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During 1986, approximately 270 early-stage entrepreneurs sought informotion on almost 1,000 legal issues from the Small Business Student (Legal) Clinic, a program run by the New Venture Development Group at The University of Calgary.Using a combination of legal file information and survey data from 100 of these clients, the authors looked at three central questions: 1. Whether entrepreneurial clients were able to identify legal issues affecting their business, and if so, to what extent? 2. Whether stage of venture development was related to the legal problems identified, and 3. Whether failure to identify legal issues affected subsequent business development.Data from the client surveys was used to determine whether clients were made aware of new legal issues and to assess client follow-through behavior; in particular, whether the clients altered or abandoned their business strategy as a result of receiving new information to determine whether these results varied according to stage of venture development. Client files were placed in four broad categories: concept only, prototype development and business planning, pre-selling and financing, and early operation.The data revealed that new venture clients underestimate the amount of legal support they will require at the early stages of venture development. Ninety-one percent (91%) of clients asked clinic personnel to provide information on one or more additional legal issues of importance to their venture. Client files also indicated that while most clients were able to identify and respond to a perceived need to protect personal property, few were able to identify the myriad of other regulatory controls and legislation which would directly impact on their business venture.Failure to understand relevant legal issues resulted in 44% of all clients altering or abandoning their original business strategy when new legal information was received—many clients in the early operational stages. An assessment of the costs associated with these changes was not made. However, the authors discuss the likely costs incurred by entrepreneurs in a number of common situations.The data also revealed the dominance of certain legal issues at various stages of venture development and suggested some logic for an ordering in the legal priorities of newly developed business.The authors conclude: • University based legal assistance clinics can help entrepreneurs identify legal issues that might otherwise go undetected. • The most common legal issues identified by entrepreneurs were related to the protection of personal assets and business ideas. • Different legal problems tend to dominate at different stages of venture development. • Many clients alter or abandon their original business strategy after receiving new information.  相似文献   

The paper reports the results of a study of 110 Export Management Companies (EMCs) located throughout the United States. These EMCs were surveyed to find out what international marketing tasks were most important for successful exporting and how difficult these tasks were to perform for their clients. This study also investigated the perceived importance to the ECMs' exporting success of various groups who often provide exporting assistance to exporters. In addition, these respondents were asked to respond to the helpfulness to their exporting activities of current and potential U.S. government actions. The two areas which were indicated to be most important to successful exporting were gathering marketing information and communicating with markets. However, the two areas which these EMCs feel to be most difficult to accomplish were analyzing political risk and sales force management. A gap analysis of these results suggests that the need which exporters most need help in is pricing in foreign markets. This research provides the basis for several policy recommendations to U.S. government leaders concerning their efforts to assist American exporters.  相似文献   

Professional firms serving business clients are recognizing the need for improved quality services. Unfortunately, measures of professional service quality have proven difficult to develop. This paper reports on the use of SERVQUAL, an instrument commonly used to assess consumer perceptions of service quality. This instrument was employed with a sample of business owners who were asked to rate the quality of service received from their accounting firm. Although several dimensions of the scale proved useful, additional quality related factors emerged from the analysis.  相似文献   

This paper is about managerial routines in professional service firms (PSFs) and takes a resource-based perspective. It describes how managerial routines can be used to transform capabilities into competitive advantages. The empirical data explore three PSFs facing dilemmas concerning the management of their human resources and their professionals, and show how new managerial routines have been established. It further shows that PSFs' innovations are routine and are mainly reactive. Most routines are directed towards exploration, which is caused by the need to focus on projects for clients who in the daily routines supersede the need for developing HRM routines. Due to the importance of the projects and the markets the PSFs operate in, we will also look at the relations between PSFs and their markets. The concept of managerial routines is seen in relation to exploration and exploitation, which are subsequently used in an empirical analysis. In doing this, the analysis reveals a conflict between external demands from the clients and the internal utilization of the capabilities within the firms.  相似文献   

Customer referral programs (CRPs) are widely applied as an effective means to stimulate word‐of‐mouth. While previous research mainly focuses on CRPs’ impact of acquiring new customers, this study introduces referral programs as a strategic brand management tool. In doing so, this article emphasizes what has been largely neglected by scholars: A “recommenders‐perspective.” Guided by two competing theoretical perspectives, this article proposes that the perceived congruity between a reward and the recommended brand is an essential driver of referral program performance outcomes. The results show that rewards that conform to the image of the recommended brand yield more favorable reward attractiveness perceptions. Furthermore, the authors show that reward attractiveness perceptions inevitably affect the brand customers are asked to recommend in exchange for receiving this reward. The research reported here extends the literature on judgmental evaluations resulting from schema‐based processing and provides novel insights into the design of CRPs.  相似文献   

This study empirically examined the views of Certified Internal Auditors (CIAs) concerning the role of Code of Ethics for members of the Institute of Internal Auditors. It is a continuation of an earlier study which examined the usefulness of the Code to CIAs. Among the questions asked were what is the primary reason for the Code of Ethics, how useful is it, have you used it, should more enforcement actions be taken against members who violate the Code, and what are the legal and moral responsibilities of the CIA to report serious ethical violations, e.g., environmental pollution, to outsiders when top management and the board of directors are aware of the matter but are not doing anything to correct it. The results indicate strong support for the Code, its enforcement, and use as an instrument to encourage the internal flow of ethical behavior by embers and others.Philip H. Siegel is currently the Fiesta Mart Professor of Accounting at the University of Houston-Downtown. Formerly the Coopers & Lybrand Professor at San Francisco State University, Dr. Siegel received his Ph.D. in 1985. He holds CPA certification in Florida.John O'Shaughnessy is Associate Professor at San Francisco State University. Currently the Director of the Internal Audit Program at SFSU, Dr. O'Shaughnessy received his Ph.D. in 1990. He holds CPA and CIA certification.John T. Rigsby is Associate Professor at Mississippi State University. Author of numerous papers published in leading academic journals, Dr. Rigsby received his Ph.D. in 1986. He holds CPA certification.  相似文献   

System dynamics modellers sometimes involve decision-makers in the modelling process, a method known as “group model building”. Group model building has been associated with a number of different outcomes, and it is not clear which of these outcomes are important to clients. The public sector is a significant audience for group model building interventions; this paper reports on what outcomes are most valued by potential clients in the New Zealand public sector. Senior management within four government agencies identified the employees who were most likely to commission and conduct group decision processes. These individuals participated in detailed semi-structured interviews, and completed a written questionnaire, exploring the contexts in which group model building may be useful and the outcomes sought in each situation. The results suggest that, even within the public sector, the importance of a particular outcome will depend upon context. However, public servants generally appear to value trust and agreement over policy quality when conducting group-decision processes. Knowledge of the outcomes sought by potential clients helps guide the outcomes measured by researchers, and helps practitioners to tailor communication messages to clients.  相似文献   

This study surveyed investors to determine the extent to which they preferred ethical behavior to profits and their interest in having information about corporate ethical behavior reported in the corporate annual report. First, investors were asked to determine what penalties should be assessed against employees who engage in profitable, but unethical, behavior. Second, investors were asked about their interest in using the annual report to disclose the ethical performance of the corporation and company officials. Finally, investors were asked if they felt that ethics reports should be audited.The survey results indicate that many shareholders (42%) do not expect a high level of ethical behavior from corporate employees or officers. There is a significant amount of interest in disclosure of ethical issues (72%) and unwillingness to trust management to provide unbiased reports of ethical behavior. If such reports are included with the financial statements, 32 percent of the investors surveyed would prefer to have them audited to provide independent verification.Marc J. Epstein is currently a Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Business Administration at Harvard University Ruth Ann McEwen, Associate Professor, and Roxanne M. Spindle, Assistant Professor, are members of the Accounting Department at Virginia Commonwealth University.  相似文献   

Criticisms of management consultants are increasingly common, but are also frequently based on simplistic assertions that powerful consultants exploit uncertain or ignorant clients. We argue that considerable insight to the tensions between consultants and clients can be gained by focusing on the boundary relationship between them. Using the work of Granovetter, we explore how organisational boundaries vary in their permeability. Consultant roles vary from that of ‘outsider’, based on simple market exchange of payment for advice or service, to ‘insider’, in which a web of social ties develops in what are often long-lasting relationships. Although criticisms of consultants are sometimes based merely on misunderstanding the nature of these roles, we argue that tensions frequently arise through the activities of both consultants and clients in terms of their boundary relationships.  相似文献   

田丰 《中国海关》2012,(4):72+19-72
工作机会在哪里?如何在2012年创造足够的就业岗位,是世界各国面临的普遍难题。美国的就业市场目前已有所好转。3月15日,美国劳工部数据显示,上周首次申请失业救济的人数为35.1万人,是四年来的最低点。即使如此,对于毕业生而言,工作机会仍然非常宝贵。首先,美国的失业率继续维持在8.3%的高位。其次,按照惯例,缺乏工作经验的年轻人往往是就业市场的弱势群体,其失业率甚至可以达到整体失业率的2—3倍。第三,就业机会对于不同专业的学生而言具有显著差异,大体上,会计、金融、经济、市场营销、人力资源和信息技术等专业就业前景相对较好,而纯文科处于一定劣势。  相似文献   

Will the ethics of business change? A survey of future executives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports the results of a study of attitudes of future business executives towards issues of social responsibility and business ethics. The 455 respondents, who were MBA students during 1985 at one dozen schools from various regions in the United States, were asked to respond to a series of open-ended and closed-ended questions. From the responses to the questions the authors were able to conclude that future executives display considerable sensitivity, though to varying degrees, towards ethical issues in business. Women, in particular, tend to evince strong feelings regarding such issues. Thomas M. Jones is Associate Professor of Organization and Environment at the School of Business Administration, University of Washington. He is the author of several articles which have been published in journals such as Academy of Management Review and California Management Review. Frederick H. Gautschi, III, is Associate Professor of Engineering Management at Old Dominion University. His articles have been published in Research in Corporate Social Performance and Policy and Industrial and Labor Relations Review.  相似文献   

Emerging markets (EM) are becoming increasingly important for multinational enterprises because of their high growth potential and future prospects. The unique circumstances in EM lead to increased pressure to offer creative marketing solutions that can be leveraged across the multinational network. Setting up subsidiaries to tap into these markets offers companies the opportunity to integrate in the local community and access its knowledge-base for local and global innovations. Literature, however, reveals that EM subsidiaries have been largely ignored concerning their potential for reverse knowledge transfer (RKT), and marketing initiatives are expected to be developed in mature, developed markets. Our paper fills this gap in research and contributes to extant literature by identifying factors at unit, relationship and knowledge levels influencing RKT potential specific to marketing knowledge from EM subsidiaries. The conceptual discussion leads to study propositions and conceptual framework.  相似文献   

Peer reporting is a specific form of whistelblowing in which an individual discloses the wrongdoing of a peer. Previous studies have examined situational variables thought to influence a person's decision to report the wrongdoing of a peer. The present study looked at peer reporting from the individual level. Five hypotheses were developed concerning the relationships between (1) religiosity and ethical ideology, (2) ethical ideology and ethical judgments about peer reporting, and (3) ethical judgments and intentions to report peer wrongdoing.Subjects read a vignette concerning academic cheating, and were asked to respond to a question-naire concerning the vignette. Data were analyzed using structural equation methodology.Results indicated that religiosity was positively associated with an ethical ideology of non-relativism. Individuals whose ethical ideologies could be described as idealistic and non-relativistic were more likely to state that reporting a peer's cheating was ethical. In turn, individuals who believed reporting a peer's cheating was ethical were more likely to say that they would report a peer's cheating. Tim Barnett is Assistant Professor of Management at Louisiana Tech University. He has authored or coauthored articles appearing in Human Relations, Personnel Psychology, the Journal of Business Research, and the Journal of Business Ethics, among others. His current research interests include whistle-blowing and the ethical decision making process. Ken Bass is Assistant Professor of Management at East Carolina University. He has published articles in journals including the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management and the Journal of Business Ethics. His research interests include ethical decision making, ethical strategy, and methodology. Gene Brown is Professor of Marketing at Louisiana Tech University, and received the Ph.D. from the University of Alabama. He has published in a variety of journals including the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Business Research, the Journal of Business Ethics, and the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. His research intersts include personal selling, retailing, ethics, and methodology.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to examine the market paradigm's impact on private practicing social workers, psychologists and psychiatrists who are reimbursed for services by managed behavioral health care organizations (MBHCOs). Five hundred eighty-two private practitioners from across the nation responded to a mailed survey in which they were asked a series of questions concerning changes in their business practices subsequent to joining MBHCO provider panels. Results indicate that despite the concerns about MBHC, these practitioners have sustained their practices. The market paradigm's use in explaining MBHC's impact on the private practitioners was found to have limited utility.  相似文献   

Academic researchers in business are likely to have different perceptions and attitudes regarding what constitute unethical behavior in conducting their research. In fact, some might consider certain actions to be totally ethical while other behaviors might be unacceptable in one discipline, but acceptable in another. Therefore, a survey was administered to a sample of professors at AACSB-accredited institutions to identify those actions felt to be unethical and to gauge the state of research ethics among business academics. The survey was developed around eleven substantive issues concerning business research ethics. Some of the topics included: treatment of data, confidentiality, plagiarism, working with co-authors, and multiple submissions. First, respondents were asked whether they felt the behavior was unethical. Secondly, they were asked whether they had ever personally engaged in such activity. Finally, they were asked if they were aware of colleagues who had taken a particular action.The primary contribution of the paper is to provide evidence on faculty definitions of unethical research practices and the extent of such behavior within the academic business environment. An overwhelming percentage of respondents (greater than 95%) condemned five of the eleven activities studied. They included: falsifying data, violating confidentiality of a client, ignoring contrary data, plagiarism, and failing to give credit to co-authors. Probably the most important finding of this paper concerns the level of unethical activity reported by faculty about their colleagues. While these findings likely include some degree of double counting within an institution, the level of unethical activity reported on colleagues and the number of institutions represented indicates the problem is quite common. Seven actions were reported by between 20 and 47% of respondents to have occurred within their institutions. These actions include adding names of persons not contributing to a paper, failing to give credit to co-authors, selective reporting of data, and plagiarism. These results indicate unethical practices occur frequently among researchers in AACSB accredited business schools and are not merely exceptions. Coverage of ethical issues in a graduate research methods course might force students to ponder these issues prior to confronting them in the world of business or academic research.  相似文献   

Two related studies focused on the effects that a questionable supervisory conduct has on the endorsement and vulnerability of the supervisor, as well as on judgments of supervisory morality. Male and female undergraduate and graduate business students were asked to read the account of a personnel manager who violates employee confidentiality concerning certain personality test results, but who has had a previous record of increasing or decreasing productivity. The studies revealed varying patterns of leadership endorsement, vulnerability, and judgments of morality following this questionable or unethical conduct as a result of the personnel's manager's record and the subjects' sex. Robert Augustine Giacalone, Professor of Management at the University of Southwestern Louisiana, received his B.S. from Hofstra University and his Ph.D. from SUNY at Albany. Dr. Giacalone was the 1985 recipient of the Outstanding Young Men in America Award. His research interests include organizational social influence strategies and business ethics. Dr. Giacalone is the editor of Impression Management in the Organization (Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers).Paul Rosenfeld (Ph.D., SUNY Albany) is a Personnel Research Psychologist at the Navy Personnel Research and Development Center in San Diego, CA. Dr. Rosenfeld is currently conducting research on computerized organizational surveys. Stephen L. Payne is a Professor of Management at the University of Southwestern Louisiana. His primary research interests include business ethics, employee theft, and management education. Previous articles by Dr. Payne have appeared in this journal and others including The Academy of Management Review, Personnel Administrator, The Organizational Behavior Teaching Review, and Business and Society Review.  相似文献   

Bribery is a frequently discussed problem in international business. This article looks at the problem from the North American and from the developing country perspective. It describes and analyses specific cases and highlights recurring patterns of behavior.The article is based on the experiences of the authors who have been promoting business in the developing world. In addition to ethical considerations involved with bribery there are some very practical reasons for not engaging in the practice. There are also real barriers to establishing the relationships necessary to avoid the practice yet continue doing business. Henry W. Lane is Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at the School of Business Administration, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. He is at present Director of the Centre for International Business Studies. His most important publication is: Managing Large Research and Development Programs (with Rodney Beddows and Paul R. Lawrence), (State University of New York Press, Albany, 1981).Donald G. Simpson is Associate Professor at the University of Western Ontario. He is at present Associate of the Centre for International Business Studies. He was formerly Associate Director of Social Sciences Division at the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada and Executive Director of the Office of International Programs, University of Western Ontario.  相似文献   

Industrial sales representatives face a problem of allocating their time in deciding which customers or prospects to call on and how frequently to make those calls. These decisions directly influence the firm's costs and revenues, yet research in this area has been sparse. This article reports an empirical study of the relationship between the call frequency of salespersons and select characteristics of the market, the customer, and the salesperson-customer interaction. Data for the study were collected by a self-administered questionnaire which was completed by 83 salespersons representing 34 different firms. Respondents provided data concerning their call frequency on a particular customer, time in the sales territory, and responses to a series of Likert statements. Eight summative scales were developed from the statements. Multiple regression analysis was used to examine the relationship between call frequency and the independent variables. Several predictors (Role Consensus, Important Purchase Decision, Important Customer, and Customer Disposition) were salient variables in the model. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of the research findings to marketing managers and researchers.  相似文献   

The authors argue that financial counseling and financial planning are significantly different professional fields when examined from both a theoretical and an applied perspective. The authors distinguish between these two professions with respect to the types of client problems presented, the criteria clients use for self-evaluation, and the services provided. As a consequence the authors recommend that a similar distinction be made with regard to the education and training programs associated with these professions.  相似文献   

The Viewer Response Profile (VRP) scale is often used in commercial advertising research, and frequently used and cited in the academic advertising literature. This paper describes an investigation of the psychometric soundness of the Schlinger scale among a very large sample of respondents (N = 4,800) who each view a single ad from a large set of ads. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) provides an alternative parsimonious 20-item version of the scale that is found to exhibit superior psychometric properties. Managerial and research implications are discussed and suggestions for further improvement of the scale are offered.  相似文献   

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