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张秀利 《中国市场》2010,(13):32-33
良好的非正式制度能够降低制度移植和创新的成本,提高制度变迁的绩效。当前我国企业家群体呈现出的精神世界的混乱导致其缺乏社会责任。与学者们把企业家精神理解为创新和功利不同,本文意欲从道德伦理和价值观取向意义上探讨企业家精神,并提出应挖掘传统文化和宗教的精髓来塑造企业家精神,以解除CSR的隐性约束。  相似文献   

于少青  刘霞 《现代商业》2014,(8):166-168
随着中国企业逐渐融入世界经济的发展潮流,企业社会责任正成为中国企业发展必须面对的问题。中国传统文化中有丰富的关于社会责任观念的理论源泉,需要在系统分析传统文化中责任观念的四个维度的基础上,结合具有鲜明中国传统文化特色的老字号企业承担社会责任的实践,构建新的企业社会责任体系,可以为中国特色的企业社会责任理论的发展提供更多的借鉴。  相似文献   

企业是一种制度安排,其社会责任的产生、发展、形成过程是一种制度变迁。转型时期,由于我国企业社会责任意识淡薄、相关法律制度缺位、部门监督不足等原因,企业失范现象严重。一个完整的企业社会责任制度安排需要正式制度、非正式制度、实施机制的协同,形成制约和激励的社会责任机制。  相似文献   

本文认为企业内部控制制度是一个整体框架,它不仅包括正式的制度,还应包括非正式制度以及这些制度的实施;企业内控制度中正式制度的实施,在一定程度上取决于非正式制度的性质和状况,正式制度与非正式制度具有协同性。本文从企业文化、企业社会资本、管理伦理三个层面对企业内部控制正式制度与非正式制度的关系进行了详细阐述,并论证了非正式制度在企业内部控制制度中的基础性作用  相似文献   

利润不是企业追求的唯一目标,也不是衡量企业成败的唯一标准。在坚持市场化改革的同时.要抑制市场化进程中的自私行为,积极倡导企业承担社会责任。只有这样,才能使市场和谐繁荣,进而促进社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

企业文化的内在核心是企业的经营理念和企业员工的思想意识。在经济全球化进程不断加快的时代背景下,中国企业要保持自身发展并且与世界其他国家接轨,企业文化的重要性不可忽略。随着对企业文化理论研究的逐渐深入,企业领导人对企业文化的重视程度也不断提高,企业文化作为企业发展的有力支撑更值得深入研究。本文以企业文化的理论为基础,简要介绍了企业文化的相关理论,并分析了我国现有的企业文化存在的困境,最后提出当前企业文化建设的对策,以期为相关的理论研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

非正式制度是重要的,而对非正式制度的管理却是缺失的。从收益成本理论出发得出三个命题,从而从三个方面解释了我国企业现阶段非正式制度的管理缺失的原因。  相似文献   

企业文化从不同角度和侧面反映并决定着企业的发展战略。企业社会责任是企业文化非常重要的组成部分。企业文化的社会责任贯穿和融合在企业文化的精神文化、物质文化、制度文化和行为文化各个层面之中。出于长远发展的考虑,企业应努力构建基于企业社会责任的企业文化。  相似文献   

社会保险是企业主要社会责任,目前企业社会保险存在着很多问题。文章通过介绍企业逃避社会保险现象和手段,认为应该通过调整缴费制度,加强社会保险执法力度,使企业承担起社会保险责任。  相似文献   

近年来,因为中小型企业面临着管理理念、组织机制落后及建设基础薄弱等自身企业文化的缺失现状,且政府及舆论的监督与引导体系不完善、政策不健全等外部因素的影响,造成我国中小型企业在履行社会责任方面存在一定的缺陷.正确的监督、引导中小型企业履行及披露社会责任,基于企业文化视角的分析下,需要包含在特定时期内,社会对经济组织在经济上的、法律上的、伦理上的和慈善上的期望,从而使中小型企业正确地加强自身企业文化建设,进而履行社会责任.  相似文献   

This research investigates the relative effects of perceived corporate social responsibility (PCSR) and implemented corporate social responsibility (ICSR) on employee work-life satisfaction and employee job satisfaction in Thai workplaces. The data were collected via self-administered questionnaires completed by 1,277 employees in different employment sectors in Thailand. The response rate was 73%. The results reveal that PCSR and ICSR have a positive impact on both work-life satisfaction and job satisfaction. We believe the research contributes significantly to the literature on the subject as the findings further validate results obtained in studies conducted in Western economies.  相似文献   

社会责任活动、社会责任沟通与企业价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业履行适当的社会责任是大势所趋,但目前理论与实务界对社会责任经济后果的认识存在困惑,难以指导企业的社会责任实践。企业社会责任对企业价值的影响因不同社会责任类型的收益、成本特征而异,并且社会责任价值实现受制于社会责任沟通的影响,企业应该在整体战略规划的视野里树立社会责任管理理念,对企业社会责任进行事前决策和实时的过程管理。  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of audit committee attributes, namely financial expertise, independence, meeting frequency and size, on the adoption of CSR assurance. The study also offers insight into the effect of audit committee attributes on the scope and level of CSR assurance and the selection of CSR assurance providers. Contextually, this is achieved using a sample of European companies listed on the STOXX 600 index over the period 2012–2018. The findings show that attributes related to audit committee financial expertise, audit committee independence and audit committee meeting frequency and the existence of a CSR committee, are positively linked with the adoption of CSR assurance. Moreover, our empirical analysis further highlights the critical role of audit committee financial expert members in enhancing the scope and level of CSR assurance. Furthermore, audit committee with more frequent meetings lead to higher assurance scopes. Our findings offer significant and multidimensional insights for regulators, policymakers and professionals, regarding the revision and establishment of regulations concerning the audit committee structure.  相似文献   

Adapting to the cultural environment surrounding, a firm is of paramount importance in international marketing practices. Extant marketing literature provides meager guidance to marketers on how to adapt to cultural factors to turn corporate social responsibility strategies into financial outcomes. To address this gap, we utilize the instrumental stakeholder theory and Hofstede's cultural framework to investigate the moderating effect of indulgence versus restraint culture on the relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) and corporate financial performance (CFP). Applying a panel data regression analysis to a dataset of CSP and CFP data for 3753 firms from 43 different countries, we demonstrate that CSP has a positive effect on CFP. However, we show that CSP has a weaker effect on CFP in firms located in indulgent countries. Therefore, to generate financial outcomes, we recommend managers to allocate more resources to CSP initiatives if the firm is operating in a culturally restrained country.  相似文献   

非正式制度安排在企业发展中的作用日益显现,从企业文化、企业家精神两个层面来分析非正式制度安排作用于企业创新的机理中,可以看出在企业创新过程中,在关注正式制度安排的同时,不能忽视非正式制度安排对企业创新的重要促进作用。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the contemporary debate on the concepts and definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporate Sustainability (CS). The conclusions, based on historical perspectives, philosophical analyses, impact of changing contexts and situations and practical considerations, show that "one solution fits all"-definition for CS(R) should be abandoned, accepting various and more specific definitions matching the development, awareness and ambition levels of organizations.  相似文献   

The pharmaceutical sector, an industry already facing stiff challenges in the form of intensified competition and strategic consolidation, has increasingly become subject to a range of pressures. Crucially, in common with other large-scale businesses, pharmaceutical firms find themselves ‹invited’ to respond positively to the corporate ‹social’ responsibility (CSR) expectations of their stakeholders. Consequently, individual managers will almost certainly be obliged to engage in some form of stakeholder dialogue and this, in turn, means that they will have to make difficult choices about which practices to adopt. This real-world management predicament runs parallel to an academic interest in CSR stakeholder dialogue theory and models. Accordingly, the approach of this paper is to focus primarily on the academic debate surrounding stakeholder dialogue, by reviewing past attempts to research and theorise the subject, by identifying gaps and weaknesses in the literature, and by proposing a new analytical model. The central aim of the proposed new model is to offer a unified, structured, systematic, and comprehensive approach to CSR decision making whilst simultaneously providing a practical framework for CSR executives who face the challenge of responding in an effective manner to stakeholders. The model outlined here is currently being employed to conduct international comparative empirical research into stakeholder dialogue practices amongst UK and German pharmaceutical firms. In the longer term the intention is to use the model to undertake international comparative research encompassing a broader range of countries and industries.  相似文献   

试论非正规就业对完善城市社会保障制度的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
经济转型期间 ,我国城市劳动力市场处于分割状态 ,城市存在正规和非正规两大部门 ,非正规就业因此产生。由于体制性原因和经济性原因 ,非正规就业在我国将长期存在。但是 ,非正规就业者的社会保障权益却普遍缺失。从多方面分析了在城市劳动力市场长期分割的背景下 ,非正规就业对完善城市社会保障制度的影响  相似文献   

赵天燕  张雪 《财贸研究》2012,23(6):139-145
以利益相关者理论为基础,参考深圳证券交易所发布的《深圳证券交易所上市公司社会责任指引》,构建包括对股东、债权人、职工、消费者、供应商、政府以及公益事业的社会责任评价指标体系。基于深沪上市公司2011年数据进行因子分析,发现不同行业的因子总得分、不同行业的同一因子得分、同一行业不同因子得分差异较大,表明不同行业及同行业在不同方面履行社会责任情况存在较大差异。  相似文献   

In recent years, scholars and executives alike have devoted attention to the implications of Corporate Social Responsibility policies and practices as well as their relationship to strategy. The objectives of the present article are to investigate the interaction between corporate social responsibility and strategy and the benefits that this relationship can yield to companies. For this purpose, a qualitative multiple case study was made of four Brazilian corporations, two in the supermarket sector and two in the energy distribution sector, comparing a competitive and a monopolized sector in Brazil. The data were collected through interviews with executives from social and environmental areas and through secondary sources. The study finds that corporate social strategy provides several benefits, among them attracting and retaining valuable human resources and enhancing company image and reputation  相似文献   

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