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Despite the abundance of international entrepreneurship studies, there is a need to develop valid measures of the international entrepreneurship construct. Based on prior conceptual studies, we contribute to the literature by advancing a scale of the international entrepreneurial culture (IEC) that considers opportunity-based behavior; and, aims to capture the overarching context of international entrepreneurship. We followed established scale development practices and conducted a research on UK and US medium-sized firms. Our proposed six-dimensional operationalization of IEC, which sufficiently matches the initial conceptualization, consists of international entrepreneurial orientation; international market orientation; international motivation; international learning orientation; international networking orientation with competitors; and, international networking orientation with non-competitors. The main implication from this study is that international entrepreneurship scholars can use in future research these six dimensions of the encompassing IEC context rather than a confined international entrepreneurship construct.  相似文献   

Conventional marketing wisdom holds that a market orientation provides a company with a better understanding of its customers, competitors, and environment, which subsequently leads to superior firm performance. While researchers have explored the relationship between market orientation and business performance in different organizations, such studies in small-sized service retailers are scarce. This study investigates potential influences of market orientation on small-sized service retailer performance. Data for this study were collected through personal interviews, and Kohli, Jaworski, and Kumar's market orientation scale was used to specify the dimensions of a market-oriented organization. Results indicated that Kohli, Jaworski, and Kumar's market orientation scale provided a good measure of market orientation in this setting. Also, the results of analyses indicated a significant link between market orientation and small-sized service retailer performance. The managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Do emerging market (E)MNEs have a stronger strategic asset seeking FDI orientation than developed market (D)MNEs? If so, what are the properties of the strategic assets they actually seek and are they similar or dissimilar to those of DMNEs? Drawing from new internalization theory, we show that lying concealed within some mainstream EMNE models are important predictions regarding differences in the location-boundedness properties of the strategic assets sought by EMNEs compared with DMNEs. Using multinomial logit modelling on 2414 international M&A deals, we explore how acquirer characteristics shape location-bounded (trademark) and non-location bounded (patent) strategic asset seeking choices. In general, we find evidence that EMNEs have a comparatively stronger patent but weaker trademark seeking orientation than DMNEs. We discuss implications for EMNE related theory, focusing on the qualitative differences in asset seeking orientation between EMNEs and DMNEs.  相似文献   

This article presents a scheme for investigating scale invariance for the market orientation construct across different countries by examining the psychometric properties of the operationalisation of market orientation (Narver and Slater, 1990). We investigate the measurement of market orientation in two countries (Australia and Zimbabwe—one being an example of a developed economy, the other of a developing economy). We then proceed to test the relationship between market orientation and Porter's (1980) generic strategies. The results suggest that the psychometric properties of the market orientation construct differ in important respects across countries. However, tests for convergent, predictive and discriminant validity using the generic strategies are fully supported for Zimbabwe while for Australia they are supported mutatis mutandis.  相似文献   

The impact of market orientation on organisational performance has been the subject of many studies illustrating variance with firm size. Although small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are inherently customer-oriented, research has identified that they have significantly lower levels of competitor orientation than large firms and that competitor orientation is significantly related to organisational performance. In addition, studies have illustrated that SME success is linked to innovative problem solving, new product development and resource optimisation. SMEs are inherently innovative in how they adopt creative approaches to overcome constraints associated with their size. Given that SMEs often neglect to focus on competitors, this study explores the relationship between competitor orientation and organisational performance through an innovation lens. This study uses a qualitative research approach to investigate seven successful SMEs as case studies. The findings indicate that SMEs seeking optimal organisational performance should pay close attention to direct and indirect competitors in order to identify opportunities and build sustainable competitive businesses.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the orthodox treatment of production, product, sales and marketing business orientations in introductory marketing texts and suggests changes. Orientation is an important issue which has a profound effect on long run business success, particularly on the effectiveness of business strategy. It is recommended that the orthodox orientations should be revised to the following: marketing/customer orientation; accounting/cost orientation; production/technology orientation; R&D/innovation orientation. The examination of orientation suggests they should not be regarded as mutually exclusive, but rather that organizations need, to some extent, to be oriented to all four. This treatment of orientation may be a little more complex than the former but it remains simple enough for inclusion in introductory texts.  相似文献   


While previous researchers have explored the relationship between market orientation and firm performance in larger organizations, such studies in microenterprises are scarce. This empirical study uses a structural equation model to examine the role of market orientation on firm performance of microenterprises operating in Ghana. To measure market orientation, we used a well-known scale (MARKOR), and the data (N = 347) for this study were collected from Ghanaian microenterprises using personal interviews. Study results indicated that the MARKOR scale provided a good measure of market orientation in Ghanaian microenterprises. The conceptualized model provided a good fit to the relationship between market orientation and the performance of Ghanaian microenterprises, indicating that market orientation as measured by MARKOR had a statistically significant positive impact on performance. However, the explanatory power of the model was relatively low, indicating the potential impact of other factors that were not incorporated in the model. Study implications are discussed.  相似文献   

基于关系营销理论和前人关于关系营销导向的论述与测量,针对关系营销导向测量中存在的问题,本文设计了一个新的关系营销导向量表,并以营销渠道中制造商与其经销商的关系为背景,检验和评估了新量表的信度与效度。结果发现:新量表在内部一致性、表面效度、内容效度、内敛效度、判别效度和工具效度等都达到了测量的要求。最重要的是,新量表修改了原有量表的用语,使其更符合关系营销导向的内涵,弥补了原有量表缺乏表面效度的缺陷。  相似文献   

Comfort carries many positive consequences, and a vital issue is how to stimulate it. Because service personnel are direct service providers, which means they have a significant impact on the customer. Apparently, it is critical to improve customer comfort from the perspective of service personnel. Based on the Service Encounter theory and Regulatory Fit Theory, this paper explores how service personnel's interactive orientation, including interaction orientation, task orientation, self-orientation, influences customer comfort and examines the mediating role of perceived control and the moderating role of self-construal. We analyzed the data collected from 257 consumers using a self-reported survey using SEM with SPSS17.0 and AMOS21.0. The results show that interaction orientation has a significant positive effect on customer comfort, self-orientation has a significant negative impact on customer comfort, and task orientation has no significant impact. Perceived control plays a mediating role in the relationship between service personnel's interactive orientation and customer comfort. The moderating effect of self-construal is significant. We discussed the implications of the findings for academics and managers.  相似文献   

多重目标下我国国有企业效率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是社会主义国家,这就决定了我国国有企业不能仅仅追求利润这一简单目标,而更要注重实现其他各项目标,从而更好地服务国家和社会大众.衡量国有企业的效率,不能只根据某些财务指标进行分析,还必须看到国有企业的多重目标.以工业总产值、资产总额等作为评判指标,衡量国有企业的经济实力;以劳动生产率和销售利润率作为评判指标,衡量国有企业的生产赢利能力;以工业增加值增长速度的变异系数和潜在增长速度作为评判指标,衡量国有企业增长的稳定性和发展潜力;以创新产品销售收入占比和研发经费投入作为评判指标,衡量国有企业的自主创新能力;以入选《财富》世界500强和世界品牌500强的数量作为评判指标,衡量国有企业的竞争力;以创造就业机会、慈善捐赠数量等作为评判指标,衡量国有企业的社会责任意识.整体来看,我国国有企业的发展是有效率的,而且其效率不逊色于私营企业和外资企业.鉴于国有企业发展的高效率和实现目标的多重性,今后要继续着力培育能够主导经济发展、贯彻宏观调控、保障经济安全、承担社会责任、参与高端竞争、促进技术进步的国有企业.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted among Singaporean executives to determine how they adapt to a foreign partner depending on the partner's time processing orientation and agreement preferences, and their attitude towards businessmen from the country the foreign partner was from. Results showed that Singaporean executives tended to have monochronic time processing and preferred written to oral agreements. Further, when a foreign partner exhibited a monochronic processing orientation, these executives had greater liking for and were more willing to accept this trait than when he had a polychronic processing orientation. Liking for the foreign partner was also enhanced. In terms of agreement preferences, the executives showed greater liking for and willingness to accept the trait when the foreign partner had a written than an oral preference. Finally, willingness to accept the foreign partner as a business partner was enhanced once they knew where the foreign partner came from, regardless of their attitude towards businessmen from that country. Implications are discussed and directions for future research furnished.  相似文献   

This article addresses modifications made to the Michaels and Day (1985) version of the SOCO (selling orientation customer orientation) scale. Two modifications were made on the basis of pilot interviews conducted with industrial buyers. First, the scale items were changed to refer to a particular salesperson rather than salespeople. Second, the 9-point scale was changed to a more conventional 7-point scale. Further, in order to provide all respondents with the same frame of reference, scale instructions were modified to refer to the respondent's most recent buying situation. Scale properties were evaluated using the updated paradigm suggested by Gerbing and Anderson (1988). Unidimensionality of the scale was insured through the use of a confirmatory factor analysis program. The reliability of the scale is higher than that reported by Saxe and Weitz (1982), and Michaels and Day (1985). Convergent and discriminant validity were also assessed. The scale as modified in this article can be used to assess buyers' perceptions of salespeople and could provide sales managers with a means of assessing long-term aspects of a salesperson's performance. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Internal branding is increasingly acknowledged as a potential route to acquiring sustainable competitive advantage. However, to date no systematic attempt has been made to operationalise from an organisational perspective all imperatives for achieving brand internalisation. To address this omission, we introduce internal brand orientation as a new construct that provides a measurable and more succinct picture of internal branding. Following the literature in measurement theory, we report a series of complementary studies and develop a scale which comprises two dimensions: top management brand commitment and shared brand values. The new scale demonstrates strong psychometric evidence of reliability and validity, facilitating future research in the area. Findings can be used as a guidance by business executives in their effort to turn employees into brand ambassadors and motivate everyone in the organisation towards brand supportive behaviours.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that applications of existing approaches to measuring market orientation are myopic, non-comparative and over-reliant on the views of single respondents. Consequently, a multi-perspective, multi-informant approach for measuring market orientation is generated which focuses on gauging customers', competitors' and intra-organizational members' perceptions of the market orientation of an organization. To evaluate the psychometric properties of this approach an application of this design in a survey of manufacturing industry is subjected to tests for inter-rater reliability, scale reliability, content validity, criterion-related validity and construct validity. The conclusion of this evaluation is that the developed measure is both a reliable and valid means of gauging market orientation. The paper concludes with a series of implications for both theorists and practitioners.  相似文献   

In recent years, the marketing literature has placed significant emphasis on market-driving and proactive market-driven behavior within firms in attempts to reconceptualize the meaning of "market orientation." For their part, market-driving firms such as Starbucks, Amazon.com, Dell, and Southwest Airlines are demonstrating how business model innovation results in sustainable advantage and superior long-term performance in a wide range of industries. In this paper, we contend that market-driving behavior is distinct from a firm's market orientation, and instead is the essence of entrepreneurial action in the Schumpeterian "creative destruction" sense. It is further argued that the firm's entrepreneurial orientation interacts with other strategic orientations, in the process determining how they are manifested and, in some cases, whether they are manifested. Furthermore, entrepreneurial orientation plays a critical role in determining transitions among various strategic orientations over time. An integrative model illustrates the dynamics of the interface between marketing and entrepreneurship from both a content and process perspective. Two case studies illustrate how trajectories can be identified in the dominant strategic orientations within companies as they evolve.  相似文献   

This study investigates the engagement of family firms in corporate social responsibility. We first compare their corporate social performance (CSP) to non-family firms. Then, following recent evidence on the heterogeneity of family firms, we examine two factors that may influence CSP within family firms: the level of family control and the governance orientation of the country in which they operate. This research is based on a theoretical framework which considers both agency and socioemotional wealth (SEW) influences on family firms CSR engagements. Overall, we find that family firms exhibit lower CSP than non-family firms. But when focusing on family firms, our analyses show a curvilinear relationship between family control and CSP. At lower levels of control, family owners invest more in social initiatives to protect their SEW. Beyond a threshold level of control that we estimate at 36 % in our sample, economic considerations prevail over SEW and social performance starts decreasing. We also find that family firms operating in stakeholder-oriented countries are more attentive to social concerns than those operating in more shareholder-oriented countries.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated effects of learning orientation or market orientation on innovation-driven organizational performance. While these studies have enhanced our understanding of innovation processes in the firm, they have been unable to determine the relative contribution of learning orientation and market orientation to innovation. The integration of these two fundamental strategic orientations in this research enables such an assessment. The model in this research also measures the degree to which market orientation and learning orientation influence organizational performance, independent of their effect on product innovation. The most notable finding is the potential preeminence of learning orientation over market orientation. The implications are of critical importance to marketers because they provide insights into the type of organizational culture that is associated with high levels of performance.  相似文献   


Organizational learning orientation and social networking have been recognized as drivers of innovativeness and performance. The authors’ study extends existing research on these concepts in several ways. First, they posit that innovativeness mediates the effects of social networking and learning orientation on performance. Second, they propose that environmental munificence moderates the hypothesized relationships. Third, data for the study were collected in Pakistan, which represents a novel and as-yet-unexplored context for this type of research. A structural equation model based on 176 small firms in Pakistan supported most of the hypothesized relationships.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine how retail salesperson-group fit on customer orientation impacts sales performance. Customer orientation fit will be compared against the amount of customer orientation to answer the question of whether it is better to have higher customer orientation or consistent customer orientation. This study shows that fit with the group's customer orientation is more important than having a high customer orientation; individuals who deviate from the group's customer orientation have lower performance than individuals who fit their group's customer orientation. Although previous research finds that group-level performance is stronger in groups that have consistently high customer orientation, we find that individual sales performance depends on fit with other group members, regardless of the orientation of the group.  相似文献   

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