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Using a composite disclosure quality measure, we examine the effect of disclosure quality on price delay and the effect of price delay determined by disclosure quality on expected returns in the Taiwan stock market. We find that higher disclosure quality can reduce stock price delay through more investor attention and higher stock liquidity after we control for accounting quality variables and consider the endogeneity issue. Furthermore, we show that disclosure quality reduces expected stock returns through the price efficiency channel associated with both investor attention and stock liquidity. Our results indicate that increasing a firm’s standardized information rating by one standard deviation can reduce its expected stock return by 0.63% annually. Taken together, our evidence suggests that regulatory activities enforced to improve public firms’ disclosure quality in the Taiwan stock market can make the stock market more efficient and therefore lower investors’ required return for stocks.  相似文献   

Using a large sample of equity mutual fund returns, we compare performance of load and no-load funds during the 1987 crash. Differences in return distributions, particularly in the higher moments when the market was under stress, suggest a greater use of portfolio insurance by no-load fund managers. Using stochastic dominance, we find that load and no-load funds performed equally well before the crash. No-load returns dominated load fund returns during the crash. Load fund returns dominate after the crash. Over the entire month, no-load funds dominate. We attribute this to investor behavior motivated by the lack of a front-end load.  相似文献   

Using unbalanced panel data of 27 iShares MSCI country-specific exchange traded funds (ETFs) over the period 1996–2014, this paper applies quantile regression to examine the impacts of global, foreign, and U.S. investor sentiments on the returns of the ETFs traded in the U.S. markets. We further investigate whether a country’s economic freedom affects the relationship between investor sentiments and ETF returns. We find that ETF returns are strongly determined by investor sentiments and the ETF expense ratio. The quantile regression approach reveals that high-return ETFs are positively sensitive to changes in global sentiment (measured by market turnover, VIX, U.S. federal funds rate), foreign sentiment (measured by current account balance, inflation, market turnover, public debt), U.S. sentiment, currency exchange ratio, and expense ratio, while negatively influenced by economic freedom and Asian proxy. The effects of VIX and foreign inflation are a reversal; that is, returns from lower (higher) quantiles have a negative (positive) relation with VIX and foreign inflation. Not all components of economic freedom affect returns equally.  相似文献   

In this paper, we estimate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) and vector autoregressive (VAR) models to examine whether investor sentiment impacts the returns and volatility of various U.S. Dow Jones Islamic equity indices. The results from GARCH estimations show that changes in investor sentiment are positively correlated with the returns of the Shari’ah-compliant market portfolio. In addition, we find similar results for the three Shari’ah-compliant firm-size portfolios (i.e., large-, medium-, and small-cap). However, this relationship is stronger for harder to arbitrage Shari’ah-compliant stocks; that is, investor sentiment has a greater influence on small-cap equities. Additionally, estimations from the vector autoregressive model confirm the aforementioned results. In terms of volatility, GARCH estimations suggest that bullish shifts in investor sentiment in the current period are accompanied by lower conditional volatility in the ensuing period. In general, our findings suggest that as noise traders create more risk the market seems to reward them with higher expected returns.  相似文献   

We find that adding a hedge fund to an optimally weighted portfolio of stocks and T-bills generally increases the utility of an investor. From a sample of hedge funds with returns from 1996 to 2005, the certainty equivalent was an average of five basis points (monthly) higher with a ten percent allocation into a hedge fund. Funds from different style categories require different allocations into the stock market, but nearly all funds improved performance. Contrary to popular opinion, we find that highly risk-averse investors gain even more than less risk-averse investors by adding a hedge fund into their portfolio.  相似文献   

In this paper, we empirically investigate the consequences of domestic systemic risk for stock market investors. To tackle this issue, we consider two different investment strategies. One strategy is to be “crisis-conscious”, i.e., taking the possibility of systemic events into account, and the other one is to be “crisis-ignorant” and thus disregarding systemic risk. We compare the optimal portfolio choices and investment results of these strategies in an historical simulation, using almost three decades of historical stock price data. Our main findings are as follows: the crisis-conscious investor tends to choose less extreme portfolio weights for individual stocks than the ignorant investor. The overall risky investment is, however, of similar size for both. By ignoring the possibility of systemic events, the crisis-ignorant strategy performs significantly worse from the viewpoint of expected return as well as expected utility.  相似文献   

We use a sequential game to analyze an agency problem in the mutual fund industry where a representative fund manager considers window-dressing his portfolio holdings for the purpose of attracting fund flows from a representative investor. The manager is motivated to window-dress to improve the investor's perception of managerial skill which may positively affect fund flows in the next period. However, the investor may suspect window-dressing and thus downgrade perceived managerial skill. The model supports a Bayesian Nash equilibrium where the manager window-dresses only when receiving a low return in the first period and the investor withdraws funds only when observing low returns in both periods. Consequently, we show that window-dressing is a rational behavior even when fund outflows may result.  相似文献   

This study investigates the negative relationship between prospect theory value and expected return considering the fat-tail property of the return distribution. The results of both decile portfolio and cross-sectional regression show evidence supporting the hypothesis related to prospect theory value. However, these results are very sensitive to whether the model includes a short-term reversal factor. In the empirical design combining the hypothesis with the degree of fat-tail of the return distribution, stock groups with the fat-tail return distribution definitely show that prospect theory value has a significant information value for explaining expected return, regardless of whether the short-term reversal and other factors are included in the models. These results suggest that both the fat-tail property in the stock return distribution and the property of the skewed return distribution must be considered in examining the relationship between prospect theory value and expected return. Furthermore, our findings on the effects of the fat-tail property of the return distribution are verified through robustness testing while considering changes in empirical design and using out-of-sample stock markets of the U.S., Japan, and China, as well as the in-sample Korean stock market.  相似文献   

Using data from the Asian country ETFs and their MSCI indices, this paper examines whether trading location affects return comovements and diversification benefits. Our empirical results show that the magnitude of return comovements for the Asian country ETFs is higher than the corresponding MSCI indices. Moreover, our empirical findings indicate that the factors, including investor sentiment, market conditions, and economic fundamentals of the U.S. market, have greater effects on the return comovements for the Asian country ETFs than their underlying MSCI indices. Finally, the evidence presents a higher diversification benefit for the Asian MSCI indices than the Asian country ETFs.  相似文献   

This study investigates the level of risk due to fat tails of the return distribution and the changes of tail fatness (TF) through portfolio diversification. TF is not eliminated through portfolio diversification, and, interestingly, the positive tail has declining fatness until a certain level is reached, while the negative tail has rising fatness. This indicates that fat tails are highly relevant to common factors on systematic risk and that the relevance of common factors is higher for the negative tail compared to the positive tail. In the portfolio diversification effect, the declining fatness of the positive tail further reduces risk, but the rising fatness of the negative tail does not contribute to this effect. The asymmetry between the fatness of the positive and negative tails in the return distribution corresponds to the asymmetry of the trade-off relationship between loss avoidance and profit sacrifice that is expected as a consequence of portfolio diversification. Investors use portfolio diversification to reduce their risk of suffering high losses, but following this strategy means sacrificing high-profit potential. Our study provides empirical confirmation for the practical limitation of portfolio diversification and explains why investors with diversified portfolios suffer high losses from market crashes. An examination of the Northeast Asian stock markets of China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan show identical results.  相似文献   

The intercept of standard Single Index and Conditional Single Index models, the so-called alpha, is often used to evaluate the long-run performance of managed portfolios. However, this measure is not always appropriate for detecting the presence and impact of active management strategies. Based on the conditional factor models literature, we introduce a Conditional Single Index model where the time-varying alpha and beta parameters depend only on the past history of the underlying portfolio returns and of the benchmark returns. The dynamics of the parameters have two components: the first describes the long-term behaviour of the alpha and beta, whereas the second is associated with the short-term performance of the underlying portfolio. The interpretation of parameters allows the identification of portfolio managers who implement active management strategies. An application on a set of 1300 U.S. mutual funds shows how widespread active management is on the U.S. market.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the asset allocation problem of an investor allocating his funds between several corporate bonds and a money market account. In particular, we provide a realistic model of financial distress: firstly, we model Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 bankruptcies as different possible outcomes of financial distress. Secondly, we take into consideration that, in practice, “default” is not the end, but the beginning of financial distress, eventually leading to a reorganization or a liquidation of a distressed firm. Thirdly and most importantly, we are able to analyze the impact of contagion on an investor’s demand for corporate bonds. Contagion is an important phenomenon, as it reduces the investor’s ability to diversify his portfolio, and we show that the bond demand can change by more than 50%.  相似文献   

This paper adopts a new approach that accounts for breaks to the parameters of return prediction models both in the historical estimation period and at future points. Empirically, we find evidence of multiple breaks in return prediction models based on the dividend yield or a short interest rate. Our analysis suggests that model instability is a very important source of investment risk for buy-and-hold investors with long horizons and that breaks can lead to a negative slope in the relationship between the investment horizon and the proportion of wealth that investors allocate to stocks. Once past and future breaks are considered, an investor with medium risk aversion reduces the allocation to stocks from close to 100% at short horizons to 10% at the five-year horizon. Welfare losses from ignoring breaks can amount to several hundred basis points per year for investors with long horizons.  相似文献   

The most common equity mandate in the financial industry is to try to outperform an externally given benchmark with known weights. The standard quantitative approach to do this is to optimize the portfolio over short time horizons consecutively, using one-period models. However, it is not clear that this approach actually yields good performance in the long run. We provide a theoretical justification to this methodology by verifying that applying the one-period benchmark-relative mean-variance portfolio, i.e., the industry standard optimal portfolio, continuously is in fact the solution to a specific continuous time portfolio optimization problem: a maximum expected utility problem for an investor who is compared against a benchmark and evaluates her performance based on exponential utility at a deterministic future date.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2015,39(3):390-412
In this study, we examine the relation between stock misvaluation and expected returns in China's A-share market. We measure individual stocks’ misvaluation based on their pricing deviation from fundamental values, following Rhodes-Kropf et al. (2005. J. Finan. Econ. 77 (3), 561) and Chang et al. (2013. J. Bank. Finance, forthcoming), and find that the measure has strong and robust return predictive power in the Chinese market. We further form a misvaluation factor and find that misvaluation comovement and systematic misvaluation exist in the Chinese market. A comparison of our results with those of Chang et al. (2013. J. Bank. Finance, forthcoming) reveals that the misvaluation effect is much stronger in the Chinese market than in the U.S market. This evidence is consistent with the notion that the Chinese market is much less efficient than the U.S. market. Finally, we show that the return predictive power of misvaluation has weakened since China launched its split-share structure reform in 2005, which could result from the fact that the reform helps to promote market efficiency.  相似文献   

This article examines the exposure to and management of carbon risks of different investor types. Considering the dual role as portfolio manager and partial owner, we analyze carbon risk for investors both in terms of exposure to portfolio values and in terms of responsibility as shareholder of carbon-intensive firms. We show that among various investor types, the preference for holding carbon-intensive stocks differs substantially, even when considering traditional investment decision parameters. In particular, it is governments whose portfolio values are most threatened by a carbon risk exposure of 49%, but at the same time, they prefer larger ownership shares in polluting firms. In contrast, individual investors, investment advisors, and mutual funds avoid holding stakes in these firms, while revealing only a moderate exposure of their assets to carbon risk. In view of the Paris Agreement, which includes the consistent steering of financial flows towards a low carbon transformation of the economy, our study provides policymakers with important implications regarding the coverage and effects of respective regulations. By identifying the ownership structures of carbon-intensive firms and respective owners' portfolio compositions, we also offer implications for further research on portfolio decarbonization and shareholders' influence of corporate carbon management.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the relation between the price of liquidity, or illiquidity return premium, and the economic policy uncertainty (EPU). On average, an illiquid portfolio earns a 0.597% higher monthly return than a liquid portfolio. The results further show that the EPU index has a positive relationship with the illiquidity return premium. This indicates that investors require higher compensation for holding illiquid stocks when there is a higher economic uncertainty. We also show that EPU affects the illiquidity return premium through the market illiquidity channel. The rise of EPU could increase the risk of illiquid stocks and make investors more risk-averse, thereby requiring higher compensation for illiquidity. Finally, it is found that the relationship between EPU and the illiquidity return premium is stronger when market liquidity is impaired and during crises.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the robustness of stable volatility strategies, i.e. strategies in which the portfolio weight of the stock is inversely proportional to its local volatility. These strategies are optimal for a CRRA investor if the stock follows a diffusion process, the expected excess return is proportional to its volatility, and the hedging demand is zero. We assess the performance of stable volatility strategies when these restrictive assumptions do not hold, in particular, when the risk premium is not proportional to volatility and when the stock price is subject to jumps. We find that stable volatility strategies are indeed robust or close to robust under a maxmin decision rule. In addition to our theoretical results, we perform a simulation analysis to evaluate strategies that scale the portfolio weight by the volatility, variance or a constant portfolio weight, and also analyze the strategies using empirical excess returns. Both analyses confirm the robustness of stable volatility strategies.  相似文献   

The expected return to equity – typically measured as a historical average – is a key variable in the decision making of investors. A recent literature uses analysts' forecasts, investor surveys or present-value relationships and finds estimates of expected returns that are sometimes much lower than historical averages. This study extends the present-value approach to a dynamic optimizing framework. Given a model that captures this relationship, one can use data on dividends, earnings and valuations to infer the model-implied expected return. Using this method, the estimated expected real return to equity ranges from 4.9% to 5.6% . Furthermore, the analysis indicates that expected returns have declined by about 3 percentage points over the past 40 years. These results indicate that future returns to equity may be lower than past realized returns.  相似文献   

The issue of estimation risk is of particular interest to the decision‐making processes of portfolio managers who use long–short investment strategies. Accordingly, our paper explores the question of whether a VaR constraint reduces estimation risk when short sales are allowed. We find that such a constraint notably decreases errors in estimates of the expected return, standard deviation, and VaR of optimal portfolios. Furthermore, optimal portfolios in the presence of the constraint are substantially closer to the ‘true’ efficient frontier than those in its absence. Finally, we provide VaR bounds and confidence levels for the constraint that lead to the best out‐of‐sample performance. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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