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本文从全国居民杠杆率排名前20的主要城市中,经过分层随机抽样,选取天津、重庆、郑州、杭州、广州、成都、贵阳、上海、宁波、厦门、昆明和兰州作为研究样本,从房产价格、住宅开发投资、经济发展、金融发展、居民收入消费水平和常住人口增长等六个方面,对上述12个城市的居民杠杆率进行测算,并使用面板数据模型对其居民杠杆率快速上升的原因进行实证研究。实证结果表明,房地产(住宅)价格的快速上涨和房地产(住宅)开发投资完成额的增长均对居民杠杆率的上升有显著的正向影响;金融业发展和宏观经济发展也对居民杠杆率有显著的影响;居民消费倾向对居民杠杆率存在不稳健的挤出效应。  相似文献   

本文基于省级面板数据构建联立方程模型,分析房地产价格与居民杠杆率的相互作用关系。研究表明,房地产价格上升1%大约使居民杠杆率提高0.54%-1.14%,居民杠杆率上升1%,大约使房地产价格提高0.06%-0.1%,房地产价格与居民杠杆率之间具有相互的正向影响,但房地产价格对居民杠杆率的影响程度大于居民杠杆率对房地产价格的影响程度。商品房销售面积和金融发展程度对居民杠杆率的影响显著为正,收入水平和资本收入份额对房价的助推作用显著。此外,本文研究还发现,房地产价格与居民杠杆率的相互关系具有一定的区域异质性。由此,本文提出了关于如何改进房地产价格调控和保持居民杠杆率在合理水平的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

在我国人口老龄化的背景下,人口年龄结构的改变是影响房地产价格变动的关键性因素,本文运用门限面板模型研究了老龄化对房地产价格所产生的影响。实证结果表明,现阶段人口数量的增长确实是推动我国房地产价格上升的主要因素,人口增长率与我国房地产价格之间存在显著的门限效应,其影响程度在老龄化三个区间有显著差异,但我国的老龄化并未像其他发达国家那样对房地产市场产生强烈的负面作用,相反却表现为一定程度的正影响。本文的研究结论对我国房地产市场调控及人口政策调整具有一定的政策启示。  相似文献   

根据生命周期消费理论,理性人会将工作阶段收入在终生进行平均,这会带来消费和储蓄的变化,推而广之,随着整个社会人口年龄结构的变化,储蓄率会相应变化,文章通过实证发现2000年来的储蓄率变化在很大程度上取决于少儿抚养比的下降,当整个社会工作年龄人口比重变大时储蓄率会上升,实证结果有利于厘清关于储蓄率变化的误解,也有助于我们正确认识中国的储蓄率变化并根据情况完善和调整相应政策。  相似文献   

房地产市场成为我国经济发展和社会稳定十分重要的影响因素,随着人口老龄化的深入,人口结构和房地产价格的关系值得研究,本文使用全国31个省级行政区的面板数据,使用动态面板模型和面板门限模型,研究了人口结构和房地产价格的关系,实证研究结果表明:15—64岁人口占总人口比例的下降,会抑制房价,并且存在门限效应,最后根据研究结论提出政策建议。  相似文献   

以2003--2011年间我国制造业1191家上市公司为样本构建面板数据固定效应回归模型。对我国制造业不同-子行业、不同所有权的上市公司杠杆率的影响因素及货币政策等宏观环境变动下杠杆率的特征进行研究。研究结果表明,除了企业层面的影响因素外,杠杆率还受银行依存度、货币政策的影响,且国有企业和非国有企业所受的影响不同。  相似文献   

阮健弘  刘西  叶欢 《金融研究》2020,482(8):18-33
近年来,我国居民部门杠杆率的快速上升引起社会各界关注。本文使用货币信贷和城镇储户调查数据,对我国居民部门杠杆率和偿债能力现状进行了分析,并运用各省住户贷款数据计算各省的居民杠杆率,使用面板数据模型对居民杠杆率上升的原因进行了实证分析。结果表明,房价的快速上涨和住房销售的增长都对居民部门杠杆率的上升有显著正向影响,其中房价上涨的影响程度更大。此外,金融发展水平和老年人抚养比对居民杠杆率有正向影响,少年人抚养比对居民杠杆率有负向影响。  相似文献   

阮健弘  刘西  叶欢 《金融研究》2015,482(8):18-33
近年来,我国居民部门杠杆率的快速上升引起社会各界关注。本文使用货币信贷和城镇储户调查数据,对我国居民部门杠杆率和偿债能力现状进行了分析,并运用各省住户贷款数据计算各省的居民杠杆率,使用面板数据模型对居民杠杆率上升的原因进行了实证分析。结果表明,房价的快速上涨和住房销售的增长都对居民部门杠杆率的上升有显著正向影响,其中房价上涨的影响程度更大。此外,金融发展水平和老年人抚养比对居民杠杆率有正向影响,少年人抚养比对居民杠杆率有负向影响。  相似文献   

方圆 《云南金融》2012,(9X):102-104
中国作为一个人口大国,人口结构因素对中国房地产市场的影响比任何国家都要剧烈。研究中国特殊的人口结构如何影响房价,如何通过上述研究对政府调控政策进行改进使之切实有效,将会促进房地产业乃至整个中国经济的平稳运行。在对人口结构变化特征加以梳理的基础上,以市场供需和宏观环境(政府的参与程度及货币政策的相关变量)角度为切入点,运用面板数据模型分析,探讨了人口结构对房地产价格波动的影响,并据此提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

方圆 《时代金融》2012,(27):102-104
中国作为一个人口大国,人口结构因素对中国房地产市场的影响比任何国家都要剧烈。研究中国特殊的人口结构如何影响房价,如何通过上述研究对政府调控政策进行改进使之切实有效,将会促进房地产业乃至整个中国经济的平稳运行。在对人口结构变化特征加以梳理的基础上,以市场供需和宏观环境(政府的参与程度及货币政策的相关变量)角度为切入点,运用面板数据模型分析,探讨了人口结构对房地产价格波动的影响,并据此提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

This article is a theoretical examination of optimal financial leverage for real estate investment in the presence of uncertainty. The main result shows that uncertainty creates the possibility that a borrower will default on a real estate loan and that this possibility is the underlying factor in optimal leverage calculations for both borrower and lender.  相似文献   

摘 要:21世纪以来,中国制造业企业进行房地产投资是其“多元化”投资战略的主 要形式之一。本文利用2010-2020年中国 A 股上市制造业企业数据,研究了制造业企业 房地产投资对企业杠杆率的影响,发现制造业企业房地产投资能够提升企业杠杆率。机 制分析表明,制造业企业房地产投资通过发挥挤压效应和抵押效应进而提高企业杠杆率。 制造业企业房地产投资对企业杠杆率的提升作用在非国有企业和小企业中更显著。在区 分长期杠杆率和短期杠杆率后,制造业企业房地产投资对企业杠杆率的提升作用表现在 长期杠杆率方面,同时该提升作用显著提高了企业的财务风险。本文提出企业应当加大 研发创新,促进自身高质量发展;政府监管部门完善系列政策避免制造业企业盲目进行房地产投资而导致“企业空心化”。  相似文献   

我国房地产企业是典型的资金密集型和高资产负债率企业。鉴于房地产业在国民经济中的重要地位,其上市公司的财务健康与否也必然是备受市场各利益主体的关注。目前,由于多轮宏观调控政策的影响,财务风险隐患己成为国内很多房地产公司生存发展所迫切需要解决的问题。因此房地产企业在快速增长过程中,如何合理利用财务杠杆增加企业收益,同时保持适宜的负债率以降低资本成本,减少财务风险确保企业的可持续增长为众多房地产企业所面临的重要问题。  相似文献   

The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics - Risk-averse commercial mortgage lenders follow an underwriting policy with strict limits based on the property’s value and cash flow. A...  相似文献   

金融危机爆发后,世界主要经济体普遍实行了宽松货币政策。在这一背景下,我国房地产市场强势反弹,销量涨幅创历史新高,成交均价一路走高。2009年,江西省房地产市场实现逆势上扬行情,呈现出投资增速逐月回升,供给面积低位增长,销售规模大幅上升,成交均价一路走高的运行特点。在分析江西省房地产市场运行特点的基础上,本文从实证角度考察了房地产市场发展与金融支持之间的关系。实证结果表明,房地产市场的发展、房价的上涨与金融支持之间具有相互促进、互为因果的密切关系。在此基础上进一步分析了房地产市场发展中隐含的金融风险,并提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

Finance theory has long viewed corporate income taxes as a potentially important determinant of corporate financing decisions and capital structures. But finance academics have been unable to provide convincing empirical evidence of a material effect of taxes on corporate leverage, in part because of difficulties in constructing an effective proxy for marginal corporate tax rates, and hence for the tax benefits of debt, for large samples of individual companies. The authors address this by analyzing leverage decisions in an industry whose publicly traded entities are organized either as taxable corporations, or as real estate investment trusts (REITs) that effectively avoid entity level taxation. This enables them to measure the relative tax benefits of debt with greater precision while controlling for important nontax characteristics that affect debt usage. The tax hypothesis predicts that for real estate firms with similar asset portfolios, taxable firms should have more debt than their nontaxable counterparts. Both the nontaxable and the taxable real estate firms in our sample routinely have more than twice the leverage of industrial firms, which suggests that factors other than taxes are contributing to their use of debt. But among real estate firms, tax status appears to play a much weaker role. Taxable firms have significantly more leverage only after 2000, when restrictions on REITs were removed through new regulations that made their operations much more like those of taxable real estate firms. Our findings also depend on real estate characteristics—most notably, only residential real estate firms demonstrated differences that are consistent with the tax hypothesis. Taken together, the authors’ findings suggest that although taxes do seem to matter, their role is clearly secondary relative to factors such as the nature of the firm’s assets. A generous interpretation of our evidence puts the effect of taxes between one‐third and one‐half of that implied by prior research.  相似文献   

本文基于BIS公布的39个国家的居民杠杆率数据,从债务覆盖度、经济社会基本面、长期发展动力等多维视角对我国居民杠杆率水平的高低进行综合评价。我国居民杠杆率从2008年的低位一直高速增长,至今已经处于偏高水平,但仍为监管部门"控制居民杠杆率过快增长"留有一定的政策空间。为控制我国居民杠杆率过快增长,要保持稳房价政策的连续性,抑制高房价与居民杠杆率的正反馈效应,加快城镇化进程的同时扩大服务业供给以及推动普惠金融的发展。  相似文献   

This paper addresses several issues related to the production of information across commercial real estate markets. The purpose is to determine the extent to which factors of production might complement or substitute for one another. A simple model is presented to illustrate the potential trade-offs between appraisal- and transactions-based information production. A series of empirical tests are performed on a panel data set constructed for 51 markets covering 9 years, 2001 through 2009. The number of commercial appraisers (i.e., certified general appraisers) and the number of commercial property transactions are used as proxies for information production. Overall, the results support the substitution hypothesis. Additional analyses examine a broader definition of appraisal-based information production, as well as the influence of market transparency on the main findings of this paper. Findings based on these additional analyses indicate that the trade-off between appraisal- and transactions-based information production is more pronounced in transparent markets. We conclude that appraisal-based information as a factor of production is, potentially, most critical in markets or conditions where the information environment is incomplete (i.e., transactions are scarce or the information regarding transactions is not public).  相似文献   

An interesting question in corporate real estate literature is whether real estate can improve the stock market performance of property-intensive non-real estate firms. Using a data set comprising 75 non-real estate corporations that own at least 20 percent properties, this paper empirically assesses and compares the pair-wise return, total risk, systematic risk and Jensen abnormal return performance of composite (with real estate) and hypothetical business (without real estate) firms. We employed Morgan Stanley Capital International world equity index instead of a local market index to provide some insights into the performance of the local market relative to the global market during the 1997–2001 volatile periods experienced by many Asian countries. Our results suggest the inclusion of real estate in a corporate portfolio appears to be associated with lower return, higher total risk, higher systematic risk and poorer abnormal return performance. It is therefore likely that non-real estate firms own properties for other reasons in addition to seeking improvement in their stock market performance. Further research is needed to explore the main factors contributing to corporate real estate ownership by non-real estate firms.  相似文献   

This paper studies the determinants of corporate hedging practices in the REIT industry between 1999 and 2001. We find a positive significant relation between hedging and financial leverage, indicating the financial distress costs motive for using derivatives in the REIT industry. Using estimates of the Black–Scholes sensitivity of CEO’s stock option portfolios to stock return volatility and the sensitivity of CEO’s stock and stock option portfolios to stock price, we find evidence to support managerial risk aversion motive for corporate hedging in the REIT industry. Our results indicate that CEO’s cash compensation and the CEO’s wealth sensitivity to stock return volatility are significant determinants of derivative use in REITs. We also document a significant positive relation between institutional ownership and hedging activity. Further, we find that probability of hedging is related to economies of scale in hedging costs.
C. F. SirmansEmail:

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