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Abstract:   This paper examines the lead‐lag relationship between futures trading activity (volume and open interest) and cash price volatility for major agricultural commodities. Granger causality tests and generalized forecast error variance decompositions show that an unexpected increase in futures trading volume unidirectionally causes an increase in cash price volatility for most commodities. Likewise, there is a weak causal feedback between open interest and cash price volatility. These findings are generally consistent with the destabilizing effect of futures trading on agricultural commodity markets.  相似文献   

本文采用静态和滚动主成分分析的方法对最具代表性的9个品种商品期货价格期限结构进行了分析,得出我国商品期货价格期限结构变动的3个主要特征:曲线的平移、斜率的变化以及曲率的变化。在揭示不同变动方式的信息价值的基础上,本文提出多头、多头或者空头、多空平衡3种交易策略,并通过构建两个商品组合与基准持有策略收益进行了比较分析。结果表明,基于商品期货价格期限结构的隐含信息而构建的交易策略收益显著超过基准持有策略的收益。这对于交易者制定正确的交易策略具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文基于格兰杰因果检验方法和MGARCH-BEKK模型,检验人民币即期外汇市场与境外期货市场、境外NDF市场之间的信息流动关系。结果表明:境外期货市场对即期市场不具有任何溢出效应,期货市场的建立并未对即期市场的稳定性产生影响;境外NDF市场对即期市场存在着显著的报酬溢出效应;即期市场对各境外衍生市场仅具有滞后的报酬溢出效应,在价格变动上被境外NDF市场所引导;但在波动溢出效应方面,市场信息则由即期市场向各境外衍生市场单向传递。在三个市场中,境外NDF市场的价格引导力量强于即期市场和期货市场,处于市场价格信息的中心地位。  相似文献   

We examine the relation between futures price volatility and trading demand by type of trader in the Standard & Poor's (S&P) 500-stock index futures market. We find that volatility covaries negatively with signed speculative demand shocks but is positively related to signed hedging demand shocks. No significant relation between volatility and demand shocks for small traders is found. Our results suggest that changes in positions of large hedgers destabilize the market, whereas changes in positions of large speculators stabilize volatility. Consistent with models with asymmetrically informed traders, we find that large speculators are likely to possess superior forecasting ability, large hedgers behave like positive feedback traders, and small traders are liquidity traders.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the nature of transmission of stock returns and volatility between the U.S. and Japanese stock markets using futures prices on the S&P 500 and Nikkei 225 stock indexes. We use stock index futures prices to mitigate the stale quote problem found in the spot index prices and to obtain more robust results. By employing a two-step GARCH approach, we find that there are unidirectional contemporaneous return and volatility spillovers from the U.S. to Japan. Furthermore, the U.S.'s influence on Japan in returns is approximately four times as large as the other way around. Finally, our results show no significant lagged spillover effects in both returns and volatility from the Osaka market to the Chicago market, while a significant lagged volatility spillover is observed from the U.S. to Japan. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

There is an urgent need to understand the spillover and cojump effects between the U.S. and Chinese stock markets. The paper finds that since July 2005, the U.S. stock market has caused short-run spillover effects on returns on the Chinese stock market. More specifically, price changes in the United States can be used to predict both closing-to-opening and closing-to-closing returns on the Chinese stock market on the next day. However, there is no significant volatility spillover between the two markets. Both markets have shown stronger cojump behavior since the subprime crisis. The return relationships between the two stock markets are robust.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of investor trading behavior and investor sentiment on futures market return. We find that the spot investor trading behavior, futures investor trading behavior, spot market sentiment, and futures market sentiment all have positive effects on daily futures returns in Chinese financial market. More importantly, we show that the effect of (spot) futures investor trading behavior has better explanatory power than (spot) futures market sentiment on futures returns. Further supporting our results, high investor trading behavior and high investor sentiment strengthen the positive relation between sentiment-returns and behavior-returns.  相似文献   

本文检验了美国期货市场WTI原油、S&P500指数和10年期国债品种的日内、日间价格波动与日内交易量、隔日交易量之间的关系,发现预期的日内和隔日交易量都有平抑期货市场价格波动的作用,非预期的隔日交易量与期货价格波动之间有正相关关系,非预期的目内交易量对价格波动的影响不显著。从信息对称性的角度分析,预期的交易量中含有更多信息,能抑制期货价格的偏离;非预期的交易量主要由信息反馈者提供,他们往往对期货价格的变动做出过度反应,从而加剧价格波动。  相似文献   

This is the first study to examine the intraday price discovery and volatility transmission processes between the Singapore Exchange and the China Financial Futures Exchange. Using one- and five-minute high-frequency data from May to November 2011, the authors find that the Chinese Securities Index 300 index futures dominate Singapore's A50 index futures in both intraday price discovery and intraday volatility transmission. However, A50 futures contracts also make a substantial contribution (26-37 percent) to the price discovery process. These results have important implications for both traders and policymakers.  相似文献   

证券期货市场人工智能交易具有强大的预测分析能力、投资策略制定能力以及敏锐的市场反应能力。与之相适应,刑法对证券期货犯罪的规制重点也应当从交易的行为方式向交易技术转移。鉴于利用人工智能交易可以实施滥用技术优势型市场操纵犯罪行为,刑法有必要对人工智能交易予以规制,并且这种规制利大于弊。规制应当明确区分人工智能交易的正当使用和滥用,并进一步完善操纵证券、期货市场罪的规定。  相似文献   

做市商机制和连续竞价机制是现代期货市场主流的两类交易机制,连续竞价机制则成本较低,价格信号反应灵敏;做市商机制透明、公正,市场连续性较好,代表着期货市场交易机制的未来发展方向。通过对期货市场微观交易结构及价格形成机制的模型研究,结合我国的实际情况,比较考察了几种典型的期货交易机制在不同交易结构下的价格形成效率,对我国期货市场转型完善时期具有现实意义。  相似文献   

我国推进期货市场走出去及国际化战略须以跨境期货交易法律机制构建为前提。文章通过厘定跨境期货交易内涵边界及监管正当性,省思主要法律困境及应对思路,提出应致力于跨境期货交易立法监管理念创新,确立跨境交易监管认同机制,提升跨境期货衍生品交易经纪能力,适度扩大衍生品跨境投资参与主体范围,逐步取消QDII投资品种限制,并从跨境期货交易运行保障、立法监管、风险控制以及解纷机制等方面建构系统法律保护体系,切实保障跨境交易整体性金融安全。  相似文献   

Abstract:  This study examines trading activities before and after the transfer of the FTSE 100 index futures contract from open outcry to electronic trading. Daily order imbalance exhibits strong serial persistence in the electronic limit order market, but not in open-outcry trading. Both excess buying and selling reduce liquidity. In the electronic venue, prior market movements barely affect investors' buying or selling decisions. Excess buy orders do not generate any price impact, but sell orders do. Positive imbalances are more strongly autocorrelated than negative imbalances. No trading elements, such as order imbalance, volume, or open interest, are associated with volatility. Moreover, excess buying decreases volatility. Such evidence suggests that the development and growth of electronic trading has changed the dynamics of trading activities in many important ways.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We consider the impact of the May 1999 move to screen trading of the LIFFE FTSE 100 index futures contract. This resulted in a narrowing of the effective spread. Spread determinants are broadly similar in the two regimes. The narrowing of the spread appears due to increased competition among traders and a decline in tick-level volatility rather than to the way these or other variables affect the spread. Market depth appears largely unaffected. Under screen trading, realized spreads widen as more limit orders are taken up rather than in relation to order size per se .  相似文献   

This paper examines the volatility transmission mechanism between the futures and corresponding underlying asset spot markets, focusing on Turkish currency and stock index futures traded on the lately established Turkish Derivatives Exchange (TURKDEX). Employing multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity modeling, which allows for potential spillovers and asymmetries in the variance-covariance structure for the market returns, the paper investigates the volatility interactions among each of the three futures-spot market systems. For all market systems under study, the volatility spillovers are found to be important and bidirectional. For the stock index market system, in line with the previous literature, volatility shows asymmetric behavior and strong asymmetric shock transmission. The main implication is that investors need to account for volatility spillovers and asymmetries among the futures and the spot markets to correctly build hedging strategies.  相似文献   


In this study, we examine return spillover, volatility transmission, and cojump behavior between the U.S. and Korean stock markets. In particular, we focus on cojump behavior between the two markets in order to explain the transmission of unexpected shocks. We find that the U.S. stock market causes return spillover effects in the Korean stock market, and there is significant volatility transmission between the two markets. Importantly, we find a stronger association in size, as compared with intensity, of cojumps between the U.S. and Korean stock markets, particularly during the recent financial crisis.  相似文献   

本文以我国沪深300股指期现货为研究对象,采用2012年4月16日—2014年3月20日的1分钟高频交易数据,通过构建多元DCC-VARMA-GARCH模型检验了我国股指期现货市场之间的溢出效应。实证结果表明,我国股指期现货市场之间存在双向波动溢出效应,且现货市场的波动溢出效应大于期货市场,而均值溢出效应仅表现为期货市场向现货市场的单向传递。这说明我国股指期货市场已具备基本的价格发现功能,发挥了稳定股票现货市场的作用。  相似文献   

近年来,我国农产品期货市场日益规范,交易规模扩大,交易品种增加,但仍然存在交易品种少、体系不完善、法律法规不健全、投资主体结构不合理、合作组织及中介机构发展落后等问题。为推动我国农产品期货市场健康发展,必须不断开发新上市品种,进一步优化市场结构;加强农产品期货市场秩序整顿,加快立法,完善监管;加强对农户的教育和培训,塑造成熟的投资主体;通过建立农户自组型期货合作社、企农联合型期货合作社和信农互动型期货合作社等期货合作模式,帮助农户利用农产品期货市场增加收益。  相似文献   

We examine the spillover dynamics between the U.S. and BRICS stock markets using the multivariate DECO-GJR-GARCH model and spillover index method. We identify time variations in volatility equicorrelation and significant dynamic spillovers between these stock markets, as well as an increased impact of uncertainty on spillovers. Spillovers between markets intensify after the inception of the global financial crisis and subsequent European sovereign debt crisis. We also find, following the commencement of the crisis periods, that the U.S., Brazilian, and Chinese markets are net volatility transmitters, whereas the Russian, Indian, and South African markets are net recipients. These results shed new light on the information transmission channels between the U.S. and BRICS stock markets.  相似文献   

Intraday currency futures prices react to both surprises in the federal funds target rate (the target factor) and surprises in the anticipated future direction of Federal Reserve monetary policy (the path factor) in similar magnitude, and the reaction is short‐lived. Dollar‐denominated currency futures prices drop significantly in response to positive surprises (i.e., unexpected increases) in the target and path factors, but have generally little response to negative surprises. A monetary policy tightening during expansionary periods leads to an appreciation of the domestic currency, while a monetary policy loosening during recessionary periods tends to have no significant impact.  相似文献   

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