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粤能徐闻角尾灯楼角风电项目启动仪式在徐闻县角尾乡举行。这是继徐闻洋前风电项目建成投产后,又一风电项目在徐闻正式启动。  相似文献   

德班会议及后德班进程展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱国强 《环境经济》2012,(Z1):34-38
是否要制定一个确定2020年后减排安排的路线图,启动一个新的谈判授权是德班会议争议的核心。德班平台的启动,标志着气候变化国际谈判的重点将由巴厘路线图转为2020年后的国际减排安排,直接关系到未来国际气候制度的发展方向。  相似文献   

是否要制定一个确定2020年后减排安排的路线图,启动一个新的谈判授权是德班会议争议的核心。德班平台的启动,标志着气候变化国际谈判的重点将由巴厘路线图转为2020年后的国际减排安排,直接关系到未来国际气候制度的发展方向。  相似文献   

在使用电脑时。我们为了优化XP启动速度会经常使用一些修改软件,这些软件无一例外地会修改你的注册表,甚至会修改到双系统用户的系统启动文件,造成双系统启动文件BOOT.ini丢失。当BOOT.ini丢失后我们就必需再建一个BOOT.ini来恢复系统的启动。  相似文献   

2007年10月,民事诉讼法在实施16年后首次作出修改,对再审制度进行了重大调整。我们从民事再审程序的制度价值入手,立足新旧民事诉讼法的比较研究,从再审程序的启动主体、启动事由和启动期间三个方面分析民事再审程序的启动,探讨民事诉讼法修改的必要性以及提出修改完善的建议。  相似文献   

90年代以来,世界经济进入了全球性恢复阶段,酝酿已久的欧元终于快要诞生了。欧洲货币体系转变成欧洲货币联盟,对全球金融格局、贸易特点产生了深远的影响。本文分析了未来欧元启动后对中欧贸易的影响,在贸易市场、贸易保护、贸易成本、贸易风险等多方面进行了深入的探讨。本文认为,建立欧洲货币联盟后,中欧之间的贸易将从内容与形式上面临着全新的局面,欧元启动过程中和启动后产生的种种问题与矛盾,或者促进或者阻碍着中欧贸易的发展,提出了众多迫切的问题  相似文献   

汽轮机系统停止运行后的防腐保护工作,能够缩短再次启动的冲洗时间,节约启动费用,也是延长设备寿命的主要措施之一,是设备寿命管理的重要组成部分。文章针对停运后汽轮机本体、凝汽器汽水侧、高低加和除氧器腐蚀的危害,提出了各类汽轮机设备的防腐措施。  相似文献   

5月12日,环境保护部全面部署并展开地震灾区环境与核安全应急工作5月12日14时28分四川省汶川县发生8.0级强烈地震后,环境保护部部长周生贤当日下午做出重要批示,要求马上行动,全力以赴做好环境保护应急工作,立即启动一级应急响应,并要求四川省环保局启动  相似文献   

欧元启动与汇率风险欧元启动已进入倒计时,在过渡期前后,对于我国经贸企业来说存在着三方面的汇率风险:1非欧元国货币的汇率风险。欧盟内的非欧元国,即英国、瑞士、丹麦、希腊由于其未加入货币联盟,欧元启动后其本国货币依然存在,其货币对欧元的汇率被限在15%...  相似文献   

硬盘启动过程:在BIOS自检确认所有的硬件(包括硬盘)连接正确后,硬盘开始启动,这里以在启动分区安装Windows 98操作系统为例。第一步:根据CMOS设置的参数,硬盘将磁头定位在物理扇0柱0面1扇上,接着先后读取扇区结束标志55AAH、主引导记录MBR、硬盘分区表HDPT。第二步:根据硬盘分区表提供的数据,硬盘将磁头定位在活动分区  相似文献   

Jyh-Bang Jou 《Applied economics》2013,45(30):4723-4728
A firm, which faces technical uncertainty as in Pindyck (1993) can choose between two mutually exclusive investment projects, Projects 1 and 2. The added option to exercise Project 2 makes the firm less likely to exercise Project 1. An increase in the degree of technical uncertainty, the investment rate or the investment value upon completion for Project 2 encourages the firm to exercise Project 2 by increasing the trigger level of the expected cost of Project 2. This, however, ambiguously affects the firm's incentive to exercise Project 1, as the firm would rather implement Project 1 (2) in a region where the expected cost of Project 2 is relatively high (low).  相似文献   

建立技术引进项目的评价指标体系及其参考评价标准,在没有专家、决策者给出权重的情况下,基于熵权法客观评价技术引进项目,为企业作出技术引进项目的优选决策提供依据。  相似文献   

通过对我国工程设计行业的定位进行分析,提出了工程设计行业的十大特性及六大社会功能,以期提高各部门对工程设计行业在区域经济发展中地位的再认识,使工程设计行业在新的经济环境下得到快速发展。  相似文献   

天然林保护工程实施绩效评价是优化工程宏观决策机制的基础.本文回顾了公共财政支出项目绩效评价的理论基础,天然林保护工程绩效评价研究现状、评价实践,分析天然林保护工程绩效评价研究和实践过程中存在的主要问题,提出了天然林保护工程绩效评价进一步研究的重点以及需要解决的机制问题.  相似文献   

孙洪波 《时代经贸》2012,(6):169-170
PPP模式下,城市轨道交通项目融资参与者众多,风险因素错综复杂,各风险所引起的后果的严重程度不同,使得风险分担变得更加复杂化。因此,本文针对PPP模式下城市轨道交通项目风险的主要特征,分析参与各方面临的主要风险及应对措施。  相似文献   

Brazil contains the world's largest tropical rainforests, most located in the Amazon River Basin. Over the last three decades, rapid growth of this region's deforested area has had negative impacts. To minimize these impacts and maintain biodiversity, the Brazilian Government has established several national forests in the Basin. The ITTO Project, a reduced impact logging (RIL) operation, was recently carried out at one of these forests: the Tapajós National Forest, also known as Flona Tapajós. This paper evaluates the Project's profitability and its effect on local residents. The Project, which ran between 1999 and 2003, was coordinated by the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), with funding for planning and monitoring provided by the United Kingdom's Department of International Development (DFID) working through and approved by the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). Treviso Agropecuária Ltda, a private logging company, carried out timber extraction on the Project site. Our evaluation found the ITTO Project to have been highly profitable for Treviso, even after their compliance with all Brazilian labor and environmental laws. This finding was based on field interviews and the examination of documents from IBAMA and Treviso. Treviso's mean internal rate of return from the Project was calculated to have been 35.79%, considerably higher than that generated by the region's farms and ranches. The ITTO Project positively impacted Project workers, providing employment and exposing them to rainforest management techniques that maximize timber production while minimizing forest destruction. The paper closes by suggesting that more of the direct and indirect benefits of new reduced impact logging projects on Brazilian national forest land need to be channeled to the local population to increase the probability of them act as capable forest custodians.  相似文献   

南水北调中线工程是我国进行水资源优化调配,解决北方,尤其是京、津、冀地区资源性缺水的21世纪重大战略工程。丹江口水库汉江上游地区为水源地.由于其水土流失和局部水体污染严重,自然灾害频繁,中线工程的建设使得水源地生态环境的综合治理更为紧迫,因此维护水源地生态安全的重点在于水源地的综合治理,其关键是加大水源地生态建设的投入.并完善南水北调中线工程管理体制,加强立法体系的建设,抓紧生态环境综合治理和建设重点,尽快建立科学合理的生态补偿机制和绿色GDP核算体系.加大水源地生态安全相关课题的研究等政策建议。  相似文献   

The resort to utility-theoretical issues will permit us to propose a constructive procedure for deriving a homogeneous of degree one continuous function that gives raise to a primitive demand function under suitably mild conditions. This constitutes the first self-contained and elementary proof of a necessary and sufficient condition for an integrability problem to have a solution by continuous (subjective utility) functions.The work of José C. R. Alcantud has been supported by FEDER and Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia under the Research Project SEJ2005-0304/ECON, and by Consejería de Educación (Junta de Castilla y León) under the Research Project SA098A05. Carlos R. Palmero acknowledges financial support by FEDER and Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia under the Research Project SEJ2005-08709/ECON, and by Consejería de Educación (Junta de Castilla y León) under the Research Project VA017B05.  相似文献   

针对退耕还林工程对农业生态经济系统耦合作用方向及程度研究滞后的现实,选择吴起县为研究对象,运用1997~2008年统计年鉴数据和2010年8月的农户调研数据,探讨吴起县农业产业-资源耦合对退耕还林工程的响应过程。结果表明:"工程"的实施促使吴起县农业资源结构发生了较大变化,资源量有所增加,但与之相对应的产业并未得到相应的发展。林草资源及农村劳动力资源的大量闲置,林草产业及相关产业、果业与加工业的发展迟缓表明吴起县农业产业-资源之间没有形成合理配置,协调发展的态势,即"工程"在一定程度上改变了农业产业-资源耦合方向,但对其有效耦合作用的程度并不够。为此提出今后促进吴起县农业产业-资源有效耦合的建议。  相似文献   

Project Tiger has been India's premier case of conservation success. Since mid 1990s select Project Tiger Reserves in India were chosen for intensive funding by the Global Environment Facility, the International Development Agency (IDA) and the Government of India under the ‘India Eco-Development Project’. This project marked a modest shift towards debt based funding. The GEF Project has become a benchmark for tiger conservation in India both in terms of management outcomes and scale and scope of funding. However in the absence of large-scale budgetary support or self-generating income flows, it becomes difficult for the GEF type of project to be replicated in other tiger reserves of the country. Debt instruments hold promise as enablers of conservation finance. The paper proposes issue of ‘tiger bonds’ to meet the financial requirements of tiger reserves. Though attractive as a debt instrument, a ‘tiger bond’ could nevertheless entail interest rate and default risks.Bioprospecting activities form good revenue sources for tiger reserves to pay off their debts. However bioprospecting activities do not provide assured returns to tiger reserves. Pharmaceutical companies that prospect for genetic resources and practice ‘real options’ approach to R&D investment planning, adopt multi-phased investment systems and sequential searches that gives them the flexibility to abandon R&D projects. From the point of view of genetic resource providing entities like Project Tiger Reserves, the ‘postponement value’ generated by real options, enables a drug company to tap substitutes for the genetic resources that form the subject matter of bioprospecting contracts. To obviate possible repayment risks by tiger reserves, the paper advocates the institution of ‘put bonds’ as a risk management tool for Project Tiger Reserves in order to hedge themselves against loan defaults arising from possible loss in bioprospecting income. The paper also brings out the mechanics of the issue of tiger bonds in the Indian context. It is argued that a put bond not only hedges default risks but would also aid ‘value discovery’ and payment for ecosystem services as far as the Project Tiger Reserves of India are concerned.  相似文献   

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