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石化标委会主任委员曹湘洪院士在5月27日召开的全国石油产品和润滑剂标准化技术委员会(石化标委会)第四次年会上表示。今年年底国Ⅲ车用柴油标准一定要出台,给炼油企业留出一定的装置改造和应用新工艺、新技术的时间。保证在2009年12月31日国Ⅲ车用柴油标准与国Ⅲ车用汽油标准同步实施。  相似文献   

对国内外生物柴油的原料进行了对比,分析了海南正和生物能源公司调和生物柴油低温流动性存在问题的原因,认为通过产品调和与使用添加剂即可解决.国内调和生物柴油难以进入车用柴油市场的主要原因是油品调和、销售环节成本偏高,为此提出了让炼油厂介入生物柴油调和环节,促进调和生物柴油顺利进入车用柴油市场的建议.  相似文献   

近年来,随着全球经济的快速发展,交通和能源已经成为促进我国经济发展的重要因素。汽车行业的发展也更加迅猛,汽车数量于2014年已经达到1.4亿辆,近十年来,仍然呈不断上升的趋势,平均每年增加1100万辆。汽车数量越多,造成环境污染的可能性越高,汽车尾气中含有的一氧化碳、二氧化碳、氮氧化合物等气体,在推动社会发展的同时,也带来了严重的污染问题。由于汽车数量增长导致的环境污染问题成为当前亟待解决的问题,各个国家都在实施日益严格的汽车排放法规,限制尾气排放,我国也在国家发展的不同阶段制定了不同的排放标准,包括国四车排放标准和国五排放标准。由于环境问题的严重性,目前我国实施更加严格的国五车排放标准,对我国第五阶段如何更大的降低汽车污染排放起到了指导作用。要想尽可能的减少污染物的排放,需要确保车用柴油的质量,研究各种添加剂对柴油质量和性能的不同作用具有重要意义,能够避免由于添加剂的添加量不合适而导致的柴油性能差的问题。本文针对国五车排放标准,探讨了降凝剂、抗氧剂、十六烷改进剂等添加剂对柴油性能的影响,对我国车用柴油的使用质量标准具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

成品油销售企业在冬季销售0号柴油过程中,经常发生因在低温环境油品结蜡而引发的顾客投诉。认为,成品油销售企业流通过程中存在质量风险的环节主要包括油品入库、出库、运输、进站、储存等。指出,要制定合理的冬季0号车用柴油销售策略和有效的质量管理控制措施,才能避免纠纷投诉。  相似文献   

4月21日,兰州石化公司成功调和出首批3 900t国Ⅲ标准柴油,并装车准备出厂。这标志着兰州石化柴油产品升级取得重大突破,具备生产调和国Ⅲ柴油能力。2009年6月,国家发布GB 19147-2009《车用柴油》标准。按照新标准规定,今年7月1日起,全国  相似文献   

主要介绍了7890A/5975C气质联用仪的基本原理以及SH/T0606—2005的分析步骤。通过对格尔木炼油厂中间馏分柴油、成品柴油的多环芳烃含量的测定,探讨我厂车用柴油质量升级的必要性。  相似文献   

台湾“经济部”(Ministry of EconomicAffairs)能源局(Bureau of Energy)发布公告称,从7月15日起要求在本地销售的车用柴油中添加1%的生物柴油,以减少化石柴油的使用及二氧化碳的排放。  相似文献   

钟健 《国际石油经济》2007,15(12):22-26
近几年,我国汽柴油实际批发价随行就市,价格运行已经相当市场化.但是,成品油供求失衡导致成品油价格长期批零一价或批零倒挂.我国成品油价格与国际原油价格关联性极强,调价心理预期己成为推升国内油价的重要因素.国内柴油市场的供求关系己经到了需要经常利用进口来调节的时期;汽油市场目前尚供需平衡,但随着越来越多的汽车进入家庭,汽油需求也会出现高速增长.因此,建立与解决突发性供应短缺相适应的柴油进口机制和合理的成品油价格机制刻不容缓,拖延将可能付出更大的社会磨合成本.  相似文献   

市场及业界人士呼唤多时的柴油国Ⅲ标准将在年内出台。这是从5月27日召开的全国石油产品和润滑剂标准化技术委员会(石化标委会)第四次年会中了解到的信息。  相似文献   

近日,北京市公布了《车用柴油》地方标准,在最新的标准中,对油品硫含量的要求由原来的350ppm降为50ppm。油品标准的制定,不但有助于解决在用车改造难题,也为明年北京市提前实施国Ⅳ排放标准做好了准备。  相似文献   

中国燃料油市场2009年回顾及2010年展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济危机以及国家加大节能减排措施力度等大背景下,2009年我国燃料油表现消费量同比减少17%,为3395万吨,并呈现"前高后低"的态势.受燃料油消费税提高和炼厂转产沥青等因素的影响,燃料油产量为1857万吨,同比大幅减少19%.在地方炼厂大量进货和保税船供油走高拉动下,全年进口燃料油2400万吨,同比增长11%,进口占表观消费量的比例突破70%,创历史新高;保税船供油需求坚挺和"复出口"贸易活跃带动燃料油出口显著增长,全年出口燃料油862万吨,同比增长19%.2009年国际原油上涨带动国内外燃料油价格大幅上升,下半年国内燃料油价格表现出较强的抗跌性.受高额消费税等因素影响,预计2010年国内燃料油供应量将进一步减少;终端消费行业仅有船用燃料油需求保持增长,地方炼厂再加工、高耗能行业和电力行业用油都将出现萎缩.预计2010年我国燃料油需求量为3170万~3270万吨,较2009年减少4%~7%.  相似文献   

Drawing on signaling theory, we hypothesize that a firm's reputation is shaped by its own market actions and the actions of its industry rivals. We view market actions as signals that convey information about the underlying competencies of firms and influence stakeholder evaluations of them. We find that the total number of a firm's market actions, the complexity of its action repertoire, the time lag in rivals' responses to its actions, and the similarity of its repertoire with those of its rivals positively affect its reputation. These results suggest that a firm's reputation is influenced both by its own actions and by its rivals' actions. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

V. Seshamani 《Food Policy》1998,23(6):539-551
The main elements in agricultural market liberalisation have been the dismantling of the state institutions for marketing and distribution of agricultural produce, the abolition of subsidies, the liberalisation of import and export trade, and the market determination of input and output prices. Economic policy reforms on the monetary, fiscal and other fronts also impinged on the variables influencing production, trade and consumption. This paper highlights some of the undesirable offshoots of the previous policy regime and enumerates the specific policies that have been introduced since 1992. It describes the positive and negative outcomes witnessed so far. Finally, it suggests what needs to be done to eliminate the prevailing major constraints to growth in food production and consumption.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impacts of the new daily green electricity production forecasting policy by the Austrian Green Electricity Settlement Agency (OEMAG) and the newly introduced seven-day electricity trading mechanism by the European Energy Exchange (EEX) on the Austrian electricity market. By treating these two market policy alterations as natural experiments and applying statistical and econometric methods to a unique data set, it is investigated whether thereby (i) a reduction of the green electricity production forecasting uncertainties and (ii) a generally more efficient electricity market with accompanying lower net costs is attained. Furthermore, we analyse whether (iii) seven-day-trading helps to mitigate the Friday-Monday effect that is often observed on stock and other exchanges markets. Finally, we investigate whether or not (iv) the underlying market design might tempt OEMAG to systematically overstate its forecasts on green power generation.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role which federal, state and local governments can play as large buyers in influencing the behavior of sellers in markets. While the available data make it impossible to draw unambiguous conclusions, the evidence is consistent with the possibility that theAustralian Commonwealth (federal) Government has used its market position as a large buyer to encourage competitive behavior, especially in highly concentrated industries. The local preference buying policies of state and local governments, however, may have augmented the effects of market power. The results suggest strongly that omission of variables representing the buying side of markets will lead to misspecification of structure-performance models, and indicate that government purchases could at appropriate times be used in addition to antitrust action, in order to improve market performance.  相似文献   

Although the mainstream of current thinking in the business literature recognizes that firms should invest in environmental responsibility, the theory on how product market competition affects firms’ environmental responsibility remains undeveloped. Using cost-benefit analysis, we hypothesize that the relationship between product market competition (i.e., differential industry-level competition and heterogeneous firm-level market power) and corporate environmental responsibility (CER) will be curvilinear. We find support for this hypothesis through an empirical test on a panel of 792 listed manufacturing companies from 2006 to 2008 in China. The results show that (1) either too much or too little industrial competition and (2) either too much or too little firm-level market power lead to lower environmental responsibility. Our results reveal that CER is strategically chosen and related to competitive situations.  相似文献   

中国碳交易市场发展现状与机遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国作为全球最大的温室气体排放国,积极应对国际社会的舆论和压力,做出了巨大的减排承诺,中央政府颁布了一系列低碳减排政策.其中,碳排放权交易试点是中国低碳减排之路最为重要的举措.目前中国碳交易市场还处于萌芽期,市场搭建工作还未全面完成,这对低碳领域的从业机构来说既是挑战也是机遇.随着越来越多的非试点省份逐渐加入到全国碳市场,中国将加快推进全国碳交易市场建设,建立健全碳排放权初始分配制度.到2017年中国将形成统一的碳交易市场,全国碳交易总量将达到50亿吨,是欧盟排放交易体系的2.5倍,成为全球最大的碳市场.  相似文献   

In this paper, we hypothesize that acquisitions undertaken during low market cycles will exhibit better performance than other acquisitions for two key reasons: lower likelihood of overpayment due to hubris and ease in implementing restructuring initiatives such as retrenchment. We define performance as the cumulative abnormal returns surrounding the acquisition event and deploy a trend‐based measure for market cycle. Based on an analysis of 115 acquisitions by Singapore firms between 1990 and 1999, we find strong support for the hypothesized relationship. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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