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利用2006年第二次全国残疾人抽样调查数据对中国少数民族人群残疾现患率的流行特征、社会经济状况及其与汉族残疾人的差异进行比较分析.少数民族男性的残疾现患率(6.46%)高于女性(6.03%).初中及以上教育程度的女性少数民族残疾人仅有10.04%.居住在农村的少数民族残疾人,大约有25%生活在国家规定的农村贫困标准以下,71%的农村少数民族残疾人没有参与任何形式的社会保险.农村、女性、老年残疾人是今后少数民族残疾人扶贫和社会保障覆盖重点干预对象;要优先提高女性残疾人的受教育水平.  相似文献   

根据第二次全国残疾人抽样调查(2006)以及2006年全国统计年鉴等相关数据资源,分别计算反映我国不同区域残疾水平的残疾现患率指标,以及反映我国不同区域社会经济发展水平的人类发展指数指标。探求残疾的罹患与社会经济发展之间的相关关系,证明不同社会经济水平条件下,残疾罹患水平具有区域差异性。在理论和实际两个方面为不同社会经济水平地区的残疾人保障和康复扶助工作提供了指导和政策支持。  相似文献   

我国区域残疾现患率与人类发展指数相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据第二次全国残疾人抽样调查(2006)以及2006年全国统计年鉴等相关数据资源,分别计算反映我国不同区域残疾水平的残疾现患率指标,以及反映我国不同区域社会经济发展水平的人类发展指数指标.探求残疾的罹患与社会经济发展之间的相关关系,证明不同社会经济水平条件下,残疾罹患水平具有区域差异性.在理论和实际两个方面为不同社会经济水平地区的残疾人保障和康复扶助工作提供了指导和政策支持.  相似文献   

张小燕  管越  李森 《人口与发展》2020,26(2):116-123
就业是残疾人融入社会和实现自身价值的有效途径。基于某地区2017年全国残疾人基本服务状况与需求信息动态更新调查数据,构建Logit回归模型,针对不同的户籍制度,考察残疾程度、教育程度与无障碍设施对残疾人就业选择的影响。研究发现,教育对就业有显著正相关关系,而残疾人就业与残疾程度,无障碍设施呈负相关。与以往研究不同的是,对样本按户籍制度进行分组后,发现无障碍设施,即社会对于残疾人群体的真实关怀程度对农业户口残疾人就业呈显著负相关。由此提出政府对残疾群体在支持公共配套无障碍设施与鼓励残疾人就业之间应寻找新的平衡点,同时也反映出我国对于残疾人保障的力度。  相似文献   

近年来随着政府对特殊教育扶持力度的不断加大,高校残疾学生招生规模不断扩大,在校残疾大学生人数逐年增加。与一般残疾人相比,残疾大学生因受过良好的教育而对旅游在内的精神文化需求更高,是残疾人旅游市场中的相对活跃群体。以南京特殊教育师范学院残疾大学生为主要调查对象,以问卷调查数据为基础,对残疾大学生旅游行为特征及其限制因素进行分析,并据此提出加大政府保障与扶持、加大残疾人旅游产品开发、完善无障碍设施建设、克服残疾大学生旅游心理障碍和进一步引导社会观念等残疾大学生旅游发展策略,以期为残疾人旅游市场发展提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

"中国残疾人"是一个数量众多,特性突出,需要特别帮助的社会弱势群体,"截止2010年末,我国共有残疾人8502万人,其中智力残疾568万人,精神残疾629万人以及其他重度残疾2518万人。"[1]近年来,我国政府持续关注残疾人各方面事业发展,残疾人的基本生活、康复、医疗、就业等需求都得到了稳定的制度性的保障,但我国残疾人托养服务工作仍存在一定的问题。我国政府与NGO关于残疾人托养服务工作的发展进入到瓶颈期,这严重制约着我国残疾人工作发展的进程。所以,在这一背景下,政府与NGO的联动嵌入模式合作对于残疾人的托养服务的发展变得尤为重要,相比较之下,中国台湾地区的发展相比于内地发展的较为突出,内地可以从台湾地区的发展经验中反思当前残疾人事业发展现状,进而获得新的工作思路。  相似文献   

有数据显示,中国有6000万残疾人,其中听力言语残疾2057万人,智力残疾1182万人,肢体残疾877万人,视力残疾877万人,精神残疾225万人,多重及其他残疾782万人.--这些人就是中国残疾人联合会服务的对象.  相似文献   

雷旭平 《商》2014,(50):260-260
教育公平问题是我国社会持续关注的突出问题之一,残疾人作为社会弱势群体的一部分,其受教育情况仍然存在很大的问题。为满足残疾学生参加高考的需求,2015年教育部、中国残疾人联合会联合印发《残疾人参加普通高等学校招生全国统一考试管理规定(暂行)》。这一规定不仅是第一次从国家层面对残疾学生高考进行明确规定,同时这是对我国残疾人健康教育的良好践行,更是为真正实现教育公平做出的重大努力。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国各大媒体对残疾人创业事迹的报道,使得越来越多的人开始关注残疾人自主创业问题。目前,局部完全数据统计,我国目前的残疾人比例是我国人口总数的6.5%,每年,由于交通事故、职业伤害、环境污染等因素造成的残疾人数还在递增,那么如何解决残疾人的就业问题成为关系到我国社会和谐、健康发展的大问题。本文将就目前残疾人在创业中遇到的困难进行分析,并找出帮助残疾人企业生存与发展的具体模式和对策。  相似文献   

残疾学生心理特征分析及教育策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
残疾学生是一个弱势又特殊的群体,由于生理上的缺陷影响到心理健康,他们心理健康往往为人们忽视,因此必须关注残疾人的心理健康问题,给他们提供必要的支持性教育环境。本文分析了残疾学生的心理特征、行为表现及产生心理健康问题的因素,论述了对残疾学生进行针对性教育的重要性和具体教育策略,以期对于残疾学生的全面发展教育能够提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

The Internet promises many opportunities for consumers who shop online. While prior studies identify problems with online access for persons with disabilities, research has not examined whether consumers with disabilities shop online similarly to persons who are not disabled. The study attempts to fill this gap in two unique ways. First, this paper specifically considers the frequency of online shopping, the amount spent, and reasons for shopping online among both disabled and non-disabled persons. In addition, the study groups persons with disabilities into six major categories according to disability type rather than aggregating into one general category. Telephone surveys of 1053 persons reveal both differences and similarities that suggest opportunities for improving online access and developing a richer understanding of the online shopping motivations and needs of persons with disabilities.  相似文献   

Physically disabled women today have to face the inconvenience of shopping for their own as well as their families’ clothes and the inability of finding fashionable clothes that fit any disability. A total of 40 physically disabled women between the ages of 21 years and 60 years were interviewed on the problems they experienced when shopping for fashionable clothes that fit their disabilities. A total of 40 clothing shops were observed to get information on the extent to which the shops cater for the needs of the physically disabled consumer. Results from the interviews showed that the majority of physically disabled female clothing consumers experienced major problems in finding fashionable clothes that fit their disabilities. It was also clear that these women experienced problems with unusable access routes, unsuitable parking lots, display racks that are too high, spaces between racks that are too narrow, inadequate space in fitting rooms and a lack of assistance in shops. The observations were compared with the complaints the women had and it was found that these women had not overestimated their problems.  相似文献   

Functional clothing was examined as a factor in social interactions between physically disabled and non-disabled people. In the present study, the perceptions of able-bodied college students were compared with the evaluations of students with physical disabilities from a previous study. Seven line drawings of clothing with functional features were rated on semantic differential scales in a self-administered questionnaire. The non-disabled students were more positive than the disabled students on all of the scales for five of the seven styles. The able-bodied subjects also tended to use more global constructs when perceiving the styles than did their disabled counterparts, who were more likely to distinguish function as a separate dimension. Sex differences were found, with a tendency for the females to be more positive than the males in their ratings of the styles. Implications of the data and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

对残疾人均等享有公共服务如何解读,是推进残痰人事业的基本标志与评判标准。在社会转型期,残疾人作为社会的成员同样享有基本生存权、基本健康权、基本精神权与基本发展权,他们对公共服务的需求日益多样化与多层次化。但在现实生活中,残疾人公共服务的缺失日益凸显。在明确残疾与残障、预防与康复、机会均等与公共服务均等化的前提下,了解残痰人公共服务的需求与缺失.把残疾人公共服务的发展方向明确定位为均等享有。其中,残疾人机会均等的条件、标准、规则是发展残疚人公共服务的关键因素。  相似文献   

Do altruism and bequest incentives motivate adult children to care for disabled parents? Using an economic framework, this study examines these caregiving incentives. Data from the 1992 Health and Retirement Study indicate that motives to increase bequests from parents and parents’ disabilities influence adult children's decisions about not working and giving time or money to disabled parents.  相似文献   

Clothing-related risk perceptions of wheelchair-bound consumers were examined and then compared to risk perceptions of able-bodied consumers reported in previous studies. A scenario was used which involved the purchase of a pair of pants or slacks for a job interview to measure specific and overall clothing-related risk perceptions of 75 wheelchair-bound consumers. These disabled consumers perceived the order of clothing-related risk components as: physical, performance, psychological, economic and social. In previous studies, able-bodied students, reported a reverse order of perceived clothing-related risks. In this study, performance and social risk significantly correlated with overall risk; the same correlations held for able-bodied consumers in previous studies. Unique to this study were the high correlations of physical risk with psychological risk and economic risk. Wheelchair-bound males and persons with congenital disabilities perceived greater overall risk than other disabled consumers in this study.  相似文献   

残疾人医疗保障是残疾人社会保障体系的重要组成部分,在保障残疾人医疗服务需求方面发挥着积极的作用。本文以残疾人医疗保险为主要研究对象,从残疾人医疗保险的覆盖面、保障范围、资金补贴、待遇给付四个方面比较分析了全国23个省、市、自治区《关于促进残疾人事业发展的实施意见》的有关政策,并从推动城乡均衡发展、全面提高保障水平、明确界定政府责任、合理划分各级财政责任等方面提出了完善我国残疾人医疗保险制度的政策建议。  相似文献   

人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等。我们被赋予了理性和良知,应该以亲情的精神互相帮助。《世界人权宣言》问世60年之后,联合国残疾人权利法公约于2008年5月正式生效。公约明确了残疾人应与普通公民平等享有合法权益和参与社交、政治及经济生活的权利。然而,调查表明,约10亿多的残障人士每天都要忍受自然或人为障碍带来的不便。对此,我们的会议行业应该在总结该方面不足的同时,担当起无障碍服务的领跑者。我们是如何做的呢?  相似文献   

A study conducted on Asian ethnic consumers in the UK showed ethnic origin to be a major segmentation variable in differentiating ethnic and white intergroup responses to four different executions of advertising copy incorporating different levels of ethnic appeal. The ethnic group gave consistently more favourable responses than white consumers, implying that they would respond more favourably to the visual ‘picture’ component in advertising copy. On an intragroup basis it was found that ‘all-ethnic’ copy with higher levels of ethnic content would be more effective in targeting ethnic groups because it provides a cultural framework with greater staying power in terms of its visual, nonverbal presentation in comparison to ‘all-white’ appeals. ‘Integrated’ panel layouts incorporating both ethnic and white appeals in the same advertising copy format did not evoke significantly more positive feelings among either Asian ethnic or white viewers in comparison to ‘all-ethnic’ copy. Advertisers should note therefore that integrated advertisements cannot be expected to radically influence either ethnic or white consumer attitudes towards promoted products. It was also found that as a compromise strategy, ‘product-only’ advertisements might well be the best answer to targeting ethnic as well as white viewers.  相似文献   

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