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While Australian financial institutions have recognised for many years the need to segment their customer base and develop niche marketing strategies, those that are listed on the Australian Stock Exchange appear to have ignored a substantial and powerful pool of potential customers — their shareholders. This paper reviews the shareholder marketing strategies adopted by 12 listed Australian banks and building societies. It looks at the cost of customers, the value of converting shareholders to customers and reviews the shareholder loyalty programmes being offered. This paper argues that banks in Australia are ignoring this important pool of potential customers. The author develops the view that the banks and building societies have failed to maximise shareholder value as they have few processes in place to target this important sector.  相似文献   

Many arguments about financial reform appeal to competitive equality among types of institutions. But this is irrelevant; what matters is equitable treatment, not of institutions, but of their owners and customers, and economic efficiency. There are two rival definitions of the former, avoidance of unexpected regulatory changes, and changing regulations to maintain markets. If no externalities exist, equity to customers requires imposing the same burden on customers of all institutions. So does the efficiency criterion. These criteria are applied to three problems: permitting demand deposits in thrifts, imposing a reserve requirement on such deposits, and eliminating Regulation Q.  相似文献   

Financial institutions are actively developing new electronic banking products for their retail customers. To date, the market leaders have drawn a disproportionably higher share of e-retail banking customers. In response, smaller institutions have become quite active in exploring ways to participate profitably in online banking. A major influence is from a customer relationship management (CRM) perspective, where institutions try to limit the outflow of current customers and direct high-value customers to potential products from a multi-product service offering array. These efforts can succeed only if retail bank marketers focus the promotion of the new products and services that can utilise this channel toward those customers who are most likely to find them attractive. The first aim of this study was to examine the role that online and electronic banking play in defining the customer's primary financial relationship. The analysis of 701 retail customers of a financial institution presented in this study suggests that banks and other institutions are highly vulnerable to loss of customers to rivals with extensive online services. A second aim was to examine to what extent information on banking relationships is able to extend CRM analysis beyond that offered by typical demographic and income data. Current customer account relationships are found to be highly predictive of use of electronic services use in general. And, interest in the use of specific online services is related to differing customer relationships in addition to ordinary demographic and balance information. These findings can be useful for retail banking in identifying potential high-value users from a customer relationship management perspective.  相似文献   

Small business customers that use electronic services are potentially more profitable than those who do not. 1 For banking and financial institutions, understanding small business customers' online behaviours and preferences will be one of the key drivers to successfully reach this segment efficiently and economically. Following a proven construct development methodology, this preliminary study completes the first steps by conducting interviews with information technology professionals. These information technology professionals were directly involved in the support of websites operated by several large banking organisations located in the southeastern United States. The information gathered from the subject group provides a foundation for the discussions as to how those organisations support, or fail to support, the delivery of electronic banking to small businesses, factors are proposed to define the construct of what constitutes successful small business online banking relationships.  相似文献   

Foreign exchange trading is performed in opaque and decentralized markets. The two-tier market structure consisting of a customer segment and an interdealer segment to which only market makers have access gives rise to the possibility of price discrimination. We develop a theoretical pricing model that accounts for market-power considerations and analyze a database of the trades of a foreign exchange market maker. We find that the market maker generally exerts low bargaining power vis-á-vis customers. The dealer earns lower average spreads on trades with financial customers than commercial customers, even though the former are perceived to convey exchange-rate-relevant information.  相似文献   

This empirical legal study examines the perceptions of retail customers on the dispute resolution clauses contained in the governing law and jurisdiction clauses in Islamic finance contracts in Malaysia. Since Islamic financial institutions and their customers are more likely to opt for litigation in the event of a dispute, this study explores ways of providing for unambiguous dispute resolution clauses that are well understood by the parties. Such clauses are expected to incorporate effective dispute resolution processes such as mediation and arbitration through a multi-tiered mechanism. Primary data collected through survey questionnaire administered on 160 Islamic bank customers is analysed using both factor analysis and structural equation modelling. The empirical legal study reveals that there is a statistically significant direct effect of dispute resolution clauses in Islamic finance contracts on the legal awareness and understanding of the customers and indirect effect on the customers' dispute resolution channels. It therefore follows that there is a need to provide for more effective clauses that allow for mediation and arbitration in the governing law and jurisdiction clauses of Islamic finance contracts in Malaysia. Such alternative dispute resolution processes can be structured in a multi-tiered manner that will only allow for litigation as a last resort. This will allow Islamic financial institutions and their customers to make informed decisions about the best option for effective dispute management.  相似文献   


During the financial crisis of 2008/2009, financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies have lost trust of their customers. In the recommendation process of pension products, trust plays an important role since cash flows from retirement products accrue decades ahead. Using the results from a survey, we find that financial institutions still struggle to deliver trust to their customers when they recommend different categories of retirement products. Other recommending parties such as academic financial experts or close friends, however, are able to establish a high level of trust. We therefore investigate factors of alternative channels to establish trust such as the recommendation process or product features.


Business marketing: understand what customers value   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How do you define the value of your market offering? Can you measure it? Few suppliers in business markets are able to answer those questions, and yet the ability to pinpoint the value of a product or service for one's customers has never been more important. By creating and using what the authors call customer value models, suppliers are able to figure out exactly what their offerings are worth to customers. Field value assessments--the most commonly used method for building customer value models--call for suppliers to gather data about their customers firsthand whenever possible. Through these assessments, a supplier can build a value model for an individual customer or for a market segment, drawing on data gathered form several customers in that segment. Suppliers can use customer value models to create competitive advantage in several ways. First, they can capitalize on the inevitable variation in customers' requirements by providing flexible market offerings. Second, they can use value models to demonstrate how a new product or service they are offering will provide greater value. Third, they can use their knowledge of how their market offerings specifically deliver value to craft persuasive value propositions. And fourth, they can use value models to provide evidence to customers of their accomplishments. Doing business based on value delivered gives companies the means to get an equitable return for their efforts. Once suppliers truly understand value, they will be able to realize the benefits of measuring and monitoring it for their customers.  相似文献   

商业银行财富客户金融消费行为的统计与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了客户金融消费行为的影响因素和行为特征、商业银行提升高端客户拓展能力的要点.在对某分行进行调查的基础上,通过统计数据分析,发现财富客户具有以下行为特征:风险偏好多数为平衡型;稳定的客户持有基金、理财、保险、债券的比例较高;通过柜台和网银进行转账交易的比例较高;有客户经理维护时的客户稳定性高于无维护时,这些客户买...  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to investigate whether Islamic bank customers view Shari’a compliance and conventional banking services as two distinct and different sets of bank patronage factors and, if so, to find the relative importance of each. The article is based on the primary data collected from 357 Islamic bank customers in Pakistan. The analytical tools used in this piece of research are factor analysis and mean ranking. A total of six variables were fed into the factor analysis, which resulted in the identification of two factors accounting for about 76 per cent of the total variance in the variables. The resulting factors were then analysed through mean ranking to investigate them for the relative importance of each factor. The findings reveal that customers consider Shari’a compliance and conventional banking services as two distinct and different packages of bank patronization factors. It is further revealed that conventional banking services are rather more important than Shari’a compliance. The article has important implications for Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) in Pakistan. On the one hand, it signifies the importance of Shari’a compliance as an additional discrete factor for customers’ bank-selection decision, and on the other, it highlights the importance of customers’ traditional banking needs. In order to be sustainable, IFIs must be competitive with the conventional banking industry in the first place and stay Shari’a compliant in the second place for obtaining marginal competitive edge.  相似文献   

Price smarter on the Net   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Companies generally have set prices on the Internet in two ways. Many start-ups have offered untenably low prices in a rush to capture first-mover advantage. Many incumbents have simply charged the same prices on-line as they do off-line. Either way, companies are missing a big opportunity. The fundamental value of the Internet lies not in lowering prices or making them consistent but in optimizing them. After all, if it's easy for customers to compare prices on the Internet, it's also easy for companies to track customers' behavior and adjust prices accordingly. The Net lets companies optimize prices in three ways. First, it lets them set and announce prices with greater precision. Different prices can be tested easily, and customers' responses can be collected instantly. Companies can set the most profitable prices, and they can tap into previously hidden customer demand. Second, because it's so easy to change prices on the Internet, companies can adjust prices in response to even small fluctuations in market conditions, customer demand, or competitors' behavior. Third, companies can use the clickstream data and purchase histories that it collects through the Internet to segment customers quickly. Then it can offer segment-specific prices or promotions immediately. By taking full advantage of the unique possibilities afforded by the Internet to set prices with precision, adapt to changing circumstances quickly, and segment customers accurately, companies can get their pricing right. It's one of the ultimate drivers of e-business success.  相似文献   

Despite a reasonable level of competition in the New Zealand banking market, there is a relatively low rate of customers switching between banks. A common reason cited for the low churn rate is the costs associated with switching between financial institutions, including simply the difficulties associated with the physical transfer of existing banking arrangements. One non-bank financial institution, PSIS, introduced a pilot scheme to make it easier for existing customers of other financial institutions to move their banking facilities to PSIS. The pilot sought to understand the extent to which the switching costs associated with changing financial institutions could be reduced, and the impact that had on customers' switching behaviour. The results of this pilot scheme did not meet the organisation's expectations, and as a result, was not extended beyond the pilot period or the pilot participants. This paper provides a review of the pilot scheme, and attempts to identify the issues that contributed to the lack of success. The key findings were that there was no real demand from customers for the type of service offered, and that the time and effort involved on the part of the financial institution were greater than expected, making it undesirable to continue.  相似文献   

Turn customer input into innovation   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
It's difficult to find a company these days that doesn't strive to be customer-driven. Too bad, then, that most companies go about the process of listening to customers all wrong--so wrong, in fact, that they undermine innovation and, ultimately, the bottom line. What usually happens is this: Companies ask their customers what they want. Customers offer solutions in the form of products or services. Companies then deliver these tangibles, and customers just don't buy. The reason is simple--customers aren't expert or informed enough to come up with solutions. That's what your R&D team is for. Rather, customers should be asked only for outcomes--what they want a new product or service to do for them. The form the solutions take should be up to you, and you alone. Using Cordis Corporation as an example, this article describes, in fine detail, a series of effective steps for capturing, analyzing, and utilizing customer input. First come indepth interviews, in which a moderator works with customers to deconstruct a process or activity in order to unearth "desired outcomes." Addressing participants' comments one at a time, the moderator rephrases them to be both unambiguous and measurable. Once the interviews are complete, researchers then compile a comprehensive list of outcomes that participants rank in order of importance and degree to which they are satisfied by existing products. Finally, using a simple mathematical formula called the "opportunity calculation," researchers can learn the relative attractiveness of key opportunity areas. These data can be used to uncover opportunities for product development, to properly segment markets, and to conduct competitive analysis.  相似文献   

The desire to treat all customers equally, irrespective of their value to the organisation reflects the laudable but uneconomic service mantras of the past. New Zealand banks, using modern database management tools in conjunction with individual customer information, are migrating customers to cheaper delivery systems and adjusting their customer service levels (customer support, privileges, fee waivers, discounts, etc) according to customer profitability. The essence of this database management is still customer segmentation. Using a retail bank's proprietary customer contribution data in combination with survey-based customer data, this paper presents a quantitative eight segment ‘extension’ of Reinartz and Kumar's (2002) behavioural segmentation solution. Potential profitability in the customer-bank relationship is drawn from incorporation of share of wallet into the segmentation solution, providing insight into the management of each segment's customers, especially the ‘barnacles’ (loyal, loss-making customers) and the ‘butterflies’ (short-term, profitable customers).  相似文献   

银行卡及银行存折是主要的储蓄存取款工具。针对某些银行储蓄机构以银行卡完全取代银行存折这一现象,本文通过对银行等储蓄机构及储户进行的调查分析,得出结论:目前银行卡不能完全取代银行存折。  相似文献   

Previous research has investigated the determinants and consequences of customer loyalty, but, in banking, a critical measure largely neglected in previous studies is the customer's ‘share of wallet’. This study, based on a survey of 1,924 retail banking customers, suggests that a large proportion of the variance in stated behavioural intentions can be predicted, in particular, by customers' attitude measures. More importantly, the study shows that a substantial amount of the variance in share of wallet can be predicted, allowing banks to identify and focus on customer segments where there is most potential for growth. In recognition of the fact that dissatisfied customers are a distinct segment, the study models actual behaviour in terms of share of wallet for dissatisfied customers. Implications for research and for business are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we disentangle the impact of household financial constraints on mortgage rate from a number of dimensions of credit risk. This analysis relies on a dataset that contains information on the economic and financial decisions of Spanish households in four different years: 2002, 2005, 2008, and 2011. Our results suggest that banks’ profitable customers are able to bargain for lower mortgage rates. However, contrary to other studies, the risk profile does not have a significant effect on mortgage rates. Credit institutions tend to charge higher rates during the crisis to all customers, irrespective of their risk profiles.  相似文献   

Most executives today agree that their efforts should be focused on growing the lifetime value of their customers. Yet few companies have come to terms with the implications of that idea for their marketing management. Oldsmobile, for example, enjoyed outstanding brand equity with many customers through the 1980s. But as the century wore further on, the people who loved the Olds got downright old. So why did General Motors spend so many years and so much money trying to reposition and refurbish the tired,tarnished brand? Why didn't GM managers instead move younger buyers along a path of less resistance, toward another of the brands in GM's stable--or even launch a wholly new brand geared to their tastes? Catering to new customers, even at the expense of the brand, would surely have been the path to profits. The reason, argue the authors, is that in large consumer-goods companies like General Motors, brands are the raison d'etre. They are the focus of decision making and the basis of accountability. But this overwhelming focus on growing brand equity is inconsistent with the goal of growing customer equity. Drawing on a wide range of current examples, the authors offer seven tactics that will put brands in the service of growing customer equity. These include replacing traditional brand managers with a new position--the customer segment manager; targeting brands to as narrow an audience as possible; developing the capability and the mind-set to hand off customers from one brand to another within the company; and changing the way brand equity is measured by basing calculations on individual, rather than average, customer data.  相似文献   

伦敦、纽约等国际金融中心金融集聚和扩散的动态过程,反映了金融中心的发展趋势。本文从拥塞效应、金融安全、追随客户、地区竞争以及通讯技术的迅速发展等方面解释了金融扩散的原因。针对上海陆家嘴金融贸易区金融集聚和扩散的现状,结合静安寺、淮海路商圈总部经济和金融机构集聚度较高的状况,提出了上海建设国际金融中心规划布局中“1+3+1”,即“一主三副”和一个灾备中心的构想。  相似文献   

One of the primary concerns of companies is to develop loyal customers, and banks are no exception. Past research attempted to examine the role of satisfaction, perceived quality and image, as drivers of bank brand loyalty. However the characteristics of specific bank brands were not taken into consideration. Using data collected from a sample of 216 retail bank customers, banking with five different banks in Athens Greece, this paper investigates whether similar antecedents could be used to predict brand loyalty in various institutions. The results imply that, depending on the bank, different drivers could influence in a dissimilar manner the formation of loyalty and therefore further research is needed to generalise the suggested models.  相似文献   

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