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Book Notices     
Books review in this article:
Can Prosperity Be Sustained ? By Neil H. Jacoby.
Three Voyages . By James Peter Warbasse.
The Psychology of Industrial Conflict . By Ross Stagner.
Agriculture and Industry Relative Income . By J. R. Bellerby and others.
I Prohlemi dello Sviluppo Economico: Con Particolare Riguardo alle Aree Arretrate . (The Problems of Economic Development, With Particular Emphasis Upon Those of Underdeveloped Areas). By Francesco Vito and others.
Islamic Society in the Eighteenth Century . By H. A. R. Gibb and Harold Bowen.
The Tension of Citizenship: Private Man and Public Duty . By H. Mark Roelofs.
Ulster Under Home Rule . By Thomas Wilson and others.
When Labor Votes: A Study of Auto Workers . By Arthur Kornhiuser, Albert J. Mayer and Harold L. Sheppard.
Worterbuch der Soziologie . Edited by W. Bemsdorf and Fr. Bulow.
Community Chest: A Case Study in Philanthropy . By Community Surveys, Inc.  相似文献   

Book Notices     
The Foundations of Statistics. By Leonard J. Savage
Social Dynamics: Principles and Cases in Introductory Sociology. By Joseph B. Gittler.
Survey of the Social Sciences in Western Germany. By Max Horkheimer.
American-Russian Relations , 1781–1947.
The Forgotten Republics. By Clarence A. Manning.
Monopoly and Social Control. By Henry A. Wells.
La Jornada: Teoria del Valor Economico. By Rafael Fernandez.
Britain, 1952. An Official Handbook.
The Individual and World Society. By P. E. Corbett  相似文献   

Book Notes     
Book reviewed in this articles:
The Organizational Weapon: A Study of Bolshevik Strategy and Tactics. By Philip Selznick.
Ten Great Economists. By Joseph A. Schumpeter.
Sex and the Law. By Morris Ploscowe.
The Quest for Utopia. By Glenn Negley and J. Max Patrick.  相似文献   

Book Notices     
Die Wanderungen im Bundesgebeit 1951 (Internal Migration in the German Federal Republic in 1951). By Werner Nellner.
La Sociologia en los Estados Unidos, 1900–1950 . By L. L. Bernard.
The Control of the Location of Industry in Great Britain . By John Jewkes.
Costs in Alternative Locations: the Clothing Industry . By D. C. Hague and P. K. Newman
The Economics of Annual Improvement Factor Wage Increases . By Jules Backman.
Red Design for the Americas: Gautemalan Prelude . By Daniel James.
The Choice Before South Africa . By E. S. Sachs.
Contemporary Ethiopia . By David A. Talbot.
Studies in the Structure of the American Economy . By Wassily Leontief and members of the Harvard Economic Research Project.
Darwin: Competition and Cooperation . By Ashley Montagu.  相似文献   

Book Notices     
The Philosophy of Communism. By Giorgio La Pira and others.
Saving Children from Delinquency. By D.H. Stott.
The Economic system: An Analysis of the Flow of Economic Life. By E. T. Weiler.
Savings in the Modern Economy: A Symposium.  相似文献   

Book Notices     
A Textbook of Econometrics. By Lawrence R. Klein.
Econometrics. By J. Tinbergen. Trans, by H. Rijken van Olst.
Econometrics. By Gerhard Tintner.
Studies in Econometric Method. Ed. by Wm. C. Hood and Tjalling C. Koopmans.
Bolivia: Land, People and Institutions. By Olen E. Leonard.  相似文献   

Die Konjunkturschwankungen : Theoretische Gunglagen der Wirtschafts-politik, Bd. II.
The Japanese Village in Transition. By A. F. Raper, T. Tsuchiyama, H. Passin and D. L. Sills.
Public Finance and Fiscal Policy. By Richard W. Lindholm.
Business and Government. By C. C. Rohlfing, E. W. Carter, B. W. West and J. G. Hervey.
The Economy of Latin America. By Wendell C. Gordon.
Price Theory. By Sidney Weintraub.
Pricing in Planned Economy. By B. V. Krishnamurti.
Pressure of Population and Economic Efficiency in India. By D. Ghosh.
Studies in Genius. By Walter G.  相似文献   

Book Review in this Article
Appraising Capital Works . By E. J. Broster
Financial Accounting and Control . By C. C. Magee
Cost and Management Accountancy for Students . J. Batty (Ed.)
Developments in Management Accountancy . J. Batty (Ed.)
Basic Marketing: Programmed Text and Cases . By Robert S. Raymond
Chemical Market Research . N. H. Giragosian (Ed.)
The Human Equation in Marketing Research . By Dietz Leonhard
Personal Selling: Behaviourial Science Readings and Cases . James H. Bearden (Ed.)
Advertising and the Community . Alexander Wilson (Ed.)
Marketing Management for Europe . By C. S. Deverell
Corporate Planning . By John Argenti
Corporate Planning in Industry . By Aris Presanis
Technological Forecasting and Corporate Strategy . By Gordon Wills, B. Taylor
Basic Operational Research . By P. G. Moore
The Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Operational Research . D. B. Hertz and J. Melese (Ed.)
Linear Programming . By K. Williams
Operational Research French–English English–French Vocabulary . A. L. Oliver (Ed.)
An Exercise in Redeployment . By Ron Thomas
Decision Making . By R. A. Chapman
Decision Making in Poverty Programmes . By Melvin Herman and Michael Munk
Theories of the Bargaining Process . By Alan Coddington
Creative Person and Creative Process . By Frank Barron
Corporate Excellence through Grid Organization Development . A Systems Approach.
Managerial Control Through Communication . By G. T. Vardaman and C. C. Halterman
Management Information and Systems . By A. G. Donald
Management in the Textile Industry . The Textile Institute
The Management of Computer Programming . By C. P. Lecht
Computers for Management . By Humphrey Sturt and Ronald Yearsley
The Numerate Manager . By Fred Keay  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Ends and Means, an Inquiry into the Nature of Ideals and into the Methods Employed for Their Realization . By Aldous Huxley.
Boom or Bust . By Blair Moody.
Ill Fares the Land: Migrants and Migratory Labor in the United States . By Carey McWlliams.
Problems of Co-operation . By James Peter Warbasse.
Free Trade in Ideas: Aspects of American Liberalism Illustrated in Franklin's Philadelphia Career . By Gladys Meyer.  相似文献   

Book Notes     
Books review in this article:
The Anti-Stalin Campaign and International Communism: A Selection of Documents. Edited by the Russian Institute
Problems of Wage Policy in Asian Countries. Geneva
Handbuch der Soziologie. Edited by Werner Ziegenfuss
The Family as Process and Institution. By Clifford Kirkpatrick
The Oral Tradition, the Written Word and the Screen Image. By David Riesman
The Positive Contribution by Immigrants.
The Business Enterprise as a Subject for Research. By Howard R. Bowen  相似文献   

Book Notices     
Conference on Business Cycles .
Economics of Investment: Investing at a Profit . By Jacob O. Kamm.
Mobilizing Resources for War: The Economic Alternatives . By Tibor Sdtovsky, Edward Shaw and Lorie Tarshis.
The Economics of Armament Inflation . By Jules Backman.
Bibliography on Income and Wealth . International Association for Research in Income and Wealth. Daniel Creamer, ed.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Management Consultants . By F rank D avidson
Personnel Managment in a Changing Society . By T. P. L yons
Job Enrichment and Employee Motivation . By W. J. P aul and K. B. R obertson
Occupational Pysychology . By D onald E. S uper and M artin J. B ohn J r .
Human Bebaviour and Employment Interviewing . By D ean B. P eskin
Case Studies in Human Relations . By K enneth V. P orter
Information for Decision Making; Quantitative and Behavioural Dimensions . By A lfred R appaport (Ed.)
Income Theory and Rate of Return . By J. L. L ivingstone and T. J. B urns (Eds.)
Accounting Case Studies (Business Case Studies Series) . By K. M idgley and R. G. B urns
The Prediction of Profitability and Other Studes of Company Behaviour . By G eoffrey W hittington  相似文献   

Book Review in this Article
Managerial and Professional Staff Grading . By Joan Doulton and David Hay
Supervisory Management in the Office . By M. R. Williams
The Theory of Valuation . By C. L. Hubbard and C. A. Hawkins
British Railways in Transition . By Derek H. Aldcroft
The Economist in Business . By K. J. W. Alexander
Managerial Economics . By D. C. Hague
Efficiency of Business Enterprise . By L. R. Amey
Pricing Strategy . By Bernard Taylor and Gordon Wills (Editors)
Economic Analysis and Industrial Structure . By Douglas Needham
The Age of Discontinuity . By Peter Drucker
British Management Thought . By John Child
Immigrant School Leavers and the Youth Employment Service in Birmingham , By David Beetham
Immigrants in Employment: Two Case Studies in East London and in Croydon . By Klim McPherson and Julia Gaitskell
Indian Workers' Associations in Britain . By DeWitt John Jr.
Technological Man . By Victor C. Ferkiss
Technological Growth and Social Change . By Stanley A. Hetzler
Technological Forecasting . By R. V. Arnfield (Editor)
Role Playing for Supervisors . By J. Maxwell Towers
Participative Exercises for Management Training . Set 1 and 2. Edited by R. D. Ashall
Work Measurement: Some Research Studies . By N. A. Dudley
Motion and Time Study Design and Measurement of Work
A Manager's Guide to Work Study . By Owen Gilbert
Method Study . By Alan Fields
Work and Community . By Fred H. Blum
The Liberation of Work . By Folkett Wilken
Co-ownership, Co-operation and Control . By P. Derrick and J-F. Phipps
Workers' Participation in Management . By J. Y. Tabb and A. Goldfarb
Form and Content in Industrial Democracy . By F. E. Emery and Einar Thorsrud  相似文献   

Book Notices     
Books review in this article:
Country Banking in the Industrial Revolution. By L. S. Pressnell
The Prevention of Cruelty to Children. By Leslie George Housden
The Negro Potential. By Eli Ginzberg and J. K. Anderson, D. W. Bray and R. W. Smuts
Empire in Wood: A History of the Carpenters' Union. By Robert A. Christie
The Second International , 1889–1914. By G. D. H. Cole  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
The Corporate Economy: Growth, Competition and Innovative Potential . Edited by R obin M arris and A drian M ood
The Juggernants . By G raham B annock
Acquisitions and Mergers in Canada . By D esmond B. M orin and W arren C hidpindale
The Pure Theory of International Trade and Investment . By M urray C. K ehid
Labour Markets Under Different Employment Conditions . By D. I. M ackay , D. B oddy , J. B rack , J. A. D iack and N. J ones
Labour Market Economics: A Short Survey of Recent Theory . By J. C orina
Managing the Multinational Enterprise. Organisation of the Firm and Ownership of the Subsidiaries . By J ohn M. S topford and L ouis T. W ells , J r .
The Multinational Company in Europe. Some Key Problems . Edited by M ichael Z. B rooke and H. L ee R emmers
The Rise and Decline of Small Firms . By J. B oswell
Small Businesses: How they survive . By P. C larke
Business in Britain . By G raham T urner
The Economic Theory of Medium and Small Industries in Japan . By N oboru I naba  相似文献   

Book Notices     
Books review in this article:
Toynbee's Approach to World Politics. By Henry L. Mason
A Soviet View of the American Past. Translated and edited by Yanko, Kersten, Burnette, Haygood, and others
The Wars of the Iroquois. A Study in Intertribal Trade Relations. By George T. Hunt  相似文献   

《Economic Affairs》1989,10(2):35-36
Book reviewed in this article:
ONE OF US Hugo Young.
SOCIAL CONTRACT, FREE RIDE A Study of the Public Goods Problem Anthony de Jasay.
THEORY OF THE CAPITALIST ECONOMY: Towards a Post-Classical Synthesis Bill Gerrard.
CRADLE TO CRAVE: Comparative Perspectives on the state of Welfare Ralph segalman and David Marsland.
INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS: A Critical Introduction to Corporate Enterprises in Europe and America W. Duncan Reekie.
THE ROPESPINNER CONSPIRACY Michael M. Thomas.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Consumer Product Development . By R oderick W hite
Marketing New Industrial Products . By M ichael J. B aker
Effective Marketing logistic . By G raham B uxton
Legal Aspects of Marketing . By J ohn L ivermore
Ofensive Marketing . By J. H. D avidson
Economics and Transport Polig . By K. W. G william and P. J. M ackie
The Management of Urban Public Transport . By P. J. H ovell , W. H. J ones and A. J. M oran  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Efficiancy and uplift. By SAMUEL HABER
Multiproducts ltd. By LILS DLEIN
The Dynamics of a changing technology. By PETER J. FENSHAM and Douglas HOOPER
The Law of Restrictive Practices and Resale Prce Maintenance , (2nd edition). By JEREMY LEVER
Thc Restrictive Practoces court, A Study of the Judicial process and Economic PoIicy . By R. B. STEVEN and B. S. YAMEY
Resale Price Maintenance . By IAN. MACDONALD
Resale Prices Act 1964.
Restrictive Tradng Agreements in the Common Market , Texts and Com- mentaries. By A m CAMPBELL
Modles for Decision . By C M. BERNERS-LEE (Ed.).
Science and the Manager . By R. W.REVANS
Scientific Metbod in Production Management . By G. R. GEDYE
Conceptual Foundations of Bnsiness Rcsearcb . By PAUL. H. RIGER
New Thinking in Management, A Guide for Magagement . By F. DE F. HANIKA
The Dynamics of Research and Development . By EDWARDB. ROBERTS
Managemmt Uses of Rcsearch and Development . By WARRENt. LOTHROP
Management for Research and Development . By H. A. CoLLINSON
The Efficiency Experts . An imparsial study Management Consdtancy. By LAURA TATHAM
Science in Marketing . GEORGE SCHWARTZ
Models, Measwremen & Marketing . PETER LANGHOFF
Marketing in Action . SHULTZE and MAZZE
Cases In Marketing Management . By EDWARDC C. BURSK
International Marketing . By JOHN FATERWEATHER
InternationalBusiness Magagement, Reading and Cass . By JOHN S. EWING and FRANK MEISSNER
Management of the Adwertisibg Function . By ALFRED R. OXENPELoT and CARROLL SWAN
Thrusters and Slepers. A study of Attitudes in Indusurial Management . P.E.P.  相似文献   

Book review in this Article
Man-Machine Engineering . By ALPHON SECH APANIS.
Leaning for Leaahship . By A. K. RICE
Systems of Organigation . The Control of Task and Sentient Boundaries. By E. J. MILLER and A. K. RICE
Accountabilify in Government Departments, Public Corporations and Public Companies . Edited by R. W. Ennis
Corporate Social Responsibilities . By CLARENCE C. WALTON
Regulating Business by Independent Commission . By MARVER H. BERNSTEIN
An Introduction to Management Statistics . A Grundytext.
Mathematical Theory of Rcliabiliity . By RICHARD E. BARLOW and FRANK PROSCHAN with contributions by LARRY C. HUNTER
Statistics for Buriness and Economics . By STEPHEN P. SHAO
The Searcb for Ability . Standardized Testing in Social Perspective. By DAVID A. Goslin
Training in Industry, The Management of Learning . By BERNARD M. BASS
Developing Efective Managers . By T. J. ROBERTS
An Approad to the Training and Development of Managers . Ministry of Labour
Training for Development . By ROLF P. LYNTON and UDAE PAREEK
The Eakcation of Technologists . By LURE JAHODA  相似文献   

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