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严成樑 《经济研究》2020,55(7):191-208
本文系统梳理了现代经济增长理论的发展脉络,从新古典增长理论到内生增长理论,从资本驱动的经济增长理论到创新驱动的经济增长理论。本文阐述了现代经济增长理论的演化逻辑,经济增长理论的发展过程是人们对全要素生产率认识深化的过程,经济增长框架微观基础深化的过程,也是经济增长理论与其它学科交叉融合的过程。本文讨论了现代经济增长理论存在的不足,包括在研究思路、模型核心设定和技术性分析方面存在的问题,需求侧在经济增长中的作用被弱化,以及发展中国家和经济转型国家经济增长理论的研究薄弱等。新技术对经济增长的影响和基于大学科融合视角经济增长的微观基础研究是经济增长理论未来发展的重要方向。在此基础上,本文讨论了中国经济增长对现代经济增长理论的经验启示以及中国经济增长模型构建。  相似文献   

改革开放是中国实现经济增长与发展的转折点,在这一过程中实现了从计划经济体制向市场经济体制的渐进变革,中国经济实现高速增长。不可否认制度的变革对中国经济增长起到关键的推动作用,这也从一个方面印证了新制度经济学经济增长理论的科学性。因此,探讨新制度经济学经济增长理论,从经济增长的静态与动态两个角度深度剖析理论的内涵,以期为中国进入后危机时代的经济增长提供理论借鉴就有着尤为重要的意义。  相似文献   

论中国经济增长中的生态约束与对策选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国的经济增长已面临多重的生态制约,如何在生态约束下实现有效的经济增长和可持续发展,是理论和实践都必须解决的重大问题。依靠能源消耗和破坏生态为代价而发展经济,造成现代经济增长理论的生态缺失。受此理论影响,中国经济增长面临严重的生态制约。中国应借鉴国际经验,通过修正经济增长的衡量尺度、建立国家生态安全监控体系等措施,实现增长方式的转变。  相似文献   

中国经济增长与就业增长关系分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改革开放以来,中国经济实现了高速增长,然而中国的就业增长率却在下降,就业压力不断增大,这与传统的经济理论相违背。基于索洛增长模型理论,运用协整理论和格兰杰因果检验对中国经济增长与就业增长的关系进行实证分析,最后提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

投资在中国新经济增长动力中的再认识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国经济已持续高速增长20多年,但是经济繁荣浮华背后隐藏的客观事实:就业率停滞不前,不少行业持续不景气,通货膨胀与紧缩交替上演等现象,让我们不能不对现有经济模式产生担心.如何看待传统经济增长模式在中国的应用?如何对中国经济增长做系统的解构?如何看待我国的投资冲动并在中国这个特定经济体中应用西方经济增长理论?本文对传统的经济增长理论尝试作恰当的修正,以期解释我国特有的经济增长态势.  相似文献   

《中国经济增长模式的抉择》是在中国经济发展的最关键时刻推出来的一本力作,探索了对经济增长模式的新认知,即新型工业化道路,并提出了转变经济增长模式的理论逻辑和转型的方向,详细分析了转变增长模式的政策,将理论的知和实践的行相统一。本文也借评而论,加强了经济增长、经济发展的理论探讨,讨论了中国的发展道路。  相似文献   

按照新古典增长理论框架分析中国经济增长因素并找到中国转变经济增长方式的依据,从中发现支撑中国经济发展的劳动,资本和全要素生产率在对中国经济增长的巨大作用。刘易斯转折点的到来,资本投资面临的约束条件和全要素生产率对增长的贡献不高使得中国今后经济的可持续发展必须转变经济增长方式,并从影响全要素生产率的因素提出了转变经济增长方式的政策建议。  相似文献   

新经济增长理论与中国经济增长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高杰  陆凤存 《经济师》2006,(1):37-38
新经济增长理论是21世纪80年代以后最主要的经济增长理论,新增长理论考虑了技术作为经济系统内生变量对经济增长的重要作用,随着科技研发和传播速度的加快,我国的经济增长也越来越依赖于科技的进步。文章通过对新增长理论的介绍及对中国经济增长的影响来说明新增长理论的理论适用性和解释力,并对其进行简要评价。  相似文献   

马克思主义经济学中国化的理论成果,是产生了以社会主义市场经济理论为核心的中国经济学,并在改革开放30年的实践中已经得到了充分的证实,推动了中国经济奇迹般的增长。但随着中国市场化改革的不断深入,在经济增长的过程中,出现了许多新问题:如经济发展不平衡,经济结构不合理,居民收入差距拉大等实践性问题,客观上要求加快转变经济增长方式,实现经济发展与社会和谐,进一步完善中国化的马克思主义经济学的理论内容,即中国经济学的理论内容。  相似文献   

在全球金融危机的大背景下,经济持续稳定增长是一个国家经济运行所追求的重要目标之一。在对西方经济增长理论进行深入分析的基础上,探讨了在中国经济止滑提速的新时期,西方经济增长理论对中国发展经济的一些启示,并给出一些合理建议。  相似文献   

靳涛 《经济学家》2007,(5):18-26
本文通过对中国经济转型与经济增长之间的实证研究,发现经济增长是直接推动经济体制转型深化的内在动力,而经济转型虽然对经济增长有长期的影响作用,但这种作用却不是决定性的.在制度与增长二者关系中,制度虽然是影响增长的长期重要因素,但这种影响却不是决定性的;而恰恰相反,增长对制度的影响却是决定性的.这说明制度创新在增长的大背景中更易达到,而中国改革成功的经验也充分证明了这一点.  相似文献   

A cost-benefit analysis for the economic growth in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Currently, traditional development issues such as income inequality, depletion of natural resources, environmental pollution as well as retardation of infrastructure have occurred in China. In the future, more pressures would be imposed on China by the continuous fast development of industrialization, and with transfer of the world manufacture center to China. Sustainable development, including its economic, environmental and social elements, is a key goal of decisionmakers. This paper develops a methodology on cost benefit analysis of economic growth at macroscopic level to identify issues of China's sustainability. In order to address some important issues on how to make policies to improve the quality of economic growth, the CBA framework developed in this study analyses economic-ecological-social interaction, building three accounts that reflect three dimensions of sustainable development that includes 26 sub-models in all, and finally is integrated into an index as Net Progress Proceeds (NPP). The estimation methods of these submodels, such as cost of environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources and defensive expenditures are described in detail. Based on the framework and methods, this paper examines the costs and benefits of economic growth in three aspects of economy, ecology and society. The results illustrate that NPR of China's economic growth had been negative for a long time and has just became positive since year 2000 but was quite low. Even the best was only 1.6% in 2002 (the worst was − 24.2% in 1982). Based on the comparison between three accounts, we can draw a conclusion that ecological cost is the dominant factor that affects China's NPR. The empirical results show that if no other innovative measures or policies are taken in the future the costs of growth would outweigh its benefits, resulting in un-sustainability. Basically, the long-term economic growth would be unsustainable due to increasing environmental damage and depletion of natural resources. There are a few limitations that we consider need to be improved in our CBA framework and method, nevertheless they have many options that can be explored by policy makers, to make the development path more sustainable.  相似文献   

Energy plays an important role in the economic life. With the rapid development of economy, the constraint of energy on the sustainable development of economy is becoming more and more obvious. This paper just Studies the factors influencing energy efficiency of China and the relationship between energy efficiency and China's economic: growth. By using time series multivariable linear regression methods with China's relevant data from 1953 to 2006, this paper constructs the regression model to analyze the factors that would impact energy, efficiency. After that, a regression model of China's real output to capital, labor and energy e lficiency is conducted to estimate the marginal contribution of every factor to the real output to prove the fundamental influence of energy efficiency to the economic growth. In the end, some policies and recommendations are also put forward in order to improve the energy efficiency; of China.  相似文献   

Optimized land resources allocation is important for economic growth because land is one of the basic elements for economic development. And urban land resources allocation has had an increasingly important influence since the Chinese socialist market economy system was established. This paper estimates the production function of both the secondary and the tertiary industries of China's 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government through an analysis of the panel data of the total output value of the secondary and the tertiary industries, invested capital, invested labor jorces and the land market-jeatured management of the above-mentioned regions during the period of 1999-2005. and examines the positive influence of the above- mentioned factors on regional economic output, This study concludes that urban economic output is positively related with the level of urban land resources market-featured management, since the rate of economic growth of those regions approximates 14. 7% under the condition of urban land market running during the period of 1999-2005.  相似文献   

本文从有效需求角度入手,探究中国经济转型期经济增长与收入分配不平等之间的关系,并运用中国1978-2005年间28个省市的面板数据,通过面板数据单位根检验、协整检验与误差修正模型,对中国经济增长与收入分配不平等、有效需求、劳动力、投资、教育以及收入分配不平等和有效需求交互影响之间的长期关系和短期关系进行了研究。结果显示,中国经济转型期经济增长与收入分配不平等、有效需求具有长期的均衡关系,收入分配不平等通过有效需求机制阻碍了经济增长,且在短期内效果也非常显著。  相似文献   

Raimundo Soto   《Economics Letters》2009,105(1):42-45
Dollarization brought price stability and higher economic growth to Ecuador. Nevertheless, unemployment remained stubbornly high. Two opposing forces explain this result: sustained growth led to higher labor demand but price stabilization triggered substitution effects by cheaper intermediate goods and capital.  相似文献   

外商直接投资、对外贸易与环境污染的实证研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
文章通过中国30个省(市、区)2000-2005年面板数据,对FDI与外贸的环境污染效应进行了实证分析.对外贸易与FDI整体上都促进了中国经济增长,其中,进口对经济增长的作用较小;出口与FDI加剧了中国环境污染;进口贸易可抑制环境污染,但作用比较小;人力资本具有显著的促进经济增长与抑制环境污染的双重功能.本文的政策建议是,调整出口与引资政策,发展教育,促进人力资本积累.  相似文献   

转轨以来,中国非国有经济的发展促进了经济增长的数量扩张.这是因为,经济非国有化改革作为一种制度创新,是一种增量式改革.这种改革使得体制内利益在未受影响的条件下,实现了帕雷托式的增长.然而,非国有经济的发展并没有带来中国经济增长质量的同比改善.这是因为,中国民营企业发展一般都过分强调以利润为中心,忽略环境成本,并且由于融资困难等因素导致了其技术创新能力的弱化;其次,中国引进的外资不仅在技术和管理创新的扩散效应上没能达到预期效果,而且日益增加的加工贸易通过转移定价方式使中国经济不能充分享有出口增长带来的利润贡献.  相似文献   

能源是国家的战略性资源,煤炭是中国重要的能源之一,煤炭对我国经济发展起到了举足轻重的作用。研究能源消费、煤炭消费与经济增长的相互关系,对于发展经济具有重要的指导意义。运用我国GDP总量、能源消费总量和煤炭消费总量的数据,首先,得到我国煤炭消费收入弹性系数依然过高的结论;其次,建立协整与误差修正模型,并进行Granger因果关系检验,得出能源消费与经济增长、煤炭消费与经济增长之间长期是均衡的,能源消费与经济增长、煤炭消费与经济增长存在着协整与双向因果关系。最后,根据分析结论提出对策建议,即政府需要提供相关政策支持,建设国家煤炭储备体系,实施煤炭供应国际化战略,以保证能源供应安全,保证我国经济增长速度。  相似文献   

Several empirical studies have established the relationship between economic freedom, civil liberties and political rights, and economic growth. Nevertheless, few studies analyze the directions of causality. This paper studies the causality relations between the institutional dimensions mentioned above and economic growth, as well as the interrelations between them, using the Granger methodology with panel data for 187 countries and five-yearly observations for the period 1976–2000. In addition, the relations between these freedoms and investment in physical and human capital are examined, to be able to isolate the direct and indirect effects on growth. The authors acknowledge the suggestions made by the editor and the reviewers, which have improved this work with respect to its initial version.  相似文献   

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