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The five countries of Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan are considered to be the major Asian economic 'Tigers' behind Asia's growth in the late 1900s. In this paper, we analyze the consumption patterns of these five countries, using the most recent consumption data and employing the system-wide approach. We find that the consumption data from these five countries support a number of empirical regularities, including the 'law of demand' and 'Engel's law'. Based on the estimation results, we find that in all five countries, food, housing and medical care (except in Taiwan) are necessities, while clothing, durables (except in Singapore) and transport are luxuries. Demand for all the commodities is price inelastic. Furthermore, we find that the demand hypothesis, homogeneity, is acceptable for all five countries while Slutsky symmetry is acceptable only for Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan. We also find that the preference-independence hypothesis is acceptable for all countries except Japan. Overall, consumption patterns of consumers appear to be similar across the five countries, while some differences exist between Japan and the other four countries.  相似文献   

我国经济增长模式比较:内需与外需   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国经济发展所创造的显著成就,以及外向型程度的快速上升,引发了世界各国对中国经济增长模式的广泛关注。消费、投资和出口是拉动经济增长的三大需求和动力源泉,判断一国经济增长模式,一般看两个重要基准:一是看三大需求对一国总需求的贡献,二是看三大需求拉动的国内增加值对一国国内生产总值的贡献。相关研究表明,在需求主体方面中国以内需为主,在动力结构方面中国经济增长模式具有双轮驱动的典型特征。  相似文献   

Using a nested multinomial logit model, this study investigates the demand “reduction” and “diversion” effects of user fees in rural areas of Ethiopia. The results reveal that an increase in user fees of public clinics, which are the most widely used alternative, can have a significant demand reduction effect on the poorest of the poor. This implies that despite cost recovery has been advocated as an alternative means of health care financing in most of the developing world, increasing user fees may drive the poorest segment of the population out of the health care market unless some protective measures are taken.  相似文献   

本文从企业拓展市场角度把中国企业面临的市场选择分为内需市场与外需市场。在拓展外需市场时,中国企业表现了旺盛的竞争性;而在拓展内需市场时,则异常乏力甚至无奈。通过界定内外需市场,分析这种二元市场的成因,从而为协调我国内需与外需市场的发展提出一种思考的角度。  相似文献   

国际旅游需求影响因素众多,加上样本小,数据缺乏,采用常规线性方法与统计方法很难准确加以预测。尝试基于灰色系统理论,建立灰色模型,对海南中部国际旅游市场需求进行预测。  相似文献   

基于5个主要长线市场(美国、澳大利亚、法国、德国、英国)的近19年年度数据,通过采用自回归分布滞后模型(ADLM)对影响上海入境旅游需求的主要因素进行分析,并运用“从一般到具体”(general-to-specific)的计量经济建模方法确定最终模型。分析结果表明,客源国的经济状况是上海入境旅游需求的重要决定因素,上海的旅游成本、“口碑效应“以及一些突发事件会对不同客源国入境旅游需求产生显著影响。最后通过对旅游需求弹性的分析为上海旅游产业政策制定提供了政策建议和实证依据。  相似文献   

The present study assesses the impact of relative prices on tourism flows in Mauritius. To account for dynamism in tourism flows modelling, a dynamic time series analysis – namely the vector autoregressive model – is employed. The results show that relative price measures have a long-run impact on international tourism flows, indicating that tourists are sensitive to price levels. The relative average cost in the different competing destinations is also reported to be positive and significant, indicating that the impact of relative price changes in foreign destinations competing with Mauritius tourism matters; thus indicating a certain degree of substitutability between Mauritian and its regional competitors’ tourism. Tourism infrastructure, income in country of origin and the island's level of development are confirmed to be key factors in the tourist selection decision. Finally, overall, short-run estimates confirm the above results.  相似文献   

Planning is about other things as well, but it is fundamentallyan economic activity. It allocates a scarce resource but independentlyof prices or any market information. In analysing the effectsthis allocative mechanism has on housing supply (or, indeed,the supply of buildings for any given use), we need to thinkcarefully about what exactly it is that planning allocates andwhether, in its operation, it creates a constraint on the supplyof what it is allocating. In the British case, our planningsystem does not operate on the supply of housing directly, butindirectly via the constraint imposed on land supply. Giventhe income elasticity of demand for space this has policy implicationsperhaps even more serious than is acknowledged by Barker.  相似文献   

本文从远程开放教育的新开设专业——软件工程专业的社会需求出发,分析了目前市场对软件人才的需求,分析了目前软件工程专业建设存在的问题,针对电大开放教育中软件工程专业教学和科研建设的基本内容,对软件工程专业教学模式开展了探讨。  相似文献   

文章针对我国长期以来由于物质资源匮乏、传统观念及计划经济等影响造成的消费和交换行为的特殊性,建立“中国式有限理性人”假设,尝试对Marshall局部均衡分析模型进行拓展,运用边际损失厌恶效用曲线(MUCLA)等方法,构建倒S形需求曲线模型,该模型能较好地解释我国部分商品需求刚性及价格“棘轮效应”.拓展前后的需求曲线,在斜率、形状、范围等方面有不同的机理,倒S形需求曲线特定约束条件弱化后,得出的需求曲线形状变化与Marshall需求曲线趋于一致.  相似文献   

随着对外贸易全球化进程的加快,外贸人才的需求量与日俱增,而地方中小企业也需要自己的外贸人才以便提高自身的国际竞争力。作为地方性的高职高专院校,加快人才培养方式的改革,调整人才培养模式以适应地方经济的需要已成为当务之急,本文即从适应地方经济的需要出发研究了高职外贸人才培养的模式。  相似文献   

This paper uses the travel cost method to evaluate the recreational benefits of a beach along the eastern coast of Xiamen Island in China. Our results indicate that the total value for the beach and its associated recreation is in excess of US$53 million. This paper also discusses the protection of this significant tourism resource and considers the use of a suitable entrance fee.  相似文献   

我国关于公共产品的研究集中在供给方面,对公共产品需求的研究还相对较少。本文作者从需求角度,通过可行的计量分析,利用横截面数据,研究了人均教育支出与相关因素之间的关系。  相似文献   

马力 《科学决策》2010,(9):66-72
本文采用人工神经网络原理,对山西省入境旅游市场需求进行预测。论文以人工神经网络理论为基础,对旅游市场需求预测指标的选择、神经网络预测模型的选择、旅游需求神经网络预测模型的建模流程和实现方法进行了初步探讨,构建了基于人工神经网络的旅游需求预测模型。  相似文献   

关于医疗费用上涨的原因,还没有学者从政府对医疗服务的补贴方面来进行研究。事实上,政府的医疗补贴,可以增加人们对医疗的需求,需求的变化必然导致价格的变化。文章在研究这个问题时,首先建立了医疗服务的市场需求与供给模型和个人需求与供给模型,然后根据模型分析了政府的医疗补贴如何使价格上涨,同时也说明了补贴的必要性,最后提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

影响内需的原因及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘兵 《特区经济》2008,(3):213-215
生产、分配和消费是互相关联的环节,内需不足已经成为制约中国经济协调发展的掣肘环节,必须从生产、分配和消费三个方面来研究这个问题。生产和分配环节存在着诸多制约消费、阻碍内需扩大的因素,消费环节自身也存在着限制内需的因素,必须通过各种政策的协调配合,将生产、分配和消费三者的关系理顺,才能实现扩大内需,带动国民经济又好又快发展。  相似文献   

The myth of a stable European money demand   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Recent empirical studies suggest that an aggregate EC-wide money demand function is more stable than national money demand functions in the European Community. If true, this would facilitate monetary policy after Economic and Monetary Union. The evidence presented in this paper, however, shows that in general there is no relationship between the size of a currency area and the stability of its demand for money. I conclude that the stability of European money demand is a statistical artifact and has nothing to say about money demand stability in a future larger European currency area.  相似文献   

This paper estimates open-economy macroeconomic models of the Chinese economy allowing for the structural change caused by the 1992 reforms. Unrestricted vector autoregressions, VARs, and cointegrating vector error correction models, VECMs, are estimated on quarterly data for the early reform period 1980–1992, and the late reform period, 1993–2018. Two long-run cointegrating vectors are identified, which can be interpreted as a long-run, money demand function and a long-run IS type income equation driven by export demand. The 1992 reforms involved a move to a more market oriented system and a transformation of financial institutions and this seems to be responsible for a change in the direction of effect of interest rates in both the IS and LM relationships.  相似文献   

经济全球化使得国家经济利益面临更多的挑战 ,经济竞争、经济手段的作用不断加强 ,经济安全的重要性愈来愈显著。但经济安全首先是个国内问题 ,而内需不足是当前国内最大的经济问题。扩大内需对于解决目前的经济矛盾 ,实现经济均衡发展 ,维护我国经济安全具有至关重要的战略意  相似文献   

Divisia M1 and M2 are constructed for Malaysia. Unlike M1, Divisia M2 shows significant differences in both level and growth rates from its simple sum counterpart. We also compare these Divisia measures to simple sum M1 and M2 in a money demand function. Using error correction models, we examine short-run dynamics between these monetary aggregates and money demand determinants such as inflation, domestic and foreign interest rates, financial wealth, and income. We find that Divisia M2 is the most appropriate monetary aggregate of the four candidates to track money demand in Malaysia and should be used when conducting monetary policy.  相似文献   

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