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近年来,商业银行在信贷营销上过度追捧集团客户,“垒大户”现象普遍,而对集团客户信贷风险管理十分薄弱。本文从商业银行存在集团客户信贷风险的原因入手,提出相应对策,从而完善集团客户信贷风险管理。  相似文献   

孙冰 《商场现代化》2014,(25):202-202
随着我国社会经济的快速发展,越来越多的企业在不断的壮大发展起来。对于商业银行来说,企业的快速发展为之带来的是源源不断的利润,集团客户作为商业银行的重点客户群体,成为了商业银行炙手可热的目标对象,在给银行带来丰厚的利益同时也伴随着极大的信用风险,稍有不慎,商业银行将会损失惨重。因而,如何加强商业银行对集团客户风险的分析与管理能力是目前社会所关注的重点,也是保障我国商业银行长久发展的有力手段。  相似文献   

近年来,银行信贷向集团客户集中已成为一种趋势。集团客户一般规模较大、资本实力雄厚、市场竞争力较强、资信等级较高,对银行有较大的吸引力,另一方面,集团客户内部关联交易频繁、资金串用和相互担保较多,一旦资金链断裂将给商业银行带来巨大的信贷风险。本文针对商业银行集团客户授信的现状,分析了集团客户信贷风险的形成原因,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

集团客户对于商业银行信贷业务来说,举足轻重。本文在详细分析信贷风险成因的基础上提出了一些可供参考的政策建议,以促进商业银行切实防范和化解集团客户信贷风险,维持银行业的稳健运营。  相似文献   

随着我国银行体系市场化改革的逐步深入,银行风险管控能力明显提高,与此同时银行贷款集中度不断提高,集团客户占比明显上升。但是,目前商业银行对集团客户的风险管理方面尚处于起步阶段,对于集团客户信贷风险管理,商业银行监管方面普遍存在难以防范关联融资、难以控制关联风险。因此本研究将对银行集团客户的风险控制进行简要论述。  相似文献   

随着国内经济的持续增长,各地涌现出一批具有一定规模和经营实力的集团企业,对地方经济发展起到了积极的促进作用。但由于集团客户存在成员企业关联关系复杂、集团财务数据不易核实、关联企业资金链难以监控等问题,一旦出现风险,不仅会给商业银行形成大额不良信贷,甚至可能引发一系列贷款客户出现风险的"多米诺骨牌"效应。特别是在国际经济形势波澜起伏,国内企业陷入资金紧张困境的大背景下,集团客户风险管理显得尤为必要。本文拟从集团客户的风险特征分析入手,提出国内商业银行加强集团客户风险管理的对策建议。  相似文献   

贾芳琳 《商场现代化》2010,(12):132-133
伴随着我国经济的快速增长,集团企业已经越来越多,并成为各家银行重点拓展的客户群体。然而在集团客户给银行带来较大利益的同时,也隐藏着巨大信贷风险。因此,商业银行应高度重视集团客户信贷风险并采取有效措施加以控制。  相似文献   

造成集团客户及关联企业信贷风险产生的成因,主要是集团客户的内在风险源于其组织形式和经营特征;商业银行对集团客户授信总体控制缺乏有效手段;在市场激烈竞争的条件,部分银行风险意识不强等方面。商业银行在信贷风险防范方面,应加强监管部门在集团客户风险预警和贷款管理上的主导作用,努力编织纵横交织的管理网络;加强内部的纵向管理,坚持统一授信、属地管理;尽快完善和强化各自的集团客户授信体制,在风险防范上应体现针对性;采取剔除法、比较法等多种手段,尽可能减少关联交易对决策判断的影响。  相似文献   

荆淑云 《现代商业》2007,(20):201-201
深化商业银行改革,在注重对无效或低效信贷资产的投向把握的同时,更应有效控制集团客户的集中性授信风险。目前,商业银行贷款向大企业、大集团集中的趋势越来越明显,成为银行货币信贷运行的一个风险点。如何有效防范此类风险对银行发展带来的灾难性后果,是商业银行必须面对的现实问题。  相似文献   

深化商业银行改革,在注重对无效或低效信贷资产的投向把握的同时,更应有效控制集团客户的集中性授信风险.目前,商业银行贷款向大企业、大集团集中的趋势越来越明显,成为银行货币信贷运行的一个风险点.如何有效防范此类风险对银行发展带来的灾难性后果,是商业银行必须面对的现实问题.  相似文献   

This paper argues that independent auditors have lost sight of their obligation to be truly impartial, and have increasingly adopted an attitude of client advocacy. We argue that auditors have a professional obligation to go beyond merely passing judgment on whether client accounting methods are acceptable under GAAP, and to judge whether the principles adopted are the most appropriate under the circumstances. We then review recent evidence which suggests that auditors have abandoned this objective in favor of advocating client-preferred principles. The results of a survey of public accountants employed by small CPA firms indicates that, in a scenario in which an auditor did not feel that the client's accounting treatment was the most appropriate under the circumstances but it was recognized as an acceptable alternative under GAAP, advocacy of the client-preferred approach is considered appropriate and is very likely to occur in practice. In less subtle cases (e.g., when the auditor did not feel that the client's treatment provided the best reflection of the economic substance of the underlying transactions), survey participants as a group were ambivalent regarding the appropriateness of client advocacy, and felt that subordination of judgment was likely to occur in practice. The results also indicate that engagement risk, or the risk that the firm will be harmed by aggressive behavior, affects judgments of both the appropriateness and likelihood of subordination of judgment. These findings suggest that auditors have adopted an ideology of client advocacy, within the constraints of engagement risk.  相似文献   

In the age of big data, companies store practically all data on any client transaction. Making use of this data is commonly done with machine-learning techniques so as to turn it into information that can be used to drive business decisions. Our interest lies in using data on prepaid unitary services in a business-to-business setting to forecast client retention: whether a particular client is at risk of being lost before they cease being clients. The purpose of such a forecast is to provide the company with an opportunity to reach out to such clients as an effort to ensure their retention.We work with monthly records of client transactions: each client is represented as a series of purchases and consumptions. We vary (1) the length of the time period used to make the forecast, (2) the length of a period of inactivity after which a client is assumed to be lost, and (3) how far in advance the forecast is made. Our experimental work finds that current machine-learning techniques able to adequately predict, well in advance, which clients will be lost. This knowledge permits a company to focus marketing efforts on such clients as early as three months in advance.  相似文献   

审计独立性的经济理论认为审计师牺牲独立性的动机与客户的重要性有关。本文选取了2001—2002年间1297家收到标准无保留意见的上市公司为研究样本,使用审计师是否从事了审计意见购买行为作为审计独立性的衡量指标,考察了重要客户与审计独立性之间的关系。研究发现,重要客户的确对审计独立性造成了损害,而当审计师预期到其丧失独立性的行为在事后被发现的可能性较大时,审计独立性受到损害的可能性较小。  相似文献   

The recent accounting scandals have raised concerns regarding the closeness of auditor–client relationships. Critics argue that as the relationship lengthens a bond develops and auditors’ professional skepticism may be replaced with trust. However, Statement on Auditing Standards No. 99 states that auditors “should conduct the engagement with a mindset that recognizes the possibility that a material misstatement due to fraud could be present, regardless of any past experience with the entity and regardless of the auditor’s belief about management’s honesty and integrity” (AICPA 2002, Statement on Auditing Standards No. 99, paragraph 13, p. 10). The purpose of this study is to investigate whether auditors develop trust in a client’s management and whether this trust affects auditors’ decisions. Specifically, this study examines whether auditors’ satisfaction with a client’s management during a prior audit engagement affects auditors’ self-reported trust in that client’s management and whether that trust affects their fraud risk assessment. The decision to trust a client’s management should be an ethical decision because excessive trust may impair auditors’ skepticism, which auditors are required to maintain by their professional responsibilities. We therefore also investigate whether auditors’ trust is affected by their moral reasoning. An experimental case was completed by 89 professional auditors, all with experience assessing the risk of fraud. The results suggest auditors’ satisfaction with the client affects their trust in the client (higher satisfaction associated with higher trust and lower satisfaction associated with lower trust). Further, after an overall unsatisfying experience, auditors’ trust affects their fraud risk assessments. However, after an overall satisfying experience, their trust does not affect their fraud risk assessments. The results indicate auditors are able to maintain their professional skepticism after satisfying past experiences with the client regardless of their beliefs about the honesty and trustworthiness of the client’s management. Lastly, auditors’ moral reasoning was not related to their trust in the client’s management.  相似文献   

张为群 《中国市场》2007,(36):18-19
第三方物流是商品交易双方的部分或全部物流功能的外部提供者,服务多样化,责任和风险很大。从事第三方物流主要有与客户、分包人、物流信息系统提供商的合同责任风险、分包人的信用风险、对第三者侵权的法律责任、物流方案设计责任风险和投资等风险。  相似文献   


On the basis of an exploratory survey of executives from a cross-section of U.S. advertising agencies, this article examines the relationship between agency creative philosophies and agent creative risk taking. The natures of both creative risk and agency philosophy are discussed. Multiple measures of risk taking are applied and the findings suggest that agency executives working in agencies with clear identities are more likely to take risks than are those in agencies without such identities (hybrid philosophies), but not for all measures of risk. The extent to which the size of client plays a role also is assessed. After an assessment of the findings, limitations and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

The auditor–client relationship is a legally-mandated relationship in which one party, the auditor, is hired and paid by the auditee (client) to inform third party stakeholders as to whether the client firm’s financial statements are presented in conformity with national financial accounting standards. When these statements do not meet the criteria for acceptable financial statements, a negotiation situation may arise in which the auditor is presumed to act in the best interests of shareholders and creditors who have no independent knowledge of the auditor’s findings. The client management may then feel forced to defend its numbers. The result is a negotiation between the auditor and client (e.g., Salterio in Account Financ 52:233–286, 2012; Brown and Wright in Account Horiz 22(1):91–109, 2008). This study examines cognitive factors and risk preference factors that may impact the negotiation both in the setting of each side’s negotiation position and on the outcomes of that negotiation using simulated auditor–client negotiations. Questionnaire and simulated auditor–client negotiations were used to generate the data, with MBA and MS in Accounting students playing the role of client CEOs and auditor partners. We further explore the use of a tool, Structural Equation Modeling, to test the data, in the process highlighting its usefulness in auditor–client negotiation research. We find that the cognitive characteristic of need for cognition is significantly and positively related to achievement of the negotiator’s desired income objectives and reported willingness to argue strongly for his/her position. Actively open-minded thinking, a second cognitive variable studied, was not significantly related to success in the negotiations, nor to a reported willingness to argue strongly for his/her position. Finally, we find that perceived aggressive tactics by the other party to the negotiation had a negative impact on the counterpart negotiator’s success in the negotiation, and satisfaction with it. As expected, risk assessment-related variables were not related to outcomes of interest.  相似文献   

When a trustee makes a decision for a client, a standard objective is to decide as the client would if he had the trustee's information. How can this objective be attained when, given the trustee's information, there is still uncertainty about the consequences of alternative courses of action? A promising approach is to apply the rule to maximize expected utility using the client's utilities for consequences and the trustee's probabilities for states. But taking utilities and probabilities from different sources causes a problem that has to be resolved. Briefly, the problem is that the client's utilities for consequences involve assessments of risks that are uninformed because he does not have informed probabilities. And the resolution of the problem is to reconstruct his utilities for consequences using a component due to risk that the trustee supplies for the client, and a component due to other consequences that the client supplies for himself.  相似文献   

Research has shown that offshore outsourcing processes may influence the behavior and strategic choices of firms, but little is known about the determining factors that influence the evolution and outcomes of those processes. Furthermore, longitudinal studies able to generate such insights are lacking. This paper suggests a detailed, activity-based approach to the study of the process of offshore outsourcing of high-value, advanced service activities. While earlier research has considered either firm-internal or firm-external sources of resource building, this study offers a more comprehensive theoretical model that combines resource-based theory and international business network theory. It aims to investigate how determinants of the offshore outsourcing process contribute to the resource stocks of client firms. Based on two longitudinal case studies of offshore outsourcing to India, the study finds that offshore outsourcing operations, in general, make positive contributions to the resource stocks of client firms. Some determinants contribute to the building of resources (partnership commitment decisions, knowledge creation and learning, trust building, the interconnectedness of resources) while others impede resource building (time compression diseconomies, lack of resource mass efficiencies). Notably, the interconnectedness among onshore activities, offshore activities and the underpinning knowledge resources reduces the risk of erosion of client firm resources, although this remains a long-term risk.  相似文献   

保险公司工程保险风险——效益评价指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈伟  孙希波 《商业研究》2005,(11):158-160
由于工程项目保险具有保险金额大,风险高的特点,从保险公司的视角研究保险公司风险成本的构成,构建保险公司工程保险风险——效益评价的指标体系,通过对工程项目风险——效益评价,进行工程保险决策,使保险公司在面对复杂的工程保险市场时具有较强的抗风险能力,开发出满足客户需求的、定制的“个性化保单”去占领工程保险市场,以赢得竞争的优势。  相似文献   

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