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本文利用2000~2014年全国30省市的面板数据,首先就资源依赖对R&D资本投入和人力投入的影响及挤出效应进行了检验,之后分别以R&D资本投入和R&D人力投入为门槛变量构建了面板门槛模型,对“资源诅咒”现象产生的机理和其地区间可能存在的差异进行实证分析。结果表明:资源依赖对R&D投入的挤出效应随着地区资源依赖度的提高而更加显著;地区资源依赖程度越高,R&D资本投入所产生的门槛效应就越显著,而R&D人力投入却并未表现出相同趋势;R&D投入对地区经济增长的贡献率与资源依赖程度成反比。  相似文献   

本文以2011~2015年沪深A股199家信息技术行业上市公司为例,采用面板门限方法,研究外部融资结构对企业技术创新的非线性影响。研究结果表明:R&D投入随资产负债率的增加而呈现“U”型趋势;长期负债占比、大股东持比、前十大股东(不含大股东)持比虽然不存在门限效用,但均与R&D投入呈显著线性关系。其中,长期负债占比、大股东持比与R&D投入呈负相关;前十大股东(不含大股东)持比则与R&D投入呈正相关。因此,企业应当灵活使用外部融资方式,结合自身发展阶段,通过提高R&D投入来推动技术创新。  相似文献   

根据 2000~2016 年中国大陆 31个省的面板数据, 本文探讨了自主研发、 技术溢出对区域技术创新的影响, 实证结果表示: (1) 自主研发与技术溢出是我国区域技术创新的主要途径, 目前我国各省技术创新存在差距, 且从长期变化趋势看差距呈扩大趋势; (2) 地理因素对区域创新能力存在显著影响,R&D 吸收能力、FDI 技术溢出对创新的影响程度与人力资本高度相关, 且自主研发相比FDI 技术溢出对技术创新的影响更加显著; (3)FDI 技术溢出对技术创新的影响存在双门槛效应, 即当人力资本处于充足或稀缺阶段时,FDI 技术溢出对技术创新的影响往往更明显;R&D 吸收能力影响技术创新存在单门槛效应, 即人力资本越多,R&D 吸收能力对技术创新的影响越显著。 因此应提高制定人才激励政策并减少地区差异, 从而使我国经济更加平稳健康的向前展。  相似文献   

本文基于环境规制视角,运用 2006~2017年中国30个省份面板数据,探讨 R&D 投入强度对中国绿色创新效率的非线性关系及其在时间和空间上的差异性。结论显示:R&D 投入强度对我国绿色创新效率的促进作用受限于环境规制水平,二者存在双重门槛,随着环境规制力度的加强,R&D 投入强度对绿色创新效率的促进效果逐渐弱化,同时环境规制在时空分布上具有明显的差异性, 因此引导当地政府采取适度环境规制对R&D 投入强度驱动中国绿色创新效率有着重要作用。  相似文献   

能源研究与开发(R&D)投入研究是能源R&D计划政策分析研究的一个组成部分.研究结果表明,2000年中国能源R&D的经费投入约占全国R&D投入的6.43%,占全国GDP的0.064%.能源R&D政府资金占能源R&D经费的比重为10.65%,占GDP的比重为0.0068%.这一比重远远低于多数发达国家2000年能源R&D预算占GDP的比重.在绝对数量上,我国与发达国家的差距更大,例如仅为日本的1.8%.通过分析其他国家政府的能源R&D经费在技术领域投向上的趋势,指出目前国际上多数国家的能源R&D投入分配倾向是清洁能源.  相似文献   

本文在对新型工业化及R&D促进政策分析的基础上 ,进一步分析了我国R&D促进政策及其与新型工业化的协同问题 ,并主要从优化R&D投资结构、制订有效的激励及约束政策促进R&D协作以及设立专门机构促进信息交流与共享这三方面研究了新型工业化条件下R&D促进政策问题。  相似文献   

软件企业R&D治理边界与结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
软件企业R&D人力资本价值升值及其产权的认可与实现,导致传统的公司治理活动由企业高层向下延伸到了企业的R&D活动中。本文通过探讨“公司治理”的本质及其与“公司经营管理”的区别,较为科学地界定了软件企业R&D治理的概念及其内涵,提出并论证了软件企业R&D治理的边界,在此基础之上,初步构造了软件企业R&D治理的结构要素,并对其进行了特征分析。  相似文献   

R&D(研究与开发)是企业技术进步的主要途径、生存发展的前提、提高劳动生产率、竞争实力和经济效益的有效手段,国外企业都将其视为企业生产经营活动的重要内容。我国企业R&D直至十一届三中全会以后才真正起步,经过几十年的改革与实践,已取得了一定的成效,并且,随着市场经济体制的建立和完善,企业R&D越来越得到重视和发展。但是,目前我国企业R&D的能力还相当薄弱,远远适应不了市场经济的需要,因而有必要分析其存在的问题,井寻求解决问题的对策,以增强我国企业R&D实力,促进我国经济健康发展。  相似文献   

本文基于企业内生动力角度,从公司财务信息及高管的内部特征方面实证研究了新能源上市公司R&D融资约束的影响因素。研究发现:具有政治、金融背景的高管及良好商业信用等企业内生因素有助于缓解新能源上市公司R&D融资约束。而承担过多的社会责任会导致R&D融资约束加重。同时,高管政治、金融背景与商业信用的交互效应将有助于缓解新能源上市公司R&D融资约束。  相似文献   

技术创新遵循"阀值理论",即只有当研发资源集中到一定程度才能使研发成果成为稳定输出.我国企业规模小,销售收入少,销售收入中研发经费所占比重更低,少量的R&D经费被用在许多项目上,使得企业的新技术成果难以实现规模化的市场开发,难以实现产业化.本文的实证分析表明,R&D的投入存在着一定的"阀值效应",只有当流量、压力、能量都能够达到一定的"临界值",才能获得预期的市场效果.研发资源的极端分散化是目前我国高技术产业化发展的最大障碍,这从医药产业可以清晰地表现出来.欲使技术研发投入达到产业化要求,必须充分实现技术资源的集约化使用.  相似文献   

The need for firms to compete in the longer run by offering superior products at competitive prices requires better integration of R&D, and technology in general, into business strategy development. A survey based on personal interviews of 40 respondents from "Fortune 500" U. S. industrial firms reveals that their shift in emphasis toward new product/process R&D is providing the impetus for placing R&D in a strategic context. However, R&D has not been fully integrated into the strategic planning process of many organizations. The results of the survey reveal that certain communication channels can be more fully utilized to meld R&D planning into business strategy. Specific suggestions to facilitate information exchange, dissemination of planning data, and integration of various R&D plans into a cohesive technology strategy are given.  相似文献   

Managing foreign R&D laboratories in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on the management of R&D units established by foreign companies in China, investigating R&D missions, site build-up, integration with the parent organization, and overall performance measurement. The research is based on 37 qualitative expert interviews with local R&D directors and managers conducted between 2001 and 2004, using a semi-structured research questionnaire, and semi-quantitative research done on 199 foreign R&D labs in China. Cultural influences on R&D management, location advantages, expatriate involvement, and organizational evolution of local laboratories are discussed. We find that foreign R&D laboratories in China are not only important vehicles for local market development but also increasingly important sources of locally developed technology.  相似文献   

本文在全球价值链分工框架下,基于中国的实践,提出新兴经济大国中间产品创新驱动全球价值链攀升的机制与路径,即利用低成本的比较优势获取发达经济体中低端中间产品外包,通过国内生产体系的规模经济与范围经济,引致国内中间产品的创新,实现进口替代,进而引发技能偏向性技术进步以及来自发达经济体的知识溢出与研发合作。上述机制共同推动着中国向全球价值链高端持续攀升。实证检验发现,中国制造业中间产品创新对全球价值链分工地位的影响存在显著的滞后效应和累积效应,对间接出口国内附加值率的提升作用、对高技术制造业的促进作用更明显;进口技术溢出对中国制造业全球价值链攀升有一定的负向效应,但随着中间产品创新能力的不断提升,负向效应明显下降;在向全球价值链高端攀升的过程中,随着中国制造业高技能劳动力和本土市场规模的不断增长,中间产品创新对全球价值链攀升的正向影响增强。本文的政策含义是,持续深化对外开放,尤其是促进创新、知识和科技服务贸易自由化;提高国内创新体系效率;扩大高技能劳动力教育供给与国际研发合作;提高国内中间产品R&D投入强度,逐步降低对G5发达经济体中间产品的依赖,释放国内巨大市场规模的效应,持续推动中国制造业向全球价值链高端攀升。  相似文献   

Previous literature indicated that research and development (R&D) activities are influenced, to a large extent, by the culture of the organization. While these studies have identified elements of culture that are conducive to R&D, identifying the existing dimensions of organizational culture in Malaysian R&D organizations has not been empirically explored. The measures for this study were originally developed for the sole purpose of capturing cultural aspects in R&D organizations in the Malaysian context. These measures were developed based on the relevant issues discovered from exploratory case studies and nine categories of cultural values identified from the literature. A sample of employees (n = 198) from 45 R&D organizations took part in this study. Factor analysis was adopted to uncover common underlying dimensions (factors) of the organizational culture construct. The findings suggest that the organizational culture construct in R&D organizations may best be represented through a structure of eight factors. The eight factors are teamwork and knowledge sharing, empowerment and recognition, conformity and impediments to R&D, risk‐taking, customer orientation, autonomy, social networking, and organizational design. Despite some methodological issues that arose from this study, this model has the potential to become a management instrument to measure the underlying culture in R&D organizations. R&D managers can deploy this model to establish the baseline level of research culture in their respective units and thus provide the foundation for management initiatives to drive R&D activities. This model can also be used as benchmarking parameters when an R&D organization intends to evaluate various aspects of their organizational culture in relation to others that are considered to be leaders in the industry.  相似文献   

This paper develops five alternative structural 'models' for formal efforts aimed at spinning off new companies from universities, government laboratories, and other research and development organizations. In various ways the models combine the roles of the technology originator, the entrepreneur, the R&D organization itself, and the venture investor. The paper also presents the policies and structures of technology commercialization operations from investigations at eight R&D organizations in the United States and the United Kingdom. The data indicate that a R&D organization operating in an environment where venture capital and entrepreneurs are readily available (e.g., MIT and Stanford) can appropriately: (1) exercise a low degree of selectivity in choosing technologies for spin-off creation, and (2) provide a low level of support during the spin-off process. The spin-off process is more difficult in environments where venture capital and entrepreneurs are scarce (e.g., ARCH) and mechanisms for high-selectivity and a high level of support must be in place by the R&D organization to compensate for this scarcity.  相似文献   

The R&D management paradigms of research and technology organizations (RTOs) have been discussed in the past. Academics have analysed their strategic challenges in view of the new demands posed by new competitive environments for their SME clients. New innovation models proposed recently have captured the attention of policy makers. The objectives of this paper are to analyse these models in the case of a particular model of RTO: the R&D units in the Basque Country in Spain, launched with the aim of improving R&D and technology transfer efficiency. This paper is based on an empirical study of a group of specialized RTOs (R&D units) and its objective is to analyse a new paradigm of RTO and propose a model to identify the critical elements that influence performance and strategic alignment between R&D performers (RTOs) and their partners (in most cases SMEs).  相似文献   

The need for firms to compete in the longer run by offering superior products at competitive prices requires better integration of R&D, and technology in general, into business strategy development. A survey based on personal interviews of 40 respondents from “Fortune 500” U. S. industrial firms reveals that their shift in emphasis toward new product/process R&D is providing the impetus for placing R&D in a strategic context. However, R&D has not been fully integrated into the strategic planning process of many organizations. The results of the survey reveal that certain communication channels can be more fully utilized to meld R&D planning into business strategy. Specific suggestions to facilitate information exchange, dissemination of planning data, and integration of various R&D plans into a cohesive technology strategy are given.  相似文献   

In recent years the re-engineering of R&D functions in large multinationals has often been accompanied by the emergence of groupware applications as strategic decision-making tools, while the organization of work has shifted towards various forms of teamworking. There is however, little empirical evidence on the conditions and processes through which groupware and teamworking practices can be efficiently linked. This paper examines the experience in groupware adoption by two large multinationals, Hoffmann la Roche and Unilever, in selected areas of new product development: the final New Drug Application phase for a new anti AIDS drug in Roche and the development along an 'innovation funnel' of new oral care products in Unilever. Despite the variety of tasks, organizations, missions and technology deployed, similar themes seem to emerge regarding how large organizations are able to 'host' the new groupware applications. Learning processes seem to play a key role in the final integration of the technology in the workflow. Still, what seems to emerge is that despite its critical role, learning is not a sufficiently valued competence, at least in the organizations examined. As a consequence, the innovations tend to drift, lead to unexpected outcomes and many opportunities for learning from (mistakes and) innovations are simply missed. Factors responsible for such a state of affairs seem to be the power of the hierarchical context into which groupware and teamwork are introduced; the continuous jolts to which such context must undergo because of radical shifts in management and R&D strategy; the dialectics between local and global changes.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades privatization programmes in a variety of different countries have radically reduced the role of the state as a major owner of productive assets. While there is empirical evidence to show that the switch in ownership generally improves productive efficiency and profitability at company level, its effects on research and development (R&D) activities, which can impact strongly on long–term performance, have been largely ignored in the literature.
In this paper we address this issue by analyzing seven cases of privatization that have recently occurred in Italy and France in order to gauge how R&D activities may be affected by privatization in terms of objectives and organization. The organizations studied show that R&D units within privatized companies are subject to profound restructuring actions, generally designed to boost efficiency and to strengthen integration with the goals of the business units and of the final customers. A new role for R&D thus emerges: the aim is no longer to generate new knowledge in the broad national interest, but rather more directly to create value for the company and its clients, by emphasizing the assessment and integration of external knowledge.  相似文献   

R&D internationalization has increasingly involved countries outside the developed world. In addition, there has been a growing trend for countries in East Asia to seek to attract the R&D facilities of multinationals (MNCs). For such countries, they are faced with a fundamental question as to what kinds of impact MNCs' offshore R&D facilities will have on their own countries, especially in terms of technological innovation and industrial development. Set against the above backdrop, this paper sets out to examine a relatively new aspect of R&D internationalization related to global innovation networks and to open up the blackbox of the spillover effect regarding foreign R&D by examining the interplay of foreign R&D and Taiwan's national innovation system. The empirical part of the paper draws mainly upon intensive case studies of four high-profile foreign R&D facilities in the IT industry. The way foreign R&D interplays with Taiwan's NIS is examined in terms of the market & technology linkages.  相似文献   

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