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The management of environmental programmes often involves several stakeholders with diverse, and often conflicting, concerns. This paper proposes a methodology for the assessment of stakeholder preferences regarding a number of objectives of environmental restoration activities, such as the minimization of costs and of the impact on human health and safety. This methodology is based on an analytic/deliberative process that starts with pairwise comparisons of these objectives using questionnaires that the stakeholders complete. This input is used to produce a first set of relative weights using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (the analytic part). This set, as well as possible inconsistencies of the stakeholder assessments, is discussed with the stakeholders to correct inconsistencies and revise the weights (the deliberative part). The stakeholders always have the final word regarding the relative weights. Insights gained from a case study are also presented. The feedback from the stakeholders participating in this exercise was positive.  相似文献   

While the use of internal, external, and both types of environmental audits are becoming more pervasive in society, little is known about the stakeholder influences associated with their use, in large part because previous research has viewed them as a uniform type of management practice. This study draws on stakeholder theory to explore organizations’ use of different types of environmental audits. It uses international manufacturing data to show that significant variations in the use of environmental audits are associated with differences in stakeholder influences, and that a more nuanced treatment is needed when evaluating these audits.  相似文献   

Das et al. (2010) develop a model where an investor divides his or her wealth among mental accounts with motives such as retirement and bequest. Nevertheless, the investor ends up selecting portfolios within mental accounts and an aggregate portfolio that lie on the mean–variance frontier. Importantly, they assume that the investor only faces portfolio risk. In practice, however, many individuals also face background risk. Accordingly, our paper expands upon theirs by considering the case where the investor faces background risk. Our contribution is threefold. First, we provide an analytical characterization of the existence and composition of the optimal portfolios within accounts and the aggregate portfolio. Second, we show that these portfolios lie away from the mean–variance frontier under fairly general conditions. Third, we find that the composition and location of such portfolios can differ notably from those of portfolios on the mean–variance frontier.  相似文献   

In the context of high-risk industries, risk assessment takes place not only through standardized methods for risk analysis, but is frequently negotiated and discussed as an integral part of operational decision-making. This is not least the case in the context of operational planning. Frequent changes in operations require ongoing assessment of risk as tasks are rescheduled and resources reallocated. The current study explores how professionals account for the presence or absence of risk in a setting in which risk analysis is not the primary objective. With data from the offshore petroleum industry, the rhetorical aspects of risk assessments are examined. A series of interprofessional planning meetings were video recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using a rhetorical discourse analytic framework. The data are analyzed at a micro-interactional level in order to study how accounts of risk are presented and negotiated in this particular setting. The meaning and consequences of operational plan changes, and their implications for safety, are seen as negotiated discursively through interprofessional meeting talk. The analysis shows that accounts of risk are characterized by shifting rhetorical strategies that can be heard to echo established risk discourses often referred to as ‘technico-scientific’ and ‘contextualized’ conceptions of risk. Rhetorical devices are used interchangeably and strategically by the participants as they account for risk from their respective institutional positions and their specific areas of expertise and responsibility. The accounts are found to be increasingly persuasive and rhetorical in style as disagreements over risk and prioritizations surface. Accounts of risk, then, are not simply objective presentations of probability and consequence, but rather powerful tools for achieving specific professional outcomes. The study contributes to the understanding of risk assessment at its most concrete and practical level; as it takes place through professional interaction in an operational setting.  相似文献   

以战略成本管理提升企业核心竞争力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国企业目前基本上还停留在传统成本管理阶段,片面追求成本节约的管理模式。随着企业经营环境的变化,战略成本管理这一新的成本管理理念应运而生。本文从战略成本管理及战略管理的高度为企业决策者提供了竞争对手的价值链分析,为企业的战略决策提供了信息支持,对提升我国企业核心竞争力有很重要的实践价值。  相似文献   

Momentum is a pervasive and persistent phenomenon in financial economics that has been found to generate abnormal returns not explainable by the traditional asset pricing models. This paper investigates some variations of the existing momentum strategies to increase profit and gain other desirable properties such as low kurtosis, small negative skewness and small maximum drawdown. We investigate these by using regression that is based on the latest techniques from deep learning such as stacked autoencoders and denoising autoencoders. Empirical results indicate that our regression-based variations can generate increased returns, and improved higher-order moments and maximum drawdown characteristics. Furthermore, our results reveal such improved performance can only be attained through the use of the latest deep learning technologies.  相似文献   

As the world confronts unprecedented global aging, academics and policymakers are growing increasingly aware of the need for better risk management tools to handle the demographic transition. It is therefore imperative to identify innovative insurance and financial market products that can enrich the range of options for households, firms, and governments facing the challenge of an aging population. After outlining thoughts on how rising longevity might shape financial markets, we discuss opportunities for the finance and insurance industries in this arena. We also highlight how policymakers could respond to improve efforts to better manage risk.  相似文献   

The ‘Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) Roadmap’ was published by the European Commission on 15 July 2005. The TSE Roadmap proposes the relaxation of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) measures in the short, medium and long term. According to the Roadmap, any relaxation of BSE measures following the scientific assessment should be initiated by an open discussion with all stakeholders and supported by a strong communication strategy. This paper discusses the risk perception, risk communication and risk management of TSEs in Europe, exemplified by the TSE Roadmap. The main conclusion is that in general, BSE is no longer a ‘hot’ topic for stakeholders, but there are slight differences between countries with respect to specific measures. Another important conclusion is that the TSE Roadmap is a very effective tool for risk communication with stakeholders.  相似文献   

The increasing frequency and impact of environmental accidents have pushed the issue of environmental risk management (ERM) to the top of the Chinese governments’ agendas and popularized the term ‘emergency response.’ Although the boundary between environmental accidents and other types of accidents is blurred and effective ERM requires an integrated and coordinated management system, environmental risks have not been given due weight in the overall risk management framework in China. The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Environmental Protection Bureaus at various governmental levels are responsible for the management of environmental risks. In recent years, major developments have taken place within these environmental agencies, but the upward trend in number of environmental accidents has remained unchanged. This raises questions on how these organizations respond to and prevent environmental risks, which shortcomings can be indicated, and what improvements can be made in ERM. This study addresses these questions through a survey among environmental bureaus at provincial and municipal levels. The results indicate that environmental emergency response and ERM have become a major concern of local environmental officials. However, the attitudes, available resources, and organizational capacities vary among environmental agencies, which results in considerable differences in the adopted strategies and management tools. This survey is the first attempt to profile the ERM of the Chinese environmental agencies, which serves as a basis for further analysis of ERM in China.  相似文献   

China, as a ‘double risk’ society, is in urgent need for effective environmental risk management systems. Compared with other risks, man-made environmental risks have not been given due weight. Public awareness and perceptions of environmental risks are crucial in all phases of effective risk management. However, little is known about public perceptions of environmental risks in China. To contribute to better understanding of public perception of environmental risk, a questionnaire survey was conducted among university students in Beijing, who represent a group with high level of education and a generally high sensitivity to new information. The results show that even this group has limited knowledge about environmental risks and current risk management systems. Further studies are needed to understand the social construction of environmental risks in China and to seek ways to involve the Chinese public in emergency response and risk management.  相似文献   

近来,希腊债务危机成为全球经济舆论的焦点。文章指出,希腊债务危机是希腊经济自身缺陷、主权债务信息披露不完善、欧元区体制弊端等问题的集中体现。借鉴希腊债务危机的教训,我们应进一步强化信息披露对金融市场发展基础性作用的认识,通过发展直接融资促进地方政府融资的显性化,并尽快建立和完善我国金融市场的风险监控、预警和处理机制。  相似文献   

It has been argued that presenting uncertainty in environmental health risk estimates may increase citizens' risk knowledge and trust in the honesty and competence of the institutions providing such estimates; on the other hand, careless communication could have undesirable results. Reported here is a study of how American laypeople think about uncertainty in risk assessment, and its implications for risk management, extending earlier experimental research (Johnson and Slovic, 1995). A long closedended questionnaire (based in part on qualitative research) was given to 280 Eugene, Oregon, residents (largely college students). Uncertainty was presented in the form of a range of risk estimates, primarily in a hypothetical case of a chemical in drinking water. The findings suggest that it will be a challenge to present uncertainty in environmental health risk estimates to the public in ways that inform, rather than confuse or outrage, this important audience.  相似文献   

Background. We view overconfidence within risk management as a problem likely to manifest within philosophical preferences for anticipationism over resilienism, and in assumptions that risks are objectively real external powers or potentialities rather than subjective knowledge propositions. Methods. We argue that the realist tradition within Italian social theory, first crystallised by Niccolò Machiavelli and later elaborated by the sociologist Vilfredo Pareto, offers valuable lessons for corporate risk management praxis by demanding that we map out the complex relations between the risk subjectivities of risk managers, and their objective risk environments, from a standpoint of psychological and sociological realism which stresses the risk ignorance of practitioners. We caution that risk management efforts to improve risk subjectivities to achieve perfect veridicality to objective risk environments might often amount to a wishful bildungsroman of epistemological growth, reflecting the common aspirations of risk managers to demonstrate professional competence. We suggest that the profession should control this overconfidence problem by stressing the corrigibility of risk subjectivities with reference to sociological understandings that reflect on the widespread risk ignorance that can persist and even intensify where risk management effort is made. Results. Following the macrosociological framework sketched by Pareto, we show how two common ‘modes of uncertainty’ can be scrutinised for their adaptive fitness to two common types of risk environment. Conclusions. It can be helpful to think sociologically of organisations as engaging with some highly significant strategic risks blindly through a veil of ignorance.  相似文献   

Environmental risks pose a serious problem to individual and societal decision‐making, and the public debate is often characterized by a conflict between morally‐principled and technically oriented points of view. Drawing on previous work of Böhm and Pfister (), we propose a model on how environmental risks are cognitively represented and how risks are evaluated. The model suggests two evaluative pathways, evaluations of consequences and evaluation of moral considerations, each leading to a distinct set of emotions and action tendencies. Either one of these pathways may become dominant depending on the evaluative focus of the person, which, in turn, depends on the causal structure of the risk. An experimental study yields confirming evidence for this model. Furthermore, the influence of time perspective, that is, the delay of negative consequences caused by an environmental risk, is investigated. Contrary to the common assumption, only weak evidence for temporal discounting effects is found. It is concluded that environmental risks, due to their strong moral component, are partly immune to time perspective.  相似文献   

This paper examines the celebrated empirical study of J.L. Evans and S.H. Archer on the relationship between risk reduction and the size of a portfolio. By specifying a suitable return generation model, this widely supported empirical result is shown to be a statistical consequence of their methodology. The mathematical structure of their methodology is presented together with some fresh empirical results on this relationship. Finally the question as to whether a larger number of assets are required in order to achieve the same level of diversification for high beta securities is examined based on a sample of U.K. securities. The results of the tests would not appear to be in support of such a proposition.  相似文献   

We frequently observe that contracts do not include all of the contingencies that would seem to be necessary for optimal risk sharing between the parties to the contract. One reason may be that the possibility of renegotiation makes the contract more contingent than it appears. A simple contracting problem is used to show how even a simple contract may achieve optimal risk sharing if new information arrives slowly relatively to the speed of renegotiation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationships among cryptocurrency environmental attention and clean cryptocurrencies prices using Time-Varying Parameter Vector Auto-Regression (TVP-VAR) and wavelets techniques. Results show strong connectedness among these variables, implying that the prices of clean cryptocurrencies are influenced by attention on cryptocurrency sustainability. Connectedness is stronger with positive shocks on environmental attention than negative shocks. Also, in the short-term, clean cryptocurrencies prices lead environmental attention, especially after 2021. However, there are notable periods when environmental attention led clean cryptocurrency prices before 2021. In the long-term, clean cryptocurrencies such as Hedera, Polygon, Cosmos, IOTA, TRON, Stellar, Tezos and Ripple lead environmental attention. In the presence of bitcoin, the degrees of connectedness increased across both shocks on cryptocurrency environmental attention. In all cases, the bitcoin market is the main destination of shocks from the system. We highlight some crucial implications of these results.  相似文献   

We examine social and environmental reporting (SER) practices of listed companies in the island economy of Mauritius. Based on a content analysis of annual reports, quantitative and qualitative changes in SER were analyzed in light of recent developments in corporate governance and with regard to the prevailing social and political contexts of this emerging economy. We find a significant but selective increase in the volume and quality of SER over the period under review (2004–2007). We rely on Suchman's (1995) conceptualizations of legitimacy to argue that the changes in SER are related to a need for companies to demonstrate an affiliation to pro-social objectives (moral legitimacy) and, to a lesser extent, are motivated by the need to manage specific stakeholders (pragmatic legitimacy). More specifically, the increase in ethical disclosures reflects an attempt at gaining procedural legitimacy in response to criticisms of corruption and unfair/unethical business practices. Furthermore, the increase in social disclosures can primarily be seen as a mechanism to gain consequential legitimacy in response to concerns that local companies are not sufficiently contributing to the country's social development. We suggest that future empirical research should devote more attention to the specific characteristics of emerging economies (such as levels of corruption and unethical business practices and the level of corporate governance) and examine whether these can explain patterns of corporate SER in a given national context or on a cross-country basis.  相似文献   

The present study aims to understand the significance of supplementary services as nonpersonal sources of information to consumers to handle perceived risk associated with the purchase of credit card services. The impact of supplementary services is particularly studied towards functional risk and psychological risk. The study is based on primary data collected by a survey with the help of a questionnaire administered through personal interviews. It is found that supplementary services can play a significant role in controlling functional and psychological perceived risk associated with credit card services. Marketers of credit cards can enhance the value of services to customers and can thus enhance purchase possibilities by reducing perceived risk through supplementary services that are controllable. Perceived risk in financial services marketing is an important factor from the consumers’ point of view for purchase decisions and is also an issue of significance to service marketers. It is an original attempt to examine the relationship between perceived risk and supplementary services.  相似文献   

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