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Current pressures for change to the Milk Marketing Scheme arise from the difficulties of reconciling the activities of the Milk Marketing Boards and the private dairy companies in the United Kingdom with the common organisation of the European Community's milk market. Community legislation to achieve this in 1978 (Regulations (EEC) 1421/78 and 1422/78) has come under increasing attack. The paper discusses the challenges by producer-retailers and contract processors, the returns from liquid and manufacturing milk, the problems of pricing in the EC framework and current proposals for changing both pricing arrangements and the form of the producers' organisation itself.  相似文献   

There exists a wealth of statistical data in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on agricultural structure and production, and on the consumption of food, much of which is well known and readily available to research workers outside. But much less is known about the manufacturing and distribution costs of food between the farm gate and the consumer. The purpose of this paper is to present aggregate data relating to food marketing, in much the same way that earlier contributions, notably to this Journal, have covered agricultural output and net income, and farm structure. Changes in the food marketing sector since the end of rationing are briefly set out and, following discussion of some of the conceptual problems involved, estimates are presented of the value added to food between farm or port and the retail level, and of the magnitude of the flows within the sector  相似文献   

水产品市场营销策略的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文在分析水产品市场主要特点的基础上,结合我国水产品市场营销的实际,提出了创新、低价、优质、服务、促销、差异化、品牌、概念、包装这九大水产品营销策略.  相似文献   

The author considers the question ‘What is a marketing improvement and how can it be recognised?’ and finds it a more difficult question to answer than it might first appear. Yet government is constantly urging ‘improvement’ on the industry. Rejecting the notion that government is somehow better placed than people in the market to decide what should be the pattern of the future, the author suggests that a proper role for government is to create the context within which the natural, self-adjusting mechanisms of the market economy can function properly, and explores the implications of such a role. He also argues a case for reconsidering the structure and role of the bodies which represent sectoral interests.  相似文献   





农产品品牌营销路径研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农产品品牌营销作为一种新型的市场营销模式,对我国农产品增强国际竞争力,拓展国际市场,走向世界具有重要的促进作用。文章通过文献查阅及实地调研,在农产品市场需求和供给市场方面阐述了农产品品牌营销的必要性,通过对国内外品牌营销模式(文中论述的是"国外品牌特性以及我国品牌营销路径研究进程")的了解,详细阐述了我国农产品营销中存在的主要问题,并在此基础上提出了具有针对性的建议,例如加大科技投入,强化政府引导,因地制宜发展优势农业,加强宣传等手段,以期为我国农产品品牌营销提供一定理论指导及实践借鉴。  相似文献   

Increasing importance is being attached to market segmentation strategies as a means of increasing producer returns. In this paper, a generalised model of price discrimination without supply control is developed to analyse the implications of optimal segmentation strategies for non-homogeneous products. It is shown that the magnitude of producer returns is dependent on demand and supply conditions, with increases in returns falling as price elasticities of demand and supply increase. The model is applied to the New Zealand sheep meats industry to reveal that returns to producers from market segmentation strategies could be quite low in the long run.  相似文献   

随着国际市场竞争强度的不断加剧以及经济下行压力的影响,我国农产品市场结构已经发生了巨大变化。文章对我国农产品产地营销现状进行分析发现,目前我国农产品营销体系已经初具规模,营销主体和中介组织发展迅速。但还存在着营销渠道复杂、营销体系不健全、交易方式单一、产销信息沟通不畅等问题。通过实地调研及资料分析,该文从培育多元化营销主体;强化品牌意识,推动农产品向标准化方向发展;抓好农产品市场信息体系建设;优化农产品营销体系,构建多元化营销系统;完善营销管理机构职能等方面提出了一系列构建农产品营销体系的策略。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the problem of marketing uncertainty for producers of perishable products. It argues that there are two main features to this marketing uncertainty: uncertainty of demand at the market price due to quality considerations; and uncertainty of transport services associated with the independence and cost of such services. Moreover a negative correlation between the uncertainties of demand and transport services may be shown theoretically to be an additional cost for producers, and as such may be sufficient to create a reversal of supply response to a given change in market conditions.  相似文献   

This paper begins with a discussion of the process followed by Canadian broiler marketing boards in making output and pricing decisions. The conclusion is that, while the major variables are broiler and feed prices as in an uncontrolled market situation, one would hypothesize that the lag between a change in price and a change in output for a board controlled situation will be longer than for an uncontrolled situation. To test this hypothesis, output response equations for five provinces or regions are estimated using polynomial distributed lags from data after the formation of boards. These are compared to similar equations for pre-board Quebec and the United States. The results show that maximum output response occurs one quarter after a price change for the uncontrolled situation and from two to five quarters for the board controlled equations. The Canadian equations also suggest that in recent years the pattern of output in Canada resembles that of an oligopolistic situation in which the two major producing provinces (Ontario and Quebec) have expanded output with reservation, thereby establishing price levels which have provided an umbrella under which the remaining provinces have increased their market shares. Cet article débute par l'examen du processus de décision adopté par les Offices canadiens de commercialisation de la chair de volaille lors de la détermination des niveaux de production et des prix. La conclusion tend à démontrer que même si les principales variables sont le prix du poulet et de la moulée, comme dans un marché libre de contrôle, l'écart entre le changement de prix et le changement de production est plus long dans un marché contrôlé. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse, on a bâti les équations de la production pour 5 provinces ou régions. Ces équations ont été construites avec les données de la distribution des écarts recueillies après la mise en place des Offices de commercialisation. Elles ont ensuite été compareées aux équations de même type, établies pour le Québec avant l'établissement de l'Office et pour les Etats-Unis. Les résultats démontrent que la réaction maxi-male de l'offre, lors d'un changement de prix, survient avec un trimestre de retard dans le cas d'un marché libre de contrôle et avec un retard variant de 2 à 5 trimestres dans le cas d'un marché contrôleA. Les équations canadiennes tendent aussi à démontrer que, ces dernières années, le modèle de production au Canada ressemble à une situation d'oligopole oú les principales provinces productrices (Québec et Ontario) n'ont augmenté leur production qu'avec réserve et ont ainsi établi un niveau de prix permettant aux autres provinces productrices d'augmenter leur part du marché.  相似文献   

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