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西双版纳建设的世界旅游名城的相关规划意见中指出了要将生产世界级一流产品作为目标,打造吃、住、行、游、购、娱、养综合性的世界级旅游产品。而在建设世界旅游名城的过程中,相应旅游业基础建设及产业建设都需要大量新型人才,对此,本文主要对相应建设目标下旅游职业人才发展相关的课程体系创新思路进行分析,提出有一定实践价值的职教内容改革建议。  相似文献   

职业技术教育应当使受教育者获得在某一领域内从事工作所需要的广泛知识和基本技能。培养适应"广泛就业需要"的复合应用型人才,是新世纪经济社会发展的客观要求,也是世界职业教育改革发展的趋势。职业教育的发展必须适应当前知识经济发展、教育大众化和世界职业教育改革的趋势,并根据其办学形式多样化、与普教的有机融合、终身教育体系构建以及学习化社会的逐步建立来把握职业教育发展的宏观走向。  相似文献   

澳大利亚最大的航空公司澳航(QANTAS)新上任的总经理迪克逊日前宣布,澳航会逐步削减国际航班业务,首当其冲的是停止中国和加拿大的航线业务。据澳航驻京办介绍,从5月19日开始国内航班就全部停飞了,目前只保留了香港到悉尼的航班。自从澳大利亚成为向中国公  相似文献   

大学是人生职业选择非常重要的时期,有必要对职业世界进行较为全面客观的了解。笔者分析了职业世界探索的重要性、相关概念、职业世界探索的途径和方法。通过多种途径,多方位了解职业世界,为未来的决策做准备。  相似文献   

日本的“新旅游法”及其思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
日本的“新旅游法”及其思考□徐跃“从4月1日起,日本实施新的旅游法”。这恐怕是今年中日两国旅游界议论较多的话题之一。“新旅游法”新在哪里、意义如何等问题引起了我国旅游业界人士的关注。一、何谓“新旅游法”在进入正题之前,首先有必要对“新旅游法”一词的含...  相似文献   

60年前,中国人民取得了抗日战争的伟大胜利,这归根结底反映了中日两国发展道路的成败。中华人民共和国的成立和日本帝国主义的覆灭,使中日和平友好关系得到溯本清源的历史回归。冷战结束后国际形势发生深刻变化,中日关系面临重新定位和调整,反映两国在发展道路上的新变化。从中日关系的跨时代的视角上,审视两国关系的历史经纬及其规律性,能够“以史为鉴,面向未来”地探讨中日关系的发展前景。  相似文献   

孔海燕  宋海岩 《旅游学刊》2011,26(10):58-62
文章旨在开发中国饭店职业生涯管理测量维度,同时验证职业生涯管理对职业满意度的影响作用。在研究方法方面,综合运用了定性和定量两种方法,并在全国范围内收集具有代表性的数据。探索性因子分析提取了饭店职业生涯管理的3个维度,即职业考评、职业培训及职业发展;检验性因子分析证实提取的维度具有有效的信度和效度;随后,基于新开发的测量维度,文章又运用结构方程验证了饭店职业生涯管理与职业满意度的关系。结果表明,有效的职业生涯管理能提高员工的职业满意度。在3个维度中,职业考评对职业满意度的贡献率最大,其次为职业发展及职业培训。最后,文章讨论了其学术和实践贡献,以期为理论研究和实践管理提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

目前,计算机网络与应用逐渐涉及各个领域、行业,其重要性日益凸显。而随着高职院校体制的不断改革,社会对职业人才的需求和要求都在稳步提升,探索针对高职院校计算机软件专业的新型办学模式亟待进行。基于此,本文立足于当下高职院校计算机软件专业的教育现状,对其合作办学意义进行剖析,从校企合作、国际合作、与教育机构合作三个角度出发研究其合作办学模式,以供专业人士参考交流。  相似文献   

澳元升值使澳旅游行业遭受打击澳《金融评论报》发表评论称,近期由于美元疲软,在澳元利率上升以及澳能源业蓬勃发展的推动下,澳元不断升值。澳元升值将使澳出口业遭受打击,澳制造商将面临越来越大的压力,由于价格上涨,教育业和旅游业国际竞争力也将下降。在旅游方面,来自中国、  相似文献   

他有两个业余爱好,一个是世界上最小的球,高尔夫球;一个是世界上最大的球,是热气球。中国有104个热气球驾驶员,其中大多数的职业与热气球有关,他的驾驶执照,则纯粹属于个人爱好。  相似文献   

The closer economic relationship trade agreement (CER) between Australia and New Zealand has substantial implications for travel and tourism in the two countries. This study provides a discussion of the development of new branding strategies at both the inter and international level. In addition, New Zealand appears set to benefit greatly from its improved access to the much larger Australian market.  相似文献   

Biosecurity and wine tourism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Travel is an increasingly important aspiration for young people around the world. In order to explore other places and their culture, and to relax, have fun, and save money to travel, combining overseas work and travel is now a popular young students' activity. Such student travel has a history of 30 years and in 2011 7 countries have permitted a work and travel visa to be issued to Taiwanese students. Every year almost over 3000 Taiwanese young people travel overseas, especially to the United States of America, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Japan, to both work and travel in those countries. There they can improve their language skills, expand their international viewpoints and experience different cultures. This study looks at the relationships between work and travel overseas motivations, perceived travel risk and satisfaction for young people, and uses a sample of 151 Taiwanese undergraduates working and traveling in the U.S.A., Australia and New Zealand during 2008 to 2010. Three hypothesized relationships are examined with reference to perceived risk, motivation and satisfaction and measurement scales are proposed.  相似文献   

Educational travel, a neglected area of study in sustainable tourism, has grown substantially over the last 20 years in part as a response to institutional missions to promote international education, but also as a result of the USA's national security concerns to nurture a global citizenry. Considerable future growth is predicted following the bipartisan Lincoln Commission report and under the pending new legislation in the USA. Our pre-test/post-test study of almost 5% (n = 651 US students) of the entire short-term, US educational travel market to Australia and New Zealand between 2008 and 2009 revealed significant differences between the cohorts of the two programs, both of which focused on sustainable development. The Australia program not only produced significant increases in global citizenship (as measured by scores on consumer behaviors, support for environmental policies, and environmental citizenship) beyond that of the New Zealand program, but any initial differences between the programs were erased following participation. Reasons for the differences in attitude change are discussed. Analysis also noted key differences between students with different political orientations, but no gender differences. Implications for managing educational travel, marketing Australia's and New Zealand's tourism, sustainable tourism planning, and theory advancements are discussed.  相似文献   

As the Baby Boomers approach retirement, tourism, in general, is expected to increase among members of this generation. This increase in travel is expected to be accompanied by a surge of interest in ecotourism—resulting in a new wave of ecotourists, over the next quarter century. This four-nation analysis of the post-war Baby Boom generation in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States (the CANZUS countries) argues that Baby Boomers should be segmented by their lifestyle characteristics, in order to isolate the best prospects for ecotourism. Data are presented to show that the prime-prospect ecotourist among Baby Boomers is in the Socially Aware lifestyle group, in Australia, and its counterparts in the other CANZUS populations—Autonomous Rebels in Canada, Educated Liberals in New Zealand, and Actualisers in the United States. Additional data on the travel motives and value priorities of Socially Aware Baby Boomers give a fuller picture of this group. Members of the Baby Boom generation are currently experiencing middle age; the psychological implications of this life stage for ecotourism activity are also given. Strategy pointers are offered for the ecotourism manager, given the growing importance of the Socially Aware Baby Boomer as an ecotourist.  相似文献   


Increases in environmental consciousness in western countries caused the emergence of nature based tourism. Australia and New Zealand are good examples of nature based tourism destinations. This investigation looks at the private and public sector input into this aspect of tourism activity. Both countries are focusing strongly on marketing efforts to increase visitor numbers and less to managing the effects on tourism. The private sector currently provides the impetus in the development of sustainable practices.  相似文献   

Tourism research is replete with applications of univariate time-series decomposition techniques: multivariate frameworks have been largely ignored. In this paper, we employ a common-feature-based, multivariate trend-cycle decomposition approach to examine common trends and common cycles amongst the demand for New Zealand tourism originating in Australia, China, the US, the UK, as well as other tourism-importing countries considered as one group: Others. Upon isolating trends and cycles in tourism demand from these countries, we find evidence of strong long-term comovement: they share one common trend. We also find evidence of short-term comovement, albeit to a lesser extent: four common cycles emerge; the cyclical patterns in tourism demand from Australia, China, the US, and Others are strongly correlated.  相似文献   

The findings of a study concerned with the locus of power between hotel owners and operators in Australia and New Zealand with hotels operated via a management contract are reported. Hypotheses are developed and tested in relation to the potential of locus of power to be associated with capital budgeting procedures. Using questionnaire survey data, support has been provided for the view that greater owner power is associated with: greater owner involvement in the capital budgeting process; greater emphasis on financial analytical tools in capital budgeting; and operators experiencing greater difficulty in securing a release of funds from the furniture, fixture and equipment reserve.  相似文献   

Aotearoa/New Zealand is a hotspot of threatened biodiversity. In recent years, a system of local/regional eco-sanctuaries has been developed, which now play a critical role in the intensive management of endangered endemic species as part of the wider restoration of New Zealand's indigenous biodiversity. Many of these projects have harnessed tourism as an important revenue stream to fund ecological restoration. Theoretically informed by the field of environmental philosophy and drawing upon the concept of ‘conservation narratives’, this paper aims to explore international visitors' perceptions of ecological restoration and experiences in New Zealand eco-sanctuaries using flash interviews informed by photo-elicitation. The findings reveal disparate interpretations of biodiversity and contrasting conservation narratives that underpin diverse visitor experiences at New Zealand eco-sanctuaries.  相似文献   

Sir Edmund Hillary’s first ascent of Mt Everest in 1953 provided New Zealand with a global adventure representation. His image aligned to a mythologised pioneering cultural identity. Although the privileged masculine, white, class and imperialist features of this cultural myth have been critiqued, adventure remains a positively valued social tenet in New Zealand. Since 1953 socially recognised ‘adventure-makers’ have sustained traditional adventure practices and narratives. In the 1990s, however, bungy jumping became the prominent representation of New Zealand adventure. This challenged traditional understandings, providing an avenue to explore the contested social space and features underpinning understandings of adventure. Guided by Bourdieu’s conceptualisation of social life, the paper examines the practices and stories of 12 New Zealand ‘adventure-makers’ with sustained distinction. The interpretation draws on discursive data from newspapers, magazines, websites, biographies, auto-biographies and research interviews. The rule-changing social distinction afforded bungy jumping is not a rupture of New Zealand’s adventure habitus. It does, however, highlight a collective self-deception in negotiation of the understandings of adventure in relation to the features of ‘misadventure’, ‘exclusivity’ and the ‘extraordinary’. The bungy jumping leap innovatively transforms the danger, myth and extraordinary into a recognisable, individually inclusive experience of adventure.  相似文献   

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