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Manuel Wehrle Sabrina Lechler Heiko A. von der Gracht Evi Hartmann 《Journal of Business Logistics》2020,41(4):356-383
In the field of supply chain management (SCM), attracting and developing appropriate talent is critical for achieving most SCM goals, as extensive skills are necessary to do the job properly. In order to ensure that future-proof talent can continue to emerge in this discipline, the role of SCM executives is extremely important. Although many studies have been conducted in the field of talent management (TM), the future role of SCM executives has been mostly neglected in research. The present empirical study addresses this gap, taking into consideration the fourth industrial revolution, as innovation in technology continues to drive significant changes in the SCM field. Aiming to investigate the extent to which increasing digitalization is influencing the future role of SCM executives, a Delphi study with 103 experts from industry, academics, and politics/associations was carried out. In order to identify meaningful topic clusters from the data, fuzzy c-means clustering was used. From an actor-network theory perspective, our results show that in some areas of TM, digitalization is leading to a strong fusion of SCM executives and digital technologies, as well as to a clear division of roles, in which either SCM leaders or technology will dominate in the future. 相似文献
通过对服务质量、服务质量模型、供应链中的服务质量进行文献回顾,本文结合供应链特征,综合考虑Parasuraman et al.以及Brady and Cronin的研究成果,并克服传统单个企业与顾客之间感知服务质量差距研究的缺陷,分别从内部及外部角度差距分析、探索供应链不同层级企业之间相互感知差距细节,及其对最终顾客感知的影响,旨在构建供应链服务质量概念模型。 相似文献
供应链管理研究的若干问题 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对供应链管理研究成果的回顾,揭示出供应链管理研究中的若干问题,在此基础上提出自己的认识。就现在所处的国际环境,对目前供应链管理的一些热点问题,如库存管理、物流系统规划、战略伙伴关系管理、绿色供应链、基于电子商务的供应链、供应链建模方法、信息支持技术及供应链绩效评估等,把它们分成三类来对其发展现状进行探讨。 相似文献
The motivations and barriers of the actual green purchase behavior are as real as the product itself, which makes it a systematic process to examine the inconsistency between consumers' motivations and their actual behavior (motivation-behavior gap). The study aimed to clarify the direct and indirect effects of motivations on the purchase behavior of green food. The proposed conceptual model was adopted from the Motivation-Opportunity-Ability (MOA) framework and was extended by adding the serial mediation of consumer perceived knowledge and trust as major constructs. Data were collected from 1788 consumers in China. Results provided support for the model and showed that perceived knowledge about the food supply chain could be both barrier and a positive factor of consumers’ purchase behavior, which mainly depends on the trade-off between certification and planting knowledge. Differences in trust exist and consumers hold authorities and certification bodies more accountable than farmers and retailers. For the direct effects, food safety concern is positively associated with behavior, whereas environmental concern is not. Policymakers shall use the results to narrow the motivation-behavior gap, especially for emerging economies. 相似文献
供应链企业为了适应环保需要,将目光投向了逆向供应链,它解决了供应链和环保两项内容,为企业提高竞争力提供了一条新路,实现了营销价值和企业价值增值。 相似文献
随着国内经济的发展和对外交流的不断加强,供应链管理模式得到大多数人的理解和接受。但如何才能发挥供应链管理理念的最大优势,还需要大家不断的研究、探索和实践。我国是公认的世界服装大国,服装业对于我国经济的发展和解决国内就业压力发挥了巨大的作用。但如何将我国服装业提升为世界服装强国,发挥出我国服装业更大的作用,还是一个未完成的艰巨任务。我国服装业经营者必须改变传统的经营思想,与国际接轨,采用供应链管理理念,融入供应链协同运作模式。 相似文献
基于电子商务环境下的供应链管理 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
结合供应链管理和电子商务 ,提出基于电子商务环境下的供应链管理的思想。在此基础上 ,采用对比分析的方法 ,证实基于电子商务环境下的供应链管理能给企业带来不可忽视的实效 ,并分析了现阶段存在的问题及几点对策 相似文献
企业推行供应链管理必然面临电子商务这一新环境,电子商务为供应链管理创造了新机会,同时也对供应链管理提出了新挑战,供应链管理必须根据电子商务环境做出相应调整和重构。分析电子商务环境对供应链管理的影响,探讨电子商务环境下供应链设计与重构的方法、原则和步骤,使物流、信息流和资金流发挥最大效能,最终实现理想的供应链。 相似文献
我国粮食供应链问题研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
当前我国粮食生产规模化水平低,产业化水平低,农民进入市场组织化程度低,粮食生产比较利益低,农业投资严重不足;粮食企业规模偏小,粮食深加工水平偏低,市场不健全,部门分割、地区封锁严重,粮食流通不畅;政府监管干预成效不大,对市场的引导作用有待加强。文章提出,政府必须调整粮食行政管理体制,基于粮食供应链行使管理与调控职能;完善农业管理的法律体系,改革粮食管理制度,建立综合高效的行政管理体制;完善粮食供应链信息网络,逐步建立粮食产量和产能调控机制;加强对粮食种植大户与龙头企业的扶持力度,培育平等合格的粮食市场主体,促进农业中介组织的发展。 相似文献
Arpita Khare Rajnish K. Misra Aditi Dubey Aditi Garg Varun Malhotra Harshit Nandan 《Journal Of Asia-Pacific Business》2013,14(2):177-202
For decades supply chain coordination has been subject to research interest, and technology has been seen as an agent that accelerates this process. In developing countries, with far-flung markets and unorganized distribution networks, using technology for improving supply chain performances and accessing information is not an easy task. The research was directed to understand if mobile technology is being used by downstream supply chain partners for information sharing and thus improving supply chain performances. Findings suggest that supply chain integration with suppliers and customers is done through extensive use of mobile networks. 相似文献
供应链管理是增强企业竞争力最主要的管理方法之一,在顾客期望提高及产品寿命期缩短的压力下,企业只有全面整合供应链的资源才能生存下去。要排除市场环境标准化及信誉障碍,从战略角度选择合作伙伴,采用先进的管理方式进行运作,引导社会物流供应链系统向高度化方向发展。 相似文献
供应链融资的风险分析与对策研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
供应链融资是一种全新的融资模式,是指对一个产业供应链中的单个企业或上下游多个企业提供全面的金融服务,以促进供应链的核心企业及上下游配套企业"产供销"链条的稳固和流转顺畅,以有效解决中小企业融资难的问题。本文对供应链融资过程中面临的风险和表现形式进行分析,并对如何防范供应链融资风险提出了相应策略。 相似文献
构建绿色供应链体系是人类社会可持续发展的必然需求,具有重大社会效益,对全社会树立正确的消费观和社会价值观具有积极的现实意义和长远的历史意义。绿色供应链体系包括绿色战略、绿色设计、绿色材料的选用、绿色物流、绿色生产、绿色营销和绿色回收等基本内容,而构建绿色供应链体系必须从构建企业内部绿色供应链体系、加强外部供应链的绿色管理、强化消费者绿色消费意识、加强制度建设等多方面着手。 相似文献
传统企业在提升自身竞争力,尤其是在供应链的构建与管理方面,取得了长足的发展,但总体上发展缓慢,整个生产流通仍处于一种高成本、低效率的运行状态。而我国传统企业供应链的发展,对于我国企业整体实力的提升具有重要作用。因此,必须重视传统企业供应链的管理与发展。本文针对我国传统企业供应链的管理与发展提出了相应的对策。 相似文献
企业供应链中需要危机管理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在变化迅速的市场经济条件下,供应链也有脆弱的一面。供应链中潜伏着危机,如在自然灾害、人为因素等方面。在这种情况下,企业要积极应对,主动采取措施,建立“生于忧患”的危机意识,发展多种供应渠道,与供应商结成战略合作伙伴关系,建立多种信息传递渠道,防范信息风险。 相似文献
Thomas J. Goldsby Ph.D. Donald F. Kuratko Ph.D. Michael G. Goldsby Ph.D. 《Journal of Business Logistics》2024,45(2):e12372
Entrepreneurship and supply chain management (SCM), respectively, have enjoyed meteoric rises in business practice and scholarly attention over the past three decades. Further, each of the two disciplines has much to offer the other. Yet, we have not witnessed sustained, meaningful integration of principles, practices, and influences despite powerful potential. This paper explores this potential by featuring prospects for entrepreneurship to influence SCM, and vice versa, bringing an entrepreneurial mindset to SCM and supply chain orientation (SCO) to entrepreneurial activities. In particular, we illustrate a validated assessment and diagnostic tool, the Corporate Entrepreneurship Assessment Instrument (CEAI), adapted for supply chain managers with the intent of instilling corporate entrepreneurial activity among supply chain professionals. Granted, supply chain managers are typically tasked with meeting expectations toward customer service effectiveness, efficiency, asset utilization, and safety. Yet, we believe that forming an organizational environment conducive to entrepreneurial thinking could be extremely valuable in the supply chain realm, enhancing capabilities like agility, plasticity, and responsiveness such that innovation and business growth are achieved alongside traditional SCM expectations. Further, we feature several avenues for future research at the interface of entrepreneurship and SCM. 相似文献