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中国纺织:能谈谈以往的职业历程? 田浩:我1984年获得南开大学经济学硕士后公派去加拿大读工商管理,1986年考上加中联合培养博士项目,主攻证券市场.1989年进入加拿大皇家银行工作了4年半.然后又到加拿大上市公司AMR公司任总会计师.  相似文献   

步入弱冠之年的上海国际机床展,以“共同成就,共赢未来”的办展理念,赢得业界普遍认同和高度赞誉,成为亚太地区乃至世界范围内的著名机床展会之一。  相似文献   

供应链是围绕核心企业,通过对信息流、物流、资金流的控制,从采购原材料开始,制成中间产品以及最终产品。最后由销售网络把产品送到消费者手中的将供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商到最终用户连成一个整体的功能网链结构,在供应链中,所有参与方为了一个相同的目标而协调彼此的行为,以最大化满足客户的需求,同时保持合适的成本。  相似文献   

随着企业信息化的不断深入发展.在经历了一系列的软件采购、开发、升级换代后,越来越多的企业开始思考未来信息化的发展方向和建设重点,开始不断审视企业自身整体信息化构架、现有孤岛应用系统的整合问题。搭建一个综合性的信息管理平台,将企业原有各类业务软件系统进行整合,已成为众多企业信息化建设的重点。  相似文献   

北京长城电子商务有限公司自主开发的企业物资采购电子商务平台——长城e采,于2014年4月18日正式上线运行。这是积中国石化14年采购电子商务运行经验,按照国资委提升企业采购管理要求,将其核心功能推向社会,让社会众多企业共享其成果的重要举措,用信息化、电子化提升传统采购业务,促进企业转换发展方式,提升企业整体效益将发挥积极地社会化推进作用。  相似文献   

2007年5月10日,由淮南矿业集团物资供销分公司承办的第三届煤炭物资供应管理沙龙在黄山隆重召开.北京昊华能源股份有限公司、峰峰集团、淮北矿业集团、淮南矿业集团、开滦集团、平煤集团、四川省煤炭产业集团、皖北煤电集团、兖矿集团、阳煤集团、鸡西矿业集团、新汶矿业集团等12家煤炭企业的物资供应部门的主要负责人及业务人员近百人齐聚一堂,共谋煤炭企业发展大计.  相似文献   

经济全球化的发展、信息技术的推动以及管理模式的不断改进,市场竞争的方式已经从原来的企业间的竞争转变为供应链之间的竞争,如何提高企业的灵活性,实现集成、协作和同步的供应链,打造企业核心竞争优势已经成为企业面临迫切需要解决的问题。如何借助先进的管理理念来提高企业的管理水平和决策能力,在供应链之间的竞争中立于不败之地?利用先进的管理工具建立高效、集成的一体化物流供应链运作体系,对于企业降低采购成本、建立实时响应体系、降低库存资金占用、优化库存结构、实现战略供应源筛选能够起到巨大的推动作用,也成为建立企业核心竞…  相似文献   

再有不到1个月时间,中国国际纺织面料及辅料(春夏)博览会(以下简称intertextile面料展)就将在北京举行。每年的intertextile面料展,除了吸引国内外面料企业借此机会展示新产品与新理念,汇聚于此的设计师和采购商也是不可缺少的重要角色,在他们眼中,这个  相似文献   

中国包装科研测试中心以其良好运行状态,不仅突出显现其在包装试领域的权威作用,而且借助它的功能服务手段,为国内外客户提供一个展示内在质量外在形象的理想所。标准是走畅市场的前提随着全球经济一体化的推进,国贸易中的重要角色———关税壁垒的用明显减弱,包括安全、卫生、包装、志等内容的技术标准已成为参与国贸易、规范市场秩序的重要手段。到001年底,我国已有国家标准19744,其中,采用国际标准和国外先进标8621项,与前几年相比,呈明显上趋势。我国包装产业共有450余项家标准,其中已有50%采用了国际准(…  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of team transformational leadership on team performance during the new product development (NPD) process and the mediating role of team climate. Data were collected from 184 NPD projects of Chinese high-tech firms. The results show that NPD team transformational leadership is positively related to team performance. In addition, team climate mediates the relationship between most dimensions of NPD team transformational leadership (charisma, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration) and team performance.  相似文献   

4月3日上午,位于北京奥运场馆区的国家体育场里热闹非凡,数万人坐在看台上,焦急地等待着一个人的出场。灯光闪耀,音乐响起,一位中年人健步走上讲台,开始了滔滔不绝的演讲,他从前不久公司的组织结构调整讲到了业务模式,然后又谈到了创新,手上还不停地做着手势。  相似文献   

This research uses quasi-experimental, control group design to examine the performance and behavioral impact of team design on sales performance. We assess team versus individual performance and team composition. Drawing on motivation gain literature, we evaluate the impact of team composition based on the relative ability of the team members. The research is in a field sales setting in collaboration with a major insurance provider, providing the first example of assessing Group Motivation Gain (GMG) in a sales setting through a field experiment. Our paper extends previous research in this domain by considering outcome interdependence, not merely task interdependence, evaluating the performance of both team members, assessing motivation gain in the context of a task over a longer duration, and building the related nomological network. The findings demonstrate improved overall performance for the team and the individual members of the team, the gains were particularly pronounced when members have moderate levels of difference in ability, rather than small or large differences in ability. We discuss managerial implications of our findings and suggest further research directions.  相似文献   

A growing body of empirical research examines the effects of external team learning on team performance. While previous studies suggest that external learning activities enhance team performance, the contingencies of such activities have received less research attention. This study examines the moderating effects of transformational team leadership between external team learning and two team performance outcomes: (1) accepted and published articles in peer‐reviewed scientific journals, and (2) project occupancy rate. The study was conducted with 124 research teams. Supporting the hypotheses, the findings show that transformational leadership has a positive moderating effect between external team learning and both team performance outcomes.  相似文献   

有人这样精辟地评价高德康从一个农家子弟成长为一个知名企业家,是他的第一次升华;从致富一方到实现产业报国,是他的第二次升华;现在到了“创世界名牌,扬民族志气”的时候,则是他的第三次升华。  相似文献   

分析了当前钢铁工业面临的形势,介绍了天铁集团近年来结构调整的一些做法,并对企业今后进一步结构调整提出了战略思考。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between R&D team climate and team performance in a developing context, Korea. Given the fragmented results of existing studies in advanced countries, which explored largely the effects of individual dimensions of team climate on team performance, this study focused on the interaction effects among multiple dimensions of team climate. The interaction effects can produce seemingly contradictory or paradoxical bivariate associations between each climate dimension and team performance. Both bivariate and multivariate analyses, using data from 80 R&D project teams in both government-sponsored research institutes and private R&D centres in Korea, revealed the following results. 1. Four dimensions of R&D team climate—autonomy, cohesiveness, change orientation, work pressure—were not positively associated with team performance. Rather, autonomy was found to have a significant negative relationship. 2. Interaction effects of each team climate dimension were partially borne out. When the change orientation or work pressure of a team was high, autonomy had a positive impact on team performance. Otherwise, autonomous team climate deteriorated performance of the team. However, interaction effects between cohesiveness and change orientation or work pressure were not found significant. 3. There appeared three clusters of R&D teams with similar climate characteristics. Teams with high autonomy but a low change orientation exhibited a lower level of performance than the other two clusters—one with low autonomy but high change orientation and work pressure, and the other with a medium level of autonomy and change orientation. The results implied that a holistic team climate, as well as an individual aspect of climate, had a significant impact on team performance. A configuration approach considering interaction effects among various climate aspects would be beneficial for the development of high performing R&D teams.  相似文献   

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