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A comprehensive data set consisting of 346 U.S. firm stock listings on ten different stock exchanges is examined in order to determine the valuation consequences of listing on a foreign stock exchange. For the sample of U.S. firms listing abroad, abnormal returns in U.S. trading were: (1) positive around the date of acceptance on the foreign exchange; (2) negative on the first trading day; and (3) negative in the post-listing period for firms listing on the Tokyo and Basel exchanges. Tests for the equality of stock return variances between event periods and market model estimation periods failed to reveal a definitive impact.  相似文献   

An empirical investigation of international asset pricing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We investigate several asset pricing models in an internationalsetting. We use data on a large number of assets traded in theUnited States, Japan, the United Kingdom, and France. The modeltogether with the hypothesis of capital market integration implytestable restrictions on multivariate regressions relating assetreturns to various benchmark portfolios. We find that multifactormodels tend to outperform single-index models in both domesticand international forms especially in their ability to explainseasonality in asset returns. We also find that the behaviorof the models is affected by change in the regulatory environmentin international markets.  相似文献   

This paper is the first, to our knowledge, to make the distinction between the investment opportunity set of real assets versus portfolio securities. We perform a large scale formal investigation of the investment opportunity set in global acquisitions based on ownership type over the period of 1985–2012. Compared to private acquirers, government acquirers have a much reduced investment opportunity set. Government acquirers invest in fewer target nations and industries, settle for smaller stakes, invest in countries with lower quality legal institutions and in nations with which political relations are more positive and see a 50% higher deal failure rate.  相似文献   

Drawing upon the contingency theory of organisations, we identify a set of perceived international environmental factors and examine how these factors influence a company's voluntary disclosure levels. The perceived international environmental factors identified are (a) intensity of global competition, (b) international socio-political institutions, (c) international accounting standards, and (d) international financial institutions. Based on data collected from 100 Egyptian non-financial listed companies, the results of multiple regression analysis indicate that the level of a company's voluntary disclosure is positively and significantly associated with its perceived influence of (a) international socio-political institutions (such as the United Nations, the European Union, the Association of South East Asian Nations, the World Trade Organization, and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), (b) international accounting standards, and (c) international financial institutions (such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund). Contrary to our expectations, our findings reveal no significant association between voluntary disclosure level and perceived intensity of global competition. Our study contributes to the international accounting disclosure field by providing evidence from Egypt that perceived international environmental factors may influence the type and level of accounting disclosures by organisations. These findings are also applicable to other emerging countries.  相似文献   

We examine the benefits of international portfolio diversification for U.K. investors between January 1985 and December 2000 using the approach of Wang [Wang, Z., 1998. Efficiency loss and constraints on portfolio holdings. Journal of Financial Economics 48, 359–375] and Li et al. [Li, K., Sarkar, A., Wang, Z., 2003. Diversification benefits of emerging markets subject to portfolio constraints. Journal of Empirical Finance 10, 57–80]. We find significant increases in the Sharpe [Sharpe, W.F., 1966. Mutual fund performance. Journal of Business 39, 119–138] and certainty equivalent return (CER) performance in moving from a domestic strategy to an international strategy that includes either global industry or country equity portfolios, even in the presence of short selling restrictions. We also find significant diversification benefits using U.K. unit trusts with international equity objectives. However, U.K. international unit trusts do not capture all the diversification benefits provided by either global industry or country equity portfolios.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from a study that systematically evaluated the nature of the relationship between internationalization and systematic risk. In addition to previous conceptualizations, this study also examined whether the number of foreign countries and segments a firm operates in constitute a part of the information used by market participants to assess a firm's risk exposure. We find that international diversification is significantly and positively associated with systematic risk and that diversification augments systematic risk. Our findings have implications on the stability of foreign expansion and business decisions by managers on the appropriate level of overseas commitment.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact on the liquidity of NYSE/AMEX listed stocks when they were subsequently listed on the London or the Tokyo Stock Exchanges. It can be argued that the increased competition from foreign market makers will reduce the monopoly rents that specialists can earn, thereby improving their quotes. We find, however, that spreads do not decrease following a dual listing, though the depth of the quotes increases as predicted. The apparent increase in depth disappears once we account for changes in price, volume and return variance. We also find that the level of informed trading increases, which increases the cost to the specialist of providing liquidity, and explains why spreads do not decline in spite of increased competition. Consistent with an increase in informed trading, we also document an increase in trading activity.  相似文献   

This article provides an empirical examination of observational learning. Using data from an online market for music, I find that observational learning benefits consumers, producers of high‐quality music, and the online platform. I also study the role of pricing as a friction to the learning process by comparing outcomes under demand‐based pricing to counterfactual pricing schemes. I find that employing a fixed price (the industry standard) can hamper learning by reducing the incentive to experiment, resulting in less consumer surplus, but more expected revenue for the platform.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the impact of international listing on common-stock risk. While previous research has used event study methodology, our research focuses on permanent shifts in risk. Different measures of risk are estimated to test for intertemporal shifts in risk attributable to an overseas listing. No significant shifts in risk from international listing are documented. The results are robust with respect to the location and year of listing. These findings suggest that: (1) markets are already reasonably well integrated; or (2) listing is an ineffective mechanism for reducing segmentation.  相似文献   

This article proposes a theoretical testable capital asset pricing model for partially segmented markets. We establish that if some investors do not hold all international assets because of direct and/or indirect barriers, the world market portfolio is not efficient and the traditional international CAPM must be augmented by a new factor reflecting the local risk undiversifiable internationally. We also introduce a suitable framework to test this model empirically. Using a sample of six emerging markets and three mature markets, we find that the degree of stock market integration varies through time and that most of the sample emerging markets have become more integrated in the recent years. The local risk premium for emerging markets represents the most important component of the total risk premium, but its relative importance has decreased recently. Differently, the total risk premium for developed countries is largely driven by global factors.  相似文献   

Although many precedent studies analyze the factors that promote the internationalization of banks, we have no empirical evidence answering the question as to whether banks follow or lead the manufacturing industries. In this paper, we investigate empirically whether Japanese banks are leaders or followers of the manufacturing industries in the process of internationalization. Using the Granger causality test based on Hsiao's (Hsiao, 1979, 1981) sequential test procedures, we find that Japanese banks have led Japanese manufacturing industries in the process of internationalization in Asia and Oceania and that banks have followed the manufacturing industries in the Near East. Furthermore, there is no clear causality in North America and Europe. The banks' leadership in Asia and Oceania seems to demonstrate that Japanese banks have comparative advantage against host-country competitors in these regions, while Japanese banks seem to enter US or European financial centers in order to avoid domestic regulations.  相似文献   

This paper studies the factors associated with organizations’ internal audit sourcing decisions, building from a previous study by Widener and Selto (henceforth W&S) [Widener, S.K., Selto, F.H., 1999. Management control systems and boundaries of the firm: why do firms outsource internal audit activities? J. Manage. Account. Res. 11, 45–73]. In their study, W&S used Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) to explain the governance of internal auditing. Our study seeks to replicate their results, using newly collected data from 66 companies headquartered in the Netherlands. Our findings are supportive of W&S. Like W&S, we find asset specificity and frequency (both individually and in interaction) to be significantly associated with sourcing decisions. These findings are robust against different model specifications, and they hold across variously defined samples. We conclude that the W&S results are reproducible in different conditions, enhancing the credibility of the TCE-based explanation of organizations’ internal audit sourcing practices.  相似文献   

We investigate organisational and environmental factors that influence firms’ incentives to develop high-quality internal audit functions (IAFs) by using a unique international sample formed by matching proprietary data from a global internal auditor survey with public data obtained from Worldscope. Concerning organisational factors, we find that a positive relationship exists between IAF quality and firm complexity and confirm that complex firms have a higher demand for monitoring and advising and, therefore, a greater need for formal controls. In addition, IAF quality is positively related to board monitoring and audit committee diligence but negatively associated with CEO power, which suggests that IAF quality is influenced by other key players in corporate governance. Regarding environmental factors, we document that IAF quality is positively associated with industry competition, which implies that a firm’s incentive for a high-quality IAF is enhanced when confronted with greater environmental uncertainty. Furthermore, IAF quality has a significantly positive relationship with our self-constructed index of IAF requirements included in national corporate governance codes, which indicates that strong home-country corporate governance codes play a role in fostering IAF development.  相似文献   

We analyze the performance outcomes on UK-owned bank lending to borrowers in 17 foreign countries, 1991–2000. Our analysis is unique in its use of bank-specific data on overdue claims in individual countries. Results indicate that credit repayment in a country can be influenced by exports to, and economic activity in, other countries linked by trading relationships. This extends prior research on bank credit performance from a global perspective to the perspective of interdependencies between countries linked by trade. It also extends research on the international transmission of financial shocks from the analysis of credit quantity to the analysis of credit quality.  相似文献   

Empirical estimates of the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) intervention reaction function suggest that the central bank actively intervenes in the foreign exchange market to contain volatility but this intervention is neither continuous nor linear. It is better described by a nonlinear policy reaction function with a target range as opposed to a point target. It responds much more vigorously to appreciating or depreciating pressure outside the target range but the response is much more muted within the range. Moreover, the tolerance band is asymmetric i.e., the RBI responds much more strongly to appreciating pressure than depreciating pressure. Such a policy response in an era of continuous net capital inflows accounts for the large build-up in foreign exchange reserves witnessed in India in the recent past.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes mean reversion in the stock markets of 18 OECD countries during the years 1900–2009. In this period it takes stock prices about 18.5 years, on average, to absorb half of a shock. However, using a rolling-window approach we establish large fluctuations in the speed of mean reversion over time. The highest mean reversion speed is found for the period including the Great Depression and the start of World War II. Furthermore, the early years of the Cold War and the period containing the Oil Crisis of 1973, the Energy Crisis of 1979 and Black Monday in 1987 are also characterized by relatively fast mean reversion. We document half-lives ranging between 2.0 and 22.6 years. Our results suggest that the speed at which stocks revert to their fundamental value is higher in periods of high economic uncertainty, caused by major economic and political events.  相似文献   

Using a carefully screened and filtered international database with a wide coverage across countries and size classes, this paper identifies and documents a post-1980s size effect which is persistent, not picked up by a Fama–French-style SMB, and largely due to the smallest-decile stocks. We test for potential explanations (such as market risk, infrequent trading, financial distress risk, missing book values, momentum, liquidity risk, changing business conditions, January effect, exchange risk, time-varying risk loadings and dividend yield effects), but none can quite explain the international size effect, whether separately or jointly. Fully identifying the missing risk factor is beyond the scope of this paper but we do find that dividend yield shows up as a significant characteristic in the cross-section of risk-adjusted returns, even after controlling for time-varying risk loadings linearly related to dividend yield. When we construct two ad-hoc risk factors that jointly capture the documented size effect, and then correlate these factors with characteristics-based portfolios, we likewise find that especially dividend yield seems to play an important role in the missing risk factor. More generally, this paper revives the debate on the small-firm effect and, we hope, will stimulate further research on a class of stocks that are too interesting to ignore.  相似文献   

This article concerns the way that academic accountants approach and perceive knowledge. Knowledge within disciplines is based upon knowledge strategies, which are the sets of beliefs and “rules” by means of which academics deal with knowledge. Knowledge strategies underlie the basic philosophy of the various departments which make up the university business school, and affect the way in which academics research and teach their disciplines. The origin of this article lies in our speculation about what it is that academic accountants consider worth knowing about accountancy issues, and further, what rules and strategies impact on their perception of what is valid or appropriate knowledge. In order to ascertain whether or not the concept of knowledge strategies has any validity and whether accounting faculty hold different knowledge strategies compared to nonaccounting business faculty, a study was undertaken involving the seven English university business schools which cover the full range of undergraduate, MBA, doctoral, and executive programmes. A questionnaire was sent to 407 academics at these schools. Following a factor analysis of the data collected, three strategies were identified as the Personal Knowledge Strategy (characterised by reliance on individual creativity, personal experience and judgement), the External Strategy (characterised by the view that knowledge can be found by means of objective criteria), and the Collegial Knowledge Strategy (characterised by debate and consultation with colleagues in order to compare, contrast, discuss and evaluate knowledge). A comparative analysis of the 68 accounting faculty who responded to the questionnaire and the 165 responding nonaccountant faculty revealed that academic accountants hold a significantly lower personal knowledge strategy and also a significantly higher external strategy, when compared with nonaccountant faculty. These empirical findings lend support to Zeff's concern that academic accountants' approach to education does not result in students being acquainted “with a field of professional endeavor consistent with the liberal tradition of universities” (Zeff, 1989b, p. 204).  相似文献   

I use the Bayesian approach of Wang (1998) to examine the diversification benefits of international equity U.K. closed-end funds (CEF) in the presence of market frictions. No short selling constraints substantially reduce, and in some cases eliminate the diversification benefits of CEF. However, adjusting for higher trading costs in the benchmark assets, the diversification benefits of the funds are significant. The paper also finds that when comparing to the international equity exchange-traded funds (ETF), that both groups of funds are necessary to maximize the benefits of international diversification.  相似文献   

This study examines two important issues underlying realized volatility and correlation estimators. First, an empirical inquiry is conducted to assess whether Bax and Eurodollar futures tick-by-tick data can be characterized as marked-point processes. Second, ARMA, neural network, GARCH-BEKK, and naive volatility and correlation forecasts are compared in an out-of-sample context when a trader prices an interest rate spread option based on those forecasts and simultaneously delta-hedges her position. Other loss functions are also considered. Competing volatility forecasts are also compared to implied volatilities.  相似文献   

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