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Stock Option Measures and the Stock Repurchase Decision   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The major purposes of this study are two fold. First, we investigate whether or not the dilutive effect from stock options on the denominator of earnings per share is associated with the incurrence of stock repurchases. We use the FASB dilution and the economic dilution as the direct dilution measures and examine their relationship with stock repurchase decision. Second, we explore which of the extant measures of stock options can better explain the incurrence of stock repurchases. Six extant measures of stock options from previous studies are used: (1) the FASB's treasury-stock EPS dilution method, (2) the economic dilution measure based on Core, Guay and Kothari (2002), (3) the number of employee stock option exercises, (4) the number of stock option grants, (5) the number of total stock options outstanding, and (6) the number of exercisable stock options.Using a pooled cross-sectional sample from 1996–2000, we find a positive association between the likelihood of stock repurchases and the FASB dilution as well as the economic dilution in EPS, respectively. Thereby providing support for the undo-dilution hypothesis. The highest incremental explanatory power is found when we add the number of stock options exercisable to the baseline model. However, further analysis does not support the option-funding hypothesis suggested by Kahle (2002). We provide two explanations for why exercisable stock options better explain the stock repurchase decision.  相似文献   

This paper explores stock repurchase and agency issues in an emerging market with special regulations. Using match samples, agency-related variables are investigated for pre- and postannouncement periods. Our empirical evidence demonstrates that stock repurchase is related to agency cost mitigation. Agency problems are also significantly related to the preannouncement undervaluation of stock repurchase, after controlling for the effects of growth opportunity and asymmetric information. Finally, a company with a higher ratio of expected repurchase or higher agency costs normally enjoys better market response upon announcement.  相似文献   

以2017—2022年各季度基本养老保险基金投资数据为样本,考察基本养老保险基金投资对股票收益率与股价波动性的影响。结果显示:基本养老保险基金持股比例变化对股票未来收益率有一定预测效应,持股比例增加会加剧股价波动。异质性检验表明,被持股公司规模越大,持股比例变化对股票收益率的影响越不明显,对股价波动性影响的时滞性越强。对于短期持股而言,持股比例增加会加剧股价波动,而对于长期持股而言,持股比例增加有利于稳定股价。鉴于此,应继续推动基本养老保险基金全国统筹,进一步扩大其市场化投资规模、延长投资考核期限,提升基金可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

研究宏观层面的治理因子对企业非效率投资的调节作用,进而研究价格崩盘的成因。发现:较高的市场化进程、较低的政府干预程度和完善的法治环境都有助于抑制由非效率投资行为引发的股价崩盘风险。进一步的研究表明,企业非效率投资主要由代理成本而非信息不对称问题产生,进而影响价格崩盘;国有企业非效率投资对股价崩盘风险的影响大于非国有企业,但是制度环境的抑制作用对国有企业样本不明显。本文的研究结果为从宏观层面降低股价崩盘风险提供了经验证据,为维护我国股市稳定发展,推进国家治理体系建设提供了政策启示。  相似文献   


Taking account of the business life cycle, this paper investigates the impact of the proceeds associated with stock option exercises on investment expenditures and stock repurchases. The results reveal that the proceeds associated with option exercises could add internal funds to firms and contribute to investment in research and development and capital expenditures, especially in the growth stage of a firm’s life cycle. This paper also shows the positive relationship between option proceeds and stock repurchases in the stagnant stage of that cycle. The empirical results further suggest that stock repurchases may substitute for dividends. In summary, the paper empirically demonstrates that stock options not only encourage employees to work harder, but also create more funds for the firm.  相似文献   

行为金融学的研究表明,股价不仅受到公司基本价值有关信息的影响,而且还受到市场公共信息的影响。通过研究股票价格运动特征可以有效地判断股价所包含的信息特征,解释股票市场的资源配置效率状况以及市场发育程度。现阶段我国股价还不能传递足够多的企业特定信息,引导资源配置的信号功能较弱,这一结论和对资源配置效率的实证结果相吻合,即股市对金融资源的低效配置问题还相当突出。  相似文献   

基于2010-2016年中国A股高水敏感行业的322家上市公司数据,实证检验水信息披露对股价同步性的影响,以及机构投资者的调节效应。研究表明:水信息披露对股价同步性的影响呈倒U型,且在民营企业样本中尤其显著。在国有企业样本中,机构投资者的加入能促使水信息披露更好地融入股价;在民营企业样本中,只有在高水信息披露水平下,机构投资者才能更好地发挥调节作用。  相似文献   

本文以中美英等8个国家的股票市场指数序列为研究对象,分析股市的收益分布特征、杠杆性、高风险高收益性和随机性特征。然后,对上述指标进行标准化,用分层聚类方法进行综合比较。结果表明,新兴市场与成熟市场存在明显差异,中国、阿根廷和俄罗斯的股票市场与其他成熟市场相似性较低。  相似文献   

东方财富股吧等股票论坛日渐活跃,反映了投资者对获得上市公司真实、完整、及时信息的强烈需求。尽管股吧有助于促进信息传播,但仍是非正式的信息发布平台,股吧评论本质上是一种模糊信息。为探明股吧评论的信息含量,本文以2012—2017年A股上市公司为研究样本,研究股吧评论对股价崩溃风险的影响,以及同样属于模糊信息的分析师跟踪在这一过程中可能产生的作用。实证结果表明,股吧评论分歧越小,股价崩溃风险越大,并且分析师跟踪人数和研报数量在上述影响过程中发挥中介作用。研究结果有助于厘清股吧评论影响股价崩溃风险的路径和机理,既丰富了股价崩溃风险成因的研究,也揭示了股吧评论、分析师跟踪等模糊信息的信息含量。  相似文献   

股票价格、房地产价格和我国货币需求的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过引入股票价格和房地产价格,实证分析了资产价格对我国货币需求关系的影响。协整分析表明,房地产价格对长期货币需求有显著的替代效应,股票价格因素不显著。可变参数误差修正模型分析表明,我国的转轨经济特性使得各经济变量对短期货币需求的影响呈现动态变化的特征,同时金融深化和创新也加快了公众对长期货币需求偏离的修正速度。  相似文献   

王俊 《投资研究》2012,(3):76-89
本文基于我国A股市场相关数据对除息日股价行为的税负效应进行全面检验,实证结果表明股息和资本利得税率对除息日股价波动行为具有显著影响,税负效应理论存在于A股市场,但除息日股价波动行为不能完全由税负效应进行解释,另外实证研究还发现我国A股市场不存在税收诱导客户效应。  相似文献   

A trigger value of –5% is used to identify a sample of real estate trusts (REITS) that experience substantial one-day price declines. Abnormal returns are then calculated for the subsequent two-day period. The results of this study suggest stock price reversals are associated with extreme stock price declines for REITS. Hence, it appears the market overreacts at the time unfavorable information about REITS is disseminated. The degree of reversal across the sample is assessed according to variables such as the initial price decline (day 0), pre-event leakage (day –1), size (capitalization), the type of real estate investment trust, and relative trading volume.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether information released via rights offering announcements induces changes in price volatility and trading volume of underlying stock. The results of this paper provide support for the release of new information via offering announcements and evidence of its effects on price volatility and volume of underlying stock. Specifically, utilization of the announced information by investors is evidenced by greater trading volume following the announcement date than during the pre-announcement period. We interpret this result to mean that informedness dominates consensus. However, stock price volatility decreased from the pre-announcement period to the post-expiration period of rights offerings.  相似文献   

段军山 《金融论坛》2006,11(6):53-57
商业银行直接或间接地参与股票市场,就会因股票价格的波动影响银行资产质量进而影响银行资产负债表和银行稳定。理论和实践证明股票价格的急剧波动和银行部门不稳定性扩散之间存在紧密的联系;同时,银行信贷的扩张对股票价格的波动有很大影响。对我国的经验分析表明:银行间信贷市场与股票市场的资金连通存在较强的相关性;上市银行脆弱度与上证综合指数的相关性在5%水平上显著。在综合经营的大背景下,应加强对我国金融脆弱性的识别和监管,疏通货币市场与股票市场正常的资金联系,加强对商业银行的审慎管理,银行自身也要加强风险管理。  相似文献   

商业银行直接或间接地参与股票市场,就会因股票价格的波动影响银行资产质量进而影响银行资产负债表和银行稳定。理论和实践证明股票价格的急剧波动和银行部门不稳定性扩散之间存在紧密的联系;同时,银行信贷的扩张对股票价格的波动有很大影响。对我国的经验分析表明:银行间信贷市场与股票市场的资金连通存在较强的相关性;上市银行脆弱度与上证综合指数的相关性在5%水平上显著。在综合经营的大背景下,应加强对我国金融脆弱性的识别和监管,疏通货币市场与股票市场正常的资金联系,加强对商业银行的审慎管理,银行自身也要加强风险管理。  相似文献   

股市震荡引发投资者和监管层对股价崩盘风险的关注。从财务重述背后所反映的财务信息质量低下和公司治理失效出发,探讨其对股价崩盘风险的影响,结合管理层权力这一影响组织行为和产出能力的代理人特征,探讨其对财务重述与股价崩盘风险之间关系的影响。研究结果表明:相比未发生财务重述的公司,发生了财务重述的公司的股价崩盘风险明显更高;进一步纳入代理人特征———管理层权力后,发现代理人的这一特征对上述关系有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

Knowing that the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) economies are dichotomous in nature, and growth in the non-oil sector is tributary to the oil sector, we document the extent of synchronization between crude oil prices and stock markets for each of the GCC markets and for the GCC as an economic bloc. We use both the bivariate and multivariate nonparametric synchronicity measures proposed by Mink et al. (2007) to assess that linkage. We find a low to mild (mild to strong) degree of synchronization between oil price and stock market returns (volatilities). In a very few instances, we find very strong (above 80 percent) associations between these variables. These results hold irrespective of whether we assume that stock market participants form adaptive or rational expectations about the price of oil. Dynamic factor results confirm that shocks to volatility are more important than shocks to oil price returns for the GCC stock markets.  相似文献   

This paper provides further evidence of price and volume effects associated with index compositional changes by analysing the inclusions (exclusions) from the French CAC40 and SBF120 indices, as well as the FTSE100. I find evidence supporting the price pressure hypothesis associated with index fund rebalancing, but weak or no evidence for the imperfect substitution, liquidity and information hypotheses. The results improve on recent evidence from the S&P500 index. The evidence for the FTSE100 additions shows, in particular, that markets learn about an imminent inclusion and incorporate this information into prices, even before the announcement date.  相似文献   

Using data for the Hong Kong stock market, where individual investors' sentiment is likely to be influential, this study finds that the publication of individual investors' sentiment temporarily affects stock prices regardless of the publication's incompetence in predicting stock returns. Specifically, when the publication reports that more and more investors are optimistic, the return on the day just after the publication is higher and the return several days later is lower. Furthermore, the results are strongest for small stocks, and weakest for large stocks. It seems that some individual investors buy (sell) stocks when others, as reported by the publication, are optimistic (pessimistic), and that the trading causes temporary buying (selling) pressure initially and price reversals afterwards.  相似文献   

中国货币供应量与股票市场价格关系的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
股票市场作为货币政策传导的渠道,一方面通过货币供应量影响股票市场价格,另一方面股票市场价格的变动反馈到投资、消费等领域,从而影响宏观经济以实现货币政策的目标。本文对我国货币供应量与股票市场价格关系进行了实证检验,分析检验结果后认为我国各层次的货币供应量与股票市场价格存在长期的协整关系,其中股票市场价格处于因方地位,货币供应量处于果方地位。本文的实证结论在一定程度上反映了目前我国股票市场的货币政策传导效率不高,还没有发挥其应有的作用,这与我国股票市场自身缺陷有很大关系。  相似文献   

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