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Morriss A  Ely RJ  Frei FX 《Harvard business review》2011,89(1-2):160-3, 183
After working with hundreds of leaders in a wide variety of organizations and in countries all over the globe, the authors found one very clear pattern: When it comes to meeting their leadership potential, many people unintentionally get in their own way. Five barriers in particular tend to keep promising managers from becoming exceptional leaders: People overemphasize personal goals, protect their public image, turn their competitors into two-dimensional enemies, go it alone instead of soliciting support and advice, and wait for permission to lead. Troy, a customer service manager, endangered his job and his company's reputation by focusing on protecting his position, not helping his team; when a trusted friend advised him to change his behavior, the results were striking. Anita's insistence on sticking to the tough personal she'd created for herself caused her to ignore the more intuitive part of the leadership equation, with disastrous results--until she let go of the need to appear invulnerable and reached out to another manager. Jon, a personal trainer who had virtually no experience with either youth development programs or urban life, opened a highly successful gym for inner-city kids at risk; he refused to be daunted by his lack of expertise and decided to simply "go for it." As these and other examples from the authors' research demonstrate, being a leader means making an active decision to lead. Only then will the workforce--and society--benefit from the enormous amount of talent currently sitting on the bench.  相似文献   

户籍制度改革已成为缩小城乡差异、加快城市化进程最重要的催化剂,然而难以推进的户籍制度改革该从何处下手?财政又将何以发力?为此,《新理财》特地采访了中国社科院农业发展研究所研究员党国英。  相似文献   

Many executives have grown skeptical of strategic planning. Is it any wonder? Despite all the time and energy that go into it, strategic planning most often acts as a barrier to good decision making and does little to influence strategy. Strategic planning fails because of two factors: It typically occurs annually, and it focuses on individual business units. As such, the process is completely at odds with the way executives actually make important strategy decisions, which are neither constrained by the calendar nor defined by unit boundaries. Thus, according to a survey of 156 large companies, senior executives often make strategic decisions outside the planning process, in an ad hoc fashion and without rigorous analysis or productive debate. But companies can fix the process if they attack its root problems. A few forward-looking firms have thrown out their calendar-driven, business-unit-focused planning procedures and replaced them with continuous, issues-focused decision making. In doing so, they rely on several basic principles: They separate, but integrate, decision making and plan making. They focus on a few key themes. And they structure strategy reviews to produce real decisions. When companies change the timing and focus of strategic planning, they also change the nature of senior management's discussions about strategy--from "review and approve" to "debate and decide," in which top executives actively think through every major decision and its implications for the company's performance and value. The authors have found that these companies make more than twice as many important strategic decisions per year as companies that follow the traditional planning model.  相似文献   

伍旭川  凌云 《银行家》2005,(3):24-26
在1999年11月恢复开征利息税前后,围绕利息税的激烈争论已在全国范围内 掀起。在开征后的五年间,人们也一直在观察和感受利息税所引起的各种变化。  相似文献   

当前,局部地方债务引发的系统性风险已引起中央高度重视,财政部、中国人民银行等部委在近期开启了市政债的研究工作。文章从美国市政债财政体制基础与市政债券的财务特点、发行要素及其近年一级市场和二级市场结构变化等方面,系统介绍了美国市政债市场的发展经验和运行特点,并总结了其对于发展我国市政债市场的启示。  相似文献   

2009年是中国经济攻坚克难的一年,是积极应对国际金融危机,向世人展现独特魅力的一年.对于招商银行信用卡来说,2009年是机遇与挑战并存的一年,也是成长与收获的一年.  相似文献   

This paper examines the call option values embedded in callable agency bonds. For FHLB, FNMA, and SLMA bonds, call value estimates range from 1.23% of par to 1.47% on average, which are between those for the treasury and corporate debt securities. FHLMC bonds, on the other hand, have an average call value estimate of 2.85%. Call values are significantly larger for bonds with a longer remaining maturity and greater default risk. Most interestingly, call values in the call protection period are significantly larger than those in the callable period except for the SLMA bonds, whereas previous studies on corporate debt find no significant difference in call values between these two periods.  相似文献   

The elimination of unneeded services is a key to reducing medical costs and enhancing quality of care. Diagnostic tests have been a target of efforts to reduce costs primarily because they are discretionary and often appear to be unnecessary. Believing that the concept of prior review for many diagnostic tests is a good one, this pilot study sought to evaluate prospectively the propriety of diagnostic tests ordered during the first half of 1989 on individuals insured through a major insurance carrier. A physician review found that 21% of the tests were deemed inappropriate, leading to the conclusion that prospective review can be an effective means of screening inappropriately ordered tests.  相似文献   

相关案例情况一日晚间,某商业银行24小时客服专线接到业务求助电话,来电人自称是正在查办案件的公安机关民警。其自述刚刚接到一起报案,报案人称按照短信和电话提示,已通过ATM机从自己的银行卡向对方在该商业银行的账户中转账汇入数万元。来电人告知银行客服人员,目前已经基本确定上述汇款人遭受了电信诈骗,现要求银行立即对收款账户进行口头挂失,以  相似文献   

On May 26 and 27, 1994 several national newspapers reported the findings of Christie and Schultz (1994) who cannot reject the hypothesis that market makers of active NASDAQ stocks implicitly colluded to maintain spreads of at least $0.25 by avoiding odd-eighth quotes. On May 27, dealers in Amgen, Cisco Systems, and Microsoft sharply increased their use of odd-eighth quotes, and mean inside and effective spreads fell nearly 50 percent. This pattern was repeated for Apple Computer the following trading day. Using individual dealer quotes for Apple and Microsoft, we find that virtually all dealers moved in unison to adopt odd-eighth quotes.  相似文献   

阎庆民 《银行家》2007,(2):54-57
在于今年年初召开的全国金融工作会议中,如何继续深化国有银行改革依然占据最重要的位置。温家宝总理为此明确指出:继续深化中国工商银行、中国银行、中国建设银行和交通银行改革,努力巩固和发展改革成果,关键是继续完善公司治理,加快转变经营机制,深化分支机构和基层改革。显然,国有银行分支机构改革问题将成为未来深化国有商业银行股份制改革的主攻方向。要拿下国有银行改革中这个久攻不下的堡垒,借鉴国际银行的经验,构建矩阵式组织结构,是一个很值得国有商业银行推进的方式。本文作者对此问题进行了深入的探讨,需要指出的是,文中观点只代表作者本人而与其所在单位无关。  相似文献   

CEOs and CFOs put themselves in a bind by providing earnings guidance and then making decisions designed to meet Wall Street's expectations for quarterly earnings. When earnings appear to be coming in short of projections, top managers often react by suggesting or demanding that middle and lower level managers redo their forecasts, plans, and budgets. In some cases, top executives simply acquiesce to increasingly unrealistic analyst forecasts and adopt them as the basis for setting organizational goals and developing internal budgets. But in cases where external expectations are impossible to meet, either approach sets up the firm and its managers for failure.
Using the experiences of several companies, the authors illustrate the dangers of conforming to market pressures for unrealistic growth targets. They argue that an overvalued stock, by encouraging overpriced acquisitions and other risky, value-destroying bets, can be as damaging to the long-run health of a company as an undervalued stock.
Putting an end to the "earnings game" requires that CEOs reclaim the initiative by avoiding earnings guidance and managing expectations in such a way that their stocks trade reasonably close to their intrinsic value. In place of earnings forecasts, management should provide information about the company's strategic goals and main value drivers. They should also talk about the risks associated with the strategies, and management's plans to deal with them.  相似文献   

按照上级的要求,邯郸市政府采购中心全体干部职工认真学习《关于开展治理政府采购领域商业贿赂专项工作的通知》,通过学习我们深刻地认识到,开展治理政府采购领域商业贿赂工作的重要性及紧迫性,政府采购是中央确定的治理商业贿赂的重点领域之一,作为从事政府采购工作第一线的工作人员,要全面贯彻中央精神,加强学习,统一思想,切实采取有效措施,从源头上杜绝政府采购领域商业贿赂。[编者按]  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate time management in project based teamworking, a form of work that is seen as becoming a significant feature in many organisations, and consider its implications for accounting control. The analysis is based on a perspective on time in organisations which, drawing on time-geography, considers the management of time in project-based teamworking organisations as part of the organisational actors' ongoing active production and reproduction of their social context. We grounded this perspective in a longitudinal ethnographic study of project-based teamworking, which examined the development process of computer-based management information systems for top executives in a large multinational company. The extended time-geography perspective presented in this paper offers a theoretical framework within which various organisational practices may be explained and provides a better understanding of the social dynamics of time management than is provided by traditional accounting approaches. The implications of this perspective for the use of accounting practices in the management of time in project-based teamworking are discussed.  相似文献   

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