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丁海猛 《中国广告》2012,(5):110-112
面对社会化媒体时代的到来,城市品牌传播该做怎么样的思考?本文基于社会化媒体用户生产并传播内容与用户彼此间的关系为社会化媒体发展的双驱动力的认知之上,围绕社会化媒体时代城市品牌传播发起者的可知与未知、社会化媒体平台在城市品牌传播中的角色认知、政府机构在社会化媒体时代城市品牌传播中角色的认知、社会化媒体时代城市品牌传播渠道认知等几点对社会化媒体时代城市品牌传播展开探讨。  相似文献   


Ramesh, the proprietor of Amalya Dairy Pvt Ltd, looks at the recommendations given by the market research firm for rebuilding the brand image after a major brand crisis. After Amalya Dairy suffered a huge loss recently, Ramesh is now being careful about spending the company funds. A 60-year-old and a late adopter of technology, he is not very comfortable with the suggestion of having a public relations manager represent his brand on social media. At the same time, he recalls the recent setback his brand image took due to the lightning speed at which the latest communication channels operate. He looks at the report and the recommendations given by the market research firm one more time, in order to make the final decision regarding the company’s integrated marketing communication plan.  相似文献   

Most existing social media research has been user focused. This study looks at social media from the brand's perspective by testing (1) theoretical links between brand-action antecedents and positive electronic word of mouth (eWOM); and (2) how brand loyalty and social media usage intensity moderate the relationships between the antecedents and eWOM. Using structural equational modelling from 290 Facebook users, we find empirical support for three brand action constructs (personalization, responsiveness, and transparency) to eWOM. We also find the moderating effects of social media usage intensity and brand loyalty on the relationship between responsiveness and eWOM. Theoretical and managerial implications for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The current research examined effects of the “social information” feature in Facebook news feed ads, in relation to personal relevance and brand familiarity. Ads with social information did not always lead to more favorable advertising and brand perceptions. However, interaction effects were found among social information, personal relevance, and brand familiarity, in terms of attitude-toward-the-ad and purchase intention. Social information could help create more favorable advertising responses for unfamiliar and low-relevance brands.  相似文献   

This study explores the concept of online brand personality, creation of online brand personality, and the role of personal difference in terms of advertising effectiveness – memory and attitude. The primary research question is whether individual's matching personality to online brand creates different responses toward online brand in terms of advertising effectiveness, such as memory, attitude and behavior. The results found that: first, website structure is an important factor on subjects' attitude toward the website; second, individual's personality is an important moderator on the effects of website structure; and third, individual's personality and brand personality have a significant interaction effect on attitude and behavioral intention.  相似文献   

品牌个性、消费者真实自我与品牌态度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于FCB Grid模型视角,运用实证分析的方法研究品牌个性与消费者真实自我对品牌态度的影响。研究发现,高涉入度/认知型和高涉入度/情感型品牌的品牌个性与真实自我概念一致的群体比不一致的群体具有更高的品牌态度,在此类品牌的塑造上考虑注入品牌个性的五个维度中的"智"和"雅"的个性特征,低涉入度/认知品牌未显示出显著的品牌个性,低涉入度/情感型品牌的一致群体与不一致群体均显示出显著的品牌个性。  相似文献   

周子渊 《中国广告》2009,(8):122-124
品牌传播理念的发展是跟品牌及形成品牌的时代的发展相辅相成的,造就品牌的环境是一个复杂、充满活力并不断变化的有机体系。在品牌3.0时代,品牌的传播出现新的特征,这既是环境使然,也是传播技术进步后的必然趋势,研究其特征,有利于品牌的成长。  相似文献   


Brand equity is built around brand personality as one of its core dimensions. The psychographic variables, such as emotions, associated with a brand's image constitute the brand's personality. Although consumers' experiences with the brand cultivate such a personality, advertising plays a dominant role in its creation. This paper attempts to explore the mechanism that builds brand personality through means of communication, such as advertising and word of mouth. The discussions in the paper integrate advertising variability concepts with brand personality and present viable propositions as managerial implications for building a brand's personality while taking the variables of marketing communication into consideration. The hypotheses set within the integrated framework lead to the construct of an advertising model that is cohesive to brand personality measures. In building this framework, analyses of the concepts of brand equity and advertising, communication, personality and loyalty have been critically examined and tested based on two separate studies conducted in Mexico.

RESUMEN. El valor de una marca se construye utilizando su propia personalidad como una de sus dimensiones intrínsecas. Las variables psicográficas, tales como las emociones asociadas a la imagen de la marca, son las que constituyen su personalidad. A pesar del hecho de que son justamente las experiencias que los clientes tienen con la marca las que crean dicha personalidad, la publicidad también desempeña un papel importante. Este documento trata de explorar el mecanismo utilizado para construir la personalidad de la marca a través de medios de comunicación tales como la publicidad, y los datos transmitidos verbalmente por las personas. Los argumentos utilizados en este documento integran los conceptos de la variabilidad publicitaria a la personalidad de la marca, y presentan propuestas viables como implicancias gerenciales para construir dicha personalidad al mismo tiempo que toman en consideración las variables del mercadeo comunicacional. La hipótesis trazada dentro del marco integrado nos llevó a construir un modelo publicitario coherente con las medidas de la personalidad de la marca. Al construir este marco, hemos analizado los conceptos inherentes al valor de la marca y su publicidad, comunicación, y lealtad críticamente, poniéndolos a prueba en dos estudios separados realizados en México.

RESUMO. O valor da marca-brand equity-é construído ao redor da personalidade da marca como uma de suas dimensões principais. As variáveis psicográficas, tais como emoções, associadas à imagem de uma marca constituem a personalidade da marca. Embora experiências dos consumidores com a marca cultivem tal personalidade, a propaganda desempenha papel dominante em sua criação. Este artigo busca explorar o mecanismo que constrói a personalidade da marca através dos meios de comunicação, tais como propaganda e boca a boca. As discussões apresentadas no artigo integram conceitos de variabilidade da propaganda com personalidade de marca e apresentam proposições viáveis de implicações gerenciais para a construção da personalidade de uma marca, ao mesmo tempo em que levam em consideração as variáveis da comunicação de marketing. As hipóteses levantadas no âmbito do arcabouço integrado levam à construção de um modelo de propaganda que é coerente com as mensurações de personalidade de marca. Construindo este arcabouço, análises dos conceitos de valor da marca-brand equity-e propaganda, comunicação, personalidade e lealdade, foram examinados criticamente, e testados baseados em dois estudos independentes conduzidos no México.  相似文献   

在互动时代背景下,如何预防危机随着企业品牌危机的频发而备受关注。文章从社会心理学视角剖析了品牌危机本质,并引入了企业互动导向这一有别于顾客导向的重要理念,探索如何通过增进顾客的品牌信任以开展危机预防工作。文章构建了“企业互动导向→感知互动质量→品牌信任→危机预期”的研究模型,实证分析发现,企业互动导向的各维度对顾客感知到的员工技能水平和问题解决能力作用显著,企业可采取针对性措施,通过提高互动质量,增进顾客品牌信任,以构筑心理防线,阻止危机诱因的扩散和加剧。  相似文献   

In total, the top five brands on Facebook have more than 500 million fans through the “like” Facebook button feature and yet research shows that about only 1% engage with the top brands on Facebook. This suggests that individuals have other underlying reasons for liking brands' Facebook pages. To address the question of the latent motivations for liking brands on Facebook, a conceptual model proposing that individuals liked Facebook brands to achieve specific virtual identities was developed and tested. The results demonstrate the significance of brand personality in determining consumer behavior. Self-congruity was also revealed to be an important moderator in the relationships theorized between brand personality and consumers' online behavior. Theoretical and practical implications are outlined and discussed.  相似文献   

史慧慧 《江苏商论》2020,(2):31-33,41
在产品或服务日趋同质化,消费者需求越来越多元化的背景下,品牌日益成为企业提升竞争力的主要源泉,而品牌价值的塑造也越来越受到人们的关注。本文分析了品牌价值和品牌竞争力之间的关系,从品牌价值视角出发,为企业品牌竞争力的提升实践提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

刘曲 《中国市场》2009,(15):79-80
本文通过对受众接受心理的特点分析,提出认同感是受众在选择接收信息时的首要条件。要树立品牌、推广品牌、延续品牌,就必须把握受众心理,品牌传播贴近受众情感,满足受众需求。  相似文献   

魏小英 《中国市场》2008,(6):124-125
整合营销传播作为当今信息社会最有效的传播工具和方法,也是品牌传播、品牌形象塑造最有效的手段。中国啤酒营销已经进入品牌营销的时代,中国啤酒企业只有认真分析,制定科学创意的整合营销传播策略,才能更好地打造自己的品牌,增强自己的核心竞争力,在市场的激烈角逐中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

经济与社会发展的转型期是矛盾的多发期,一些矛盾处理不当会导致群体性公共危机。本研究总结了公共危机产生的种类与原因,归纳了政府积极传播对化解公共危机的作用。通过对公共危机中有害信息传播规律的分析,并联系我国当前的传播现状——传播理念、方法、方式滞后;传播渠道协同性差;政府与部门之间无法信息共享;传统政府组织结构传播效率低,提出了改善公共危机中的政府传播需要改造传统的"政务流程";完善危机政府传播机制;构建政府传播的电子政务平台。  相似文献   

鉴于科学地认识企业危机事件的信息在网络上海量传播的现象,本文基于网络媒体的条件,运用以实证研究为基础的内容分析法,通过对企业危机网络传播样本个案的量化分析,研究描述了2003-2010年我国企业危机网络传播的演变趋势、企业危机事件网络传播的时间长度等问题,旨在为采取积极正确有效的企业危机管理对策,提供有关危机信息网络媒体传播的实证依据。  相似文献   

文章对网络负面谣言与消费者品牌崇拜的关系,以及品牌口碑与沟通技巧在以上关系中所起的中介与调节作用进行了实证研究。研究以广州地区211家品牌服饰企业的品牌管理者为实证研究对象,通过对问卷调查数据进行层级回归分析发现:(1)网络负面谣言不但会直接负向影响消费者对企业的品牌崇拜,而且还会通过负向影响企业的品牌口碑,继而对消费者品牌崇拜产生负面影响,品牌口碑在网络负面谣言与消费者品牌崇拜关系中起部分中介作用;(2)沟通技巧程度强的企业品牌更能抵制网络负面谣言的影响,相对于低沟通技巧的企业,高沟通技巧企业的消费者较少因为网络负面谣言而降低其对原有消费品牌的崇拜。  相似文献   

借助国际上品牌个性特征测度的经典量表,并结合国内相关学者的已有研究成果,选取"农家乐"这一旅游休闲活动为研究对象进行实证研究,研究结果显示:"农家乐"旅游休闲品牌的个性维度和以往研究的"大五"维度有所不同,其品牌个性特征表现为实惠、喜悦、闲适、交互、健康和逃逸6大特征;该6项测度结果较好地解释了"农家乐"旅游休闲活动产品的品牌特性和"农家乐"旅游休闲活动的参与特点和呈现方式。  相似文献   

由于消费决策过程的复杂性和随机性,消费者对品牌危机事件的反应会随时间而产生更加复杂的变化。本文运用系统动力学的方法,构建了基于消费群体随机性反应的品牌危机动态扩散预测模型。模型考虑了消费群体的差异性和消费行为的随机性,并针对不同消费群体的特点,运用Vensim.PLE软件对模型进行仿真预测,分析了危机事件中沟通的时效性、消费者忠诚度系数、消费群体离散程度等影响因子,随时间变动对消费者购买行为的影响。  相似文献   

Social networking sites (SNSs) have attracted increasing attention from brands, which look at the platform as a privileged communication channel to reach their audiences. Despite their growing adoption, few research efforts have been devoted to evaluate SNSs' concrete implications for the brands. The current study addresses this opportunity, proposing a model that evaluates the impact of users' participation in SNSs on brand awareness and brand attitude, the two main pillars of brand knowledge. The study focuses on brand like pages in Facebook, the most used SNSs platform for brands. An online quantitative survey with brand like page users of leading brands in Facebook was implemented. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to estimate the measurement model and structural equation modelling was used to test the proposed research hypotheses. The results identify a significant, positive and direct impact of users' participation on brand awareness. Brand attitude also substantially benefits from users' participation, but this relationship is mediated by brand awareness. The findings help to validate SNSs' significant role on building brand knowledge and to position users' participation at the core of brands' SNSs objectives. Furthermore, the study provides a practical research framework, easily adapted for monitoring purposes and managerial guidance. Future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

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