement of private money returned for redemption.Received: 5 May 2003, Revised: 1 December 2003JEL Classification Numbers: E4, E5.The author thanks seminar participants at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and Duke University, conference participants at the Texas Monetary Conference at U.T. Austin, February 2002, and the Conference on Recent Developments in Money and Finance at Purdue University, May 2003, as well as Gabriele Camera, Ed Nosal, Will Roberds, and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

This study empirically explores the determinants of political participation. Using data from the European Social Survey, we investigate the relationship between political participation and personal values, using the Schwartz (1992) values inventory. A political participation hierarchy is theorized, and activities are categorized into four levels of participation (none, weak, medium and strong), based on the cost of participating and how unconventional the activity is. Empirical analysis points to individuals who are more open to change and more self-transcendent, being more likely to participate. Sub-sample analysis, contrasting East and West Europe, suggests that the role for personal values is more subdued in the East, with respect to moving individuals from not participating to at least voting. Furthermore, the use of a generalized ordered logit model in this study illustrates the complex nature of many of the determinants of political participation. In particular, we find that the influence of the majority of individual characteristics is not monotonic in nature, as you move up through the political participation hierarchy. These findings are important for researchers and policy-makers who may be interested in understanding determinants of and/or enhancing the level of political participation in an economy.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the impact of trade openness on labour force participation rate. We use tariff rate as the main indicator of trade openness and we employ the number of regional trade agreements and the average tariff rate in the neighbours’ countries as instrumental variables to diminish the endogeneity problem of the tariff rate. We find that trade openness increases the participation rate which is economically and statistically significant. The results show that this correlation is robust under controlling for different variables and using various specifications. We find that 10 percentage point increase in tariff rate lowers the participation rate by 4–6 percentage point and this relationship is more severe in the long run. Finally, we show that changes in labour force population accounts for about 27% of changes in the unemployment rate following a trade liberalization.  相似文献   

International climate regimes: Effects of delayed participation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyses how delayed participation by regions can affect international climate regimes in terms of the feasibility, costs, timing, magnitude and nature of the long-term mitigation response. We use the energy-systems optimization model MESSAGE to construct several climate change mitigation scenarios with various levels of regional participation in short-to-mid term. By comparing these with a global scenario that assumes full spatial and temporal flexibility throughout the century, we are able to evaluate how participatory decisions affect the mitigation response as well as the costs and technology choices. We find that short-term postponement of participation from some regions can often lead to a delay of mitigation measures on the global level. However, if the regional delay lasts until mid-century, participants of the regime are likely to increase their efforts in the short term. Mitigation costs are found to substantially increase as a result of delayed participation—the extent of the increase depends on the relative importance of the region that postpones its participation, the stringency of the climate target and the ability to reorganize mitigation measures. Our analysis also shows that a region's decision to delay its participation in an international climate regime can lead to accumulated inertia in its energy system and thus to a delayed ‘technological transition’ toward a low-carbon future.  相似文献   

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