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赵素洁 《时代经贸》2008,6(2):167-168
“双赢”谈判理念是把谈判当作一个合作的过程,视谈判对手如伙伴,与对方共同寻找满足双方利益的方案,真正实现共好双赢。从发展趋势来看,“双赢”谈判无疑有巨大的发展空间。但是,在实际工作中,尤其在处理商务谈判中的利益关系时,却存在着过分重视立场,对关系、利益重视不够、对潜在利益挖掘不充分等诸多问题。文章就商务谈判在把握利益时容易处理失当的几种关系进行了论述,从中探讨出实现“双赢”的谈判思路。  相似文献   

解析商务谈判之"双赢"途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵素洁 《时代经贸》2008,6(4):167-168
"双赢"谈判理念是把谈判当作一个合作的过程,视谈判对手如伙伴,与对方共同寻找满足双方利益的方案,真正实现共好双赢.从发展趋势来看,"双赢"谈判无疑有巨大的发展空间.但是,在实际工作中,尤其在处理商务谈判中的利益关系时,却存在着过分重视立场,对关系、利益重视不够、对潜在利益挖掘不充分等诸多问题.文章就商务谈判在把握利益时容易处理失当的几种关系进行了论述,从中探讨出实现"双赢"的谈判思路.  相似文献   

谈判是具有利害关系的双方或多方,为谋求一致而进行协商洽谈,从而把可能的商业机会确定下来。在谈判中,双方为各自利益而进行攻心斗智,是不可避免的,但是要取得双方满意的结果,双方就要积极有效地协商,充分的协商才能使问题解决得深入和全面,才能获得双赢。本文从以下几个方面对商务谈判的双赢成因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

各种计策在商务谈判中的灵活运用往往能够起到出奇制胜的效果."欲擒故纵"是古代战争的经典计谋,在现代商务谈判中同样值得使用.本文从"欲擒故纵"的起源、使用时机与后果等方面,结合案例分析,对商务谈判中如何实施和识破这一计策作出阐述.  相似文献   

在信息不对称条件下的国际商务谈判中,拥有信息多的企业甲会对谈判对手企业乙采取机会主义行为,从而产生商务谈判的连锁反应使企业乙处于更加不利地位。经过一段时间后,企业乙在谈判中会采取拖延法、引入第三方谈判法、长期合作法等策略促使自己信息与企业甲信息对称。在双方谈判中。双赢理念是他们的最优选择。  相似文献   

张华 《经济论坛》2005,(8):79-81
西方学者认为,商务谈判是一种决策的过程,是当事双方或多方决定如何分配资源和责任的过程。同时,谈判也是一种人际交往行为,它是双方或多方都希望通过谈判的争辩、讨论、协商来寻求各自的利益,达成一致的协议。Rubin和Brown(1975)早就认为谈判的双方在某项利益或多项利益上存在冲突,谈判的双方都期望通过谈判来交换资源,进而满足自己的需要,  相似文献   

商务谈判课程是一门实践性很强的课程,教师如何教,学生如何学,怎样提高学生的商务谈判能力,培养适应企业需求的应用型和创新型的人才,一直是专业教师探讨的问题。结合高专院校的特点,总结笔者在商务谈判教学工作中的体会,探析目前《商务谈判》课程教学的现状和存在的主要问题,并提出相应的教学改革措施,为商务谈判教学工作提供一些参考。  相似文献   

在商务谈判中双方为了各自的利益常常面临冲突.通过谈判可以防止冲突的激化,谈判策略的恰当运用可以在一定程度上避免冲突.当冲突出现时,通过谈判可以创造双赢的解决方案,化解利益冲突问题.  相似文献   

王丽伟  陈朝阳 《时代经贸》2007,5(9):100-101
社会的快速发展和文明的不断进步,为中国迅速崛起提供了广阔的天地.随着我国加入世贸组织,国际贸易和对外交往日益频繁,各种类型、各种层次的外贸、外经谈判也越来越多.为了做好国际商务谈判这项艰难复杂而又十分重要的工作,充分的谈判准备是不可缺少的.本文将从谈判前的调查研究、谈判方案的制定及谈判队伍的组织三方面对商务谈判前的准备工作进行介绍.  相似文献   

"双赢"--构建世界经济新秩序的道德理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代科技革命的条件下,单枪匹马,孤军奋战很难大有作为,而与他人相容、善于合作、协同攻关、联合作战的人更容易获得成功,对一个国家而言也是如此.  相似文献   

Fisher DA 《Medical economics》1996,73(19):52, 55, 59 passim

We consider the optimization problem of a campaign trying to win an election when facing aggregate uncertainty, where agentsʼ voting probabilities are uncertain. Even a small amount of uncertainty will in a large electorate eliminate many of counterintuitive results that arise when voting probabilities are known. In particular, a campaign that can affect the voting probabilities of a fraction of the electorate should maximize the expected difference between its candidateʼs and the opposing candidateʼs share of the fractionʼs potential vote. When a campaign can target only finitely many voters, maximization of the same objective function remains optimal if a convergence condition is satisfied. When voting probabilities are certain, this convergence condition obtains only at knife-edge combinations of parameters, but when voting probabilities are uncertain the condition is necessarily satisfied.  相似文献   

刘晓丹 《经济师》2007,(10):58-59
全球气候逐步变暖督促着气候谈判的进程,而各个国家在气候谈判中又都维护着各自的利益,这使全球气候谈判步履维艰。文章分析了影响气候谈判的环境、政治和经济方面的因素,并关注了《京都议定书》的实施情况。  相似文献   

This paper deals with collective decision making within a group of independent states. The right to choose the public policy is delegated from the central authority to one of the states through a bidding procedure among the group state members. We identify the following tradeoff: competition among states yields higher transfers to the central authority, but the outcome tends to be less efficient than what it is when states negotiate prior to the decision making process. We extend and illustrate the model by means of a public good game involving several heterogeneous states.  相似文献   

The contribution of foreign banks to the development of the financial sectors in emerging markets, and especially the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe, is well-known. The purpose of this article is to focus on an area of foreign bank influence that has thus far only begun to emerge from the extant literature: the effect of foreign banks on the broader business environment in transition. In addition to improving financial intermediation and broader access to credit, has the presence of foreign financial institutions helped to shape a better business environment in the long-run? Or did foreign banks retard local institutional development and thus worsen the overall business environment? Using cointegration techniques across a sample of 21 diverse transition countries from 1983 to 2015, I find that foreign bank entry had a positive impact across business environment indicators, but with some indicators taking longer to influence than others. The policy implications are that business environments can be improved by facilitating foreign bank entry rather than restricting it.  相似文献   

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