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中国贸易条件的变动趋势测算及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用回归方程对1981-2007年中国贸易条件变动趋势进行测算,研究发现:中国贸易条件以每年4.6%的速度下降,其中工业制成品贸易条件下降是主要动因.在此基础上,对于贸易条件的影响因素进行理论分析和实证检验:长期来看,汇率变化对于贸易条件无显著影响,出口商品结构、FDI和关税水平对贸易条件都有显著影响.  相似文献   

利用回归方程对1981-2007年中国贸易条件变动趋势进行测算,研究发现:中国贸易条件以每年4.6%的速度下降,其中工业制成品贸易条件下降是主要动因。在此基础上,利用协整模型对价格贸易条件与工业制成品出口比例的相关关系进行实证检验:长期来看,价格贸易条件与工业制成品出口比例之间存在着稳定的协整关系,并且工业制成品出口比例上升是造成中国价格贸易条件恶化的格兰杰原因。  相似文献   

Using linear and nonlinear specifications, we studied the effects of real exchange rate changes on the trade balance of Ghana during the period 1986Q1 to 2016Q3. We found no evidence in support of the short- and long-run impact of exchange rate changes on the trade balance in the linear specification. The J-curve is refuted in this case. In contrast, exchange rate changes affected the trade balance in the nonlinear specification. Depreciations improve the trade balance in the long run, but appreciations have no impact. Hence, exchange rate changes have nonlinear effects on the trade balance. This is consistent with the J-curve phenomenon.  相似文献   

中美贸易不平衡的均衡、错位及其矫正的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1995-2010年1季度数据,研究中美贸易不平衡的均衡水平、错位程度及其矫正机制。研究发现:长期看,美国经济增长1%、中国经济增长1%、人民币对美元实际汇率贬值1%,导致中国对美贸易顺差分别增加4.46%、0.81%、0.93%;2005年我国的汇率制度改革导致我国对美贸易顺差小幅度增加。中美贸易收支错位的自我修正机制存在,自我修正功能较强。短期看,人民币对美元实际汇率升值、我国货币供给减少、美国政府支出增加、人民币对美元名义汇率贬值,导致我国对美贸易顺差增加。中美贸易不平衡的错位是经常性的,2009-2010年1季度,中美贸易不平衡低于均衡水平。政策含义是:积极转变我国的经济增长方式;长期坚持人民币对美元适度升值;策略性地应对来自美国的人民币升值压力。  相似文献   

国际贸易、技术创新与人力资源的再配置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
技术进步是长期经济增长的源泉,而技术进步很大程度上是市场选择的结果。技术具有外溢性,在开放经济条件下,国际贸易通过开辟知识的跨国流动途径加速国际知识交流,增加本国的知识存量;另一方面通过劳动力市场和产品市场的价格信号影响人力资源在传统工业部门和技术研发部门之间的流动,并对人力资本投资发生作用。这种人力资源的专业化及投资行为最终会对长期经济增长率产生影响。  相似文献   

The adjustment process to a monetary disturbance is studied in a model of perfect capital mobility and flexible exchange rates. Exchange rate expectations are emphasized and used to establish an adjustment process. In the short run, a monetary expansion gives rise to a depreciation in the exchange rate and a reduction in saving due to the terms of trade deterioration. The exchange rate depreciation, in the short run, may be in excess of the long-run depreciation. The trade balance in the short run may worsen. The long-run equilibrium of the analysis conforms to the Mundell-Fleming results that establish the force of monetary policy under flexible rates.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the equilibrium exchange rates for commodity and oil currencies as well as the discrepancies of their observed exchange rates to these equilibriums. To this end, first, we estimate a long‐term relationship between the real effective exchange rate and economic fundamentals, including the commodity terms of trade. The estimation relies on panel cointegration techniques and covers annual data from 1980 to 2007. Our results show that real exchange rates co‐move with commodity prices in the long run and respond to oil price somewhat less than to commodity prices. Second, we assess the degree of misalignment of these currencies, as the gap between their observed exchange rate and the estimated equilibrium exchange rate. We show that these misalignments are not significantly related to the exchange rate regimes adopted by the countries, either pegged or floating. However, for pegged currencies, the size of misalignments significantly depends on the anchor currency, either the euro or the dollar. A comparison of misalignments of pegged commodity and oil currencies across different periods confirms these results: during periods of dollar (euro) overvaluation, currencies pegged to the dollar (euro) tend to be overvalued; the reverse being true when the dollar (euro) is undervalued. Consequently, pegged currencies are often driven away from their equilibria by wild fluctuations in the key currencies, on which they are anchored.  相似文献   

本文以中国与东盟六国18类产品的产业内贸易的月度面板数据作为分析基础,通过分析汇率与产业内贸易的传导关系、中国与东盟六国产业内贸易特点,并且建立产业内贸易指数与汇率的VAR模型,对我国的汇率对产业内贸易的冲击作用和动态关系做实证分析。研究发现:一是无论是短期或长期,汇率升值对绝大多数初级产品的产业内贸易是不利的,但在短期内它有助于提升大多数工业制品的产业内贸易水平,长期内对工业制品的产业内贸易冲击效应是分化的。二是汇率升值后长期内对不同劳动密集型产品的产业内贸易发展是一样的。三是无论是短期还是长期,初级产品的产业内贸易对汇率冲击的反应相当微弱,工业制品反应相对较强。  相似文献   

This paper follows a non‐linear ARDL error‐correction approach to examine the presence of the J‐curve in the commodity‐level trade between the United States and China. The analysis disaggregates the US–China trade flows by commodities and separately examines the trade balance responses of 97 commodities to the changes in the real yuan–US$ exchange rates. The analysis at the commodity level alleviates potential aggregation bias that is present in earlier studies offering little evidence for long‐run asymmetric effects of exchange rate on the China–US trade balance. We find strong support for short‐run asymmetric effects in the case of two‐third of the commodities, whereas significant long‐run asymmetric effects are present in the case of one‐third of the commodities including those commodities which command large shares in the China–US trade.  相似文献   

This paper explores permanent, unanticipated shocks in the yen-dollar exchange rate in a perfect-foresight, infinite-horizon, representative-agent model for an open, semismall economy that produces a single good, imports intermediate inputs and investment goods from Japan and competes with Japan in external markets. Therefore, the model captures some of the features of the developing countries of East Asia. External debt is constrained by a country-risk premium that depends on the level of external debt. The capital stock is maintained and incremented by an endogenous mixture of Japanese and home goods. An appreciation of the dollar against the yen is neutral for external indebtedness and the trade account in the long run, but raises the capital stock, consumption and hence welfare in the long run; the home currency depreciates against the dollar but appreciates against the yen. Whether a cycle of current account surpluses followed by current account deficits or vice versa is generated depends on the initial response of the shadow value of external debt.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of terms-of-trade and oil price on trade balance in Asian economies. Generally, the results of the normalized cointegrating vectors show that the impact of terms-of-trade on trade balance is different across economies. An increase in oil price or permanent oil price will lead to a decrease in terms-of-trade while the impact of an increase in temporary oil price on terms-of-trade is ambiguous. Generally, terms-of-trade, domestic demand, foreign demand, and oil price (permanent oil price, temporary oil price) are important in the determination of trade balance in the short run and long run.  相似文献   

人民币实际有效汇率对我国加工贸易影响的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李辉 《国际贸易问题》2008,305(5):114-118
人民币汇率制度形成机制改革以后,人民币汇率的长期升值趋势将进一步对我国以加工贸易为主的国际贸易产生影响。本文运用协整分析、格兰因果检验和建立回归模型等计量经济学方法对1981-2006年的人民币实际有效汇率与加工贸易进出口的关系进行研究。得出的结论是:人民币实际有效汇率下降会刺激加工贸易进口、出口的增长,对此文章给出合理的解释。  相似文献   

我国外汇储备与CPI波动动态传导机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章构建IS-LM-BP模型并借助1994年1月~2008年6月(174个样本)月度时间序列数据,对我国物价波动及其传导机制进行实证研究。结果发现:外汇储备、进出口贸易和物价之间存在长期协整关系;短期和长期内货币供应量和外汇储备对物价波动均产生正向冲击;进出口贸易是物价波动的格兰杰原因,但外汇储备不是物价波动的格兰杰原因;脉冲响应证实进出口贸易和货币供应量短期内减缓物价波动,但是长期内对物价波动冲击效应显著,加剧物价波动。由此可见,在开放经济发展过程中,不能忽视物价波动的外部传导机制,内外经济问题都需要高度关注。  相似文献   

中美贸易顺差与人民币汇率关系的实证分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
针对中美贸易顺差与人民币汇率关系的问题,本文通过协整分析和Granger因果检验发现,人民币升值在短期难以对中美贸易顺差产生调节作用,从长期影响而言,人民币升值的影响作用也不大。此外,中美贸易顺差在短期还是主要取决于当前贸易收支的现实情况,而中长期则在很大程度上受到美国经济波动的影响。因此,人民币升值不会缓解美国巨大的贸易逆差,而且即使美国贸易收支出现改善也不会对美国经济发展产生显著的正面影响。  相似文献   

This paper uses wavelet analysis to investigate the relationship between the spot exchange rate and interest rate differential for seven pairs of countries, with a small country, Sweden, included in each case. The key empirical results show that there tends to be a negative relationship between the spot exchange rate (domestic‐currency price of foreign currency) and nominal interest rate differential (approximately the domestic interest rate minus the foreign interest rate) at the shortest timescales, while a positive relationship is more frequently found at the longest timescales. This indicates that among models of exchange rate determination using the asset approach, the sticky‐price models are supported in the short run and flexible‐price models in the long run.  相似文献   

Real exchange rates are often ‘disconnected’ from fundamentals. Mean reversion toward equilibrium operates at a slow pace (if it operates at all), and when inflation is low the real exchange rate tracks closely the nominal exchange rate for prolonged periods of time. Using a simple open economy model, we show that including endogenous norms in wage and price setting in an open economy set‐up can lead to hysteresis in the real exchange rate. For a given set of fundamentals, the real exchange rate may settle down at different equilibria and exchange rate policies are not necessarily neutral in the long‐run.  相似文献   

Using an intertemporal model as a reference, this article decomposes U.S. trade balance movements into parts driven by supply shocks, demand shocks, and relative price shocks. In identifying structural shocks, we propose a new type of long-run restriction that extends the previous structural Vector Autoregression (VAR) literature, and demonstrate its relationship to other identifying schemes. Empirical results indicate that relative price shocks and demand shocks are important in the short run while demand and supply shocks dominate in the long run in explaining the U.S. trade balance.  相似文献   

Using comprehensive, shipment‐level merchandise trade data for a small, open economy, we examine heterogeneity in exporters' exchange rate pass‐through (ERPT) behaviour. We draw together two recent studies of ERPT, linking invoice currency decisions and firm performance to heterogeneity in ERPT. Like these studies, we find that the short‐run reaction of export unit values to exchange rate fluctuations is significantly related to both invoice currency choice and exporter characteristics when these are analysed separately. However, we then show that when the two factors are jointly accounted for, the role of exporter characteristics largely disappears. That is, some firm types are more inclined to invoice in the producer currency, while others use either the local or a vehicle currency. In the short run, this translates into differences in exchange rate pass‐through because of price rigidity in the invoice currency. Firm characteristics do not have an independent impact on pass‐through beyond their effect on currency composition. Differences across invoice currencies diminish over time, but do not disappear, as prices adjust to reflect bilateral exchange rate movements.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to determine the effects of real exchange rate changes on the real Malaysian trade balance and the domestic output during the pegged exchange rate regime, 1977:1–1998:2, using quarterly data. The cointegration results suggest that a real ringgit exchange rate depreciation improves the Malaysian balance of trade in the long run. The impulse response analysis suggests that the effects of a depreciation of ringgit on the trade balance and domestic output are quite similar. A devaluation will initially improve the trade balance and domestic output, after which the trade balance starts to deteriorate and then the recession sets in, but subsequently both the trade balance and domestic output improve.  相似文献   

能源约束对出口贸易结构影响的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从能源价格的角度出发,在定义能源约束量化指标的基础上,建立了能源约束对出口贸易结构影响的动态计量模型,并从长期和短期两个角度,分析了能源约束对出口贸易结构的动态影响。研究结果表明,从短期看,能源约束通过直接的价格冲击和间接的生产要素部门转移,带动贸易结构的优化调整;从长期看,能源约束对出口贸易结构的调整方向具有不确定。  相似文献   

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