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本文通过分析当前国内金融市场现状并借鉴国外金融市场发展经验,认为银行传统信贷业务仍然具有良好的发展前景,在未来一定时期内仍将是企业融资的主渠道,是银行开展其他金融服务的基础和平台,并且结构将适应经济结构变化不断优化.针对近年来银行传统信贷发展面临的资本约束、金融脱媒和利率市场化等冲击,提出了以创新手段带动银行传统信贷业务和市场拓展的观点,即以理念创新重新定位传统信贷业务市场,以价格创新应对资本约束和利率市场化,以科技创新优化传统信贷发展模式,以产品创新和流程创新解决传统信贷难点,以营销创新推动信贷市场拓展,以手段创新加强信贷风险管理.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the progress in European banking integration over the last twenty years, and evaluates the current system of banking supervision and deposit insurance based on ‘home country’ control. The public policy implications to draw from the paper are threefold: First, after a relatively slow start, European banking integration is gaining momentum, in terms of cross‐border flows, market share of foreign banks in several domestic markets, and cross‐border M&As of significant size. If this trend continues, the issue of adequate supervision and safety nets in an integrated European banking market will become even more pressing. Second, although until recently banks have relied mostly on subsidiary structures to go cross‐border, this is changing with the recent creation of the European company statute, which facilitates cross‐border branch banking. A review of the case of the Scandinavian bank, Nordea Bank AB, helps to understand some remaining barriers to integration, and the supervisory issues raised by branch banking. Third, it is argued that the principle of ‘home country’ supervision is unlikely to be adequate in the future for large international banks. Because the closure of an international bank would be likely to have cross‐border spillovers, and because some small European countries might be unable to finance the bail‐out of their very large banks, centralization, or at least Europe‐wide coordination, of the decision to close or bail‐out international banks is needed. This raises the issue of European funding of bail‐out costs, European banking supervision, and European deposit insurance.  相似文献   

The paper suggests that continued capital strength and management skills will be the main criteria for a successful bank in the 1980s, expected to be a very testing period for international banking. After indicating the two ways in which banks can increase their strength it concentrates on international takeovers and mergers and the scope for these. While the US has already proved an immensely fruitful field for the expansion of international banks and is likely to remain the biggest single market, the paper maintains that in theory the EEC offers a unique opportunity for the emergence of genuine community-wide banks and greater freedom of competition.  相似文献   

本文通过分析当前国内金融市场现状并借鉴国外金融市场发展经验,认为银行传统信贷业务仍然具有良好的发展前景,在未来一定时期内仍将是企业融资的主渠道,是银行开展其他金融服务的基础和平台,并且结构将适应经济结构变化不断优化。针对近年来银行传统信贷发展面临的资本约束、金融脱媒和利率市场化等冲击,提出了以创新手段带动银行传统信贷业务和市场拓展的观点,即以理念创新重新定位传统信贷业务市场,以价格创新应对资本约束和利率市场化,以科技创新优化传统信贷发展模式,以产品创新和流程创新解决传统信贷难点,以营销创新推动信贷市场拓展,以手段创新加强信贷风险管理。  相似文献   

Marketing online banking services: The voice of the customer   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
US banks have invested heavily in developing online capabilities, with the expectation of migrating customers to the new cheaper delivery system. Results in the USA thus far have been mixed at best; market penetration is low and customer usage is sporadic, focusing mainly on simple tasks. This paper reports on the first of two studies conducted to investigate the reasons for the mediocre performance. A qualitative consumer study revealed significant differences in attitudes and opinions between early users and those that banks hope will adopt next. Most importantly, future prospects could be characterised as indifferent about online banking; many were not convinced about its benefits and the value it provides. While the potential to expand the market for online banking services exists, banks need to re-examine their marketing approach.  相似文献   

加入WTO使我国原有的银行市场垄断格局被逐渐打破 ,市场被重新分割 ,客户被重新组合 ,并由此促进我国商业银行“营销致胜”理念的形成 ,加快中外资商业银行营销融合 ,改善我国银行营销环境 ,提升我国商业银行营销管理水平。  相似文献   

Financial deregulation in the U.S. has ample ramifications for international banking. For U.S. based international banks, the deregulation shifts the emphasis back to the now deregulated U.S. market. For foreign banks in the U.S. deregulation is a mixed blessing. One aspect of the deregulation is interstate banking, another is merger across industry lines. Thus Parker, a pen manufacturer, owns several financial institutions including a bank. All this functional integration may be exaggerated. Banks will continue to operate more or less as they have done in the past. The changes will be evolutionary rather than revolutionary in nature, and they will lead our industry from the production of banking services to the production of financial services.  相似文献   

Shadow banking is the process by which banks raise funds from and transfer risks to entities outside the traditional commercial banking system. Many observers blamed the sudden expansion in 2007 of U.S. sub‐prime mortgage market disruptions into a global financial crisis on a “liquidity run” that originated in the shadow banking system and spread to commercial banks. In response, national and international regulators have called for tighter and new regulations on shadow banking products and participants. Preferring the term “market‐based finance” to the term “shadow banking,” the authors explore the primary financial instruments and participants that comprise the shadow banking system. The authors review the 2007–2009 period and explain how runs on shadow banks resulted in a liquidity crisis that spilled over to commercial banks, but also emphasize that the economic purpose of shadow banking is to enable commercial banks to raise funds from and transfer risks to non‐bank institutions. In that sense, the shadow banking system is a shock absorber for risks that arise within the commercial banking system and are transferred to a more diverse pool of non‐bank capital instead of remaining concentrated among commercial banks. The article also reviews post‐crisis regulatory initiatives aimed at shadow banking and concludes that most such regulations could result in a less stable financial system to the extent that higher regulatory costs on shadow banks like insurance companies and asset managers could discourage them from participating in shadow banking. And the net effect of this regulation, by limiting the amount of market‐based capital available for non‐bank risk transfer, may well be to increase the concentrations of risk in the banking and overall financial system.  相似文献   

中资银行迎接外资银行全面竞争的策略研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着中国银行业市场不断扩大对外资银行的开放程度,在华外资银行已在市场份额、客户营销、业务经营及人才吸引等方面对中资银行的经营形成挑战。中资银行只有加快改革进程,进一步提升自身的竞争力,才能在2006年底中国银行业全面开放后从容应对外资银行的激烈竞争。本文结合当前中国银行业的改制过程,提出了中资银行的应对策略,即通过与外资银行的业务及股权合作来弥补自身不足,通过调整经营结构实现经营战略的转型,通过完善公司治理培育自身的核心竞争力,通过解决经营中的实际问题提高市场应变力,通过落实“以人为本”的理念切实提升人力资源价值。  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of the ethnic banking market in the USA. It portrays the main ethnic groups involved and how they manage their relationships with banks, whether as individuals, families or small businesses. It analyses how banks have responded to the ethnic marketing opportunity and then suggests which areas banks need to focus on in order to improve management of their ethnic customers.  相似文献   

经济全球化过程中,金融市场横向风险分担机制侵蚀了银行中介跨期风险分担机制;一部分资金从银行中介转移到金融市场,致使商业银行传统盈利模式遭受冲击。银行必须从传统的存贷款经营模式转变为参与金融市场和衍生工具交易的、提供综合金融服务的现代经营模式。在这一转型过程中,如果转型过快或者银行不能适应变化,银行体系则可能积累大量风险,并导致银行危机。实证检验结果显示,风险分担机制变迁显著增加了银行危机的概率。  相似文献   

并购重组是典型的市场配置资源手段,是经济效率提升的重要载体,市场经济条件下的并购同样是银行业寻找新的增长点的关键。西方国家的银行并购经验对我国商业银行并购有借鉴意义,以市场化手段开展银行并购,有助于提升我国商业银行的国际竞争能力。  相似文献   

蔡卫星 《金融研究》2019,466(4):39-55
本文在充分考虑中国信贷市场本地竞争特征的基础上,利用手工收集的商业银行分支机构独特数据构造了城市层面的银行业市场结构指标,并将其与2002-2007年中国工业企业数据库进行合并构造基础数据库,考察了银行业市场结构对企业生产率的影响。研究发现:首先,一个更具竞争性的银行业市场结构显著提高了企业生产率,这支持了银行业市场结构的“市场力量假说”;其次,从影响机制来看,一个更具竞争性的银行业市场结构更有利于缓解企业面临的融资约束;最后,银行业市场结构对企业生产率的影响在那些面临更多融资约束的企业中更为显著,小企业、非国有企业、新企业和高技术行业的企业从银行业竞争中获益更大。  相似文献   

The heyday of overseas banking already has passed for U.S. institutions and, according to this paper, the international financial role played by American banks is likely to be diminished still further in coming years. Recent trends in international lending to various groups of countries are examined as are the available data on the profitability and risk attached to overseas exposures. Looking towards the future, the paper reviews the outlook for profit opportunities, capital adequacy, and country risk concentration and it concludes that these factors probably will impose limits to banking growth that may well curtail, for instance, the recycling role formerly (and successfully) played by U.S.-chartered banks.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a surge in mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in all sectors of economic activity. Cross-border operations have followed this trend, creating global companies operating in all major world markets. In this paper we study the pattern of cross-border M&As in the banking industry relative to the non-financial sector of the economy and investigate which factors make it more likely that a bank will expand its activities abroad. We find that cross-border M&As are rarer in banking than in other sectors, possibly owing to the importance of information asymmetries in banking relationships and to regulatory restrictions. Using data on almost 2500 banks from 29 OECD countries, we also show that the most significant features of banks with foreign equity interests relate to efficiency: banks with cross-border shareholdings are on average larger, more profitable, and based in countries with a more highly developed banking market.  相似文献   

Over the last four decades, a wide theoretical debate is concerned with the fundamental relationship between financial development and economic growth. Recent studies shed some light on the simultaneous effect of banks and financial system development on growth rather than a separate impact. The empirical study is conducted using an unbalanced panel data from 11 MENA region countries. Econometric issues will be based on estimation of a dynamic panel model with GMM estimators. Thus, peculiarities of MENA region countries will be detected. The empirical results reinforce the idea of no significant relationship between banking and stock market development, and growth. The association between bank development and economic growth is even negative after controlling for stock market development. This lack of relationship must be linked to underdeveloped financial systems in the MENA region that hamper economic growth. Then, more needs to be done to reinforce the institutional environment and improve the functioning of the banking sector in the MENA region. Based on these results, other regions at the same stage of financial development such as Africa, Eastern Europe or Latin America should improve the functioning of their financial system in order to prevent their economies from the negative impact of a shaky financial market.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effect of banking crises on market discipline in an international sample of banks. We also evaluate how bank regulation, supervision, institutions, and crisis intervention policies shape the effect of banking crises on market discipline. We control for unobservable bank, country, and time specific effects using a panel data set of banks from 66 countries around 79 banking crises. The results suggest that on average market discipline weakens after a banking crisis. This weakening is higher in countries where bank regulation, supervision, and institutions promoted market discipline before the banking crisis, and where a more accommodative approach is adopted to resolve it.  相似文献   

In the closing days of the recent current credit crunch, policymakers have been searching for solutions to make the global banking system more robust to withstand future crises. A range of options are presently under consideration, but principal concerns relate to three core issues: the adequacy of the capital bases of banks, the realisation that some banks are ‘too big to fail’ owing to the impact of failure on the wider economy, and the need to refocus lenders’ attention on the importance of the quality of the borrower as opposed to more abstract future cashflows derived from a project or line of business such as mortgages. This article considers the causes of a previous ‘credit crunch’, this being the banking crisis that preceded the Great Depression of the 1920s in the United States. Legislative responses by the US government at that time are evaluated in terms of potential applicability to the recent credit crunch. The article provides an informed analysis for marketing strategy formulation aimed at encouraging and promoting trust among banks themselves, and banks and their principal stakeholders. It argues that if new stakeholders or providers of additional bank capital are not forthcoming, formal legislative intervention may be the only solution available to regulators. In this regard, marketing and communications strategies take on a wholly new importance in promoting the stability of the international banking industry.  相似文献   

Using new data from the World Bank and OCC surveys, we show correlations across a wide range of countries between foreign banking and domestic economic, financial and bank regulatory conditions. Foreign banking tended to be more prevalent in countries that were more open to foreign ownership of their banks, more open to banks’ engaging in a wider range of financial activities and more open to international trade. Restrictions on foreign ownership of domestic banks that were in place in the late 1970s reduced the current extent of foreign banking. Foreign banking was negatively correlated with current restrictions on banks’ securities, insurance and real estate activities. Countries that had more international trade tended to have more foreign banking. Foreign banking was more pervasive in countries where banking was more profitable and where the domestically-owned banking sector was smaller relative to GDP.  相似文献   

马理  何云  牛慕鸿 《金融研究》2020,478(4):91-111
对外开放是否导致商业银行的风险上升,以往学者的研究结论并不统一。本文基于中国392家商业银行的微观数据,检验了“引进来”(用外资持股比例作为替代指标)与“走出去”(用海外资产占比作为替代指标)对商业银行风险承担行为的影响。结果显示,对外开放与商业银行的风险之间呈现非线性曲线特征并存在临界点;对中小型商业银行而言,过高的外资持股比例与过低的境外投资规模会带来风险;对大型商业银行而言,境外投资规模存在一个阈值区间,在阈值区间内,可能导致银行风险上升。政策建议是:外资参股中小型商业银行的比例可能不宜过高,鼓励中小型商业银行加大境外投资力度,大型商业银行可以根据特定时期的目标来调整对外开放策略,同时应强化风险预警与防范手段,在坚持与扩大银行业对外开放的背景下,实施宏观审慎原则,维护我国金融体系的整体稳定。  相似文献   

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