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全球高收益债券市场的发展:格局演变及监管借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张自力 《上海金融》2012,(4):74-78,118
高收益债券经过数十年的发展,市场规模日益壮大,已经成为全球债券市场中颇具特色的融资工具。规范的信息披露与信用评级体系、可行的债权破产保护机制、健全的监管法律体系以及严格的监管操作执法是美欧证券市场监管当局控制违约风险、规范高收益债券市场运作的重要保证。在我国尝试推出高收益债券品种,对于推动资本市场多元化进程、解决中小企业融资难题、满足中国实体经济发展的需要都极具现实意义。  相似文献   

在美国市场上,高收益债已经发展成为一种相对独立的资产类别,而中国的高收益债市场才刚刚起步,对其研究也相对匮乏。本文在厘清中国高收益债的定义前提下,以美国成熟市场为参照,对中国当前时间截面上高收益债市场的存量分布和分类做出详细描述,并展示了中国高收益债的风险收益特征与成熟市场的异同。研究认为,由于中美高收益债市场发展阶段差异显著,投资者亟需寻找不同的投资逻辑和策略。  相似文献   

以发展中国中小企业私募债券的必要性及其现状分析为基础,对美国高收益债券的发展历史和市场特点进行剖析,试图借鉴美国成熟市场的经验探索推动中国中小企业私募债券市场健康、持续发展的方法和措施。将风险长期维持在可控范围内是中小企业私募债券市场发展的关键,应当建立违约风险监控制度,突破违约偿债机制和信用评级体系两方面问题。同时,放宽限制,促进中国中小企业私募债券市场的自由化;加强创新,保持中国中小企业私募债券市场的活力。  相似文献   

作为全球最主要的垃圾债券交易市场,美国正面临着由次贷危机而引致的信用违约危机的冲击.目前美国监管部门在原有政策基础上又做出了改进,在强化信用评级机构管理要求、对重点债券加强信息披露与监控、加大对垃圾债券发行主体高管人员违规的处罚力度、突出"对话、合作和互信"的监管理念等方面体现出新的特点,构成了对垃圾债券违约风险进行控制的法律监管与社会中介机构及公众监督约束合力,以期达到对投资者进行保护、减少市场震动、将系统性风险控制在最低程度的目的.  相似文献   

高收益债券是指信用评级低于投资级的债券,在欧美发达国家发展迅猛。2012年我国中小企业私募债启动发行,是我国发展高收益类债券产品的有益探索。本文在总结国内外高收益债券实践的基础上,指出我国发展高收益债券市场的积极意义以及面临的制约因素,提出了加强市场制度建设、加强信息披露和信用评级管理、发挥信用衍生产品功能等进一步发展我国高收益债券市场的建议。  相似文献   

李海啸 《时代金融》2014,(6):130-131
成长于80年代美国的高收益债券市场是资本市场重要的组成部分,其不仅丰富了融资渠道同时也充分满足了风险偏好性投资者的需求。我国于2012年建立中小企业私募债,成立属于中国的"明日之星"高收益债券市场。然而,相比于美国的高收益债券市场,我国高收益债券市场从市场规模到市场活跃度等均有较大差距。本文梳理美国和中国的高收益债券市场的发展历程,分析两个市场的异同,借此窥探中国高收益债券市场未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

鲍庆 《投资北京》2012,(4):54-57
高收益债券推出已是势在必得近日有关高收益债券即将推出的消息层出不穷,监管层也频繁地表示高收益债的推出已经势在必行,将争取在今年上半年推出高收益债。资本市场创新类品种的推出向来饱受市场关注,本文旨在介绍垃圾债券的基本情况  相似文献   

我国债权融资市场偏好绩优大型企业和政府担保的融资平台,发债主体的评级重心偏高,债券的信用利差偏小。发展高收益债券有利于缓解潜在高增长企业的融资需求,扩大交易所债券市场规模,为投资者提供高风险、高收益的债券品种。目前高收益债券市场可以谨慎推出,但仍存在一些制度障碍需要从政策层面加以调整,同时应完善高收益债券市场的风险控制制度及配套措施。  相似文献   

我国中小企业私募债市场经过快速的扩容后面临发展暂时停滞的窘况。美国高收益债市场经过多年的发展形成了较为完备的市场。本文通过研究美国高收益债市场的发展历程和成功因素,对我国的私募债市场提出发展建议。  相似文献   

债券发行一直以来都是重要的融资手段之一,这一模式在国外已经成熟,也渐渐成为我国企业的融资渠道。截止到2018年,我国债券规模总计达到47.7万亿元,同比增长约16.9%。但2018年也是我国实质性债务集中爆发的一年。根据Wind资讯2018年违约债券数量达119支,总规模为1166.51亿元。就数量或规模而言,单2018年所发生的债务违约已超过前三年(2015-2017)的总和。在2015年之前,由于债券市场存在着"刚性兑付",所以并无实质的债务违约情况,但"11超日债"打破了长期以来的情况,成为了首个实质性债券违约。同时这也预示了市场中信用风险正在加大,因此对有关债券违约原因的研究与预判也是有着充分必要的。通过对国内债券违约市场的整体分析以达到规避可能的债券违约风险的研究目的。  相似文献   

我国债券规模位居世界第二,债券市场已成为企业直接融资的主要渠道;同时我国公司信用债违约频发,违约主体几乎涵盖了全部行业,永煤AAA债券违约事件引发各方关注。在此背景下,本文研究了信用债违约风险预警与防范,搭建了债券违约预警模型:一是深入分析了违约原因,提出了"经济下行加剧‘债务-通缩’""流动性分层导致再融资困难""民企互保引发违约风险串联"的观点;二是基于KLR信号分析法,以历史违约主体财报数据为基础构建了上市公司债违约预警模型,抽离出相关指标权重构成预警指标体系,并进行了实证检验;三是基于预警模型,提出加强动态监测、构建债券风险分类管理办法等政策建议。  相似文献   

优化我国债券市场结构的对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年来,作为我国资本市场重要组成部分的债券市场取得了长足的进步,但是随着我国加入WTO后利率市场化的推行,债券市场结构失衡的问题日益成为制约我国债券市场进一步发展的瓶颈。本就我国1981年以来有关债券市场的运行情况,在对形成我国债券市场结构失衡的诸多因素进行详细分析的基础上,提出了我国债券市场结构优化调整的应对策略。  相似文献   

债券融资发展中的信用评级   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信用评级与债券融资相伴而生,并促进了债券融资的发展。从我国资本市场发展的趋势看,无论从客观要求还是完善信用评级自身之需要,加强我国信用评级的建设都极为重要。本从信用评级产生发展的角度,探讨信用评级在债券融资发展中的作用。  相似文献   

本文试图对几种有代表性的模型进行比较,来分析由于建模方式的不同,而导致的对信用期权定价和对冲的结果的不同.如果将违约风险传染考虑进去,类似德隆帝国崩溃的事件,或许就能避免.  相似文献   

The pricing of bonds and bond options with default risk is analysed in the general equilibrium model of Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross (1985). This model is extended by means of an additional parameter in order to deal with financial and credit risk simultaneously. The estimation of such a parameter, which can be considered as the market equivalent of an agencies' bond rating, allows to extract from current quotes the market perceptions of firm's credit risk. The general pricing model for defaultable zero-coupon bond is first derived in a simple discrete-time setting and then in continuous-time. The availability of an integrated model allows for the pricing of default-free options written on defaultable bonds and of vulnerable options written either on default-free bonds or defaultable bonds. A comparison between our results and those given by Jarrow and Turnbull (1995) is also presented.  相似文献   

At the maturity, the owner of a commodity-linked bond has the right to receive the face value of the bond and the excess amount of spot market value of the reference commodity bundle over the prespecified exercise price. This payoff structure is an important characteristic of the commodity-linked bonds. In this paper, we derive closed pricing formulae for the commodity-linked bonds. We assume that the reference commodity price and the value of the firm (bonds' issuer) follow geometric Brownian motions and that the net marginal convenience yield and interest rate follow Ornstein–Uhlenbech processes. In the appendix, we derive pricing formulae for bonds which are the same as the above commodity-linked bonds, except that the reference commodity price in the definition of the payoff at the maturity is replaced by the value of a special asset which depends on the convenience yield. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

本文从债券违约的数量规模、行业分布、地域分布、企业属性、债券品种及违约率等方面阐述了我国企业债券违约的特征趋势,分析了我国企业债券违约的主要原因及其所呈现出来的融资特点,探讨了我国企业债券违约后的五种处置方式,认为我国债券违约风险处置机制还不完善,缺少独立法律制度、处置的市场化程度较低、投资者保护机制不健全、对发行人缺乏硬性约束,影响了违约债券的整体兑付水平,投资人利益难以得到有效维护。建议采取多种措施降低债券违约发生率、优化发行人融资结构、建立债券违约的市场化处置机制,以降低债券违约风险,推动债券市场健康发展。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of liberalisation on the pricing of market and currency risk for a number of financial markets in the European Union (EU). An International Asset Pricing Model with a multivariate GARCH‐in‐Mean specification and time‐varying prices of risk is used for the four markets with the largest capitalisation in the EU. Only one price of market risk exists and international investors are rewarded for their exposure to currency risk. The evidence shows that all prices of risk are time‐varying and have been decreasing during the process of liberalisation. There is also evidence that markets react to period of uncertainty in the process toward the completion of liberalisation. In addition, the operation of the European Monetary System has generated lower covariances. As a consequence, total risk premia have declined in the last decade.  相似文献   

This article adds to both the financial intermediation and market microstructure literature by examining the market reactions surrounding the withdrawal of a major financial intermediary and market maker from a specific securities market. We examine the exit of Drexel Burnham Lambert (Drexel) from the junk bond market in 1990. At the time Drexel exited the market by declaring bankruptcy, it was the dominant market maker and underwriter of junk bonds. We examine the impact of Drexel's failure on direct and indirect holders of junk bonds by investigating the effect of Drexel's collapse on junk bond returns, and on the stock returns of a group of firms that, on average, held significant amounts of junk bonds. We find that the collapse of Drexel had a significant impact on junk bond prices in general, and a greater impact on the prices of lower-quality junk bonds in particular. We interpret this result to imply that the value of the liquidity services supplied by Drexel was higher for lower-quality junk bonds. Additionally, we find that junk bonds underwritten by Drexel, as opposed to other investment banks, experienced a significant decline in price over the months leading up to Drexel's failure announcement. This suggests that the monitoring services provided by Drexel for the bonds it underwrote would not be replaced easily by other financial intermediaries operating in the junk bond market. Our results also indicate that the stock returns of life insurance companies with relatively high junk bond exposure tended to be affected more negatively by Drexel's financial distress than the stock returns of life insurance companies with relatively low junk bond exposure.  相似文献   

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