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由美国金融危机引发的国际货币动荡正在使东亚各国脱离美元本位,寻找新的钉住货币。表现坚挺的人民币很有可能成为东亚区域关键货币,成为东亚各国和地区钉住的锚货币。本文在货币锚效应回归模型的基础上加入解释变量个数筛选的步骤,挑选出最优模型来分析东亚各经济体货币的汇率货币篮子中美元、日元以及人民币的权重,从而揭示人民币成为区域关键货币的可能性,进而了解人民币主导经济区形成的条件和趋势。  相似文献   

东亚外汇储备规模迅速膨胀,远超维持国内金融稳定的储备水平,传统外汇储备管理方式使东亚各国承担高额成本。金融危机爆发后,美元贬值更进一步损害东亚地区的利益。主权财富基金作为近年来迅速发展的外汇储备管理手段,在金融危机中有效稳定整体经济。对东亚各国而言,更是管理外汇储备的有效手段,不仅能提高储备收益,也可能改变现有国际金融格局,削弱美元地位。  相似文献   

基于最优货币区理论的东亚货币一体化可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济全球化和区域化的发展,区域货币联盟已成为一种新的潮流。在欧元的成功运行以及近年国际金融危机的频繁发生,特别是1997年亚洲金融危机的爆发所带来的严重后果,唤起了东亚各国对东亚货币合作的极大关注。本文从最优货币区理论出发,对东亚经济体货币一体化的可行性进行研究,并对此提出建议。从研究结果看,东亚目前尚不能完全满足最优货币区的标准,但共同利益原则将使东亚货币合作的趋势不可逆转。  相似文献   

东亚金融危机表明东亚货币合作迫在眉睫,而欧洲货币一体化的成功为东亚货币合作提供了范例。基于最优货币的理论框架,借鉴欧洲货币联盟建立的经验,我们认为,建立东亚货币联盟是完全可能的,且有助于东亚各国之间进一步加强政治、经济合作。  相似文献   

后金融危机时期中国外汇储备的适度规模研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的外汇储备量经过近年来的高速增长后已达到相当高的规模,如何适当降低中国高额外汇储备并提高外汇储备利用效率已成为学术界关注的问题。通过实证分析得出中国的实际外汇储备量已经偏离其最优规模。在后金融危机时期运用外汇储备应对金融危机冲击是化解高额外汇储备、提高经济运行效率的有效方法。  相似文献   

<正> 外国直接投资回流东亚,有力促进了该地区经济的复苏。在外资回流的带动下,目前东亚大部分国家和地区的外汇市场已恢复稳定,经常项目盈余,外汇储备增加,国内利率大幅度降低,股市上扬,市场逐渐兴旺,出口增长,经济增长速度逐渐加快,有的又重现新一轮高速增长。事实表明,东亚国家在克服金融危机影响、恢复经济过程中所采取的一系列适合国情的措施是行之有效的,其中吸引外资的做法更为成功。利用外资过去是东亚经济高速增长的动力之一,今天它对东亚经济在短期内迅速恢复更发挥了特殊的作用。  相似文献   

从1993年到2006年,中国的外汇储备增长了50倍,成为世界第一。随之而来的是各种有关最优规模和巨额利弊的分析,这些观点从经济与金融的各个方面给与解释。文章从一个新的分析视角,认为中国的外汇储备超过万亿与中国具有大国经济特征联系紧密。具有大国经济特征的经济体在对外贸易,参与国际金融体系方面都有一定的特殊性,因此透过外汇储备过万亿这一现象,充分认知中国的大国经济特性将有利于未来的国际国内政策取向的确定。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,几乎所有发生金融危机的国家当时都实行固定或钉住汇率制度。东亚金融危机爆发前,东亚各经济体大多实行钉住美元的相对固定汇率制,大量国际资本流入,本币严重高估,经常项目巨额逆差,宏观经济严重失衡。在汇率贬值的预期下,国际投机资本对东亚经济体货币发动攻击,大量资本流出,受攻击的经济体外汇储备耗尽,最终导致实际钉住美元的固定汇率制崩溃,金融危机爆发,蔓延成危及东亚乃至世界的金融危机。东亚金融危机的事实表明,金融危机、资本流动和汇率制度之间存在着密切关系。  相似文献   

黄涛 《银行家》2006,(11):109-112
东亚金融危机给东亚带来的影响,远不止一次宏观经济调整这么简单。在一次剧烈而急速的经济动荡之后,东亚在推行新的宏观经济政策和实现资本流动方面正在重振旗鼓,以一种全新的方式融入世界经济。流动的国际资本并非洪水猛兽,可是金融危机给东亚造成的伤痛,让东亚开始变得小心谨慎起来。当人们将注意力放到未来以后,关于东亚资本流动的进一步趋势,也日渐成为观察家关心的话题。  相似文献   

国际外汇储备管理的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对不同经济体外汇储备管理体制特点的研究表明,中国外汇储备管理仍应首先立足于本国经济特点与国情。新兴市场经济体:外汇储备快速增长20世纪90年代以来,东亚新兴市场经济体外汇储备快速增长的现象颇引人注目。实证研究表明,这一现象在新兴市场经济体和发展中国家具有普遍性。笔者认为,金融全球化使全球金融活动和风险发生机制日益紧密联系,这加剧了货币危机与货币替代的威胁,并导致发展中国家大幅调整其外汇储备管理战略。  相似文献   

This paper explores the process of abandoning a fixed exchange rate regime during sudden stops in a small open economy. The Bank of Korea’s exchange rate policy reports during the East Asian crisis suggest that its fixed exchange rate regime was forced to collapse due to the depletion of usable foreign reserves, which resulted from the credit policy of the Korean central bank to support domestic banks in need of foreign currency liquidity. To capture the Korean crisis experience, I build a quantitative small open economy model in which, in response to the country risk premium shock, the foreign-currency credit policy of a central bank under fixed regime leads to the exhaustion of international reserves and consequent exchange rate regime shift. This model does well at replicating the observed contraction in Korean aggregate variables.  相似文献   

Many economists believe that China avoided the so-called Asian flu due to its strong balance of payments position and substantial foreign reserves. This study introduces an improved method for testing financial-crisis contagion and shows that crisis-contagion effects were significant among Thailand and the Chinese economic area (i.e. China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan) stock markets during the Asian financial crisis. The main contribution of this study is its use of a two-step procedure to identify the crisis dates for testing for contagion and data pertaining to a growing triangular economic area during the Asian financial crisis. This result suggests that if investors ignore the economic and financial information within regional markets, they will face an increase in uncertainty vis-à-vis investment returns.  相似文献   

Using a data set of East Asian nonfinancial companies, we examine a firm's choice between local, foreign, and synthetic local currency (hedged foreign currency) debt. We find evidence of unique as well as common factors that determine each debt type's use, indicating the importance of examining debt at a disaggregated level. We exploit the Asian financial crisis as a natural experiment to investigate the role of debt type in firm performance. Surprisingly, we find that the use of synthetic local currency debt is associated with the biggest drop in market value, possibly due to currency derivative market illiquidity during the crisis.  相似文献   

Employing the first-generation currency crisis model of Flood and Garber (1984), I explore the financial effects of migrants' remittances on the economies of developing and emerging countries in a currency crisis. The model implies that remittances can contribute to a reduction in the likelihood of a currency crisis and appreciation in foreign exchange rates via the promotion of foreign exchange reserves. Panel estimation with twelve developing and emerging countries that previously experienced financial crises confirms the implications, suggesting that migrants' remittances can play a significant role in mitigating financial constraints and thus contribute to financial stability.  相似文献   

We examine the dynamic relationship between stock returns and exchange rate changes using daily data from January 1994 to September 2013 for six East Asian countries. We use the multivariate GARCH-DCC model in order to disclose the relationship between stock markets and foreign exchange markets which is important for understanding financial stability. The estimation results reveal time varying correlations in the pre- and post-Asian crisis and the Global Financial Crisis periods for all countries. The correlations are stronger when the crisis intensifies. The degree of interdependence between both markets reflects a mutual markets response to shocks and changes in policy.  相似文献   

2008年的美国金融危机的爆发使得实施美元本位模式的东亚地区因此受到冲击,美元的地位受到人们的质疑,所以,对后金融危机时代东亚美元本位模式的研究对于东亚区域货币合作的未来走向和操作具有重要的理论意义。本文首先从汇率的低频和高频波动这两个角度考察东亚美元本位模式在美金融危机前后的表现程度,以及后金融危机时代它的发展趋势,进而通过加入"估值效应"和资产不完全替代的转移效应模型说明了东亚美元本位模式继续存在的内在机制,以及美元本位下的双重矛盾,指出后金融危机时代东亚美元本位模式的持续使得未来美国金融危机还有持续爆发的可能,研究表明,放弃美元本位后的均衡状态完全取决于放弃东亚美元本位的时间,越早放弃美元本位,东亚国家付出的成本越小。而替代东亚美元本位模式主要依靠"亚元模式"和"东亚人民币化"。  相似文献   

Foreign currency debt is widely believed to increase risks of financial crisis, especially after being implicated as a cause of the East Asian crisis in the late 1990s. In this paper, we study the effects of foreign currency debt on currency and debt crises and its indirect effects on short-term growth and long-run output effects in both 1880–1913 and 1973–2003 for 45 countries. Greater ratios of foreign currency debt to total debt are associated with increased risks of currency and debt crises, although the strength of the association depends crucially on the size of a country's reserve base and its policy credibility. We found that financial crises, driven by exposure to foreign currency, resulted in significant permanent output losses. We estimate some implications of our findings for the risks posed by currently high levels of foreign currency liabilities in eastern Europe.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,东亚地区金融市场的开放推动了资本在国际间的大规模流动,大量的国际资本在促进东亚经济增长的同时,也埋下了经济波动的隐患。结合东亚经济体的实际特点,本文采用Aghion等(2004)提出的动态开放经济模型来分析金融开放对东亚不同类型国家(地区)经济波动的影响,并利用东亚国家(地区)的面板数据对模型的结论进行实证检验。研究发现,由于国内金融体系发展程度的差异,金融开放对于东亚不同类型经济体产生的影响不同,金融开放缓解了东亚发达经济体的经济波动,但加剧了发展中国家的经济波动。随着金融开放程度的不断提高,东亚的发展中国家要加快推进国内的金融体系建设,以降低国际资本流动对宏观经济稳定的冲击。  相似文献   

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