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The question of the terms of trade has not yet been studied by the new empirical literature on the export sophistication, which focuses only on its effect on economic growth. The contribution of this paper is to investigate whether the increase in the export sophistication is terms of trade worsening or improving for the developing and emerging economies. Importantly, we find that the increase in the sophistication of the developing countries’ exports is accompanied by a deterioration of their terms of trade.  相似文献   

The halving of oil prices, during a short period between 2014 and 2015, has generated major terms of trade losses for oil exporting countries. This terms of trade shock has economy‐wide effects and significant distributive impacts. This paper, using a macro‐micro simulation model, describes and quantifies the channels of transmission from the drop of oil prices, to changes in welfare distribution at the household level for the case of the Russian Federation. The oil price reduction generates a reverse Dutch disease impacting sectoral employment, factor returns and consumption prices. It causes a contraction of employment and wages in more skill‐intensive (non‐tradable) sectors, and a reduction in consumption prices that is more pronounced for non‐food than for food goods. When these shifts are mapped to changes in incomes at the micro level, all households are affected. Poverty rates increase by 1 to 4 percentage points, depending on the poverty line used. At the US$ 10 a day threshold, 4.1 million additional people fall into poverty. Along the consumption distribution, richer people are affected more than those in the bottom 40%. However, this minor progressive impact may be reversed due to increases in unemployment and cuts in social programmes.  相似文献   

影响中国贸易条件的制度因素与改革方略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着中国对外贸易的快速发展,中国的贸易条件成为经济学者们讨论的焦点,如何改善中国的贸易务件也成为中国 经济发展所面临的严峻课题。本文通过深入分析指出,当前不合理的贸易制度是制约中国贸易条件改善的根本因素,并在此 基础上提出了利于改善中国贸易条件的贸易发展战略以及为实施该战略所应采取的相应的改革措施。  相似文献   

Movements in the prices of primary products and manufacturedgoods are analysed using a model that introduces differencesin wage and price determination between primary production andmanufacturing. Wages and prices in primary production are treatedas competitively determined, while prices and wages in manufacturingare determined by mark-up pricing and union-employer bargaining,respectively. The objective is to capture the influence of structuraldifferences between manufacturing and primary production onthe terms of trade between industrialised and developing worldsas discussed in the seminal contributions to the developmentliterature by Raul Prebisch and Hans Singer. The model is estimatedusing price and wage data from the post-World War II period.Support is found for the Prebisch-Singer hypothesis; however,our estimates suggest that, during periods of particularly rapidmanufacturing growth, there have been intervals of net improvementin the terms of trade of primary producers.  相似文献   

通过大量数据说明。中国FDI主要流向劳动力密集型出口部门。这种流向特征一方面导致中国出口消费品的超额供给,另一方面又带动了对资本、技术等密集型产品的进口FDI需求的增长,使中国的贸易条件趋向恶化。要改善中国的贸易条件,应当进一步加强对外资流向的引导,从根本上增加外资流向资本技术密集型部门和服务业的比重,降低流向一般制造业的比重。  相似文献   

Using panel time-series models that deal with the problems of potential endogeneity and cross-sectional dependence, while also allowing for cross-country heterogeneity in the parameters of interest, we demonstrate that trade openness produces a depreciation of the real effective exchange rate.  相似文献   

国际贸易是不同国家和地区之间商品和劳务的交换活动,贸易术语则是国际贸易发展到一定历史阶段的产物。贸易术语是签订合同的基础,是可以明确国际货物买卖的交货条件和价格构成的专门用语。FOB、CFR、CIF是当今贸易实务中运用最广泛的三种主要贸易术语,所以,引入案例剖析《2010通则》项下三种术语的异同,并在此基础上提出具体的术语选用策略。  相似文献   

The debate about the Prebisch-Singer thesis has focused on primary commodities with some extensions to manufactures. We analyse trends in country terms-of-trade for goods and services rather than those for commodities according to the World Bank income classification. We find that the natural logarithm of the terms of trade for all groups except for the poorest has common unit roots, but none has individual unit roots. As low-income countries have no unit roots over-differencing is inefficient and biases significance levels in first differences against the fall in the terms of trade. For the low-income countries the terms of trade of goods and services are falling at a rate that is significantly negative without and with endogeneity treatment by system GMM. A comprehensive analysis of the effects of time dummies supports the result of falling terms of trade for low-income countries. When all coefficients are country-specific 50% of all low-income countries have falling terms of trade in a simultaneous equation estimation using the SUR method. Food and financial crisis have no effect on the number of countries with falling terms of trade, but (dis-)improve the terms of trade or the significance of the results for a very small number of countries.  相似文献   

Using annual time series data (1983–2007), this paper examines the nexus between international trade and technological progress in China. The time series properties of the data are analyzed by bounds testing approach and vector error-correction model. The empirical results show that, it is not international trade volume and export trade volume but the import trade volume that is cointegrated with total factor productivity. The paper also finds that, in the long run, there is a reciprocal Granger causal relationship between the change of import trade volume and the change of total factor productivity, and in the short run, there is no evidence to support the Granger causality between these changes of the two variables.  相似文献   

Free market economists argue that national authorities avoid restrictions on the free movement of goods, services and financial capital between countries. Yet, countries continually choose to restrict the flow of capital both into and out of the country. Why is this done? Is it done to protect the domestic banking system, to control the domestic money supply, to manage the exchange rate, to provide stability for internal markets or to avoid wide swings in the availability of capital? Are these controls effective in precluding wide swings in a country's international trade balance? This article uses panel data in a logit model to analyse policy choice with respect to an international trade and/or investment regime. The goal is to identify choices effective in reducing the likelihood of a severe Balance of Trade Disturbance (BTD) and determine if the appropriate choice is related to per capita income (pci).  相似文献   

Along the line suggested by Nicholas Kaldor, the paper incorporatesinto the analysis of a dual economy effective demand as a problemof generation of agricultural surplus and its realisation intopurchasing power for industrial goods. Through this approach,it is shown how one obtains empirical predictions about unevensectoral growth rates, as well as an effect of the movementin the terms of trade on long-term industrial growth which iscontrary to that suggested by Lewis. The paper also specifiesthe process of dynamic adjustment of industrial growth in aself-reinforcing circular flow under conditions of sufficientlyhigh agricultural growth, extending the effective demand argumentin a dual economy.  相似文献   

This paper tests whether the implementation of a key market‐oriented reform in post‐Soviet Russia, property rights in land, proxied by the percent of privatized land by region, affected the pace of sub‐national economic growth during two unprecedented expansion periods: 2001–2008 and 2010–2014. Individuals gained the Constitutional right to own land in 1993, but implementation was stalled. The pace of land privatization can be explained by arguably exogenous factors such as distance to Moscow, as well as climate and also regional political culture, proxied by concentration of votes in the 2004 presidential election. We show that this rate of land privatization in Russia's regions was significantly associated with output growth in 2010–2014, confirming the policy importance of this measure for developing economies. Regions where private holdings expanded most rapidly with the enforcement of property rights in land, gained a competitive advantage in the growth process through increased investment in fixed assets and private consumption.  相似文献   

The paper examines the impact of world commodity prices on national output and trade balances in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Norway, OECD economies that, unlike other advanced economies, are heavily dependent on commodity exports. Contrary to Dutch disease theory based on real exchange rate adjustment, it highlights the relative price effects of terms of trade (ToT) changes on gross domestic product and net exports with reference to the experience of this unique set of OECD countries. The econometric analysis verifies key predictions of this alternative perspective that ToT fluctuations should (i) have no significant short-run impact on GDP and that (ii) due to relative price effects a strong positive relationship between the ToT and net exports is unlikely.  相似文献   

国际服务贸易促进我国经济增长的实证分析及对策研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
潘菁 《当代财经》2005,(4):95-99
随着全球经济的重点正从货物贸易转向服务贸易,服务贸易在我国经济高速持续增长中能够发挥重要支持和源泉作用。通过对1985-2001年的统计数据进行实证分析国际服务贸易对我国经济增长的作用,对我国服务贸易开放度与国际竞争力进行实证分析探讨服务贸易对经济增长带动不足的原因。提出引进、消化国外先进的生产性服务;发挥服务业传统优势,提高服务业知识技术含量,不断创造出新的优势;用竞争优势理论,努力增强我国服务贸易的国际竞争力;充分发挥政府在服务业竞争能力培育中的作用等增强服务贸易国际竞争力、支撑经济增长的政策建议。  相似文献   

Abstract .  In the context of a two-sector overlapping-generations model it is demonstrated that a steady-state transfer paradox may arise under commodity trade with stability and without distortions or bystanders. The existence of the paradox is due to the effect of the transfer on world capital accumulation, which is shown to always (i.e., for any ranking of factor intensities and savings rates) improve the donor's terms of trade. Transfers may also improve steady-state welfare for both donor and recipient and produce paradoxical welfare results along the transition path.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to analyze the relation between foreign asset formation (FAF) and terms of trade (TOT) in countries characterized by unbalanced productive structures (UPS). This is done by modifying the structuralist thesis about the (overstated) positive effects of a rise in TOT on the balance-of-payment equilibrium gross domestic product growth rate. The theoretical analysis follows Thirlwall’s law and its subsequent modifications. The paper’s main contribution will be to explain and formalize the low—and even null—effects of TOT on balance-of-payment constraints due to the quasi-rent generated in the export sector of a UPS. To reinforce this idea, the empirical section econometrically shows the existence of a significant and positive relationship between TOT and FAF in developing countries.  相似文献   

Increasing openness contributes to economic growth in developing countries, but the endogeneity problem impedes drawing this conclusion. This paper uses the constructed trade share to circumvent the effects of endogeneity according to a method proposed by Frankel and Romer. The results demonstrate that increasing openness has a positive impact on provinces’ GDP and GDP per capita. In addition, an increase in lagged openness is beneficial for present economic growth, and even openness gained many years ago, which is measured by the number of treaty ports, makes a difference in present economic growth.  相似文献   

To analyse the impact of the diversity of talent distribution on the equilibrium growth rate, this paper develops an equilibrium growth model with heterogeneous labor. We show that the growth effect after free trade depends on the diversity effect and the trade effect. In addition, we prove that if talent diversity is great enough then opening trade will stimulate economic growth. In contrast, if talent diversity is small enough then trade openness is detrimental to economic growth.  相似文献   

Dramatic changes in the relative prices of goods in international trade have accompanied, and indeed preceded, the recent global crisis. The causes and effects of the relative price changes are analysed by applying the analysis of business cycles developed by Joseph Schumpeter. Schumpeter’s analysis emphasises innovation and structural change (particularly creative destruction) which impart uneven development on the economy and can foster financial crises. This puts the current crisis in the context of long-wave development of the capitalist system and leads to predictions about the likely path of price and output changes over the next few decades.  相似文献   

杨文兰 《时代经贸》2007,5(9X):60-62,64
经济互补性促进了俄欧贸易关系的发展,但由于双方利益诉求的不同,在俄欧贸易关系发展中体现出了更多的博弈思想。本文从博弈论视角探讨俄欧贸易关系的发展,其结论是合作是俄欧贸易发展的永恒趋势  相似文献   

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