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企业名称权既是企业的一项人格权,又是一项财产权。企业名称作为企业所固有的人格权利,具有区别性的标识作用,使企业在经营过程中能够保持自己独立法律人格和独立的商主体地位;企业名称作为财产权利,表现为无形资产,具有潜在的价值性和不可估量性,极具升值潜力,在现代企业资产构成中占有重要比例。企业要注重名称权的开发与保护,使其能够保值、升值,促进企业的良性循环与发展。一、企业名称权的含义及其性质企业名称权是指企业依法享有的决定、使用、改变自己的名称,依照法律规定转让名称,并排除他人非法干涉、盗用或冒用的人格权。企业名称…  相似文献   

Dynamic and intensified changes in the global ecosystem result in significant disruptions to the natural environment. One of the most prominent examples of this is climate change and the resulting natural disasters. As firms are embedded within the natural environment, they need to adapt to any environmental disruptions that transpire. Using Swiss and Austrian electric utilities as case studies, this paper empirically explores the underlying organizational capabilities necessary to enable adaptation to climate-related disruptions to a firm's resource supply, production processes, and product distribution. Through a case- and literature-based iterative process of analytical induction, three organizational capabilities are derived: climate knowledge absorption as an essential information generating and internalizing capability, climate-related operational flexibility as a short-term adjustment capability, and strategic climate integration as a long-term, innovation-focused capability.  相似文献   

Developments within social and exact sciences take place because scientists engage in scientific practices that allow them to further expand and refine the scientific concepts within their scientific disciplines. There is disagreement among scientists as to what the essential practices are that allow scientific concepts within a scientific discipline to expand and evolve. One group looks at conceptual expansion as something that is being constrained by rational practices. Another group, however, suggests that conceptual expansion proceeds along the lines of ‘everything goes’. The goal of this paper is to test whether scientific concepts expand in a rational way within the field of organizational behaviour. We will use organizational climate and culture as examples. The essence of this study consists of two core concepts: one within organizational climate and one within organizational culture. It appears that several conceptual variations are added around these core concepts. The variations are constrained by rational scientific practices. In other terms, there is evidence that the field of organizational behaviour develops rationally  相似文献   

Feeling powerless is a major cause of tension in organizations. This paper looks at five techniques that facilitate the effective use of power — in both managers and subordinates.  相似文献   

CALIS全国农学文献信息中心建设成效显著。通过访问官方网站和参加年会、培训等切身感受,概述涉农联盟共享资源服务平台建设和服务情况,揭示联盟各成员馆与信息中心之间的关系,提出资源一建多享、共建共享的必要性和迫切性。  相似文献   


Effective implementation of human resource (HR) policies appears to depend on supervisors’ active involvement in the intervention process. Following recommendations of a recent intervention evaluation framework, we examine how perceived supervisor support during the implementation of a work-life intervention helps to change participants’ perceptions of organizational family supportiveness, and how this ultimately changes participants’ engagement and turnover intentions. A three-wave longitudinal study in a professional services firm (N = 434) that has formally involved supervisors in the process of a work-life intervention showed support for our study hypotheses. Supervisor support for policy use influenced employees’ positive work–home culture perceptions, which in turn strengthened employees’ work engagement and diminished their turnover intentions over time. We discuss practical implications and give recommendations on the future design of HR interventions and related policies.  相似文献   

容毅 《价值工程》2011,30(22):127-129
本文概述了现代企业管理战略的前沿课题——组织形象可识别系统的内涵、发展、地位及若干功能,特别分析了业界近年来高度关注的组织形象可识别系统(企业CIS)的构成要素,结合了当今著名企业的相关案例,得出了以下结论:企业的CIS建设是企业管理中文化建设的不可分割的部分,企业的CIS建设有利于树立企业的特色,有利于增强企业的国际竞争力,有利于获得消费者的认同。综上所述,现代化的企业应努力学习世界500强的优秀企业,努力进行企业文化的建设,这样才有利于我国的本土企业赶超世界著名企业。  相似文献   

Researchers have had difficulty accommodating materiality in voluntaristic theories of organizing. Although materiality surely shapes how people use technologies, materiality’s role in organizational change remains under-theorized. We suggest that scholars have had difficulty grappling with materiality because they often conflate the distinction between the material and social with the distinction between determinism and voluntarism. We explain why such conflation is unnecessary and outline four challenges that researchers must address before they can reconcile the reality of materiality with the notion that outcomes of technological change are socially constructed.  相似文献   

随着广西电网电力需求迅速增长,负荷峰谷差日益扩大,系统迫切需要调峰容量。文章首先阐述了广西电网建抽水蓄能电站的必要性,而后采用等效替代法分析抽水蓄能电站的容量效益、电量(节煤)效益及环保效益,并通过与替代火电厂的费用比较来说明建抽水蓄能电站的经济性。  相似文献   

As of the first periods of history, the fact that human being has benefited from the natural resources and the efforts to improve life conditions has shown a continuous increase and diversification in the direction of technological developments. The fact that improving technological developments within time has provided people to intervene in the nature influentially, the usage of natural resources has reached a critical point in terms of both the environment and living creatures and it has caused to climate changes in conjunction with environmental pollution. This research has been conducted in order to investigate the consciousness level of native people living in different regions of Libya on climate issue. The universe of the research consisted of native people living in Libya, while the sample consisted of 300 Libyans. The scanning method was used in the research. A questionnaire was carried out in order that the levels of consciousness of participants on climate change could be investigated. The information that was obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed in computer environment by using SPSS 20.0 program. As a result, in this research, which was conducted with the aim of determining the level of consciousness about the climate change of Libyan people, there were significant differences about age, gender and education variables, and the people of Libya participating in the survey have been informed about climate change.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of human values on beliefs and concern about climate change using a longitudinal design and Bayesian analysis. A sample of 298 undergraduate/master students filled out the same questionnaire on two occasions at an interval of 2 months. The questionnaire included measures of beliefs and concern about climate change (i.e., perceived consequences, risk perception, and skepticism) and human values (i.e., the Portrait Values Questionnaire). After controlling for gender and the respective baseline score, universalism at Time 1 was associated with higher levels of perceived consequences of climate change and lower levels of climate change skepticism. Self-direction at Time 1 predicted Time 2 climate change risk perception and perceived consequences of climate change. Hedonism at Time 1 was associated with Time 2 climate change risk perception. The other human values at Time 1 were not associated with any of the measures of beliefs and concern about climate change at Time 2. The results of this study suggest that a focus on universalism and self-direction values seems to be a more successful approach to stimulate public engagement with climate change than a focus on other human values.  相似文献   

This paper recognises the important role of learning in the process of the shaping or construction of technology. Previous research (e.g. by Collingridge, Genus and Woodhouse) has investigated and suggested ways in which the costs of the inevitable errors made when implementing new or risky technologies may be kept low and the learning obtained subsequently incorporated into the technology in question. In particular, the adoption of trial-and-error forms of the gradual implementation of flexible technology has been advocated as a useful decision making strategy for coping with the need to make decisions under uncertainty. The paper considers the recent history of wind and wave power in the United Kingdom. It examines the extent to which a number of factors related to the process of research, development and demonstration (R,D&D) in these areas have provided stimuli or impediments to such trial-and-error implementation and opportunities to learn about the technologies involved. Here, the concept of technological momentum is central to the analysis. The paper is concerned to relate the discussion to the prospects for the development of a renewable energy sector in the UK, capable of competing on reasonable terms with rival conventional or nuclear energy sources. Conclusions drawn concern the extent to which various political and market related factors distort the construction and competitive process, so as to frustrate the technological learning relevant to potentially socially and commercially beneficial energy sources.  相似文献   

There are a growing body of theoretical work, wide anecdotal evidence, and a few large-scale empirical studies supporting the view that business firms quite rarely change their organizational structure, a phenomenon usually referred to in the literature as structural inertia. The present paper aims to analyze empirically the determinants of structural inertia and organizational change. As far as we know, this work constitutes the first attempt to directly address such issues through econometric estimates based on a large, longitudinal dataset at plant level. For this purpose, we consider changes of the organizational structure within a sample composed of 438 Italian manufacturing plants observed from 1975 to 1996. More precisely, we specify and test a duration model of the likelihood of an individual plant changing the number of hierarchical tiers after a spell r, provided that no change has occurred up to T. We also analyze the direction of change, distinguishing increases from decreases of the number of managerial layers. We consider a set of plant- and industry-specific explanatory variables that are expected to induce or oppose organizational change. The findings show that the adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies and new human-resources management practices favors organizational change. On the contrary, the presence of sunk costs and the extent of influence activities figure prominently in explaining structural inertia of business organizations.  相似文献   


This paper uses Social Exchange Theory as a lens for comparing the impact of management support upon police perceptions of discretionary power and employee engagement, across three countries. A survey-based, self-report process collected data from 193 police officers in Australia, 588 from the USA, and 249 from Malta. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data. The findings suggest a significantly different management support context across the three countries, as well as significantly different perceptions of discretionary power. Across the three countries, police perceived relatively poor satisfaction with organizational management support and only some engagement levels. However, USA police perceived significantly more discretionary power than the other country samples. These findings provide greater clarity about the link between management support, discretionary power and engagement for the police officers. Since employee engagement likely affects policing outcomes, the findings suggest that poor management support of police officers could negatively affect the provided service. Potential strategies to enhance police engagement include (a) training police managers about how to manage so as to promote greater engagement, and (b) modifying police managers’ performance indicators in line with achieving better police engagement.  相似文献   

李宁忠 《物流科技》2007,30(1):151-153
企业的薪酬战略应该与企业的组织结构相匹配,在不同的组织结构下应实施不同的薪酬战略.本文首先对组织结构进行了分类;然后对薪酬战略进行了分析;最后探讨了薪酬战略和组织结构的匹配机制.  相似文献   

There is increasing recognition that the transfer of foreign technology to developing countries should be considered in light of broader processes of learning, technological capability, formation and industrial development. Previous studies that have looked at this in the context of cleantech industries in emerging economies tend to overlook firm-level specifics. This paper contributes to filling this gap by utilising in-depth qualitative firm-level data to analyse the extent to which the use of different learning mechanisms can explain differences in the accumulation of technological capabilities. This is explored via an examination of eight firms in the biomass power equipment industry in Malaysia during the period 1970–2011. The paper finds that firms relying on a combination of learning from foreign technology partners and internal learning by planned experimentation make most progress in terms of technological capability. Nevertheless, local spill-over effects were found to be important for some firms who learned principally from imitation of local competitors, although significantly, firms learning from local spillovers failed to advance beyond extra basic operating technological capabilities. Those firms who proactively pursued learning from foreign partners, on the other hand, advanced further, reaching basic innovative levels of technological capabilities. These findings are relevant for a wider range of industrial sectors in emerging economies.  相似文献   

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