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The applicability of the traditional marketing models to online marketplaces has been of great interest since the advent of the Internet. This study examines the applicability of the Hierarchy of Communication Effects model to the online auction environment through the use of proprietary archival data. The results provide support for a new model, which we call the Hierarchy of Internet Communications Effects, which is applicable to online environments. The Hierarchy of Internet Communications Effects is analogous to other hierarchical effects models from consumer behavior literature known as the learning hierarchies. We provide suggestions to promote products or services at different stages in the Hierarchy of Internet Communications Effects; several implications and limitations are discussed, and future research is suggested.  相似文献   

The annual throughput of Yantai and Yingkou ports surpassed 100 million tons in 2007, bringing the number of such big harbors in China to 14, according to Communications Minister Li Shenglin.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassungen  In Zeiten von immer knapper werdenden Ressourcen sehen sich viele Kommunikationsverantwortliche zunehmend in der Pflicht, die vorhandenden Budgets effizient und effektiv einzusetzen sowie ihren Wertsch?pfungsbeitrag nachzuweisen. Dabei unterliegen sie den gleichen Controllinganforderungen, die an andere Funktionen eines Unternehmens gestellt werden. Eine m?gliche Strategie zeigt das Praxisbeispiel des internationalen Konsumgüterherstellers Henkel. Ernst Primosch Corporate Vice President und Head Corporate Communications bei der Henkel KGaA in Düsseldorf M. A. Simone Gleumes Leiterin Strategy & Steering im Bereich Corporate Communications bei der Henkel KGaA in Düsseldorf  相似文献   

This study evaluates the Bell System's role in the revival ofJapanese telecommunications during the post-World War II occupation.Civilian and military personnel who had worked for the firmand who served in the Civil Communications Service (CCS) ofthe Supreme Command Allied Powers represented the primary agentsfor knowledge transfer to Japan's Ministry of Communications(MOC) and its supporting independent equipment manufacturers.The MOC became a channel for communicating ideas about managementpractices at the Bell System to the local telecommunicationsindustry. The CCS's actions in Japan represent what Alfred D.Chandler has termed the "integrated learning base" in actionin the public sector. The CCS's role in knowledge transfer hasbeen underestimated by many scholars who have focused primarilyon its contributions to promoting production and quality engineeringin telecommunications manufacturing. Its central achievementwas laying the managerial groundwork for the establishment in1952 of the governmental enterprise Nippon Telegraph and Telephone.  相似文献   

中国电子学会1996年受奖论文目录(排名不分先后)(续)序号论文题目作者姓名工作单位所属学会28基于可靠性的天线结构多工况优化设计陈建军段宝岩费小立等西安电子科技大学29电子设备隔振系统和隔振器模块化设计李馨龚至泽东南大学电子部14所电子机械工程分...  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》1985,28(5):60-64
Whatever their form, be they policies, invoices, letters, or contracts, business documents share a common goal: readability. The authors present the ABCs of achieving that goal—an Audit to help the Business produce Clear Communications.  相似文献   

欧盟绿色周:城市是解决世界环境问题的关键;报告与出版物;  相似文献   

The formulation of moral issues surrounding consumer advertising tends to focus on the capacity to persuade or inform, and how these capabilities may be used to distort or fulfill needs and desires. Discussion of these issues abstracts from widespread advertising and marketing practices, by assuming that all advertising is mass advertising, broadcast indiscriminately over the entire market population. This assumption directs attention away from important issues stemming from actual advertising strategies, which involve campaigns designed for and conveyed to particular customer groups or segments within broader product market. Several cases are outlined to illustrate the class of practices considered to be important and usually ignored, and issues that they raise for moral appraisal are suggested.Taylor R. Durham is Assistant Professor of Communications (Visiting) at Hampshire College, School of Communications and Cognitive Science where he is concerned with information, decision-making, and regulation of advertising. He was previously Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Social Relations, The Johns Hopkins University.  相似文献   

王娟 《中国广告》2014,(11):138-139
公益营销传播是正能量的传递过程,但不必局限于严肃刻板的传播基调。在"公众娱乐化"的传播语境中,公益营销也可以娱乐化,轻快而温馨的色调更有利于年轻受众的认同和传播。  相似文献   

This article describes a study testing key aspects of the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) concept, employing means-end analytical techniques. Although the hypothesized effects were not observed, the study is timely and ground-breaking because it contributes a new empirical approach to the IMC body of literature. It may also serve as a catalyst for additional research in the field.  相似文献   

郭永建 《中国市场》2008,(49):60-62
由于休闲产业极易受其消费者无形的不可量化的因素的影响,当前休闲产业中所使用4Ps和4Cs等传统营销理论已难以适应休闲业急速发展的需求。本文借用整合营销传播理论的理念,从休闲产品合理定位、口径一致的品牌形象塑造,休闲产业社会营销等方面研究了休闲业整合营销传播策略的实施。  相似文献   

Past practice in regulating telephone prices has encouraged telephone companies to incur excessive costs. The Federal Communications Commission has recently changed some of these practices. In this paper the consumer welfare implications of some of these changes are examined, primarily the institution of interstate subscriber line charges and changes in the procedures for allocating costs among jurisdictions. The conclusion is that these changes serve consumer interests.  相似文献   

Advertising and other forms of promotional activity have proliferated to such an extent that they may constitute a form of social pollution (Kitchen, 1994). The quantity and tone of communications to which consumers are exposed may have a subtle but pervasive effect on the social ecology of the developed world. Not only are Marketing Communications delivered in unprecedented quantities (Kitchen, 1994); but their tone is increasingly difficult to categorise in the Postmodern Marketing era (Brown, 1994). Notably, there has been very little research conducted on this seeming "Leviathan" (Kitchen, 1994, after Hobbes, 1651) effect. Ethical concerns of professional marketing bodies such as the MRS and CIM are focussed on the conduct of professionals with regard to law and notions of moral decency in human exchange relationships (see MRS code of conduct, ASA and IBA guidelines). There is less emphasis on the ethical implications for society of the totality of Marketing Communication activities. This paper examines the distinctively Postmodern concept of the Communications Leviathan and discusses contemporary ethical issues, drawing perspectives where possible from Postmodern critical theory, Enlightenment philosophy, cognitive psychology and classical ethical works of Plato and Aristotle.  相似文献   

新一代航空数据链端机发展技术需求和SCA自身技术优势具有高度的一致性,研究SCA技术在 设备中的设计实现具有重要意义。通过系统抽象模型构建、SCA设备开发流程分析以及流程 中相应的系统构件化建模、域描述文件产生、应用安装部署、波形开发等关键设计,提出了 数据链端机设备的SCA架构设计实现方法。  相似文献   

The Federal Communications Commission and the National Association of Broadcasters are currently formulating rules and regulations to limit the amount of TV advertising directed at children. What has not been considered are potential secondary effects of these proposed rules and regulations.

The apparent basis of this action is great faith in the power and effectiveness of consumerist legislation. Even if the law is effective in accomplishing its primary objectives, it may produce negative consequences for many consumers and negative reactions within the business community.  相似文献   

A revolution is under way in telecommunications technology, and this is generating a new approach to governance in the field as well as new ethical dielmmas which are challenging the core values of the industry's traditional approach. The author served in the Canadian Department of Communications before founding his own consultancy in communications and information technology. For the past five years he has been chief of the Strategic Planning Unit of the General Secretariat of the International Telecommunication Union, Place des Nations, CH–1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the development of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) in an emerging market, South Africa. It also deals with the organisation of advertising agencies in an IMC environment. A brief overview of IMC is given as well as a review of the organisation of agencies. The study consisted of in-depth interviews of 20 senior advertising agency executives. The results indicate that most agencies are developing their IMC strategies and that it is growing in importance in South Africa. Some recommendations are proposed to enable agencies to become more effective in future.  相似文献   

如果说,要准确地理解、认识和把握"入世"对中国经济的影响,那末,首先应该是体制变革的深远影响,然后才是部门行业的利弊得失。而这种体制性的挑战,则大体上由5个既互相联系又彼此制约的关键环节所构成。  相似文献   

数据链通信管理主要管理接入到飞机的不同数据链路网络,并支持与数据链路相关的 各种不同应用,包括航空公司的服务和空中交通服务。研究了民用飞机数据链通信管理 的典型架构及工作原理,给出了数据链的飞机通信寻址报告系统(ACARS)及航空电信网(ATN) 协议栈架构、功能及其支持的各种应用,总结和比较了通信管理及数据链支持的各种应用及 其关系。  相似文献   

互联网时代的口碑营销及应用策略   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
口碑营销是近年来企业进行营销传播的常用营销策略之一.互联网的出现使得消费者的口碑传播行为呈现出新的特点,同时为企业进行口碑营销活动提供了新的机会,因此,研究互联网时代的口碑营销具有一定的理论与实践意义.本文首先阐述了网上口碑传播的内涵,指出了网上口碑传播的途径,然后论证了网上口碑传播的特点.以此为基础,探讨了企业开展网络口碑营销的应用策略.  相似文献   

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