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Justice experiences are proposed to demonstrate a normal distribution with very fair and very unfair experiences being relatively rare and the majority of experiences in the middle of the distribution. Further, it is the extreme experiences of unfairness and fairness that are most important in shaping behavioral reactions to fairness. The reliance on traditional Likert-type measures to assess organizational justice constructs and use of linear correlation-based statistics has limited the opportunity to observe these effects. Two proposals for developing new measures that could enhance our understanding of the tails of justice distributions include: (a) develop a zone of tolerance model to assess violations and “more than fair” tails of the fairness distribution and (b) examine baseline levels of fairness and the influence of these baselines on reactions to specific justice events.  相似文献   

郭永涛  刘振华  宋瑶 《价值工程》2012,31(22):158-159
现代企业在人力资源激励过程中往往投入很多,但是得到的效果不是很显著,原因之一便是员工在激励过程中没有感受到公平。因此,在人力资源激励过程中要注重公平,这就需要运用激励理论中的公平理论作为理论指导。员工之所以感到不公平,是因为他们进行了横向和纵向的比较,在比较后,如果自己的投入产出比与他人的不等,或者自己现在的投入产出比与过去的不等,就会产生不公平感。管理者应注意运用公平理论解决问题,从而使员工感到公平,实现有效的激励。  相似文献   

This article draws on data collected as part of a project investigating the role of workplace disciplinary and grievance procedures and their influence, if any, on employment tribunal claims of unfair dismissal. It focuses specifically on small firms and small sites of larger firms and examines the question of fairness from two perspectives first, in relation to the managerial treatment of employees in matters of discipline, and secondly, by consideration of whether employment tribunals are unfair to small employers who defend claims.  相似文献   

Allocating the overall budget to projects is a major decision for an organization. Taking that decision by looking at the overall profit only may result in an unfair treatment of departments, with some departments overloaded and others underemployed (and dissatisfied). We consider an alternative approach, where the budget allocation is accomplished by aiming at fairness as well as profit. We adopt a knapsack-type Integer Linear Programming formulation to optimize both quality indicators of budget allocation, employing a fairly wide selection of fairness measures. The resulting optimization routines are applied to a representative selection of instances generated through Monte Carlo simulation. We show that high levels of fairness can be achieved for realistic scenarios with only a moderate loss of profit. Large companies appear to be able to achieve a better trade-off between fairness and profit. Striving for fairness also leads to funding more projects, thus increasing the usage level of the organization's human and material resources.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of organizational justice to explain the outcomes of multi-source performance appraisal. Central to this explanation is how employee reactions to appraisal cause changes in performance. This paper examines the literature on organizational justice and proposes a model to determine how employees will react to performance appraisal ratings. The model suggests that when performance appraisal ratings are low, employees use procedural justice evaluations to determine the fairness of those ratings. Employees act to improve low ratings that they perceive to be fair. Their performance may decrease on ratings they perceive to be unfair.  相似文献   

In this article, we attempt to explain the fair outcome of ultimatum game experiments using the evolutionary dynamics. The players of the game, the proposers and the responders, are randomly matched to play the game. When the responders face low offers from the proposers, their decisions are influenced by not only the monetary payoff but also their feelings. To quantify the responders?? feelings, a degree of dissatisfaction is introduced into the game. Asymmetrical replicator dynamics is used to study the evolution of the proportion of players with different strategies. The solutions of the differential equations exhibit complex outcomes mainly depending on the degree of dissatisfaction. It could also be inferred from our results that people can maintain their rights and interests well when they have a strong sense of unfairness.  相似文献   

当前中国经济增长的瓶颈既不是供给过剩,也不是需求不足,更不是增长过快,而是分配不公.其根源很大程度上来自于经济增长初始阶段要素占有的不公.只要初始阶段要素的占有存在问题,不论增长的过程是否公平,最后的结果一定是社会结构的失衡.而一旦失衡的社会结构被锁定,再分配的社会成本就会极其巨大.其中,空间要素占有的先天不公,决定了居住在城市的公民和居住在乡村的居民在参与经济转型、分享经济成长所有机会的不公.城市土地是财富积累的主要手段,尽可能地将城市土地在经济增长的初始阶段平均地分配给全体公民,是避免社会分配失衡的主要途径.依靠市场,并不能自动实现城市土地初始所有权的公平分配,政府在其中扮演着关键的角色.为居民提供基本的住房,则是政府少数几个最有效的工具.  相似文献   

We study how the growth of teams affects leadership effectiveness and intragroup cooperation. We put experimental participants in two teams. In each team, the members voluntarily contribute to a club good. In one of the two teams, the members observe the contribution of a randomly chosen leader before they decide themselves. Two treatments allow for migration between the teams. In one of them, participants control access to their team with a voting process. By design, participants can achieve the efficient outcome only if they all move into one team. We compare the results with a leaderless setting as well as with four treatments which vary team size exogenously. The results show that high contributions of leaders encourage higher per-capita contributions of their followers which foster migration into their teams. In turn, larger teams experience even more courageous leadership and higher contributions, but the coordination effect diminishes. Nevertheless, the dismissal of potential newcomers in the treatment with voting suggests that team members see a trade-off between team size and contributions. They sacrifice economic benefits from potential entrants to maintain intrateam cooperation.  相似文献   

Under the previous Employment Act No. 1475 employers had the right to dismiss any employee as they saw fit and there was no reinstatement for unfair or unjustified dismissal. However in the context of the national policy of harmonization with the European Union, the Turkish government introduced a new Act on job security (No. 4773). Then a new Employment Act (No. 4857), which included job security provisions, was introduced, whereas the Job Security Act No. 4773 and Employment Act No. 1475 were repealed. However this new Act provides only limited protection against unfair or unjustified dismissal because not all employees and organizations are covered by the new Act No. 4857.  相似文献   

文章将公平相关理论与某高校绩效薪酬体制改革相结合,以高校管理人员为研究对象,通过问卷的设计及对问卷结果的统计和分析,诊断分配不公平产生的原因,并分析影响分配公平感的若干因素。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of allocating two types of indivisible objects among a group of agents when a priority-order must be respected and only restricted monetary transfers are allowed. Since the existence of a fair (as in envy-free) allocation is not generally guaranteed, due to the restrictions on the money transfers, the concept of fairness is weakened, and a new concept of fairness is introduced. This concept is called weak fairness. This paper defines an allocation rule that implements weakly fair allocations and demonstrates that it is coalitionally strategy-proof. In fact, under a mild regulatory condition and quasi-linear utility functions, it is demonstrated that this is the only coalitionally strategy-proof allocation rule that implements a weakly fair allocation. We would like to thank two anonymous referees, the participants at the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory Conference (Greece, 2007) and the participants at the Association for Public Economic Theory Meeting (Nashville, USA, 2007) for valuable comments. The authors would also like to acknowledge financial support from The Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that firms' firing strategies and the judicial strategy of dismissed employees depend to a large extent on labor judges' ability to shed light on the various cases. The model is cast as a sequential game with imperfect information featuring firms, employees and labor judges. The judges' error margin increases with the congestion of the judicial system. The game presents multiple equilibria which differ in the frequency of good workers fired for unfair motives and the frequency of unreliable workers who abusively sue firms for unfair dismissal. The probability that the judge sits with the employee appears to be positively related to the ratio between the severance payment for economic dismissal and the company fine for abusive dismissal.  相似文献   

This study examined how social comparison (i.e., comparing one's pay to similar others' pay) and deserved comparison (i.e., comparing one's pay to one's deserved pay) affect pay fairness perceptions, and the individual differences in the comparison processes. Results based on a field study with a sample of 167 employees showed pay fairness was low when employees received lower pay than a similar other (or what they deserved), increased as their pay exceeded that of a similar other (or deserved pay) to some extent, and then decreased when overpayment was considerable. Second, pay fairness increased as one's actual and similar others' pay levels both increased while pay fairness remained the same as one's actual and the deserved pay levels both increased. In addition, the “threshold” that people start to perceive overpayment as less fair occurred more quickly for those with higher preference for consistency in social comparison and for those with higher preference for the merit principle in deserved comparison. We also conducted experiments, and the results generally replicated the findings in the field study. These findings offer theoretical implications regarding organizational justice, as well as practical implications for designing and executing a compensation system.  相似文献   

会计信息失真或造假现象普遍存在,有可能或已经在某种程度上使社会经济的增长通过会计信息产生的过程和结果的不公正而变成了一个零和游戏,即导致一部分人受益的同时而使另一部分人受损,这不仅会使会计学科本身所蕴涵的对公正的价值取向丧失殆尽,而且会使会计的正当性受到质疑。和谐会计的要旨就是要求会计信息产生的过程和结果本身公正以及公正地对待任何一方会计信息的使用者。因此,和谐会计的价值取向就是会计公正,即和谐会计是一个惠及所有会计信息使用者的会计,也就是“会计长在,友谊长存”的会计。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of different sources of monitoring information, quality of treatment and quality of decision‐making manipulations on perceptions of fairness and satisfaction with monitoring. Drawing on Blader and Tyler's four‐component model of fairness, participants were asked to rate their perceptions of fairness, satisfaction and intentions to comply with electronic performance‐monitoring policies that originated from formal organisational policies or from their direct supervisors. Results indicated that procedural justice violations originating from the supervisor (vs. formal organisational policy) led to lower perceptions of fairness and satisfaction with monitoring. Furthermore, the effect of procedural justice violations on compliance with monitoring was mediated by perceptions of fairness and satisfaction with monitoring. The present research has theoretical and practical implications for the design, implementation and communication of organisational electronic monitoring practices.  相似文献   

The effect of workplace accommodation on perceptions of fairness was investigated. Vignettes describing an organization that did or did not accommodate the needs of a breastfeeding employee were used to test the hypotheses. Accommodation had a positive effect on perceptions of fairness. This effect was stronger for participants with children. Perceived personal cost of the accommodation had a negative effect on fairness. Evidence was also obtained indicating that need-based concerns affect perceptions of fairness. For example, participants who believed that breastfeeding is a private issue that does not belong in the workplace reported the accommodation as less fair.  相似文献   

Paul Lewis offers a preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of legislation which seeks to give employees protection against unfair dismissal. In assessing the legislation, he analyses the results of actual Tribunal cases.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to test whether an enhanced degree of fair behavior could be obtained by making justice a goal, whether consciously set, primed, or both. Each experiment assessed fairness in a competitive negotiation context. All participants, across the three experiments, were asked to attain a base‐level performance goal. The first experiment examined how a negotiation is affected by a consciously set goal for fairness as well as a primed fairness goal. The results revealed that both the conscious and the primed goal enhanced a participant's fairness. The second and third experiments examined the underlying mediating mechanisms of the effects found in the first experiment. Overall, the results of three experiments indicate that both conscious and primed goals, individually or in combination, can increase fair behavior by enhancing justice saliency. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We present two theorems that provide necessary and sufficient conditions for an expected utility maximizer to become more risk averse in the sense of Ross with respect to bearing a foreground risk after the introduction of any independent fair or unfair additive background risk. We call these decision makers Ross risk vulnerable, and show that Ross decreasing absolute risk aversion and Ross decreasing absolute prudence are jointly sufficient for Ross risk vulnerability. Restrictions on utility necessary and sufficient for Ross risk vulnerability with respect to stochastic dominance deteriorations of an existing background risk are also presented. Our analysis concludes with applications of Ross risk vulnerability.  相似文献   

In their current framework project, the IASB and the FASB identify decision usefulness as the objective of financial reporting. Unfortunately, accounting research has neither yet come up with an undisputed measure of decision usefulness, nor with a satisfying method to rank competing measurement concepts, such as fair value or historical cost, with regard to their relative decision usefulness. Thus, assessing the decision usefulness of different accounting measurement concepts ultimately poses an empirical question. We provide evidence to this question by surveying an important user group, namely professional investors and their advisors, about their opinions on the decision usefulness of different accounting measurement concepts. We find that our respondents clearly differentiate between mark-to-market and mark-to-model fair values. While they consistently rank mark-to-market fair values as most decision-useful, they generally rank mark-to-model fair values as least decision-useful. In addition, the ranking differs across asset classes.  相似文献   

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