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The railway ferry project cross Bohai Sea, from Yantai to Dalian will be start trial period in September. Bythat time, the Great Land Railway Passage will form .Moreover, the construction of the north side of the northeastern railway passage along the Sino-Russia and Sino-Korea borderline is under construction. The construction of the special line from Harbin to Dalian has also been started. The construction of northeastern railway will surely speed up Sino-Russia trade.  相似文献   

The 21st International China Harbin Fair for Trade and Economic Cooperation will be held in Harbin International Conference and Exhibition Center from June 15 to 19, 2010. At this edition of China Harbin Trade Fair, there will be 3000 international standard booths available, with a total indoor and outdoor exhibition area of 86,000 Uare meters, according to the announcement from Mr. Sun o, Vice governor of Heilongjiang Province on March 26, 2010 in Beijing.  相似文献   

International China Harbin Fair for Trade and Economic Cooperation (Harbin Fair),a large-scale international expo authorized by the Chinese government,has been successfully held for 18 times consecutively since it inaugurated in 1990.  相似文献   

于江波 《北方经贸》2009,(10):31-33
目前,哈尔滨市的会展经济发展已经逐渐走向成熟阶段。第二十届中国哈尔滨国际经济贸易洽谈会在金融危机席卷全球之时如期举行。本届哈洽会无论在参会企业层次,参会数量和参会企业成果来看,较以往都有所提升。如何在外部不利因素下继续保持哈尔滨市会展经济的热度,使其带动哈尔滨市对外经贸提档升级,拉动其它产业共同发展,是当前一个亟须解决的问题。  相似文献   

中俄贸易对双边经济和世界经济发展都具有重大影响。绥芬河作为东北地区最大一个对俄陆路通关口岸,是中国对俄边境贸易的典型代表,对中俄贸易发展具有举足轻重的作用。但受制于各种因素,绥芬河对俄贸易发展难以适应中俄经贸关系发展的需要。因此,以绥芬河口岸为例,对中俄边境贸易所面临的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战进行深入系统分析,为中俄两国抓住机遇、拓展优势、迎接挑战、克服劣势而促进边境贸易发展提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

The 20th China Harbin International Economic and Trade Fair, opened on June 15 with 3,001 booths, one quarter more than last year, also drew a perfect ending on June 19, making foreign deals of US$7.59, 3 percent up than last year.  相似文献   

This study develops a conceptual model of the 7 V′s of big data analytics to gain a deeper understanding of the strategies and practices of high-frequency trading (HFT) in financial markets. HFT is computerized trading using proprietary algorithms. Empirical data collected from HFT firms and regulators in the US and UK reveals competitive asymmetries between HFTs and low-frequency traders (LFTs) operating more traditional forms of market trading. These findings show that HFT gains extensive market advantages over LFT due to significant investment in advanced technological architecture. Regulators are challenged to keep pace with HFT as different priorities to the 7 V′s are given in pursuit of a short term market strategy. This research has implications for regulators, financial practitioners and investors as the technological arms race is fundamentally changing the nature of global financial markets.  相似文献   

将新经济地理学模型(NEG)引入到经典的异质企业贸易模型(HFT)分析框架中,抛弃边际成本不可知的假定,由边际成本度量生产率的差异,拓展了已有的分析模型。研究结果表明,企业生产率的异质性引致了企业的国际转移,且这种转移具有双向性,因而生产率的高低会影响企业对FDI、出口等转移路径的不同选择。并采用我国制造业分行业面板数据验证了模型结论对现实的适用性。我国企业应根据自身的生产率水平来选择是否转移及转移路径,政府应适度鼓励企业对外转移和对内承接,科学推动国际转移内外平衡的发展。  相似文献   

The Hong Kong (HKEx) and Singapore (SGX) exchanges remain conflicted about high frequency trading (HFT), reflecting the environment of private and public sector actors in which the HKEx and SGX operate. Neither exchange has resolved these conflicts, leaving the HFT controversy simmering and limiting the amounts of such trading occurring on their exchanges. Competitor exchanges in Asia, however, are more supportive of HFT. With the aid of technology providers which enable HFT, the HKEx and SGX significantly improved their trading infrastructures. At the same time, these providers developed data centres at other exchanges and built fibre-optic connections which permit low-latency trading across Asia. Traders in Hong Kong and Singapore access these exchanges, potentially undermining the HKEx and SGX.  相似文献   

Recent concern over “high frequency trading” (HFT) has called into question the fairness of the practice. What does it mean for a financial market to be “fair”? We first examine how high frequency trading is actually used. High frequency traders often implement traditional beneficial strategies such as market making and arbitrage, although computers can also be used for manipulative strategies as well. We then examine different notions of fairness. Procedural fairness can be viewed from the perspective of equal opportunity, in which all market participants are treated alike. The same rules apply to HFT as to other traders. Another approach to fairness is in the equality of outcomes. Many HFT strategies are beneficial to other market participants, so one cannot categorically denounce the practice as unfair. Other strategies, for both high and low frequency trading, are not. It is thus important to distinguish between the technology and the use of the technology to make judgments on fairness.  相似文献   

20世纪以来,俄罗斯经历了乌克兰危机、西方经济制裁、国际油价下跌等外部因素的冲击,经济安全遭受严重威胁,在此背景下的俄罗斯政治经济战略势必波及中俄经贸合作,进而影响丝绸之路经济带建设。本文从贸易合作和对外直接投资合作方面,基于计量模型剖析俄罗斯国家经济安全对中俄经贸合作的影响过程及关联因素。研究表明俄罗斯国家经济安全危机提升了中国在俄贸易伙伴国中的地位,促使俄与中国产能合作的意愿强烈,直接投资和产能合作逐渐成为推动中俄经贸合作向纵深发展的强劲动力;俄罗斯国家经济安全危机对中俄罗贸易有显著负向影响,中俄政治关系对贸易合作有显著正向影响。这是提高中国对俄罗斯投资、提升高新技术产品在俄罗斯进口比重的机遇期,亦是推进丝绸之路经济带的重要机遇期。经济强势崛起的俄罗斯和经济体系全面崩溃的俄罗斯对丝绸之路经济带的推进均有重要影响,在与其发展战略协作伙伴关系过程中,中国恰到好处地拿捏平衡其中的大国利益边界至关重要。  相似文献   

经过几十年的努力,中俄林业经贸合作已经取得了一定的成绩,但还存在不如人意的地方,其中观念方面的差异表现比较突出。为了加强中俄在林业方面的经贸合作,新闻媒体的作用不容忽视,而建立一家宣传中俄林业经贸合作的主流媒体不失为一个好的合作方式。  相似文献   

From January to August, Sino-Russia trade increased 52.7% compared with last year
According to the statistics of Russian Federation Customs Department, from January to August, 2008, the Sino-Russian trade has reached US$36.4 billion, increased 52.7% compared with last year. China has become Russia's third largest trading partner among far neighbor countries, ranking after Germany and the Netherlands.  相似文献   

对中俄经济合作关系两种主流观点的质疑   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前俄罗斯外交战略最突出的特点是推行经济外交,从这个视角出发分析我国在俄罗斯经济外交中所处的地位,可清晰地显示,目前中俄贸易合作关系与俄罗斯其他贸易伙伴相比并不滞后,真正滞后的是两国的相互投资合作,目前两国的经济合作水平还不会影响中俄良好的合作关系。因此,对“中俄经济合作关系滞后论”、“滞后的经济合作关系必然影响中俄整体合作关系”的观点提出质疑。  相似文献   

The number of distributors selling Fair Trade products is constantly increasing. What are their motivations to distribute Fair Trade products? How do they organise this distribution? Do they apply and communicate the Fair Trade values? This research, based on five case studies in Switzerland, aims at understanding and structuring the strategies and the managerial practices related to Fair Trade product distribution, as well as analysing if they denote an engagement with Fair Trade principles. The results show a high heterogeneity of strategies and engagement. In general, strategies implemented by mainstream actors contribute to increase Fair Trade global sales but do not convey the transformative message of Fair Trade through their engagement. The latter is rather communicated through alternative channels. Problems and potential solutions to this issue are discussed.  相似文献   

贸易摩擦视角下中俄经贸发展障碍解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,中俄双边贸易进入高速增长期,与此同时,其发展也交织着不和谐的音符.中俄贸易摩擦多起因于转型中的灰色清关,其内因在于中俄贸易基础的不对等,诱因则是中国经济的不断崛起.这些因素在未来的变化趋势说明,中俄经贸发展目标的实现还面临一定的障碍.就此,我们应通过制度、观念、贸易方式、营销手段、预警机制等多方面的努力加以化解.  相似文献   

利用耦合评价模型,分析了2010-2018年黑龙江地区的三个自贸试验区口岸与载体城市经济协调发展情况。研究表明:哈尔滨自贸试验区口岸与载体城市经济协调水平不断提升,两系统间综合发展水平的不断上升使得耦合协调发展水平在2018年达到了优质协调发展型;绥芬河自贸试验区口岸与载体城市经济的耦合协调发展表现出先上升后稳定在良好协调发展水平,两系统表现出由载体城市经济带动口岸增长的协调发展态势;黑河自贸试验区口岸与载体城市经济协调发展呈现出先上升后下降再上升的态势,系统间综合发展速度失衡使得口岸与载体城市经济的协调发展水平增长较为缓慢。因此,为促进自贸试验区口岸与载体城市经济协调发展,要大力发展对外贸易,促进口岸经济发展,建立自贸试验区口岸与载体城市经济的协调发展模式。  相似文献   

中俄贸易中的灰色清关及其对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2004年2月俄罗斯强力部门查抄中国商人货物的艾米拉事件再次暴露了中俄民间贸易存在的问题——灰色清关,灰色清关已经成为中俄民间贸易的瓶颈,严重制约了中俄经贸关系的正常发展。本文就此展开,解释了什么是灰色清关,灰色清关形成的历史背景,分别从俄方和中方的角度分析了灰色清关问题至今悬而未决的原因,并在此基础上提出了目前解决灰色清关问题的对策。  相似文献   

<正> 众所周知,1989年下半年以来,中美两国间贸易关系一直为一系列贸易和非贸易的因素所困扰。美国政府多次向中方施加压力,企图迫使中国政府在双边贸易乃至政治问题  相似文献   

2009年第24届世界大学生冬季运动会在哈尔滨举办,为哈尔滨旅游业的发展提供了难得的机遇。为了做好大冬会的旅游接待工作,必须对大冬会旅游客源市场进行深入的分析与预测,总结其中的规律性,以期为哈尔滨的旅游管理部门与旅游企业提供一定的指导与借鉴。  相似文献   

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