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党的十七届五中全会强调,要坚持以科学发展为主题,围绕加快转变经济发展方式这条主线,大力加强经济结构战略性调整,提高发展的全面性、协调性、可持续性。资本市场作为优化资源配置的重要平台,  相似文献   

We examine whether investor reactions are sensitive to the recent direction or volatility of underlying market movements. We find that dividend change announcements elicit a greater change in stock price when the nature of the news (good or bad) goes against the grain of the recent market direction during volatile times. For example, announcements to lower dividends elicit a significantly greater decrease in stock price when market returns have been up and more volatile. Similarly, announcements to raise dividends tends to elicit a greater increase in stock price when market returns have been normal or down and more volatile, although this latter tendency lacks statistical significance. We suggest an explanation for these results that combines the implications of a dynamic rational expectations equilibrium model with behavioral considerations that link the responsiveness of investors to market direction and volatility.  相似文献   

Prior empirical research indicates that trading volume reaction to new information increases with the heterogeneity of investors’ prior beliefs. We examine three potential factors that theoretical models of financial economists show determine trading volume reaction to new information: heterogeneous prior beliefs, differential interpretation, and the consensus effect—the extent to which the information causes their beliefs to converge or diverge. We find that these three factors have a distinct and significant incremental effect on trading volume, thereby suggesting that empirical trading volume models that exclude or fail to control for any of these determinants are misspecified with biased estimated coefficients.  相似文献   

他提出“持续提振股市应允许银行资金入市”、他呼吁“发展债券市场应加快推出国债期货”……既是研究资本市场的资深学者,又是基层监管机构的重要一员,全国人大代表、吉林证监局原局长江连海多年来密切关注并参与中国多层次资本市场建设,尽心尽责为资本市场稳健发展、更好地服务国计民生建言献策。  相似文献   

This study examines the market reaction to listing on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The marketability gains hypothesis states that investors expect liquidity gains for the less liquid over-the-counter (OTC) stocks but not for their liquid counterparts after their listing on the NYSE. The hypothesis is supported even after accounting for other firm-specific news releases. Stocks with low liquidity on the OTC exhibit a positive reaction, whereas stocks with high liquidity show a non-positive market reaction around the announcement of the listing application. The findings imply that the two different marketplaces, NYSE and OTC, are suitable for stocks with different liquidity characteristics.  相似文献   

In this paper we measure the market reaction to 937 straight debt issues between 1983 and 1993. We find a negative and significant market reaction to a straight debt announcement. In addition, we find that the market reaction to a straight debt issue is directly related to the issuing firm's level of existing cash and inversely related to the issuing firm's investment opportunities.  相似文献   

One of the issues arising out of the introduction of an imputation tax for companies in Australia is the effect it is likely to have on the definition and measurement of a company's cost of capital. Insofar as there is a difference between the value of a dollar of franked relative to unfranked dividends, conventional definitions for the cost of capital are inappropriate and new definitions are required. This has implications for the measurement of a company's cost of capital and for the definition of net cash flows that are used in conjunction with the cost of capital. This paper sets out these definitions and an approach for measuring the cost of capital. The new definition of the cost of capital replaces the effective company tax rate T with T(l - γ) where γ is the value of personal tax credits. Further, the definition of the risk premium in the capital asset pricing model requires an adjustment for the capitalized value of personal tax credits to maintain consistency between the cost of capital and cash flows which are defined on an after-company tax but before-personal tax basis.  相似文献   

江连海指出,期权交易是一种比期货交易更加灵活、安全、有效的交易方式,它可以使交易者特别是买者的成本很低、风险有限、利润可观,如果利用期权交易进行套期保值,可以实现双重保险之功效,它是期货套期保值的再套保,能够有效降低风险度,增大保险系数。因此,应积极适时推出期权交易。  相似文献   

在经历了新兴市场债市十年的稳定资金流入之后,人们应当对一段时期的资金流出做好准备,“尽管周期性的机会将来来去去,但新兴市场结构性的高收益时代很可能结束了0”  相似文献   

杨毅 《中国金融家》2021,(1):116-117
2020年是我国资本市场建立30周年,也是资本市场继续深化改革、扩大开放的一年。这一年,面对新冠肺炎疫情等不利影响,全球金融市场剧烈动荡,我国资本市场则保持了稳健运行态势,市场韧性进一步增强,直接融资功能得到有效发挥。这一年,新证券法正式施行,刑法修正案(十一)审议通过;A股上市公司数量突破4100家,总市值近80万亿...  相似文献   

如果说资本市场的前10年是迅速扩张的10年,那么十六大以来的10年便是走向成熟的10年。  相似文献   

通过资本市场处置不良资产的途径选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目前大量不良资产的存在严重制约了国有商业银行的发展,快速有效地处置不良资产是当前金融工作的重点。在积极改善利用资本市场处置不良资产外部环境的基础上,国有商业银行必须对不良资产现状进行认真研究,尝试运用贷款重组、不良资产出售、债权转股权、资产证券化等多种方式。在运作中可以参照国际上的通行做法,借鉴国内资产管理公司的部分经验,从部分项目、部分地区入手,在试点成功的基础上积极推进;操作中涉及相关法律、政策问题,可以先设计部分模型,做好充分的准备,一旦外部环境改善就能较快地推进工作进程。  相似文献   

高国杰 《银行家》2003,(11):10-11
"这是在党的文件中第一次用一整段谈到‘资本市场'的问题!现在,我们已经没有什么可争论的了,需要的就是实践."身为中国证券监督管理委员会规划发展委员会办公室主任的李青原博士,谈到十六届三中全会公报中关于大力发展资本市场的论述时,非常认真地对记者说了这番话."而目前,资本市场的当务之急就是解决股权割裂的问题,解决全流通的问题."  相似文献   

我国银行业市场结构变迁的路径选择   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
产业组织理论认为,市场结构是决定企业行为,进而决定市场绩效的基本因素。本文运用市场份额指标和市场集中度指标来衡量中国商业银行的市场结构及垄断程度,对中国商业银行的市场结构做一实证研究。本文认为我国商业银行市场集中度高,具有鲜明的寡头垄断市场的特点;动态的看,四大国有商业银行各项指标近年来缓慢下降,而新兴股份制商业银行各项指标上升势头明显。这表明竞争趋势正在逐步提高,中国商业银行业的市场结构正逐步由高度集中的寡头垄断型向垄断竞争型转变。同时,本文从金融产权制度变迁的角度探讨了中国商业银行市场结构形成的深层次原因,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

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